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Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts

December 13, 2017

What I'm Listening To {December}

Today I'm sharing some of my favorite Christmas music. We all have the songs we love this time of year and below are some I listen to over and over whenever I'm needing some extra Christmas cheer. 

Nutcracker {Snowflakes, Waltz of the Flowers, Arabian Dance}

What are your favorite Christmas tunes?

March 29, 2016

Ten Things To...

Morning and happy Tuesday, y'all. I'm honestly still playing catch up on sleep as we spent a long time last night packing up more of our apartment. It was a Monday date night at the storage unit, woohoo! Today I have a meeting most of the day so my commenting might be a lil spotty, but I promise to make it to all your pretty blogs when I can. 

Today I thought I'd share different things on my radar, but with the Ten for Tuesday twist.

Here are Ten things to...

::Listen To::
Che'nelle's song if your needing a bit of a pump up vibe. Check this video out if you need to feel FIERCE!
This song if you need to focus on a single task, it's the perfect mix of calm and interesting.

:: Try ::
In the market for a new skin regimen, give Lindi Skin a try. Over the weekend my face sadly became a lil sun and wind burned from our early morning bike ride. It was quite angry with me so I was glad to have the Lindi face wash at home to try. The cleanser was SUPER gentle but still left my skin feeling fresh and clean and I loved the smell. The lavender serum not only smelled fabulous it also helped soothe my burnt skin. While this is nowhere NEAR as serious as  I now keep both the cleanser and serum in my gym back to use before or after my workouts. I know it will get the job done, but won't leave my skin feeling dry or itchy before I teach. I can see why someone with sensitive skin would LOVE these products, but I think they work well on any skin type. #trylindiskin #smellsamazing

Even though we're back on the healthy train I'm trying to find a delicious sweet treat to share this weekend at our bon voyage party. I know I should probably keep with an old standby but don't these look amazing? 

:: Watch ::
Yes, I'm a bit late to the party but oh my goodness this movie was just adorable. If you haven't seen it be warned, there are a few UP moments scattered throughout the movie. Oh and if you hate snakes as much as I do, be sure to close your eyes when a red thing falls off a tree. #family #humanasadog #dinosaursareawesome

:: Read ::
I've only perused Marie's website but really want to buy and read her book.  So far her 'spark joy' theory has helped me change my hording sentimental ways and I'd love to learn more about her organization techniques. #purgingbeforethemove

:: Do ::
Have courage, be kind and THROW the kindness around. Be good to others #confettiforall 

:: Buy ::
With the trip to Europe and move closing in, I've been seriously watching my spending habits. Got to be good now to justify a new Italian leather something right? However, I needed to stop by Target to pick up some new storage bins and used the time in the store as an excuse to scoop up a few more necessities. There were high hopes of scooping up some of the cute workout shirts I posted about a few weeks ago, but alas the two in the store were NOT flattering at all. My trip was not in vain though as I grabbed a new travel makeup set to replace my previous SK brushes I misplaced in February [seriously, no idea where they went]. While perusing the Merona aisle I saw my FAVORITE tank camisoles were on sale so I snatch up a few. Y'all, do yourself a favor and go get you some, they are so soft and hold up really well too.

:: Meditate ::
We all need a lil bit of Zen in our life sometimes. Ten wonderful things to keep in mind and don't forget the belly laugh.

:: Taste ::
Love me some tacos and shrimp tacos are a favorite in the springtime. How delicious does the cilantro lime slaw sound? Can't wait to try this with our homemade tortillas #yumyumgood #amouthfiesta!

:: Sip ::
Another lil summin summin I'm wanting to try for our going away party. You know I love me some champs and I thought mixing it with sangria would be a fun springtime treat. Not sure if I'll get as fancy as this pin or just try a simple lil mixology on my own. Have you tried this recipe before? Any tips or tricks?
What are some things on your radar right now?


Before you leave, I have to share one more fabulous piece of news. My sweet, sweet, friend Jess of The Newly is expecting and I am over the moon and excited for her and her sweet lil family. If you have a minute head over to her blog and give her some congratulation love.

***I was provided Lindi Skin products for review, but as always all opinions are my own**

February 24, 2016

What I'm Up To {February}

Another month, another linkup with Shay. I've missed the past few months but finally got back on track. I think it's such a fun way to look back on each month and see where life has taken us. #bloggingforthejournalwin

What We're Eating: Oh boy, it's been mostly bad and delicious food which is no good. February was not the best food wise which kind of makes me laugh because LAST February was my first foray into Whole30. I need to get back on the healthy train stat, my body is not happy with me right now. #backonthecleantrain #eatrightgetright
Valentine's day cupcake, 'golden snitch' from Harry Potter movieathon, Buckeye cake, get healthy Yogi tea, steak wraps w/a half sweet potato, PB M&Ms, CHAMPS, Menchies and banana with almond butter.

What I'm Reminiscing About: Nothing and everything. This will be a paragraph next month, ha!

What I'm Loving:
The small pops of spring weather. I can't wait for winter to be over and spring to arrive.

What I'm Dreading: A meeting with my boss today. It's annual review time and I'm not worried at all about how that will go. In my line of work it's pretty easy to tell how we are doing [awesome] and all I really wanna know is the bonus and raise number. I'm DREADING the part afterwards, where I get to share, it's gonna get sticky.  

What I'm Working On:  BODYPUMP choreography, bridal shower planning, and listsonlistsonlists.

What We've Been Up To: Getting our ducks in a row, purchasing tickets, planning, planning and more planning.

What I'm Excited About: April and May!

What I'm Watching/Reading:  We are watching all the normal shows and I'm in the middle of a bunch of awesome books. I honestly can't wait to review them for y'all next month, 99% of them were AMAZING. Teaser alert: go get 'Little Princes' and start reading books written by Laura Lippman.
What I'm Listening To: All the BODYPUMP music, all day errrrday. Being a  new instructor means learning past release so classes aren't boring and we JUST received the newest release which is only list for next week. I'm learning the chorey pretty quickly now so hopefully it won't take me as long to learn 97 as it did 96. #enjoyedteachingittofamilyonthecruise

What I'm Wearing: February has been a mishmash of outfits due to the weather. During the cold weeks I rocked leggings and sweaters and when it warmed up I pulled out the long skirts and boots. Of course no month would be complete without me rocking my FAVORITE plaid shirt. #wearitallthetime #almostspringwardrobetime #bringonthedressesandflips
What I'm Doing this Weekend: Celebrating Sportyspice's 30th birthday on Friday night! We are going out to dinner and then to a pub in the area which should be a fun time. Saturday Babyspice and I are having a day of testing recipes for Sportyspice's bridal shower and I'm super stoked for my cupcake idea. Fingers crossed they all turn out fabulously.
What I'm Looking Forward To About Next Month:
Getting things streamlined, purging things I don't need, meet ups with friends and reveling in the day to day. Lots of changes means soaking up all the good.

What Else Is New:
Big changes are coming in pinkland [no, no babies, yet] and I am super excited to share everything next month. No, I'm not click baiting, I just can't share anything quite yet. Once everything is more set, you'll know.

What is Your Favorite Easter Tradition: Visiting the living cross for family pictures and Easter brunch/dinner. We tend to mix it up between going out and cooking every year or so but I just love being around those I love as we celebrate Christ.

What were you up to in February?!

linking up *here* *here* *here* 

January 29, 2016

Flashback Friday Faves

Happy Friday, friends! Even though most of the week was worked from home, I'm still super excited to see the weekend so close. It won't be nearly as relaxing as our snowed in weekend, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be quite fabulous.

Today's faves are a lil different and you can thank a local radio station. They played one of the songs below for a stunt and I was like holy crap I totally forgot about that song. And thus began the downward spiral of looking up high school songs on Youtube. Sigh, the life I lead I tell you. Judge away or enjoy a dance party, your choice [insert dancing lady emoji here].


 Genie in a Bottle

I know this isn't a flashback and I'm sure it's everywhere in blogland today, but I can't NOT share this adorable video of Kristen and Dax. Their music video to "Africa" is the totally meaning of adrobs. #mustmakeonesomeday

I hope you have a fabulous day and a wonderful weekend. I'll see your pretty faces after my Monday class < 3 !
**linking up  Here  here herehere and, this week**

December 17, 2015

The Musical Joy of the Christmas Season

With Christmas a week from tomorrow I thought I'd share a FEW of my favorite songs today! Enjoy :)!

Where are you Christmas?

What are your favorite Christmas tunes?

November 9, 2015

Something TO

Morning, friends! I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was spent in sunny Orlando for the last kickball tournament 2015. As you read this, we are getting ready to make our way back home and then I'll jump online for work. I'll be sure to recap all the sun, kickball, BLATE [!!!] and fun for you later in the week. For now, enjoy my teaser picture and TO DO post.

::Something to Read:: 
In an attempt to better myself, I'm trying to read more Non-Fiction and learney [see, can't spell] books. I came across this article highlighting 10 Mind Expanding books everyone should read. Even though it was published much earlier in the year I thought it was worth sharing with y'all. There were only a few I had heard of, but the summaries of the others have me intrigued. Bookies [not the money kind] have you read any of the books suggested? Have any thoughts to share with the group? Anyone want to attempt a book club with one of them? #amitheonlyoneinterestedinthisidea

::Something to Listen To:: 
I do not like working in silence. I try to have music or a television show in the back ground at work. When I really need to concentrate I head straight to YouTube and pull up various spa/meditative playlist. Recently I came across this INCREDIBLE Disney piano compilation and have been in love ever since. If you're a Disney nut like me you need to check this out ASAP! 

::Something to Bake::  
Now that my self imposed Whole27 is complete I am super excited to start baking delicious goodies. Normally I don't eat many of my creations, but I do find it imperative to taste so no baking while eating Whole30. I LOVE Sally's Baking Addiction, she has incredible recipes and such a fun zest of life. I've used her recipes before and am REALLY excited to try the ones below. Don't worry, I'll share them with y'all, virtually of course! #gimmeallthesweets #ilovetobake
S'more Chocolate Chip cookies {source}
Cinnamon Bun Caramel Corn {source}
Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Mini Cheesecake {source}

::Something to Do::  
Volunteer with an organization before the holidays hit. I get it, life is busy and things can get crazy, but taking time to volunteer is such an incredible high. Many places are filled to capacity during the holiday surge and are desperate for extra help throughout the rest of the year. My sisters and I assist our church's Hypothermia project every year [since 2010] and I'm hoping to get to a soup kitchen or food pantry too. If you don't have the time send a small donation. Money is tight year round and any extra gifts will be extremely appreciated  by any organization.

::Something to Watch::  
I grew up in a Peanuts household and so did Le Husband so we've enjoyed continue our tradition of watching the holiday classics. Charlie Brown is one of my favorite cartoons and we actually now collect Tom Everhart paintings because he is the only artist with rights to recreate Charles Shultz characters. Do yourself a favor and make sure you sit down and watch this movie with loved ones, it is super cute and a great addition to the Thanksgiving tradition.

November 3, 2015

A Few of My {Current} Favorite Things

Kristen posted this delicious shake recipe in October and I cannot get it out of my head. I am counting down the days until I can recreate it at home. #yesiwilldrinkitoutofamasonjartoo

While I was cleaning out my makeup drawer I found this eye liner in green and have been rocking it for something new. I'm all about a good smoky eye, but changing it up every now and then is fun too.

This November poem. Such a beautiful description of a transitional month.

Whenever I travel I wear a scarf to keep warm on the plane or to use as a blanket. The last two flights have been cold enough to use my blanket scarf and I can't lie, I feel so fall and festively put together.

I am obsessed with this sauce. It's delicious, WHOLE30 friendly and tastes great on veggies and proteins.

My girl, Jessi, did a fabulous post on changing your NOREPLY status on blogs and I'm so grateful she did. I get so sad when I can't respond to someone's awesome comment, so if you're new to blogging please check out her tutorial, we all wanna be able to chat with you :)!

Looking for Christmas card options? Make sure you check out Paper Culture before you decide on a company. Not only are all cards are made with 100% post consumer paper and they even plant a tree with every order made. I found a 50% off deal last month an our cards are already on their way, I can't wait to show em off.

Can Ariana Grande do anything wrong musically? Her Focus song has been on REPEAT like whoa in my neck of the woods. The music video is on point and I LOVE the syncopated beat.

I have been LIVING in these leggings at the gym. I'm so glad I listened to everyone during the Nordstrom sale and snapped up four pairs. I have yet to wear them with real clothes, but I'm in there at least four times a week at the gym. So comfy, thick and CUTE.

Did you hear the incredible news? Apparently Urban Decay is bringing out the Naked Vault II for the 2015 holiday season. OH EM I LOVE MAKE UP GEEEEEEEEEEE!

Since I've been hitting the gym like a maniac [lifting with Le Husband and taking BODYPUMP classes] my muscles have been a bit sore. My bed buddy heating pack has made a few trips to work with me and not only has it helped my muscles it keeps me warm in my dungeon of an office.

The Macy's Day Parade is only 23 days away and I'm enjoying all the fun updates from the Rockettes Twitter account. One day I hope to see them in NYC, but for now watching them on TV during the parade will suffice.

Our Ninja 3-1 Cooking System. I love our crock-pot, but this baby is fabulous during the fall. We use it almost every day and I love the fact I can stir fry something in the pot and then turn it on to slow cook. This was a random registry item and probably one of the most used gift from our wedding. If you're in the market, I highly suggest putting one on your Christmas list and will gladly tell you everything you need to know about using it. FIVE STARS, y'all!


I am still on Whole30 and I haven't had a chance to bake any cookies for the Cookie Swap, so I"m borrowing a recipe from Pinterest to share today. Most chocolate cookies make my tummy happy, but Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies will get you into my heart as well as my tummy. No one seems to make them anymore so when I come across a yummy recipe I have to snap it up for future baking. Are you an Oatmeal Chocolate Chip person or plain Chocolate Chip person?!!?
linkinguphereand hereandhereandhere
*some affiliate links used

September 30, 2015

What's Up Wednesday {Link Up}

Hello, ladies! Happy hippity-hump day to all. Today I'm linking up with Shay for "What's Up Wednesday" where we recap our month using her prompts. I've started writing these instead of Currently posts, but I think next month I'll do both. Anyway, on to 'What Was Up' in September.

What We're Eating: September has been a hodgepodge of healthy and horrendous meals. Le Husband and I spent all of winter and spring getting FIT AS S*%% and then summer came and we just kind of ate everything we wanted #oops. Now, it's back to basics and that means cleaner eating this fall.  #yummy #megacheatday #lehusbandwasoutoftown

What I'm Reminiscing About: College and being a collegiate athlete. I can't believe I'm 10 years removed from college.

What I'm Loving: My passport is DONE and home, woohoo! It barely took a month and I'm super stoked to have my married name on my passport. I'm super stoked it was completed so quickly, too. You'll remember I was dreading it last month.

What I'm Dreading: The cold! Ugh, winter is way too close for my liking. And I'm dreading dealing with drama involving Le Husband's passport. He mailed his in BEFORE I did and hasn't received anything back yet. Plus, we haven't been able to check the status on his either. I really hope nothing horrible is in store for us regarding his passport.

What I'm Working On: Getting CPR certified and hopefully auditioning for a BODYPUMP job.

What We've Been Up To: Oh wow, this month has been nothing but travel, travel, travel. We were in Cincinnati for Labor Day weekend and then turned around and flew to Nashville the next weekend. Le Husband then traveled the weekend after, while I stayed home and scrubbed down the apartment and visited friends. Last weekend I was down at my alma mater and this weekend there was the possibility of another trip but I think ticket prices might squash it down. #livingontheroad

What I'm Excited About: BabySpice is HOME! We're doing a sisters dinner tonight and I can't wait to hear all about her fabulous travels and welcome her home. Ten days was way too long for her to be away!

What I'm Watching/Reading: I just finished Girl On the Train [what was the hype about] and Astronaut Wives Club [the show was more fun] which I'll review in October. Now that fall shows are back on I'm knee deep in Castle, NCIS [all three series], The Good Wife, Elementary Worst Chefs in America [Celebrity], Ladies of London and can't wait for Madam Secretary. I want to watch Scream Queens, has anyone seen it? So happy fall television is back, I've missed my shows!

What I'm Listening To: Honestly, nothing is really striking my fancy right now. I'm listening to the radio on the way to work, BODYPUMP music on the way home and every now and then a good song will come into play. For some reason, FALL OUT BOY'S Uma Thurman is repeating itself on my listen list [so catchy] but other than that I can't really tell you anything that's HOT ON THE RADIO WAVES. Someone wanna help a girl out?

What I'm Wearing: Even though it is now officially fall I'm still grasping at my summer wardrobe. Maxi dresses, capris pants and flips are my go to pieces until the weather stops hitting the 70s. When it's chilly I'm rocking my dark wash skinnies and various flowy tops. Can't bring myself to break out the sweaters yet.

What I'm Doing this Weekend: This weekend was slated for kickball practice and then turned into possibly flying down to Atlanta/Athens for a tournament and friend visit. Well, as of today it appears we are staying in town, but who truly knows with us, haha. #weliketowander #travelbeforebabytime

What I'm Looking Forward To About Next Month:  I can't wait for our yearly Vegas trip. This will mark our SIXTH time out to Vegas for Kickball [ 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014]and I'm excited about where we are staying and the timing of our trip. Fingers crossed we bring home the trophy and the money like we did in 2012!!!!

What Else Is New: We don't really have anything NEW right now, but there are some major changes we are looking at in the future. No, I'm not with child. I have a post in drafts regarding everything but right now it's going to stay there until I feel more settled.

What were your favorite memories from September?


September 4, 2015

September Days Are Here

Morning and happy Friday, bunnies. I hope y'all had a good week and are raring for the weekend. I don't know what it was about this week but I am slipping exhausted. It was soooo hard to get moving yesterday morning, I actually snoozed my alarm twice. But anyway, it's Friday so it's time for some favorites!

Favorite Musical Find of the Week: Okay, this wasn't found this week, but I found it in my drafts and smacked myself for not sharing earlier. Buzzfeed posted their version of the 102 Best Disney Songs and I spent waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time listening to my favorites and agreeing/disagreeing with their rankings. #disneyfolife
The Definitive Ranking Of The 102 Best Animated Disney Songs

Favorite Quote of the Week: Cheers to eyes and hearts wide open!
Favorite hair inspiration of the week: My locks are in desperate need of some TLC, desperate need. I've been rocking the blond ombre for awhile and even though I'm LOVING it I feel like I need something a lil darker and richer for fall and winter. Enter Jennifer Esposito from Blue Bloods and her faaaaaaaaaaahbulous brunnette hair with blonde highlights. I've made an appointment for later this month and will be bringing these two pictures to my new [gulp] stylist. 
Been rocking the hippy summer locks recently and I can definitely tell it's time for a trim. Thoughts on the change of color?

 Favorite 'Gimme Gimme' of the Week: I'm a huge fan of Candace's blog 'Lovely Little Rants' and even MORE of a fan of her artwork and store. I was recently perusing her shop and fell in LOVE with this multiple state wood pallet. How ADORABLE, right? We have NO space in our lil apartment for this beauty but you better believe the day we move is the day I make a special order. #sopretty #hisherstheirs #bloggerssupportingbloggers
Favorite Funnies of the Week: Have a laugh and a smile on me :)!



I hope you all enjoy your long weekend, friends! I'm excited to spend some quality time with family I love dearly and with the pool I love almost as much ;)! Have fun, eat well and be safe, loves! I'll catch you back here on Monday with a very special two year anniversary wedding post! < 3

 **linking up  Here  here hereherehere and, here this week**

April 2, 2015

Something To....

::Something to Read:: 
This is an old article, but it's one that I've kept saved for awhile. I found it on GlistenFit and have read and re-read it many times. Don't Wish for It. Work For It. perfectly explains how to get where you want to be, both with fitness and with life. Jess is in amazing shape and I envy her abs, but I know she's worked her tail off to get them, so I will work mine off too.

::Something to Listen To:: 
 90s Country has been my jam the past few days. The warmer weather puts me in the mood from some of my favorite tunes and I'm never disappointed with this station. Old school Faith, Kenny, Tim, Martina and Garth always bring a smile to my face :)! Go get your 90s girl jam on, friends!

::Something to Bake::  
I love smores and I love cookies, so why not put them together?! Sugar overload? YES! But, Lent is over on Sunday so I think I deserve to indulge, don't you? I love that it looks super easy to bake, too.

::Something to Do::  
This is the perfect craft for the traveling couple. I will definitely be making one because Le Husband and I have visited so many states since we started dating in 2010. I can't wait to fill it all in one day, new goal for sure.
::Something to Watch:: 
Do yourself a favor and start watching the CBS series, Madam Secretary. I was nervous about the show at first because I thought it was a Hilary Clinton ploy, but thankfully it's the opposite of HC. Tea Leoni's character, Elizabeth McCord, is smart as a whip, good at her job, despite the fact she knows nothing about it and is an empathetic wife and mother. The cast is really great, the dynamic between McCord and here husband is awesome and even though the plots are a bit 'out there' the way she tries to solve each situation is incredibly intriguing to watch play out. If you're looking for a new show, I highly recommend Madam Secretary. Let me know if you're already watching, I'd love to TV chat with you!

inspiration found *here*.

Linking up with *megan* *kristin* and *annie*

March 13, 2015

Friday Links & Loves

HAPPY FRIDAY, friends!  I hope y'all had a great week and have a great weekend planned. Today I wanted to share some of my favorite links and videos from the week. Hope you enjoy! :)

These kids restored my faith in the younger generation. Thank goodness not all children are obsessed with video games and bullying. CHEERS for the good guys.

Chelsea wrote a beautiful post about living in the now, which is something I think everyone struggles with from time to time.

Lost lady traditions that still apply today.

Carrie Underwood has done it again with Little Toy Guns. Congrats and Happy Birthday to the new MAMA!

With so much bad in the word it's nice to get a daily reminder of the good.

This song from Little Big Town is heart breaking and beautiful.

I'm loving the softness of the living room pinned here. Feminine but not overly girlie, I think it's just lovely.

Both of the following quotes really spoke to me when I read them so I just had to share them. 

Hope you have a fabulous day and weekend! < 3

ps dot com: something weird happened with my comments and email yesterday. A few of your comments never made it to my inbox so I had nothing to reply to after you commented. Thank you so much for your kind words about my hair, y'all are so sweet!!!! 

September 26, 2014

Everytime I hear that Song...


Music is vital to my life. It's always playing, softly in the background or blasting as I get pumped for an occasion, I just can't get enough music. There are plenty of songs that make me smile and wanna shake a tail feather, but there are also songs that literally stop me in my tracks and transport me to place in the past. I randomly hear two songs last week and thought I'd share the five songs that make me 'GO BACK'.

Na-NaNa-Na - Nelly

Can we leave hurr? Can we leave hurr? This song was my crew's [yes we had a name] jam in college, especially our senior year. There was a group of six of us that were pretty much inseparable and this song, plus the dance moves somehow turned into our anthem. It made an appearance on every party CD mix [remember those?] and I quoted it constantly on my AIM profile [sokewl]. ps.comnellyishot

Who you'd be today - Kenny Chesney

Freshman year I was blessed with the greatest RA, ever. She was hip, she was funny, she was kind, generous and truly cared about our hall. We were one of the closest halls in our dorm and she fostered an increidbly warm sense of community. We attended Bible study together my sophomore year and she dated one of the guys in the same fraternity as my boyfriend so we hung out a bit, even though I was much younger. She also helped me get into the school's honor society, Mortar Board and I was so thankful for her help. Sadly, a few weeks into my junior year she was killed in a car accident, due to the fact she wasn't wearing her seat belt in the back seat. I remember crying, heartbroken, over a beautiful life cut short. The first time I heard this song, the line "I wonder what would you name your babies" instantly brought thoughts back to the day she passed away. I can't ever get through it, without breaking down or without remember that beautiful RA that helped make my years in college so amazing.

 Back to You - John Mayer 
This song came on in the CVS last week and man, did I do a double take. I was immediately transported back to my freshman year in college and my freshman dorm. I dated a guy I met on my hall [for 3.5 years] and he was big music guy. John Mayer played at a college near us and we went to the concert [for $5 and he was on a college stage] and he bought the album. John Mayer, Dave Matthews and old school country were his favorite bands and they were constantly on when we were hanging out in his room. I didn't pay attention to this song, until the bf broke up with me for his fraternity [classy] at the end of freshman year. The summer sucked, until he moved up my way, to try and win me back. He eventually did and he told me that this song, along with Tim McGraw's Everywhere  haunted him while we were apart. Obviously, we didn't make it [whole other story] and the break up sucked at the time, but I'm so glad God had bigger and better plans for me. I used to look back with bitterness, but I actually smiled when I heard this song. It reminded me of my first love, my freshman year and of being fought for and won.

Everybody - Backstreet Boys
High school, high school, high school. This song takes me back to high school and my teeny bopper days with a room full of BSB, NSYNC, 98 Degrees, JTT, Devon Sawa, Max Elliot Slade and all my other boy crushes. Whenever this song comes on, I'm 16 again, with short hair, horribly done make up [man the girls now a days have it made with you tube videos] complete with pukka necklace and low rise jeans. Oh, and of course the Lip Smackers ;)!

Lights, Camera, Action - Mr. Cheeks 

Oh man, this song brings me back to the 'Boom Boom' room at the soccer house in college. The men and women's team had a special relationship my freshman and sophomore year, as we shared a coach. This meant we traveled together and always played double headers, so we got to know each other pretty well. They always had parties on the weekend, and I spent many a night shaking my groove thang to this song with my team and other friends. This song makes me so nostalgic for the innocence of freshman year, of a new school and of dancing late into the night with my new teammates.

Alright, ladies, what are the songs that stop you in your tracks?


Before we go, I have to share the exciting news I teased two weeks ago. As I stated yesterday, my beautiful BOFF is engaged and getting married this year! WOOHOO, so stinking exciting right? I haven't been this excited for anyone's wedding, since my best friend L's back in 2010 and it's been so hard not to shout it from the blog roof tops. I am so happy my BOFF has found her prince and is on the road to a wonderful new life as a Mrs.  But wait, it gets even more exciting. She bestowed me the incredible honor of being her matron of honor and yes, I cried when she asked. It's so crazy how close we've become in the past few years and how it all started because of blogging. Some call it faith, but I call it God doing His thing and I'm so grateful she's one of my best friends. Congrats, BOFF! I can't wait for your fabulous day!

**linking up here and here this week**