ANOTHER WORLD had its share of strong women characters over the years. Of the hundreds that lived in Bay City over the years, I've chosen some of my favorites. Special thanks to the
Another World Home Page for "lending" me many of the images.

Here's a cast photo of all the talented ladies from 1984.

Robin Strasser, now known as Dorian on ONE LIFE TO LIVE created the character of Rachel Davis in 1967. Initially was a scheming vixen who's main goal was to cause misery in other people's lives.

After Stasser left, Victoria Wyndham assumed the role in 1972. Here is Rachel with her mother Ada Hobson (the great Constance Ford) and her sister Nancy McGowan (Jane Cameron). Wyndham's Rachel mellowed out after she was romanced by Mac Cory.

Liz Matthews (played here by Irene Dailey) was the meddlesome de facto matriach of the Matthews family (after Mary Matthews was written out).
Rachel and Mac's daughter Amanda was played as an adult by Sandra Ferguson, Christine Tucci (my personal favorite) and Laura Moss.

Some outstanding performance from the late 60s and early 70s included Beverly Benberthy as Pat Matthews, Susan Sullivan as Lenore Moore and Toni Kalem as Angie Perrini Frame.

Jacqueline Courtney was the definitive Alice Matthews Frame. Other actresses played the role, but Jacquie always embodied Alice to me.
Here is Sally Frame (Mary Page Keller) with her mom Alice from the early 1980s.

Sally Frame was played over the years by Cathy Greene, Jennifer Runyon, Dawn Benz (not pictured), Mary Page Keller and finally by Taylor Miller. Sally's death was one of the most awful choices the producers of AW ever made.
Kyra Sedgwick, Janna Leigh and Faith Ford all played Sally's cousin (and Liz's granddaughter) Julia Shearer. Another needless murder victim.

Some of the Frame women: evil Janice (Christine Jones), kooky Gwen (Dorothy Lyman) and sweet Emma (Elizabeth Ashley).
Sharlene Frame (Emmy-winner Anna Holbrook) had a few different personalities.

I always though Anna would play a great Martha Stewart.
Sharlene's daughter Josie Watts (via Russ Matthews) went from teen model to police officer. Played by Alexandra Wilson, Amy Carlson and her lookalike Nadine Stenovitch.
Psychic Frankie Frame (Alice Barrett) was a fan favorite whose savage murder at the hands of Dr. Fax Newman led many viewers to abandon the show in protest.
Mac Cory spoiled daughter Iris (Beverly McKinsey) took over the role of resident villainess when Rachel became the heroine of the show.
Iris returned from a stint in TEXAS played by Carmen Duncan. After years of paying for her sins, Iris was unceremoniously saddled with an attempted murder charge - for trying to kill Carl Hutchins–who had killed so many characters himself! Iris was put away and sadly never heard from again.
Mac's other daughter Paulina came to town after his death. When Cali Timmins left the show, the character went from second-class villain to much-loved leading lady as portrayed by the wonderful Judi Evans.
Over the years many talented African-American actresses rounded out the cast. Petronia Paley's Quinn Harding and Jackee's Lily Mason were wonderful together. Michelle Hurd's Dana Kramer was a long-running supporting character. Etta Mae Burrell (Elain R. Graham) and her feisty daughter Toni (Rhonda Ross) were powerful additions to the cast in the last years of the show.
Kathleen McKinnon (Julie Osburn) won Cass Winthrop's heart and her family became a cornerstone of the AW universe during the 1980s.

MJ McKinnon (Sally Spencer), Mary McKinnon (the fabulous Denise Alexander) and Cheryl McKinnon (Kristen Marie) rounded out the family.
Cass Winthrop's sister Stacey was played by Terry Davis and then Hilary Edson.
Some of the great domestics over the years: Louise Goddard (Anne Meacham), Vivian Gorrow (Gretchen Oehler), the insane Alma Rudder (Elizabeth Franz) and the beloved Bridget Connell (Barbara Berjer). Bridget also fell victim to evil Dr. Fax Newman.
Linda Dano's Felicia Gallant swept in Bay City in 1983, becoming an instant fan favorite and epitomizing what a soap diva should be.

Felicia's long-lost daughter Lorna Devon showed up in 1991, first played by Alicia Coppola, and then by Faye Dunaway lookalike Robin Christopher. Both actresses shined in the role.

Countess Elena DePoulignac (Christina Pickles, Maeve McGuire) was a classy supporting character...and the mother of...

Cecile DePoulignac! Susan Keith created the role, but Nancy Frangione's outstanding performance made Cecile the most delicious villainess in the show's history.

Cecile's spoiled brat daughter Maggie Cory was played by Robyn Griggs, Jodi O'Keefe and finally Lisa Brenner.

Anna Stuart's Donna Love started out as a one-note snob, but grew into an amazingly complex character.

Philece Sampler took over the role in 1987, but luckily Anna was convinced to return in 1989. Nothing against Philece, but Anna embodied the role.
Donna's sister Nicole was played by Kim Morgan Greene, Laurie Landry and Anne Howard. Nicole went from coke-snorting supermodel to cabaret singer to Jason Frame-murdering clothing designer! She also killed villainous Jason Frame.
Donna's sister Marley, who turned out to be her daughter, was played by Ellen Wheeler, Anne Heche, Jensen Buchanan and then Ellen Wheeler again.

Marley's evil twin Victoria was played by the same three actresses (plus not-pictured Rhonda Lewin and Cynthia Watros). By the time Jensen took over the role, Vicky was now a heroine. When Marley returned played by Ellen Wheeler (they were no longer identical twins due to a disfiguring accident-which didn't explain their different heights), Marley was now the evil twin.

A few other baddies but goodies were Dr. Taylor Benson (Christine Andreas), Lila Roberts (Lisa Peluso) and Cindy Brooke Harrison (Kim Rhodes).
Two special treats were Victoria Wyndham's insane over-the-top dual role of Justine Duvalier...

and Stephen Schnetzer as Cass Winthrop as "Crystal Lake".