...is dealing with big decisions and sucky situations.
For real!
When I was a kid, I always thought adults had it easy. They got to do everything fun like stay up late, drink alcohol, have money etc. I dreamed of being a 'big kid' and being able to 'do what grownups do'. When I turned 18 I was fanatical about people calling me an adult [shows how little I knew about life right?]. My parents compromised and called me a Bdult until I was 21, which I find hysterical now.
As I've grown up, I've learned being grown up is fun [sometimesablasty], but when you are older there is bad that goes with the good. Often, the bad comes in the form of something uncontrollable or "out of our hands". There are other times our choices, usually poor, result in bad situations and we have to deal with consequences of our actions.
Normally, I
choose to live my life with an
optimistic glass 3/4 full attitude. But life isn't always rainbows, butterflies, unicorns and sunshine.
Life can really suck.
You can lose your job.
A breakup can happen.
As you get older, the people in your life get older and they can pass away.
Decisions become tougher and more impacting.
People move away.
Friends choose to be friends with other people.
Two awesome adventures can be scheduled for the same day.
You don't get the promotion you deserve.
The house you want to buy gets snapped up by someone else.
Vacation plans get lost because you get sick.
Even when life doesn't suck, sometimes making hard/big decisions do.
I'm almost thirty...like, really almost thirty.
And I still rent an apartment [my first place on my own].
Am not engaged[100% okay with this fact btw].
Work at a job that is eh [but I'm blessed to make money].
My weekends/life revolves around kickball [and some awesome trips/friends].
But, you know what, that all will probably be changing soon.
And as EXCITING and life affirming moving on to the next step of life will be,
of all the responsibilities of being a TRUE grownup.
Change my emergency contact from my mother to my husband?
Have a mortgage?
Plan a wedding?
Move away from family?
Find a new job?
THINK about having a baby?
All of those decisions are
HUGE, life changing ones that have to be made.
How in the world will I know if I'm making the right one?!?!?!
I could go on an on about the sucky/hard situations, because well, they are just part of life. But, I don't want to be too down in the dumps today. Obviously, things have happened to me recently that have me a little bummed/freaked out, but that's why I blog. I don't want to post on FB or twitter when something gets me down, because I really don't like putting my business out there. But, I really need to get these feelings out of my head and onto paper...or Internet!
Thanks for listening and if you have ANY tips regarding dealing with disappointments
or making big life decisions,
PLEASE send them my way!