1) White Christmas
2) Bob Hope
3) Golf
4) Minute Maid Orange Juice
5) His duet with David Bowie
But I've recently come across two more things which I will now forever associate Bing Crosby with...

6) Friendship Trees! The grand tradition of taping Christmas Cards to your tree using cellophane tape–as Bing Crosby, star of Paramount's MR. MUSIC highly recommended. His co-star Nancy Olson agreed that it's a "wonderful idea". But how does one transform a boring old Christmas tree into one of friendship? Luckily we had this color advertisement to show us exactly how to how apply tape to greeting cards and then how to tape them to the tree. Wow - thanks Bing!!! Now, if there was only a frozen dessert I could eat after I exhaust myself from taping Christmas cards to my tree...