Showing posts with label recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recipes. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2011

Foodsploitation: Rest of the Story

It's been a fun two weeks for me posting these vintage cookbook covers, recipes and ads from my family's collection - and I hope regular readers have been enjoying this change-of-pace from the usual celebrity death reports, comic book nostalgia, movie reviews and other pop culture stuff I usually blog about. I thought I'd go out with a bang today with a smorgasbord of items from the 1950s through the 1980s - in no particular order.
 First up, we have this awesome cover from Crisco's Easy-As-Pie Recipes. Gotta love that illustration.
 As well as this great graphic accompanying these helpful Pastry Hints.
Let's flash-forward to the 1970s when everything burger-centric had to have MAC in it's name. Presenting the DoubleMAC hamburger cooking device. All I remember about this is that every burger that we cooked on it tasted like some chemical shit and we stopped using it about about a month and went back to cooking burghers in a pan.
Here's the Crisco lady's friend from the early 60s - she's got a head full of meal ideas, but seems frustrated on how to plan the whole she-bang. Too bad she can't time travel to the 1980s to learn the secrets of successful microwaving!
Yes - an entire series of cookbooks dedicated to microwave cooking? What's to know? Just press the damn ON button. I currently do not own a microwave oven, because not only do I not like rubbery food,  I'm convinced that they are harmful to us and one day will be looked at the way we look at saccharin. Remember Sweet 'N Low?
 The Farm Journal Family Test Group (whatever happened to them?) apparently thought you needed to sprinkle chemicals on your fresh fruit to make it sweeter. It looks, acts and tastes like sugar. Bull shit.
But wow - you can save 8040 Calories if you buy it in the bulk Kitchen Economy Package. Given the seal of approval by Good Housekeeping, this is a fitting end to my Foodsploitation series. Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Foodsploitation: Buffet Layered Salad

In the past week we've had Cold Cherry Soup, Patio Salad and Banana Salad - now we have the perfect salad for those of your who like to serve food in a vase. Buffet Layer salad! It's a salad! It's a centerpiece! It's a craft project. All it needs is candle in the center to make it complete!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Foodsploitation: Banana Salad Bazaar

Two foods that I never considered combining are Bananas and Salads - but apparently back in the 1950s the Banana Lobby tried to get American housewives to add bananas to the family dinner salad. In fact they had an entire cookbook called BANANA SALAD BAZAAR!
Banana Salads ARE filling; a proactive food.
Banana Salads SUPPLY vitamins A, B12, C and G (?); essential minerals and food energy.
Banana Salads OFFER attractive color combinations (it actually says that!!!)
Banana Salads AFFORD variety and flavor.
Looking at this photo it looks like Banana Salad also features iceberg lettuce, strawberries (with stems still attached), skinned orange slices, hunks of cheese, either small avocados or rotting cucumbers, really wet grapes and some weird white shit divided by thin apple slices. Banana Salad Bizarre.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Foodsploitation: The TV GUIDE Cook Booklet

Remember how those Kraft-sponsored TV specials of the 1970s used to tell us to check the "recipe section in this week's TV GUIDE magazine"? Well, who know there was an actual TV GUIDE Cook Booklet?
Now you know.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Foodsploitation: Be Creative With Chili

I don't know about you but I always serve my Chili Sans Carne on a wrought iron display complete with a colorful faux flower arrangement! Now that's creative. Wondering what's on the back of this Chili recipe booklet from Ehler's Spices?
Why it's an ad for a "Special Offer" featuring three snazzy Early American Spice Racks (jars not included). These authentic racks were made by a fine old firm of of New England craftsmen! Wonder if they still make 'em? I feel sad for the family that only has the need for 8 jars of spices. Hey look, apparently Ehler's also made Coffee and Tea!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Foodsploitation: Tomato Aspic

"Our Rich Heritage" obviously includes foods that no one actually likes. Tomato Aspic is one of those foods. I don't think I've ever actually tasted it, or ever actually saw it on a dinner table - but the idea of tomato-flavored Jell-O just does not seem appetizing. Though adding slices of Spanish olives and 3/4 slices of cucumber sure makes it look purdy though.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Sandwich is A Sandwich but...

Inspired by my post yesterday, I decided prepare a vegan variation on the classic Manwich meal.Substituting for ground beef, I used Yves' Meatless Ground - a staple in my kitchen (mostly as an ingredient in my Kick-Ass Vegan Chili). With no recipe on the can, I just followed my instincts and sauteed the ground soy in a little bit of canola oil for about 5 minutes.
As the "meat" browned in the skillet, I opened up the fresh can of Manwich sauce.
Interestingly, the ingredients are pretty wholesome, aside from the requisite High Fructose Corn Syrup. I wonder if real American sugar was used in the old days?
The sauce smelled exactly as I remembered from the 1970s. Salty, sweet, peppery tomato. Hopefully this can wasn't sitting on the shelf at Ralph's for 35 years.
After the "meat" was brown enough (It's not like it started out "raw"), I dumped the can of sauce over it and stirred up the "glop".
Well, it certainly looked and smelled how I remember Manwich looking and smelling. After about 10 minutes, the concoction seemed like it was ready to be served.
So, here it is - a vegan Sloppy Joe - newly dubbed a Veganwich. How did it taste? Um, kinda like ground soy product smothered in hot catsup. I wouldn't serve it to guests, but for a nice white trash comfort food type of thing, it would suffice. Next week: Hamburger Helper!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Manwich Is It's Own Reward

I recently came across my mom's collection of free cookbooks that you'd either get in the supermarket or by mailing away a 'proof of purchase'. Among these treasures was the groovy-looking 50 Famous Manwich Recipes booklet. Manwich was a popular 1970s brand of what was essentially canned 'sloppy joe' sauce introduced by Hunt’s in 1969. The recipe was basically seasoned tomato sauce that was meant to be added to ground meat product in a skillet. It was marketed as an enticing, seductive meal for manly men, but was quite popular with kids. Just look at the packaging, sexy women looking to add sauce to your meat...
It was really a quick and easy way for a family on a budget to turn some cheap chopped meat into something more, kinda like Hamburger Helper. “A sandwich is a sandwich, but a Manwich is a meal!” Some of the 50 "famous" recipes: Sweet and Sauerkraut Franks, Heidelberg Cabbage Rolls, Pork Chops Hawaiian, Beefy Bean-a-roni, Teenwich Fun-do, and the ever-popular Sassy Coneywich. I don't think my mom ever made any of these, we just opted to dump the can contents over ground beef. And you wonder why I'm vegan today? For a kick, I may hunt down a can of the stuff (they still make it) and try it with ground soy product.
In the interest of education, the editors of the Manwich recipe guide also included a handy dandy guide to the Basic Four food groups - "Manwich falls into the first group, bit you'll find it happily compatible with all the other groups."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Julie & Julia is Delicious!

Just came home from a preview screening of JULIE & JULIA - the new Nora Ephron (who has miraculously redeemed herself for the dreadful BEWITCHED travesty) film starring the wonderful Amy Adams and the magnificent Meryl Streep. Even as vegan, I still found the film enchanting and hunger inducing. Luckily, Julia Child left behind an entire book of vegetable recipes - I only wonder how many are smothered in butter, cream sauces or cooked in lard. It's now my mission to find a copy of this book and cook every recipe in it and blog about it. Not really, but it would be fun to have.