
Showing posts with the label Deutsche Bahn
Yesterday I understood that one should never try to repeat an ecstatically happy experience. In the summer, I went to Kochel with a friend, we had a sweaty walk up the mountain to the waterfall, it was hot, the sun was shining, the Franz Marc museum was full of people, the café tempting, the lake refreshing. Yesterday, by the time Debbie, Luisa and I got there, there was no weather to talk about, no people in the museum, the café seemed ridiculously overpriced (€6.80 for a bowl of soup - hello?? Social security food budget for a week!) Kochel seemed a sad town with lots of horrid pseudo-Bavarian homes built in the Nazi 40-s. So we take the next train back home, after watching two railway employees read the paper and a sign saying: You can't buy tickets here, go to the machine. Good train connections, though, and the salmon trout on a bed of lentils was delicious... Gestern wurde mir schlagartig klar, dass man Glückstage nicht reproduzieren kann. Im Sommer fuhr ich einmal mit meiner...