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Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts

May 15, 2013

Dom Perignon Taste...

...on a MOET budget.

Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad trombone!

What I wouldn't give to have THESE
Champagne taste clothes...


Louis Vuitton

Source: via Rosa on Pinterest

Kate Spade
Source: via Allison on Pinterest

Source: via Kasia on Pinterest

Dolce & Gabbanna

Source: via Maria on Pinterest

WHAT?!?! how did this get here? ;)

Roberto Cavalli

Source: via Lisa on Pinterest

Source: via Chloe on Pinterest


For Le Fiance
Source: via Kristie on Pinterest

A girl can PINTEREST dream right?

February 5, 2013

2012 Resolutions Check List

Yes, today, February 5th, I'm recapping
2012's resolutions.

Shocking right ;)!

I know this isn't timely,
but I wanted to hold myself accountable here
so today, you get to read about 2012.

My GOALS FOR 2012 were semi-ambitious, 
and even though I dropped the ball a lot, I still want to grade myself.

As you might recall, last year I graded myself on my 2011 goals.  
That was pretty rough, because I did NOT uphold many resolutions. 
I'm pretty sure this year was just as bad. DRAT!


1) Be a better disciple and follower of Christ. C+
I was better than last year, but still no where NEAR where I wanted to be with Christ. I've started going to a different church with C once a month and even though it's contemporary I enjoy the sermons. I participated in a few devotionals with my iPhone app, but I often forgot to read them and then played catch up. I'm not sure WHAT is going to get my butt in gear, but I do know I need to be more Christ centered.

2) Return to my more active lifestyle and get in the healthiest shape I can. C+/B
C and I kicked BUTT at the beginning of the year. We were waking up in the mornings and working out, while eating extremely healthy. He went strict Paleo/primal and my first time trying it was NO BUENO. I had to change my take on food by March because I was so miserable with my diet. I did a pretty good job managing my portions though. I continued to suffer from shin splints, which hindered my ability to run, but I began incorporating HIIT workouts which were awesome. I was in great shape for my kickball tourneys, but my cardio tolerance was way lower than I hoped for when we ran our mud run. I want to run the Tough Mudder after my 30th [eeek] so that is my goal this year. I could have worked harder in the gym and not made as many excuses last year, but I was finally able to shed the 3-5 pounds that annoyed me around August. 

3) Eat better......MORE WHOLE foods less processed. B/B+
I think this was my BEST resolution for 2012. I significantly eliminated processed foods from my diet. I stopped eating processed carbs and concentrated on eating whole foods nine time out of ten. After dabbling back and forth, I've adopted a Primal take on food 80/20. As mentioned before, processed breads, cheeses, pastas, rice, boxed foods, easy foods, and packaged foods were pretty much thrown out. There were still up and down days, and days where I ate three bowls of Lucky Charms for dinner. However, my pantry and fridge look much healthier now and I'm very proud of my impact on the earth. I'm eating more foods from the farmers market in order to eat lesser processed foods. 

4)Drink More Water, Take my Vitamins. B
I am still doing great with drinking water, but not as great with my vitamins. I stopped taken them around April I think. I'm really happy with my yearly water intake though. Some days were better than others, but for the most part I succeeded in drinking more water. 

5) Stretch Daily: A until March then F
I was really really good at stretching everyday the first few months of the year. I was doing yoga daily, just easy vinyasas or sometimes deep stretching sequences. I also was more aware of standing and stretching while at work or just hanging out at home. Unfortunately, life got in the way and sleep or other forms of exercise took place of stretching. I miss the good deep stretch feeling, and hope to get back into it in 2013.

6)JUDGE LESS: Ehhhhhhhhhhh, C+/B
I went through phases with this one.  I became very understanding and actively chose to not bad mouth or bad think about people that made me mad. And then there were times where obscenities and rude comments flew out of my mouth without hesitation. I continued to let people's opinions and actions bother me, when they really shouldn't have. There were still moments where I silently judged a friend or colleague or family member even though I knew I was being rude. I'm still trying, so I guess I'll leave it at that. 

7) Actually create and stick to a budget. EPIC FAIL!
Nothing to write here, except EPIC FAIL!

8) Stop wasting time (i.e. too much computer and too much tv) C
I was good and I was bad. I usually am NOT on the comp blogging at home, I do that at work [shh]. But, sometimes when C and I are hanging out we are both on the comp searching on Facebook, kickball forums or just news. We also watch way too much TV together. Even though they are just reruns while eating dinner, I think we wasted time we could have been prepping food for the next day, chatting or organizing. I don't want technology to run my life, so I'm going to try to deTV/Comp/phone when I'm at home. 

Overall I think I was average. Just a C.

Better than failing, but not GOOD.

I plan to keep a few of these in 2013, 
but make them more of a lifestyle change,
instead of a resolution.

Did you make resolutions?
If so how are they going?
If not why?!

November 26, 2012

Yup, He's All Mine!!!

Louis that is.

Yes, you read and saw correctly.....

That is a Louis Vuitton and yes he is mine!

Saturday after Thanksgiving the two sissys drove to Tyson's II
with me and I FINALLY purchased
the Louis Vuitton Speedy 30!

I was uber nervous when I walked into the store,
because I'm not the NORMAL LV clientele.
I can't just pick out a bag without looking at the price
or purchase multiple on a whim.

But, my fears were laid to rest quickly by an extremely
friendly and warm LV rep.

The rep was very knowledgeable
and shared a ton of LV facts
while I was thinking and deciding
on my Louis.

I thought I knew what I wanted when I walked in,
but all of a sudden,
when it was time to pull the trigger,
I balked.

Not totally, but there was a moment of
do I really need this bag?!?!

Thankfully, my sissys were able to remind me
HOW BADLY I've wanted this bag,
and that I've saved a long time
for this moment.

BOOM, decision made.

Having the two of them there was so special,
there's NOTHING like having
sisters as your best friends.

After a year plus of lusting, saving and some kickball championship winnings,
I'm so excited to call this Louis Vuitton Speedy my own!
I'm a big kid now :)

I hope you and your's had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

My family recap will be up tomorrow!

Happy Cyber Monday!

August 28, 2012

Too little money in the bank

{Like too much booty in the pants ;)}

Remember when I told you I gave my credit card
a work out last week?!?!!
[Darn being a girl and needing comfort buys!]

Well, I thought I would share my fun purchases,
because I looooooove em!
My Red Dress Boutique loot!!!

Most of the items are summery [yeahduh], but I did *try* to buy
some pieces that can transition into fall
with a blazer or cardigan.


Red Dress Boutique is so fabulous. If you remember, I've posted about my LURVE for them before. I will admit they aren't the cheapest boutique, but I fall in LOVE every time I click on their site. Hmmm, maybe I should block myself before I lose all my money?!!?!?!?!?


If you like Lilly on facebook, you'll know they
started their "Summer Sale" last Tuesday
and what an absolute FAIL their online services was.
Their website CRASH a hour into the sale,
and it took them till 6pm to fix it.

Now, personally, I was in no way upset or devastated, but if you read
the comments on their facebook site
you would have thought Lilly clothes were
to some people.


Anyway, I cheated and went to an affiliate site and was able to buy a few fun things, again extending summer for myself.
I'm not ashamed to admit that the only way I'm buying Lilly is onsale.
Her clothes are pretty, her prices redonk!

My Lilly via In the Pink loot!



Sadly, I received an email yesterday from In the Pink telling me they overestimated their inventory and I would no longer be received the two items below. At first, I was extremely peeved, but then realized I didn't need them and since I wasn't charged no hassle of a refund. 

All of these will be PERFECTION when I'm cruising in November!

Don't hate! ;)

I'm hoping they all fit though, sometimes Lilly runs a little big on me.


What do you think?!!?! A little over board right?!!?
Oh well, I'm trying to keep the summer vibe here

Do you have any fun new fashion purchases?

July 25, 2012

The Hardest Part of Growing Up... dealing with big decisions and sucky situations.

For real!

When I was a kid, I always thought adults had it easy. They got to do everything fun like stay up late, drink alcohol, have money etc. I dreamed of being a 'big kid' and being able to 'do what grownups do'. When I turned 18 I was fanatical about people calling me an adult [shows how little I knew about life right?]. My parents compromised and called me a Bdult until I was 21, which I find hysterical now.

As I've grown up, I've learned being grown up is fun [sometimesablasty], but when you are older there is bad that goes with the good. Often, the bad comes in the form of something uncontrollable or "out of our hands". There are other times our choices, usually poor, result in bad situations and we have to deal with consequences of our actions.

Normally, I choose to live my life with an optimistic glass 3/4 full attitude. But life isn't always rainbows, butterflies, unicorns and sunshine.
Life can really suck.

You can lose your job.
 A breakup can happen.
As you get older, the people in your life get older and they can pass away.
Decisions become tougher and more impacting.
People move away.
Friends choose to be friends with other people.
Two awesome adventures can be scheduled for the same day.
You don't get the promotion you deserve.
The house you want to buy gets snapped up by someone else. 
Vacation plans get lost because you get sick. 

Even when life doesn't suck, sometimes making hard/big decisions do.

I'm almost, really almost thirty.

And I still rent an apartment [my first place on my own].
Am not engaged[100% okay with this fact btw].
Work at a job that is eh [but I'm blessed to make money].
My weekends/life revolves around kickball [and some awesome trips/friends].

But, you know what, that all will probably be changing soon.
And as EXCITING and life affirming moving on to the next step of life will be,
of all the responsibilities of being a TRUE grownup.

Change my emergency contact from my mother to my husband?
Have a mortgage?
Plan a wedding?
Move away from family?
Find a new job?
THINK about having a baby?


All of those decisions are
HUGE, life changing ones that have to be made.
How in the world will I know if I'm making the right one?!?!?!

I could go on an on about the sucky/hard situations, because well, they are just part of life. But, I don't want to be too down in the dumps today. Obviously, things have happened to me recently that have me a little bummed/freaked out, but that's why I blog. I don't want to post on FB or twitter when something gets me down, because I really don't like putting my business out there. But, I really need to get these feelings out of my head and onto paper...or Internet! 

Thanks for listening and if you have ANY tips regarding dealing with disappointments
or making big life decisions,
PLEASE send them my way!

June 29, 2012

Confession Friday's Letters PBBC

Wow, again we have a bit of a linkup menage.....oh well!
3's a party right?!!?
------deeeeeeeeez hour my cooooooooooooooooooooonfessionsssss------
1) This morning I am hungover at work. For the first time in almost a year. Lil Miss JennJenn and I met for happy hour sangria [half off baller] last night and two pitchers later, hammer time. We had a fabulous time [with too much laughing] so I guess I won't complain, much.

2) I yelled an obscenity at work yesterday when Italy scored their first goal against Germany. Is it bad that everyone knew it was me and everyone knew why?!?

3) People on their high horse annoy the CRAP out of me. You do not = better than everyone.

4) I will be purchasing THIS BOOK sometime before my road trip. I love her show and her!

5) I made my FIRST purchase[s] from Mod Cloth this week. They are beautiful, yay. They were NOT on sale, boo :(



Dear Friday: You were mega late this week. Seriously, we need to have a TALK! Dear Booty Camp: Holy workout Batman. 3x a week @6am = very tired and sore Pinky. PLEASE be worth the time and money. Dear Roadtrip next week: DON'T KILL ME! Being in the car longer than 3 hours makes me crazy. Dear Bank Account: Yeah, me again. Buying stuff. Sorry! Will get better....promise! Love you, mean it! Dear Fires in Colorado/Virginia: BURN the EFF OUT! Stop causing havoc! I am worried sick about friends and am so sad for all that have lost their homes. BURN OUT AND GO AWAY! Dear Blog: Sorry I've been a slacker, no motivation and no excuses. Gonna try to get back on track next week. Dear Body: STOP craving bad snacks. You've done so well eating this week, don't blow it now!  Dear JennJenn: We are hysterical! Can't believe we've only known each other for 7 months, feels like forever [in a good way]. Cheers [literally] to more fun in the future.
Dear C: 2 years next month, HOLY Baseball glove! <3 YOU!

BWS tips button

My girl Janna started this AWESOME blog link up at the beginning of June. She challenged everyone to budget and hold ourselves accountable via our blogs. She is awesome at budgeting. FOR RIZZLE! Me on the other hand, yeah soooooooooooo bad. I'm slowly learning to budget, but stink at STICKING to my guns and not spending money. Remember those dresses earlier?!?! Yeah, don't need em, but wanted em, so I bought em. YIKES! Bad bad Pinky!
So, Janna my love, I'm linking up but I failed 100%!
I'm a work in progress and will get better!

Have a great weekend y'all!

May 18, 2012

Confession Fridays are BACK!

:::::::::::::::These are my CONFESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIONS::::::::::::::::::::::

1] This is my FIRST Confession Friday of MAY! What the what?!!? I've been cheating with Friday Letters and then wanted to do some fashion Friday pieces as well. But, no fear, I'm back!

2] Pandora 90s Pop station has been on repeat since yesterday. I'm baffled I didn't know about this station earlier. How can it be a bad day with #Ace of Base, #This Is How We Do It, #Ice Ice Baby, #TLC playing?!?!? Yeah, it can't.

3] After the CAPS were knocked out of the playoffs last weekend, I haven't watched a SINGLE hockey game. Pouting over, get back on the sports fan train time.

4] Today was POSSIBLY the last time driving Big Boss to work. I have an appointment to buy my new car after work, and if everything goes well I will have a new ride TODAY. EEEK!!! [Yes, I named my car after lyrics in a Daddy Yankee song, esta bien?!?!]

5] I think I will have melt down when I write the check for the down payment on my car. Yes, I WILL, no think about it.

6] LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVIN my new RayBan Aviators! Took me 34830 times to get a good pic, tell me what you think!

7] I am almost 30 [WHAT?] and my father will be coming with me to the dealership today. I would say JUST because I don't want the salesman to take advantage of how :LITTLE: I know about buying a car, but really he is my SECURITY blanket too. <3 you Daddy B!

8]More Elf products are making their way to my apartment as we speak #promotionsucker #addict.

9] Entitled people make me sick and tick me off. What makes you better than everyone else?!?! Let me tell you, NOTHING! Have some class, thanks!

10] Last night after I saw all the commotion about the death on Grey's I texted my girl C-Lo to tell me who died. Yes, even though I didn't watch the episode, I wanted to know who died. I won't spoil it for you, but I'm SO MAD!

11] Have you heard of Chubbies?!?! Check out the website (it is a men's clothing line, {totally SFW}...but, I'll let you be the judge of if it is OK) and do yourself a favor and read THE FACTS! WOW!
You  mad bro?!?!

Have a fabulous weekend y'all! Pray for me when I go to prison this weekend!

October 26, 2011

WILW for the #bloggingblueswin

It's Wednesday so I'm linking up with Jaime at This Kind of Love! Hopefully this will get me out of my blogging slump!

1)I'm LOVING the new MONDAY link up I started participating in this week. Amanda from "For Love of a Cupcake" for Motivate Me Mondays! I am really looking forward to tracking my progress.You should think of joining, it's gonna be FAB! Below are some of my FAV motivation pictures!

2) I am LOVING that a kickerball merger between the two DC teams might actually be happening. I also LOVE the fact that C is one of the main reasons for this merge, he truly is a *SUPASTAR*! Gotta love dating the team ALLSTAR, ow ow!

3) I am LOVING that I had a great time at my 10 year high school reunion. I will blog a recap (PROMISE) later, but it truly was a great time. THANK YOU for all of the support ladies, it really was helpful and made me feel SOOO much better!
Can we say BABYFACE!?
4)I am LOVING this post from Leslie of A Blonde Ambition! It's all about BOOTS and it's AMAZEBALLS! However, my lil debit card and bank account is now depleted. Not sure if I should thank Mrs. (just married) Leslie or not! If you want to know anything about fashion and follow a super sweet southern gal, go check out the blog...NOW!!!!

Yep, these 2 beauties are on there way to me as we speak!
Tustiny Boot by Jessica SimpsonBanya Boot by DV Dolce Vita

5) I am LOVING the twist. NO not the dance (although that's BALLER too) the twist for bangs and hair. I have rocked the look twice already this week (if you call me lazy I WON'T disagree). Here's a pic from Monday.

6) I am LOVING the sweet support from fellow blogger regarding my IDIOTIC oops yesterday. Check it out and make fun or support, both are warranted.

7) As always I'm LOVINGLOVINGLOVING my main man (and only man) Cdizzle! xoxo