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Showing posts with label sop. Show all posts

August 24, 2015

Roll out those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Suuummmmeeerrr

Morning, my loves! How are you doing today? I hope you had a fabulous weekend and are ready to rock out Monday like a champ. I'm feeling pretty great after a CHILL weekend at home. Finally, right? There were a few fun activities this weekend, but there were also naps and chill time, too. 

This weekend I . . . 

… attended restaurant week with Le Husband and one of our dear couple friends. We ate at Chima, which is a Brazil steakhouse, and the menu was amazing. They basically just bring meat skewers to your table and you say 'yes' or 'no' depending on your preference. I ate my weight in steak [nom nom the filet] and then savored the best key lime pie I've ever had in my life. It was a fabulous evening of food, fun and friends. 

… came home and PASSED out after a lil too much wine ;)!

… woke up early and on the wrong side of the bed for kickball practice. Luckily it was a good practice and my mood improved greatly being around my teammates. We have a tourney next month and I'm excited for our chances.

… after practice I chilled out at the pool with Sportypice. It was fun hanging with the sissy and getting some extra sun.

… was unsuccessful getting rid of my crazy tan lines from Tennessee and practice. #50shadesoftan?

… made homemade pasta for dinner and it was ahhhh-mmaaaa-zzziiiiing!

… enjoyed the GORGEOUS weather with free tickets to the NATS game Saturday night [thanks Sportyspice]. Thankfully the NATS won and we witnessed three home runs, a DP and a fun lil bunt play. #ilovesports

Seriously, honey?!?!?
YAY, that's better!
… splurged on a delicious swirl and sprinkles cone. #myversionofadogandbeeratthepark

… woke up for church then met my friend and her daughter at the pool. The weather was amazing but the pool was a bit chilly due to the evening temperatures [sad face]. We all enjoyed pool time and tanning time and had a great time spending time together.

… splurged on another ice cream treat. #whyamIsosplurgey

… came home to these beautiful 'just because' flowers from Le Husband. #iloveflowersandhim

… took an amazing nap after the pool. #ilovecouchnaps

… fell in love with the beautiful color Amanda recommend on her blog [Chillato if you were wondering].

… prepped lunches for the week and cooked Cracklin chicken for dinner.

… played in an 11pm soccer game. #ugh #imsoold

How was your weekend?

Linking up with these beautiful ladies whoop whoop < 3