Showing posts with label local TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label local TV. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

3:30 or 4:30 - The Afternoon Movie Rocked!!!

From 2010...
Growing up in New York, we had the WABC 4:30 MOVIE, while folks in L.A. had KABC's 3:30 MOVIE. Same concept, different time, different coast. The 4:30 MOVIE was best known for it's amazing opening titles sequence and it's theme weeks: PLANET OF THE APES week, Super-Hero Week, Disaster Movie Week, Sci-Fi Week, etc. Sure, most were "edited for television" 90-minute condensed versions of two-hour films, but remember this was way before Blu-ray, before DVD, before VHS, before Laser Disc, before BetaMax, before Satellite, before pay-per-view... even before Cable TV. This was the only way to see movies...other then at the movies. They often mixed in TV-movies to make thing interesting. So here's a typical line-up..."Close Encounters of a Strange Kind" week - THE GARGOYLES starring Cornell Wilde, NIGHT SLAVES starring James Franciscus, THE OMEGA MAN starring Charlton Heston, THE STRANGE WITHIN starring Barbara Eden and the one, the only PSYCHO! A 109 minute film, chopped down to 72 minutes to fit a 90-minute time slot? Blasphemy! Wonder how much of the shower scene made it to broadcast.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cosmic Invaders Weeeek!

Another star-studded weeeek on THE 3:30 MOVIE. I can tell THE STRANGER WITHIN and DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK were included here, but I'm not quite sure what the other three titles are. Hmmm - me thinks I need to consult my local listings in this particular week's TV GUIDE.