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Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts

April 23, 2018

Happiness Is {Weekend Edition}

... a slow weekend at home with Le Husband with NO RENOVATION work done.

... helping T-Bone clear his yard.

... playing in the pink azalea walkway like a child at T-Bone's house.

... a bone in ribeye, homemade french fries, grilled veggies all cooked by Le Husband on the Green Egg.

... losing all sense of time with an engrossing book.

... sunny and 75 degree weather.

... having a caring best friend [boff] who treats my sisters like her own and spoils my lil niece.

... sleeping for eleven hours.

... a moving sermon online Sunday morning.

... adorable animal shows on television for Earth day.

... kickball practice with good friends, complete with lots of belly laughs.

... another home cooked meal [fire roasted chicken thighs, mushrooms, mac and cheese] on the Green Egg.

... gearing up for TAMPA this weekend.

How was your weekend? What was your happiness?

July 18, 2017

I Needed This

Have you ever been somewhere or attended something and had the distinct feeling of belonging? Knowing THIS was where you were supposed to be despite where you wanted to be or second guessing decisions? A validation you never knew you needed so desperately?

Cue my Saturday.

Which I was nervous AF about attending. Which was messing with my brain all week. Which was something I knew I needed but didn't prepare for well. Which scared the poop out of me. Which ended up helping me find a different side of myself.

If you read my one post last week, you would have seen a bullet point about a BODYCOMBAT advanced training. I have only been certified since December so advanced training was a bit of a stretch but the trainer leading everything is a friend of mine and a role model as well. It was local [all the praise hands] and a lot of people I originally certified with were attending which made it less scary. Normally I'm miss OVER PREPARED for trainings but this time things were different. It was launch week, I was behind in life & choreography and since I DON'T have my own COMBAT class on the schedule I had yet to teach any of the tracks until Friday. As in the day before the training.

Yeah, talk about procrastination which is another post for another day.

I won't bore you with a full play by play [you can catch a bit of the recap here on my Instagram] because that would take awhile, but I will give you the big piece moments. I honestly arrived to the class exhausted, defeated and scared but thankfully my trainer felt my energy and immediately changed it, asking about life and then put me at ease to make sure I felt comfortable. Having friends in the class also helped me relax and helped me realize I needed to test myself and not play it safe.

Meaning, I chose to present a track outside my ability and essence. BODYCOMBAT is a fitness class combined of mixed martial arts, one of the arts being Muay Thai. I have been fascinated by Muay Thai for years but have never stepped into a class. Teaching BODYCOMBAT has given me a tiny glimpse into all the martial arts and I've been able to 'glaze' my way through Muay Thai tracks using motivating words for participants, but have never been authentic to the essence.

My first presentation went well, I actually received the compliment of 'checking all the boxes' [which no one else received], with the challenge of finding my inner warrior or barbarian. Because Muay Thai is tough. Muay Thai is no holds bar. Muay Thai is strength and bravery. Muay Thai is the complete opposite of my personality, but that is why it fascinates me.

Throughout the rest of the day we learned about all the martial arts, practiced our punches/kicks, used gloves to work on our strikes and then BOOM it was time to present again. I was one of the last to present and it was incredible seeing the growth of my fellow instructors in such a short time. One of the best parts of being an instructor is the sense of immediate TRIBE and family once you are certified. Everyone was championing everyone and I could see the smiling encouraging faces as I stood on the stage to present.

From the track introduction I changed. I was strong. I was intense. I was NOT smiling [until I was told I could bring a bit of fun to the track, ha]. I was fierce. I used my big girl voice. I let the words of the song speak through a build and then unleashed my HUGE voice to push through the jump knees at the end of the track. In a sense I lost my mind coaching and surrendered fully to the teaching the moment. When the music stopped I had this moment of confusion because I completely forgot where I was until I looked up at my friends. And the shock on their faces said it all. I did it! I had changed and found what I was challenged to find. Y'all, it was awesome.

To be clear, I wasn't perfect, I had help creating certain moments as I mirrored what my trainer was doing to help me achieve my goal. There are quite a few technical moments that need to be cleaned up but I FOUND what I was looking for and it couldn't have come at a better time. The past few weeks I've felt quite a sense of loss and sadness. My purpose seems lacking and last week, during a particularly vulnerable moment, I felt so insignificant and unwanted because I wasn't part of something I desperately thought I needed.

And then THIS! THIS! This moment on Saturday where my being here made sense. If I had traveled somewhere else I wouldn't have found THIS person. This part of my soul wouldn't have felt awakened and I wouldn't have experienced how GOOD I can be at something I truly love. Sunday I was asked to sub a class for a friend and I took EVERYTHING I learned on Saturday and brought it to the class, even though it was a different format. One of my fellow instructors from Saturday attended the class and he told me afterwards he was blown away by my teaching. He said I rocked it and he could tell how much the members enjoyed the class even though they were working extremely hard.

THAT is what matters. THAT is what I work for every class. That is what I've felt was missing in some classes recently and now that I've found I can't wait to teach again. It's not my full time job, but it brings me so much joy. Even when I'm tired, helping people makes me happy and knowing I have more tools in the box to give them a great class is beyond fantastic.

If you've made it this far, congrats. What started off a just a post has unexpatlyed turned into one giant pat on the back, which normally I'd cringe reading, but not today. Not now. My heart needed this pat. My body needed this pat. My whole soul was aching for this pat. Today I wish you success in finding your validation. Be it small or huge, I send you ALL my good vibes. Because THIS, this is what living is all about. CHEERS!

September 27, 2016


Hi, friends! Wait, a post on a day other than Friday, get outta here with my bad self right?!? I'm slowly trying to get back into the swing of blog things and SLOWLY trying to make my way over to other blogs. Can't make promises, just know I'm trying, kay?

Anyway, THIS WEEKEND WAS INCREDIBLE. Seriously, so so so amazing in so so so many ways. While I'm looking for a big girl job, I'm using this down time to up my certifications and this month that included attending an Advanced Instructor Module [AIM1] for Les Mills BODYPUMP. When I looked and saw it was in Memphis I realized I could attend and MEET ONE OF MY FAVORITE BLOGGERS at the same time. WINNING times two right?!?!

My girl JESSI [ I can say my girl cause I KNOW HER IN REAL LIFE] lives in Memphis and was the sweetest friend ever when I asked if I could stay with her to attend this training. Yeah, we hadn't 'met' before, but we've known each other for awhile and I was uber excited to have her show me around Memphis [which I've never seen].

I took Friday off of work and DROVE across the state. Lil Miss Pinky had NO idea how far away it really was until this drive. Yeah, not close, but easily doable for the weekend. I arrived not long after Jessi got home from work and we CAUGHT UP with each other then enjoyed a delicious home cooked meal for dinner. Oh yeah, we also enjoyed a few glasses of sangria, too. It was such a blast and we chatted as if we'd known each other for years, while we learned more about each other at the same time. Sadly I had to cut the party a bit short because I had a very early call time for my training.

After barely sleeping due to nerves, I was up bright and early and on my way to the gym. There was almost a heart attack moment when I couldn't find the entrance but thankfully I used my critical thinking skills and found the gym. I walked in full of nerves and worries and SO SCARED of falling flat on my face in front of this AMAZING trainer and my peers.

Y'ALL!!!!! IT WAS THE BEST TIME EVER AND THE MOST INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE. I honestly can't even begin to explain how crucial this was to my LES MILLS journey. I walked in a scared lil baby instructor and left a badass veteran of the program. We were taken through an intense technique class and everyone had a bunch of little tweaks for each move and we all had MANY 'AHA' moments as well. Presenting still brought the nerves however the knowledge shared throughout the class lent to a pretty amazing presentation number two and I feel SO REINVIGORATED with my coaching. Definitely found my LOVEMARK! Our instructor was the most fabulous trainer and she really helped me find my BODYPUMP self. I learned it was OKAY to be more PINKY while teaching, as long as I still stayed in the essence. Seriously I could go on and on, so I'll just stop and share these to fabulous pictures.

Once the training was over I hightailed it back to Jessi's and after a quick change we headed out to downtown Memphis for some FUN. Sushi was our choice for dinner and the place was super cute and delicious. I LOVED my Saki-tini.

Next we moved on to walking Beale Street, which was such a fun experience for this Memphis newbie. The vibe is like New Orleans with the streets closed but the MUSIC coming from all the bars was sooooo bluesy and happening. We wandered up and down the strip then settled on a dive bar in the middle. To say we stood out is an understatement but the music was too good to pass up. SO much talent for real.

After we finished our drinks we walked further down to main street to find another place to chill. Jessi took me to this awesomely themed speakeasy. I tried my first Kentucky Mule [delicious] and we were again treated to some fabulous Memphis tunes. The decision to shut it down after this bar was total mutual and we headed home to get a lil bit of sleep.

Sunday morning was a nice easy wake up with yummy coffee and a scramble a la Jessi. Too soon it was time for me to pack up and leave since I driving to Memphis has me crossing a dateline. Though the weekend together was short, we made the most of it and I'm SO HAPPY we were able to hang out. There's already a Nashville trip in the works and HOPEFULLY I'll get her further east for some hiking. THANK YOU JESSI FOR BEING YOU, which is just the awesomest!!!

Hope y'all have a great week. I teach another BODYPUMP class today and then will hopefully be taping my BODYATTACK certification video on Thursday. Cross your fingers for me!!!!

April 12, 2016

Ten Fabulous Things To Be Thankful For When Life Gets Chaotic

Happy Tuesday, ladies. Hopefully your Monday wasn't too cruel, mine was okay but there was a bit of a snafu at the gym. If you follow me on Instagram [do it HEEEERRREEE] you saw my beloved pink lock fell victim to a bolt cutter after I left my key in my bag which was, you guessed it, in the locker. Chalk that up to brain overload, right? It was a quick fix plus I can get a cheap new lock anywhere so no crying over spilled milk. Big shout out to the sweet ladies suggesting wine…took the advice and had a glass…or two ;)! Anyway, today is Tuesday so I'm counting the ten things keeping me sane throughout this chaotic time. The finish line is soooo close and I'm so excited for our new adventure.

My family: Oh my Gaw, I'm gonna make myself cry writing this point. But, seriously, my family is incredible and I'm going to miss them so much when we move. They dropped EVERYTHING on Sunday and came to our aid when we decided to move all the big stuff [minus our bed] out of the apartment. It was many hours of work and all they took in payment was dinner. They are my nucleus, my center and my heart and I am SO GRATEFUL God chose them for me.

Clean sheets after a shower: Y'all, full disclosure... I didn't shower Friday to Sunday night because we were so busy. ICK, I know, but when life happens it happens. I made up for the yuckiness by changing our sheets on Sunday night though. And man, it was the BEST feeling jumping under clean sheets fresh out of the shower. The little things, I tell ya.

Le Husband being funny: One of my favorite quotes about marriage is 'Be with the one who makes you laugh' and I took that advice to heart. Le Husband and I laugh together all the time. That doesn't mean we don't argue, fight about stupid things or get testy with each other, but usually we use humor to get find our equilibrium again. We've been up so late packing so the silly bugs have randomly come out and those moments make all the stress worth it. I especially enjoyed our awkward dance contest in the kitchen, we looked like winners. #laughlaughlaughitout

Blog friends: I have a fabulous tribe of IRL friends, but you bloggie girls are so amazing. I've talked with many of you about my fears, stressors and freak out moments and each time y'all have brought me back to solid ground. Thank you for being so kind in your comments and cheering me on, I really don't know what I'd do without this fabulous community. BTW, happy BOFF DAY, Lynn < 3!

New gear: Fitness is my jam and I LOVE new workout gear so I was SUPER stoked about my NEW TKO running belt. I'm a big fan of my pink teaching belt but one day I forgot it and kind of freaked out because I hate clipping the mic pack on my pants. Thank goodness I had this belt in my car [stashed there for my next run] because it helped me get through class without a problem. I love both the big and small pocket, it fit my mic pack AND batteries without feeling heavy and the reflective part is PERFECT for those even runs and bike rides. The adjustable belt is awesome when layering becomes essential and I can even see this belt being worn in Europe as a money belt if we need.

Finding throwback pictures that bring back happy memories: After we broke down the guest bed I found a box of old frames with some college and high school pictures which brought back so many happy memories. So crazy looking at baby Pinky and seeing happy pictures with friends.

Wine, because WINE: Packing is much easier while sipping on some vino, trust me.

Yummy snack food: You've heard me sing the praise of whipped cream spoons but my newest obsession is whipped cream plates with mini M&Ms. So yummyily delicious and not horrible on the figure either. You can also lay down a layer of peanut butter first, then whipped cream, then cinnamon and then chocolate for another delicious treat. I'm not the only whipped cream goober in the house, right?

Rocking a great fitness class/workout: Stress sucks and fitness is my stress relief. Even when there is barely enough time in the day I make sure to get at least one sweaty session done. Sometimes it's taking a class taught by someone else, other times it's working out with Le Husband and lifting heavy, either way it makes me feel better and gets the endorphins pumping [happy people just don't kill their husbands]. Today I'm launching BODYPUMP97 with a fellow instructor and I'm so excited to zone out and give the class a rocking workout. Hopefully one of the sissys can tape a lil bit for y'all since they'll be there to cheer me on, wooho! #thefamilythatliftstogethersmilestogether #BODYPUMP #antondas

Celebrating Sweet Babies Turning One: April has always been my favorite month because of my birthday, but last year it grew even more special because three darling lil girls made their way into the world. I loved seeing all the precious birthday celebrations online yesterday and wish lil EVIE, VIVI and ANDI a very happy first birthday.

Good books: Sadly I don't have many good reviews from last month to share with Steph's linkup, but I'm sharing what I have anyway. I wanted an easy, no think book before I left so I reread book seven on the Harry Potter series and fell in love with HP world all over again. It's funny what you miss the first time you read a book or watch a movie. I had so many AH HA moments this time around. I also reread 'Red Velvet Cupcake Murder' because I wanted a fluff piece and Hannah never fails me. If you have checked out this series by Joanne Fluke you really need to get in on the action. Speaking of action, right now I'm reading 'The Way of the Seal' and enjoying it so far. With all of the change going on in my day to day
[Pictures via good reads in links above]

What books have you read that you love? Any recommendations or must haves for my trip? GIVE EM TO ME ALLLLL RIGHT NOW because I need to snag em before we fly on Sunday, EEEEK!


Totally random but blog friends I need your help. It seems as though my scheduled posts aren't going live like they used to last month. I haven't changed anything but I've notice a decrease in traffic, comments and refreshes on other blogs. Has anyone dealt with this before and if so how did you fix it? Have y'all notice my posts going live later than normal? Any and all help would be appreciated, want to try and figure this out before the big trip. Thanks in advance, loves!

joining Karli for her Ten on Tuesday and linkinguphereandhereandhere
***I was provided a TKO 4-Resistance band for review, but as always all opinions are my own***

February 5, 2016


Happy Friday, party people. Woohoo, the weekend is finally here and my hectic week is behind me in the rear view mirror. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready for girl time, drink time and sissy wedding time. Thank y'all so much for your kind words and comments yesterday. I am so blessed to have y'all help me put things in perspective while also supporting me with sweet thoughts. Y'all seriously are the best, like for real for real. #blogbudsarethebestest

Favorite quote of the week: I'm so lucky to have my people and my circle. < 3
Favorite recipe of the week: Can't wait to make some for the weekend!
Favorite secret of the week: My BOFF is coming to visit me! Her wonderful husband contacted me because he wanted to surprise her with a trip and everything has worked out so well. It's been soooooo hard keeping the secret and I'm so glad the cat's out of the bag and guess what, she's gonna be here TODAY, wooooohooooo! #onlinefriendstoreallifefriends #besties
My beautiful BOFF on her wedding day.

OH you know, just checking blogs.
So yeah, I'm too excited for the weekend to think of anymore favorites. We are going to have so much fun and I'm so looking forward to our girls' night with the sissys, bridesmaid dress looking, DC touring and just hanging IRL with one of my bestest friends. I'll check you next week, have a fun SuperBowl weekend.

**linking up  Here  here herehere and, this week**

January 4, 2016


|| magical nights of Christmas tree lights with hot cocoa or wine.

|| extra holly jolly cheer and smiles. Even though people are hustling and bustling, December always brings out the happy in everyone. I will miss all the extra happiness and joy from the world.

|| most wonderful time of the year.

|| Advent. 

|| Christmas music at church, on the radio and online.

|| delicious month of tempting holiday treats and meals. My taste buds will miss you, my thighs won't.

|| secret present buying, wrapping and hiding.

|| lists on lists on lists.

|| checking off goals and completing challenges set last year. Goodbye, 2015!

|| winter cold and bitter winds.

|| depressing grey days. I'm not a fan of the cold but sunny cold days are better than grey days.

|| Le Husband's birthday month.

|| Epiphany and wise men.

|| year of adventure and big steps.

|| fresh start and new beginnings. I love this time of year because every slate is clean.

|| post amazing vacation blues.

|| work, blah!

|| new resolutions and goals. 2016!

November 25, 2015

Joy Bombs


Current JOY bombs in Pinkland are...

.:. A warm scarf on a long car ride. Not only was it cute, it was quite functional.

.:. Happy, laughy and fun blates with fabulous girls. I had so much fun meeting y'all :)!

.:. The tiniest hint of a tan on my skin from my weekend in the sun.

.:. Lighting a new candle.

.:. Baking and cooking with family. Holiday kitchen time is the best kitchen time.

.:. Unexpected warm days in the fall. I love bright sunshine.

.:. Planning fun surprises for special people. I love trying to make someone's day better.

.:. A cup of hot cocoa topped with whipped cream, cinnamon, sprinkles and a bit of chocolate #cheers

.:. Just because flowers and notes.

.:. A team meeting getting canceled, cheers to an hour of my life not wasted.

.:. Sweet text messages from dear, dear friends. #youknowwhoyouareloves

.:. Nephew snuggles and lego playtime. #ilovebeinganaunt.

Wishing you and yours a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday and safe travels! < 3


October 15, 2015

A Happy/Sad TBT

Since we were in Vegas this past weekend, I was not able to celebrate a happy day with my family. October 11th  was always a day of celebration, love and family in my home. Back in 1980, Mama B and Daddy got all dressed up and promised to love and cherish one another forever and the 11th marked 35 years of wedded bliss. 

35 years later they are still IN LOVE, happy and an amazing example of marriage. They have been the biggest supports of my marriage and I only hope Le Husband and I are as fortunate as they are in life. Cheers to many more years together, Mama B and Daddy! I wish you a gobzillion wishes of happiness and joy!
Pretty sure I borrowed this from Babyspice, THANKS!

Nine years ago October 11th became a day of sadness and a day of grieving. Nine years ago a college friend and an amazing man gave the ultimate sacrifice when he was killed in action in Iraq. I found out from a friend via AIM when I was at work and I'll never forget that moment. I lost it at my desk and just asked 'WHY SHANE'? My boss was incredibly understanding and let me leave work early and on the drive home from work my dad kept me company. I was a mess the rest of the day, trying to find out details about the funeral and just grieving alone in my room.
Shane epitomized life. He lived with zest, humor, love and truly didn't know a stranger. While we weren't incredibly close during college he was the go to guy in classes and always had a laugh or a smile when you needed it most. All funerals are sad, but his is one of the most mournful moments of my life. The world is a little less bright because his candle is no longer burning.

I do my best to visit his grave every year, either during Memorial weekend or during October. I usually leave a flower with a note by his stone and just sit there and cry while I remember a life that is no more. Last Christmas I was blessed enough to meet his family while we were laying wreaths at Arlington Cemetery. It was poignant talking with them and I couldn't help but cry when his father teared up remembering his son.

I wore a KIA bracelet with his name and date on my wrist for many years and after it started to break I put it away until I could save it for my wedding. Shane's bracelet was part of my bouquet and is forever preserved with my flowers.

Thank you Shane, for your service to our great nation. You will never be forgotten < 3!
Linking up with *kristin*& *annie*

September 18, 2015

Happy, Happy Friday, Direct From Me To You

Happy, happy Friday, bunnies. I hope everyone had a great week and have a fun weekend ahead. I'm looking forward to enjoying some down time after our two whirlwind weekends out of town and I have a few fun dates planned as well. This week has been a bit of a cluster and I can't wait to get back on track. I've missed all of y'all's pretty faces and promise I'll be back to regular programming next week, scouts honor. Since things have been a bit all over the place, I thought I'd add another twist to my normal Friday post, making them my five HAPPIES of the week.

Favorite work happy: Thursday was our company's 'Fun Day' and it was actually a great time. I am not a big fan of work events outside of work hours [I like my life, thanks] so I rarely attend any of the events. THIS even was during the work hours and was also more up my alley then those in the past. There were kickball games, soccer games, volleyball games, a push up challenge, corn hole and lots of delicious food, PLUS alcoholic bevies. Yep, drinking while on the clock, oh heeeey! It was fun meeting new people and hanging with coworkers I actually enjoy, haha. #workparty

Favorite smell happy: I like to cling to the very last lil bit of summer, but something about the weather this week made me want to light my fall candles. Normally I don't like apple pie [I know, so un-American] but this candle smells absolutely divine. I'm sad to see summer go, but the fall smells make me quite happy. #cozycozycozy

Favorite grocery basket happy: Sometimes you gotta shop with your stomach and not your brain. Oh and without your husband ;)! #sugarcoma #singlegirlswagforanight #iknowhowtoshootmyhusbandssigsauerp250

Favorite send- off happy: Babyspice is off on a fabulous adventure across the pond and I was able to meet her at the airport for one last hug. I'm gonna miss her like crazy but am super excited for her at the same time. #cheers

Favorite video happy: Minions and lil dogs, is there anything cuter?!?!?!?!?

Hope you have a beautiful weekend, fabulous friends. < 3

 **linking up  Here  here hereherehere and, here this week**

September 7, 2015

Seven Hundred Thirty Days Later

My heart still pitter patters over my groom.

I remember with joy, the hustle and bustle of getting ready with all my favorite girls.

My walk with my Daddy down the aisle still takes my breath away.

Our perfectly us ceremony still brings a tear to my eye and a smile to my face.

The concept of being a family of six has FINALLY taken hold.

 I'm so happy I listened to my mom about a bubble exit. #oneofmyfavoritepictures

Walking back to the church being Mr&Mrs holds a special piece of my heart.

I still can't get enough of our formal pictures at the Jefferson Memorial.

I still get giddy thinking about our first dance.

These pictures STILL make me laugh and smile.

Seven Hundred and Thirty Days later and I still have to pinch myself to be sure 9/7/13 wasn't just a dream. The love that surrounded us two years ago was the most amazing feeling in the world and I wish I could relive it all over again. Our wedding day was one of the best days of my life and I am so thankful I have Le Husband as mine forever. Happy 2nd Anniversary, my love, to the moon and back! Thank you for making my life a bazillion times better, you are the man of my dreams < 3!

Happy anniversary to my wedding twin and dear, dear friend, Jessi. Best day ever times two, lady! < 3
Linking up with these beautiful ladies whoop whoop < 3