Showing posts with label history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Tonight on PBS, UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS makes its triumphant return to American television. These are words I thought I'd never type. In the years since the original program ended, ardent fans had always hoped that we'd return to 165 Eaton Place - but never imagined that it would actually ever happen.
The original show ran for 68 episodes over 5 seasons on MASTERPIECE THEATER, the Emmy-winning weekly anthology series which featured mostly English produced period dramas. Later seasons of MASTERPIECE THEATER presentations would go on to include comedies, mysteries and contemporary docudramas. Some productions even hailed from Australia and even the USA!
From Austen to Zola, if there was a classic that need to be adapted it usually wound up on a Sunday night from 9-10PM. But it was the drawing room soap UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS that put MASTERPIECE THEATER on the map. Created by actresses Jean Marsh and Eileen Atkins and developed by John Hawksworth, the serial had a charm that made it a sensation in over 40 countries. Pictured above: The first paperback novel inspired by the series.
Set in the Edwardian era that spanned from the turn of the century through the Great Depression, the series told to story of the Bellamy family and their servants with world history as a backdrop. Pictured above: An illustrated social history of the period covered by the series.
Before DALLAS and DYNASTY, UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS took us into the elegant world of the rich and powerful, offering us characters who were not only rich with money, but also rich in the dramatic sense as they dealt with the social and political changes of their time. Pictured above: The cast in later years, including Lesley-Anne Down as Georgina.
While the upper crust had their share of triumphs and tragedies, the domestic staff also experienced good times and their share of hardships, creating a microcosm of British society. Pictured above: early set photo includes the doomed Lady Marjorie (Rachel Gurney).
Center stage in all this was parlour maid Rose Buck (played co-creator Jean Marsh). We saw this world through Roses's eyes as characters dealt with love, birth, sickness, pain and death - and everything in-between. Pictured above: Mrs. Bridges and Rose overllok desserts fit for a King - King Edward, who pays a visit to the Bellamys.
Rose is the only character who returns in the new three episode series - joined at last by Eileen Atkins as the matriarch of a new family who moves into the Eaton Place home. Pictured above: a 1974 novel.
Part of the fun of the original series is learning what the responsibilities of each servant is. From the butlers to the footmen to the scullery maids to the cook - the hierarchy is more fascinating than that of the English aristocrats.
Pictured above: Thomas (John Alderton), Mr. Hudson (Gordon Jackson), Rose and Mr. Bellamy (David Langton).
There are some great moments of comedy throughout the series - notably those involving kitchen maid Ruby (Jenny Tomasin - pictured below) and cook Mrs. Bridges (Angela Baddeley).
Period detail in the production design is outstanding, from the furniture to the costumes to the vintage automobiles in later seasons.
Two characters from the original seriesThomas Watkins, the chauffeur, and Sarah, the house and nursery maid, left the series and later resurfaced in a 13-episode spin-off called THOMAS & SARAH.
The intrigue, scandals and indiscretions of the folks at 165 Eaton Place undoubtably inspired the Robert Altman film GOSFORD PARK and the recent wonderful and acclaimed DOWNTON ABBEY. An American attempt to recreate the magic of UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS called BEACON HILL aired on CBS in 1975 to critical dismissal and poor ratings.
Pictured above: a 1972 novel.
Unforgettable characters like James Bellamy (Simon Williams - pictured below) have also inspired American soap opera anti-heroes for decades.
I hope that the new series lives up to the memory of the old, and that new episodes continue - possibly reuniting us with other favorite characters and actors from the original show. I'd love to see what Sarah (Pauline Collins) is up to.
But until that happens, we have our memories and DVDs of the original classic to get us through. Pictured above: a 1974 novel.
So, I salute UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS and all the joy it has given us fans over the years. Pictured above: Georgina's wedding day to the Marquis of Stockbridge (Anthony Andrews).
And I hope that new fans continue to discover this great series for years to come. Pictured above: A Christmas family portrait featuring one of my favorite characters middle-class secretary Hazel (the lovely Meg Wynn Owen), who marries James.

Sunday, October 10, 2010



Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Visit To The Homoerotic Cowboy Museum

Now that I've gotten your attention, I'd like to tell you about my visit to The Gene Autry National Center of The American West, located in Los Angeles' Griffith Park. I've lived in walking distance from this tourist attraction for almost 8 years now and finally decided to check out what's behind it's doors when my friend Laura got free passes for her, me and my friend Pam. I got much more out of it than I ever expected. Never a big western fan, I was somehow always been drawn to the iconic image of the American cowboy. I wonder why...The museum's permanent collection features rare photos, paintings and artifacts depicting these rough and tough  guys. From rodeo participants (above) to outlaws (below).  The miners pictured below in Ernest Narjot's 1992 painting Miners: A Moment of Rest would not look out of place on the cover of a gay pulp paperback.And the hunky Native American seen here in Charles Deas' 1846 Solitary Indian could easily pass for one of The Village People. Even my friend Pam thought the figure had a WeHo gym body.
Other pieces of interest include the entire Best of the West doll collection featuring Jane West!
Watch this for more on Jane:
Another famous western gal, was Annie Oakley, the legendary real-life performer whose life was immortalized on stage and screen through the Irving Berlin musical, ANNIE GET YOUR GUN.
Annie has been played by many gay icons starting with Ethel Merman all the way to Reba McEntire. Somewhere along the way Judy Garland was supposed to play her in what would have been a true classic.Unfortunately, Judy was replaced by the wonderful Betty Hutton, who made the role her own–but she's no Judy. Betty's costumes are on display at the museum.
As well as many examples of Annie Oakley merchandise...
and actual photos and items belonging to real woman.
The Bold Caballeros/Noble Bandidas exhibit features some wonderful film posters and collectibles including some wild western women like BANDIT QUEEN!
And a good amount of CISCO KID objects including posters like this one featuring everyone's favorite gay, Latino Joker, Cesar Romero!
In this one, he's even got a GAY AMIGO!
The character was so popular with kids, that he even had his own comic book...
and cool toys like this kinda creepy mask.
Elsewhere in the museum you can see Kate Hepburn's costume from 1975's ROOSTER COGBURN.
And pieces of the set from Robert Altman's 1976  revisionist western BUFFALO BILL AND THE INDIANS OR SITTING BULL'S HISTORY LESSON.
Including this gorgeous backdrop featuring Buffalo Bill...
as played by a dreamy Paul Newman.A display on costumes designs also caught my did a homage to THELMA & LOUISE!
But to my surprise, among the hundreds of other Hollywood western props, photos and costumes and costumes I actually found a small exhibit on Homosexuality!Along with the poster and a costume from ZORRO, THE GAY BLADE...
Was a lobby card from...
"the gay cowboy movie". Now that's what I call a happy ending to a wonderful day out.