
Showing posts with the label Surrey

Nice places I visited

Zum Beispiel den White Horse pub in Hampstead. Übrigens ein Tipp für alle die länger nicht in London waren: sofort eine Oyster Card kaufen, damit fährt man überall in London viel billiger als bar zahlen. Gibts an allen Bahnhöfen und bei Zeitungsläden (newsagents). Die englischen Pubs werden immer schöner, die meisten sind schon zu Gastropubs geworden, in denen man oft sehr gut essen kann. Die Legende vom schlechten englischen Essen kann man echt zu den Akten legen - es wird einfallsreich und oft mit lokalen Zutaten gekocht. ******************** Many pubs have been "goats-cheesed" as Jess calls it, and the hoary old chestnut about English food being bad can be scrapped. Food is good, often ambitious, very often locally sourced and inspired. Debbie posiert geduldig im Golders Hill Park *****Deb patiently posing for me in the park. Stockbroker belt - im Süden von London wohnen die Jaguarfahrer in uralten Cottages. Aber schön ist es schon. Die englischen Laubwälder sind das Be...

Blue and green and wet and sunny

Two weeks in England: I slept in my home from home in London, and in a very small bed in a very grand house. I went to a festival in Finsbury Park, an all-night party at probably the last communal house in London, and a wedding in Kentish Town. I stayed by the sea but never had a swim, I was taken into the woods to friends' caravans, I saw more rain than one can imagine, and also some sunsets. I loved London and adored the Isle of Wight. I discovered how much extended "family" I have in England. I looked for and found the idyllic, but there were also the horrific murders and knifings in London. I ate fresh shelled peas and Eton Mess and drank Pimms and watched friends play cricket. It was all so English! So different from München! So familiar! I will miss it, but I will also be glad to be in my quiet, pretty clean little home town...