Showing posts with label Cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cooking. Show all posts

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Entertaining - Dougsploitation Style

I've been thinking about entertaining lately. I'm not sure if it's because of recent acquisition of my mother's old cookbooks and entertaining guides, or seeing JULIE & JULIA, or my little obsession with The Food Network, but something about the quickly approaching season of Autumn makes me want to entertain more than usual. I wonder if those old books can help me out...
Hmmm...I wonder what "The Surprising Difference" was? Let's see, Susie's a California blond in a yellow kitchen, talking on a yellow phone. Her yellow and orange apron matches the wallpaper behind her. She just finished frosting some yellow cupcakes and it looks like a gelatinous "St. Joseph's Aspirin for children" flavored bundt cake is on the counter in front of her. I would guess the "The Surprising Difference" is that the pot of coffee is the only non-citrus item allowed in her kitchen?
I know, not really funny.
Meanwhile, in the rec room downstairs, the triplets (Midge, Kitty and Bitsy) have invited a few cleancut young lads over to a) listen to records b) play the guitar c) dance d) stuff their faces at the buffet. Check out that sexy surfer poster on the wall!
Later that night, with the triplets already in bed. Susie dons her avocado evening gown (you know, the one that came with the matching candles) for a romantic dinner with - hey who's that dude? That's not Bill! Bill's away on a business trip with Uncle Stan.
Well, whoever that guy was - he stayed for dinner AND breakfast the next morning. Susie has baked some fresh muffins and poured some of that coffee from yesterday.
She had time to put her hair up and to give her gentleman friend a gift - a yellow sweater to match her outfit and the "muffin cozy" to a t!
Meanwhile, in a different time zone, Bill is making friends with a lady in red. Uncle Stan has found him a new friend too. These guys really know how to "enjoy the Lively Life!" while they are away on business. Wonder if they can put hookers on their expense reports? So what have I learned so far? Wear lots of yellow, always have a handy buffet nearby and if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with.
Thanks, Susie (and Stephen Stills).

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Julie & Julia is Delicious!

Just came home from a preview screening of JULIE & JULIA - the new Nora Ephron (who has miraculously redeemed herself for the dreadful BEWITCHED travesty) film starring the wonderful Amy Adams and the magnificent Meryl Streep. Even as vegan, I still found the film enchanting and hunger inducing. Luckily, Julia Child left behind an entire book of vegetable recipes - I only wonder how many are smothered in butter, cream sauces or cooked in lard. It's now my mission to find a copy of this book and cook every recipe in it and blog about it. Not really, but it would be fun to have.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Laurie Partridge Trilogy

"For Girls Only," "Susan Dey's Secrets on Boys, Beauty & Popularity" and "Cooking, Cleaning & Falling in Love". Where is the smart, sexy, liberated Laurie Partridge when we need her today???