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Showing posts with label Mission Work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mission Work. Show all posts

December 5, 2013



No, I'm not excited at all!
[fingers crossed so it's not lying SANTA]

Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait.

Anyone else out there SUPER excited yet?!?
I really love this time of year and find it
so refreshing because so many people
are trying to help others.
People are more willing to be kind
and that's awesome too.
This morning the three sissys assisted with the morning shift
at our church for project Hypothermia and it was
a great experience in God's grace. 
I love mission work!
I also love all of the beautiful music and performances
around this time of year. 
Three stations on the radio here are blasting Christmas music
and it makes my commute that much more fun.
I honestly don't mind the traffic
while I'm fa la la la laing.
 You can also find my streaming the Nutcracker 
on Youtube daily. 

Such an amazing ballet, I really want to see it
performed at the Kenndy Center one day.
[You listening Santa and husband?]

This is my FAVORITE dance and one 
that is on constant repeat :)!

What are your favorite Christmas songs
or favorite Nutcracker scene?



My cheer today is two things:
my awesome Christmas coffee mug
and our Crismon tree at church.

I was up way earlier than normal to help with project
HYPOTHERMIA at my church
so a pretty mug with delicious coffee was a MUST
to keep me from being crazy.

Hopefully it worked ;)

While we were cleaning up, after the homeless left our church
I went upstairs to grab something and saw our beautiful
Crismon tree and couldn't help but smile.

May 4, 2013

Blog Every Day in May [Day 4]

Day 4, Saturday: Favorite quote and why you love it

"and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, 
with all your soul, with all your mind, 
and with all your strength." 
Mark 12:30

This is one of my FAVORITE verses. 
Clear cut instruction, that's what we humans need.
We must LOVE our God wholly, and fully, not just
when it's easy for us. I find strength in this verse.
I find HOPE in this verse. 

"Do all the good you can. 
By all the means you can. 
In all the ways you can. 
In all the places you can. 
At all the times you can. 
To all the people you can.
 As long as ever you can. "
John Wesley

Despite being raised Methodist,
the first time I heard this verse was in 2005.

One of the team members was opening our daily service
with a devotion and used this verse.

I remember literally feeling bowled over by the command. 
HOW SIMPLE is life?!?!
I have this verse printed and hanging 
at my home. 
All we are called to do is GOOD
for as long as we are able,

I try to remember this verse 
when I'm stressed
annoyed or helpless.

Every lil bit counts. 

Life's short, you  might as well be amusing.

I found this on someone's Facebook
a gobzillion years ago and it's stuck with me. 

I like to laugh, I like to make people laugh
[at or with me]
and I don't want to be boring.

Easy, peasy, fresh and squeezy!


February 21, 2013

Stop Hunger Now

Saturday morning Daddy, Mama B, BabySpice and I
all volunteered at our church for 
the Stop Hunger Now drive.
Thanks Babyspice!
"Stop Hunger Now is an international hunger relief organization that coordinates the distribution of food and other life-saving aid around the world. The organization is driven by a vision of a world without hunger and a mission to end hunger in our lifetime by providing food and life-saving aid to the world's most vulnerable and by creating a global commitment to mobilize the necessary resources."

Stop Hunger Now meals pack a big punch. Every dehydrated rice/soy meal is fortified with 21 essential vitamins and nutrients. Research has shown that one in three people in developing countries are adversely affected by vitamin and mineral deficiencies."

There was over a hundred people volunteering 
on Saturday which made for an 
AWESOME missions experience.

My first station was 'bag holder' while others
dumped in vitamins, dehydrated vegetables, soy meal and rice
through a funnel.

It was a lot of fun and after the first twenty bags
we had it down to a pretty good science.

Unfortunately, the soy meal was constantly drifting 
into the air and bothering my nose.

So after an hour or so, I moved to the sealing station.

That was a very fast moving and fun station.
I was also able to work with Daddy and Babyspice,
which made it that much more fun. 

I think I worked the weighing station twice, 
but then decided to become a runner
because yeah, I HATE MATH!

I helped run the sealed packages
to the actual packing station so I got 
some exercise in too.

Over the course of three hours 
our whole group packaged 
44,000 meals!!!


It was an incredibly rewarding morning
and I just pray all of those meals
make it to hungry tummies soon.  

If you are ever asked to volunteer with 
Stop Hunger Now, DO IT! :)

December 19, 2012

All I Don't Want for Christmas

That's right, all I DON'T want for Christmas.

I've had this post sitting in my drafts for quite some time,
and had plans to have pictures or illustrations
to convey my point.

But now, all of that seems trite and unnecessary.

Even before the tragedy of Friday,
my heart had been hurting.

There is a lot of hurt in our world,
and we see it every day.

The children who's only meal comes from school.

The homeless men and women on the corners.

People are sick around Christmas.

People are being killed for drugs,
turf wars, shoes, clothes and tvs.

People are being senselessly killed,
for no reason.
People are dying from cancers and other
fatal diseases.

This year, our world just seems more broken
around Christmas than ever before.

And I'm not a fan!

Throughout December I've seen
multiple WHAT I WANT
for Christmas posts.

And, originally I thought of posting my own.

But, every time I tried,
I realized it just didn't feel right to me.

I assisted the homeless in November
and thought
" All they want for Christmas is a warm
place to stay and sleep, with
warm food".

How does that compare to me wanting
a workout heart monitor?

SportySpice works in a Title 1 school,
which basically means
most of her students are poor
and receive free or reduced lunch
at school.

Obviously, these children won't
have tons of gifts under the Christmas tree.
So, her school sets up a
Christmas Angel Tree
and teachers buy presents for each kid.

Sportyspice grabbed four
and our family helped sponsor the kids
and bought the presents.
It was so much fun shopping for the kids,
but at the same time,
and ungrateful for what I had.

A 13 year old girl asked for a
That's what she wanted for Christmas.

Another six year old asked for
a green Ninjago!
Let me tell you, that $10 toy was
THE HARDEST thing to find.
One of the hottest toys for lil boys
and we looked everywhere.

C was able to find it in Maryland
last week, which was amazing.

Even though it was super stressful,
I'm so glad this kid will get what
he asked for,
because it might be
the ONLY thing he gets under the tree.

I can't imagine just getting
one lil toy.
I want to buy him 4324803 toys.
But, I can't.

I know this post is all over the place,
but all of these thoughts
have been in my head
and I needed to get them out.
I wish I could fix the sadness in the world,
but I can't.

However, I can be grateful for all I have
and I can try to make the world
a better place, one act at a time.

I'm joining the #27actsofkindessmovement
to try and do my part.

November 30, 2012

Confession Session

Leslie isn't having a Confession Session today, but I need one.

1] I'm eating Red Robin for lunch today. Take that healthy lunch kick, boooyah!

2] I enjoy writing recaps for 2.5 seconds. Sure, I love looking back at pictures, but lawd almighty trying to remember everything is hard. I'm also trying something new with pictures and it's frustrating as all get out. Hopefully it will all come together.

3] Yesterday I wrote about not being a judging Judy and by the afternoon I had judged, ranted and said some rude things. UGH! It's so hard to be good, but Santa I'm TRYYYYYYYYYYING!

4] Anyone else out there ever FREAKED themselves out being home alone?!? This girl right here was CONVINCED that last night someone was going to break into her apartment. She checked the windows 5 times throughout the night. Yeah, when did she become THAT big of a deal?!!?

5] I'm really not a fan of writing in the third person, I sound so silly!

6] DESPITE wanting to have a low key New Years, I already have been talked into a pretty ragey party with kickerball friends. Should be an amazing time, but I KNOW I'll be one of the first to leave. #oldpeopleproblems

7] I don't have much Christmas shopping done, but I'm not that bad?

8] I'm still bitter about being sick. I missed helping the homeless with my sisters Thursday morning, something I was looking forward to doing [minus the 430am wakeup]. Working Hypothermia is always a great eye opener to those who have so little and yet are kind a polite. Crossing fingers I can help out tomorrow morning.

9] I'm wishing for SNOW! Shhhhh don't hate me!

August 29, 2012

7 years ago and TODAY

7 years ago today, Hurricane Katrina made landfall.

Katrina DEVASTATED the Gulf Coast and left massive damage in her wake.

People chose to stay to ride out the storm, levees broke, flooding happened, people died, people lost everything, roads were destroyed, history was lost, and help came late.

I remember vividly watching the destruction of Katrina, on CNN at my first job. I was 3 months out of college temping and struggling to keep it together as I watched the wrath of the storm batter NOLA, MISSISSIPPI, and TEXAS.

I can still feel the knots in my stomach, the tears in my eyes and the overwhelming feeling of

That feeling stuck with me day, after day, as I read about the destruction,
death, fear, hurt, and sadness. I remember telling my best friend L,
"I don't know how, but I will go down there and help"!

Little did I know, God was stirring my heart for good.

2 weeks after the storm, my mother told me my church was sending a
team down to Gulfport, Mississippi to help those affected by the hurricane.
I immediately signed up and started to prepare.

Luckily, my temp job was ending and I was living at home so I could take
the week off. The $500 was a tough pill to swallow because I was making peanuts
and didn't have another job lined up.
But, I knew this was something I HAD to do.

Our team arrived in Gulfport the 2nd week of October.
That's barely a month after the storm hit.

Another church committed to sending teams in EVERYWEEK until the end of the year. Including Thanksgiving and Christmas time. God is so GOOD!

I could write a novel about my experience in Gulfport, but I don't have the time, and frankly don't want to break down in tears right now.

I was blessed enough to be able to do mission work four different times in Gulfport and once in New Orleans. Each trip was amazing in itself and I have so many fond memories.

But, nothing will EVER top my first trip.

I remember:
The curfews, tping doors, the bus girls, amazing food, gaining weight, tears, smiles, stories, being in charge as the youngest volunteer, playing games, making friends, my college pastor, God's love everywhere, tiling, singing, dancing, walmart trips, getting lost because of no street signs, SONIC, sparkle shoe laces, government passes to go past the tracks, I-90, the broken road, the oil, the 6 blocks of NOTHING where homes used to stand, trailer park city, LOVE, HOPE, REBIRTH!

I cried driving to the church from the airport.


There are no words to describe the destruction I saw.

I cried after talking to people because of their HOPE!

I cried when people thanked me for helping.
Humanity truly is GOOD at the heart.

Here are a few pictures I found from my first trip.

I wish I had more pictures. I'll have to look on my old computer.

There is still SO MUCH to be done after Katrina.
Supporting communities rebuilding after the hurricane has become my cause.
We haven't forgotten you Katrina victims, we are still here!


As I write this, stupid hurricane isaac is making landfall in the SAME path
Katrina took 7 years ago.


People have already rebuilt once, they don't deserve to rebuild so soon.

But, I'm ready to help!
God is good and will protect them.

My work boots are ready though!

Please, take a moment to pray, send thoughts or good vibes to those who are and will be affect by the weather. I know every good thought and prayer will be heard.

May 22, 2012

I've been Locked Up "theywontletmeout"

Well y'all, we SURVIVED PRISON!
[Don't know what I"m talking about, check out *this* post]

For five hours Sunday night, Sportyspice and I were LOCKED-UP in a prison, attending a 'Kairos Closing' ceremony with our church's Kairos Ministry group.

When I say locked up, I mean locked up.
Barbed wire, guard towers and EVERYTHING!

We walked through the courtyard to the cell block [after turning in all accessories, our license and being patted down] and I remember my HEART beating rapidly when I saw the guard towers.

For those of you who have NOT every been to jail or prison, most television shows get it right. You  have to be buzzed in EVERYWHERE! There are gates and fences and guards EVERYWHERE!


I tried NOT to have any expectations about the evening,
but I can tell you there were MANY things I did not expect.

I expected to be in a room with inmates residents and Kairos personnel.
I DID NOT expect the residents to be walking around the room and just talking to us like were at a normal gathering.

I expected to be a little nervous.
I DID NOT expect to feel SOOOOO protective of SportySpice.

I expected to have 'extra' protection, per the team leaders request.
I DID NOT expect to have the 'extra' protection be a group of residents.

I expected to be moved by the atmosphere.
I DID NOT expect to cry and tear up listening to the residents tell their stories.

I expected a church service atmosphere.
I DID NOT expect to forget I was in a prison while singing hymns.

I expected the residents to be respectful because of the program.
I DID NOT expect to be treated so well, so kindly and waited on.

I expected to leave the prison with a new perspective.
I DID NOT expect to have SO MUCH compassion for people who have done wrong.

God was truly working in that room I WILL tell you that. People were accepting Christ and wanting to change their lives for the better.

And for all the skeptics out there, yes, I understand 'these people' can be 'deceiving' and can act, but I CHOOSE to believe they WANT to be better and change. Residents have to APPLY to be part of the Kairos weekend and many this session have applied multiple times before.

There were MANY residents that spoke about JUST wanting to eat the 'FREE' cookies provided, but how MUCH more the weekend became to them.

THEY want to change!
THEY KNOW they have a second chance!
THEY understand LOVE and not hate!

One young resident truly touched my heart when he shared his testament. He was a former gang member and was VERY skeptical about the weekend in the beginning. He spoke of not showing his emotions and NOT letting anyone in, that life is a BATTLE.

The last thing he said was
"I used to know BLOOD before TEARS.
NOW I understand it's TEARS before BLOOD"


I wish I could explain MORE about this experience, but truly it is something that is SO hard to explain.

You are walking around in a room full of 'bad' people who did SOMETHING to be there, but they are JUST people. I gave high fives, handshakes, fist bumps and even hugs to these men. We were told multiple times how THANKFUL they were we CHOSE to drive 2+ hours to be there. Especially at 'our age'.

Was I fearful and scared at times, HECK YES!

We were standing, sitting, singing and walking around with criminals.
Some getting out next year and SOME in there for life.

But, the Kairos regulars acted like being there was normal life.
They greeted all of the residents with hugs and 'how are yous'.

I must admit I was baffled for the first 10 minutes, but after chatting and interacting with the residence I understood.
There is a kinship now, as crazy as that sounds. I feel for those men and have thought about them since we left Sunday night.


I asked SportySpice to share her thoughts about the experience so please enjoy!

"Prison…never thought my sister and I would land ourselves here!! Well, I am glad it is because we want to spread God’s word and not because I decided to hurt a certain person who cut me off in traffic [kidding]! The best way to to best describe it was… experience.
It is really hard to put in words. 90% of the time I pretended we were in a school, but then that other 10% would come around and I would realize I was in a room with 150 inmates WITH NO GUARD IN SIGHT! Good times. We did a lot of hand shaking, hugging and high fiving. It was very moving to see these men go up and share their emotional week. It really hits you when you see a criminal, who is in prison for life, break down in tears because he feels he has a second chance with God.
We were being waited on hand and foot by different inmates. We had an inmate body guard named Heavy that called us his little angels. I decided Pinky’s name would be “Sneaky Pinks” and mine would be “Swanky Swanks.” It was definitely an experience I will never forget. The Holy Spirit was definitely in that prison that night."


I am NOT sure Kairos is the 'ministry' for me, but I will contune to support the work with my prayers and possible become an 'outside' team member.

Maybe I'll start writing letters as well.
God only knows where I will be called.

All I KNOW is, I am GLAD I experienced the closing
and I HOPE and pray I am blessed and able to attend another one again.
My view on prison is forever changed.

May 21, 2012

Ghost Ride the *NEW* WHIP

[Points if you can sing the rest of the song]

In case the title wasn't hint enough....


"Mommy[and daddy] WOW!

After 8 LONG months of searching

and searching


I finally chose the V6 Nissan Altima Coupe and I LOVE my new baby!
Friday night, Daddy, Mama B and I went to the dealership to talk $$$ regarding the car and wouldn't you know they had a Four Cylinder model available.

Now, I may be pink and glittery but I'm all about some power. However, I thought "This might be a compromise between a V6 and the Hybrid Sonata".

I drove it and while it was awesome, it didn't WOW me.

After I drove the 4 cylinder, I drove the V6 one more time and surprisingly I wasn't 100% sold either.
 [I must commend my parents because they did NOT tell me WHAT to do, they just answered my questions and listened to analogies and thoughts so I could come to my OWN decision]

I ended up going with the V6 due 100% to the deal the dealership gave me, but also I created this analogy to help get my head to a decision. 
[one that I'm pretty proud off, thankyou very much]

"You've eaten an amazing dinner and are now at the dessert bar. There are 4 pieces of cake left and you don't have to share with anyone. Do you just want 2 pieces of cake [4 cylinder] or do you want all 4 [V6]? Remember, you don't have to share and you WON'T get sick if you eat all 4 pieces".

Soooooooooooo, I wanted all 4 pieces of cake and once the magic number came in for the V6, I was all about her. Unfortunately, the car was at another dealership Friday, so I signed preliminary paper work and then went back to the dealership Saturday to pick her up and drain the bank account.

Yes, her. I'm calling her SASSY or SAS for short.
Sportyspice has taken to calling her BABA
[twice the Bad @$$ hahaha]

Here are a few more pictures of my new girl!

The color is CRIMSON BLACK, despite the purpleish look in the pictures below.
Thumbs up for the NEW WHIP!
The process was SUCH a long one, but I'm SOOO happy with my choice.

Some people don't understand WHY I chose a COUPE at this stage in life,
but you know what, it's MY CAR!

Sooooooooooo, what do you think  y'all?!?!? Is SHE ME!?!?!?

May 16, 2012

I'm going to PRISON

Yep, you read that correctly, I'm going to Prison this weekend.
Please send letters, thanks!

Ok now, don't fret, I am going to prison this weekend, but I am only visiting.
[not a funny joke? my bad b]

One of the mission teams at my church, is involved with the Kairos project in our state.

What is Kairos you ask?

Kairos' mission is "To bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them, and to assist in the transition of being a productive citizen."
I've seen the pamphlets around my church, as well as heard testaments from people who are on the team, and always thought, "I think I NEED to do this".

Don't ask me why or HOW I came to this conclusion, but for the past 3-4 years I've always felt a heartpull when a Kairos weekend is mentioned.

Cue a few months ago, when I mentioned this to Sportyspice after service one day. She surprisingly told me she was interested as well, so we sought out a member to ask questions. The past few months have been a whirlwind of getting approvals, back ground checks and sadly finding out our schedule wouldn't allow us to participate in the WHOLE week retreat [biiiiiiig sad face].

God is good though, she and I will be participating in the CLOSING this weekend with the Kairos team. We are both very excited for this opportunity and a little nervous too.

The Kairos team lead at our church has been amazing. He is constantly sending us email reminders, working with our schedules and always always stressing how SAFE this will actually be. We won't be with the general population and he has 2 special people who will just be looking out for us at the prison. Such an amazing man and Sportyspice and I are so grateful for all of his help. God knows exactly the kind of cheerleader and team leader we both need and he has provided.

The full Kairos team left today and Sportyspice and I will be joining later this weekend. Sweet friends, if you get a moment please pray for our team and for the work we will be doing.

Pray for safe travels, safety, the ministry and for the men the team will be ministering to.

I am excited/nervous for the opportunity God has given us
and PRAY we will do His work.

December 22, 2011

Twas the Thursday before Christmas

and all through the land... yeah I got nothing!


Christmas is in 3 DAYS Y'ALL....3 DAAAAAAAAAAAAYS!

Are you ready? HECKS YEAH!
Gifts bought? TOTALLY!
wrapped? Like DUH!!!
desserts made? and eaten thanks!
Christmas outfits bought? back in October suckers!
Christmas cards sent out? Not this year!

Wanna know why?
It isn't because I am lazy...NO FOR REAL!
I want to give back and do something good this year for Christmas time and I was having a hard time figuring out what. And then all of a sudden...DING DING DING, it came to me. Below is what I posted on my Facebook and what I sent out to friends and family via email:

Dear Fabulous friends&family: In lieu of Christmas cards this year, I have chosen to donate that money and time to various charities around my area, all in the name of your friendship and love. Ya'll mean the world to me and I want to give back just a portion of the love God has blessed me with. Please consider this your supersparklypinkyfied Christmas card! xoxo, Pinky

I am only posting this so ALL of my bloggie friends know that THIS is also done with YOU in mind. Ya'll have become an important part of my life and I consider myself so BLESSED to be part of this awesome blogging community. So, please know each and everyone of you were in my heart when I wrote the statement above.

Merry Merry MERRIEST of Christmases to you ALL!!!

December 2, 2011

Confession Friday Linkup

Hey ya'll, I'm Linking up with Leslie at A Blonde Ambition for Confession Fridays! Come play along kay?

::::These are my confesssssssssssssssionsssssssssss::::

{1} I played hooky from work this week to clean my house and put up MY CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS! I never take random days off and my apartment was begging to be decorated for my FAVORITE HOLIDAY EVER!

{2} This was the first year I ever watched the
fashion show and while I adored the glitter runway and seeing Miranda Kerr out there, I was very underwhelmed (can you just be whelemed? I think you can in Europe?!). The lingerie was pretty and the wings were AWESOME, but overall it was a big eh!

{3}After reading blogs on Wednesday I believe I am the only girl who is NOT upping her gym routine after watching the show. Der iz NO VAY in hecks I'm ever gonna look like doz girls (#smallchestedsistah), one extra gym sesh will not help. My man C loves me the way I am...I'll tone up when I want, Mmmm'kay?

{4}I am a really bad guest blogger. I haven't finished my post and it's due this weekend....EEEKKK!

{5}Thursday morning my sister and I helped feed breakfast to the homeless during Hypothermia week at our church. I confess after seeing how much worse life could be I found myself shouting a few four letter words when I was stuck in traffic for an hour. How many of those people would have gladly sat in traffic for 2 hours if it meant having a job and a home?!?!?! Pinky chastised.... (Check out my post about Hypothermia *here* )

{6}A Blonde Ambition may be my favorite blog to read...there I confessed it!!!! :)

Can't wait to read all of the new confessions! Thanks for hosting the link-up sweet Leslie!

December 1, 2011

Project ...Hypothermia...

Hellllllllllllllo Thursday, it's been an {early one}, but that's okay. Today my lovies, is a different kind of post day. It's not happy go lucky, sassy, bright and shiny (ooooooh), or my silly voiceness...(although I am still using underline, strikethrough, bold and italics...take THAT jerkalerkBABYSPICE)

Today I am talking about Facets and the Hypothermia Prevention and Response Program.
(please excuse my horrible location disguies, it was done quickly at work)

Below is a quick breakdown of the program.

"For the sixth consecutive year, FACETS offered safe places to sleep and nutritious meals to men and women who are homeless through our Hypothermia Prevention and Response Program. Between November 21, 2010 and March 14, 2011, approximately 40 faith communities joined with FACETS to offer support to adults in our community who struggle with chronic homelessness. Each partner went above and beyond in its own unique way to show concern and kindness to the program guests, from preparing healthy meals to offering evening entertainment to transporting bedding and other supplies between the different locations.

While the purpose of the hypothermia prevention program is just that – to prevent weather-induced illness and death – for the second year in a row, the FACETS staff offered personalized case management to all guests who wanted to participate. Last season, nearly 40% of all guests chose to take advantage of this one-on-one service, resulting in 18 adults moving off the streets and into permanent housing."

In a nutshell, from November to March, each week a different church in our district feeds and houses homeless men and women to keep them from getting sick sleeping outside. Each church provides daily:
  •  a warm dinner, served with a smile
  • movies, books and games for evening entertainment
  • a warm place to sleep (they are provided individual mats every night)
  • a warm breakfast in the morning, served with a smile
  • and a packed lunch for the next day.
My church has participated in "Project Hypothermia" for the past 5 years, and I have tried to help at least once each week. I have cooked and served dinners. I have cooked and served breakfasts. The only thing I haven't done is stay overnight, but I would be horrible at it so I steer clear.

The past few years SportySpice has helped out too which makes it special.  We helped out this morning and while it made for a very very early start (4:30am) it was a truly rewarding experience. Usually seeing the same faces would be a good thing, but my heart breaks a little when I see the same people year after year. I am not going to judge their circumstances, but I want them to progress and get better. That is truly a wish of mine.

There are also those who give me hope though. The gentlemen dressed in a tie and suit getting ready to go to work after breakfast. "This is just a speed bomb, I'll be alright". I almost cried.

Most of them are SO THANKFUL! And they tell you. Constant "please" and "thank your". Rich people or middle class people aren't that nice, how sad. It truly is amazing how much a smile can brighten someones day, I've seen it.

I blush as I admit this, but God humbled me today. After serving I went to work from the church which is a change in my commute. Because of traffic and construction my normal 25 minute commute became and hour and boy was I mad. MAD! MAD! four letter word MAD! But then it hit me.....
.......I just saw 45 people WALK out in to the frigid cold with
And I left to go to my job, where I get paid GOOD money, in my car, I get to DRIVE HOME to my apartment that has heat and food and Christmas and more clothes than I could possibly need.
An hour of TRAFFIC...

Ok, God didn't really say that to me, I said that to me. But I was truly humbled and had to write this post. I know it's late, and probably will only be read by me, but it has to get out there.

We are SOOO unbelievably blessed. This CHRISTMAS season we truly need to remember those who have NOTHING!

I wish you all a blessed day. IF you are the praying kind please say a pray for the homeless tonight. They need our help and a kind word is something that costs nothing.

............You can read more about the Facets program *here*...............

August 29, 2011

Miscellany Plus

I'm linking up once again for Miscellany Mondays @lowercase letters!

O-n-e: The week of natural disasters is over thank goodness. I survived hurricane Irene this weekend with NO DRAMA! For Rizzle ya'll. I bought the water, food, drinks, batteries and EVERYTHING and NOTHING HAPPENED at my apartment. C and Sportyspice stayed the night at my place and we watched marathons of NCIS broken up by the weather channel. I have alittle survivor remorse because A TON of people don't have power still today and I didn't experience any problems. Check out this article for the damage control state by state.

T-W-O: If you were in DC yesterday and didn't lose power you wouldn't have KNOWN a hurricane happened...well more in NOVA than DC I guess. I went out with Sportyspice and her old roommate and we had Mexican and cupcakes and went shopping because the weathywas gorgey!

T-H-R-E-E: I drank mimosas, margaritas and sangria yesterday...which was Sunday!

F-O-U-R: My favorite new song is "Booty Work"...sad right?

F-I-V-E: Today marks the 6th year anniversary of hurricane Katrina and NO ONE seems to care. That makes me IRATE! I have done 5 mission trips to Gulfport, MS and 1 to New Orleans and there is SOOOO SOOO Much more work to do. People care more about the VMAS and Jersey Shore than their fellow Americans sad!


I've seen this 10 day Challenge floating around the blogsphere and thought why not today!

  1. I hate feet

  2. Only 2 real life people know about this blog

  3. I secretly hope more people read my blog than just my few followers

  4. I often think what about my life is blog worthy

  5. I've gained 5 pounds and seriously am thinking of going on a diet

  6. I wanna quit my job and run away somewhere

  7. The words moist and penetrate make me shiver

  8. Rom-coms make me believe my life will be okay

  9. I haven't seriously prayed in WAY TOO LONG

  10. I still hope to be a back up dancer for Britney Spears