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Showing posts with label America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts

August 30, 2017

How the Heart Hurts for Houston


Yesterday I realized it was the 12 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina landing in Louisiana and Mississippi. Twelve years ago I watched at my temp job as winds, water and levees breaking destroyed homes, towns, cities, roads, business, churches and lives. I felt in my bones I was called to help and joined my first mission trip that October. Five trips to MS and NOLA showed me the devastation of mucking out and cleaning out homes. Showed me the heart of people. Showed me the rebirth. The regrowth of a town. Of a city. How people were willing to run in and help. 

And here we are again. Glued to the news, watching Houston flood. Watching people flee for safety. Watching and crying as again people are driven from their homes. Some for the second time as many NOLA people migrated to Houston after Katrina. Heartbreaking. Beyond, just beyond. 

We are also seeing the good in humanity. The people running in to help. Borrowing boats to rescue people trapped. Churches opening their places to shelter. Furniture stores letting people rest and sleep in them because their homes were destroyed. JJ Watt constantly raising the bar for donations because people continue to answer the call. Please, if you haven't, answer the call. Be it money. Time. Things. Resources. Boats. Prayers. Answer the call, whatever it maybe. 

Do your research and make sure you are funding people, not pockets. UMCOR is an incredible organization who makes sure 100% of donates are used for help. Their motto is "First in, last out" just like the Marines. They are still doing work after Katrina, still in those areas and will be Houston until everyone is back on their feet. 

You don't need that new shirt. You don't need that cup of coffee. Put it towards helping your fellow humans. WE MUST ANSWER this call and help those in need. Let's be the country of people we know we can be together. 

October 15, 2015

A Happy/Sad TBT

Since we were in Vegas this past weekend, I was not able to celebrate a happy day with my family. October 11th  was always a day of celebration, love and family in my home. Back in 1980, Mama B and Daddy got all dressed up and promised to love and cherish one another forever and the 11th marked 35 years of wedded bliss. 

35 years later they are still IN LOVE, happy and an amazing example of marriage. They have been the biggest supports of my marriage and I only hope Le Husband and I are as fortunate as they are in life. Cheers to many more years together, Mama B and Daddy! I wish you a gobzillion wishes of happiness and joy!
Pretty sure I borrowed this from Babyspice, THANKS!

Nine years ago October 11th became a day of sadness and a day of grieving. Nine years ago a college friend and an amazing man gave the ultimate sacrifice when he was killed in action in Iraq. I found out from a friend via AIM when I was at work and I'll never forget that moment. I lost it at my desk and just asked 'WHY SHANE'? My boss was incredibly understanding and let me leave work early and on the drive home from work my dad kept me company. I was a mess the rest of the day, trying to find out details about the funeral and just grieving alone in my room.
Shane epitomized life. He lived with zest, humor, love and truly didn't know a stranger. While we weren't incredibly close during college he was the go to guy in classes and always had a laugh or a smile when you needed it most. All funerals are sad, but his is one of the most mournful moments of my life. The world is a little less bright because his candle is no longer burning.

I do my best to visit his grave every year, either during Memorial weekend or during October. I usually leave a flower with a note by his stone and just sit there and cry while I remember a life that is no more. Last Christmas I was blessed enough to meet his family while we were laying wreaths at Arlington Cemetery. It was poignant talking with them and I couldn't help but cry when his father teared up remembering his son.

I wore a KIA bracelet with his name and date on my wrist for many years and after it started to break I put it away until I could save it for my wedding. Shane's bracelet was part of my bouquet and is forever preserved with my flowers.

Thank you Shane, for your service to our great nation. You will never be forgotten < 3!
Linking up with *kristin*& *annie*

September 11, 2015

Nine Eleven

Today marks the 14th anniversary of September 11th 2001. Today, 14 years ago a heinous man orchestrated a heinous terrorist attack, killing thousands of innocent Americans and people from all over the world. That man is DEAD, and I honestly have no sympathy for him or his family.

September 11th always evokes many emotions for me. Sadness, utter disbelief, empathy, sympathy, hate, anger, distress, fear and TEARS upon TEARS. I cry for those lives lost. I cry for those left behind. I cry for the firefighters who died trying to save others. I cry for the firefighters who live today, without their brothers. I cry for the police. I cry for the military. I cry for the leaders and the decisions they had to make 11 years ago. I cry for America.

Last year I was pretty angry with Americans . But today I just want to remember those that are still hurting and those still grieving. Today our country marks a day that changed us forever and today I will just remember in peace the lives lost and the heroes who came out of the shadows.

A few years ago, I wrote how September 11th should be a movement and not a day. I hope today, y'all take a moment and remember. Remember those lost, remember America's fighting spirit and remember you ARE ALIVE so do something amazing today in honor of those that can't. Our nation is great and we must continue to learn from our history, to create a powerful and strong future for generations to come. 

LAND OF THE FREE...                                               
                                      BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!





August 28, 2015

Next Week is September… Are You Kidding?

NO, no I am not! I am shocked August is almost over and September is right around the weekend. I mean, really? Well, since I can't stop the fall from showing up, I guess let's get into some favorite. Apologies to those that had to read my post earlier this morning, blogger did not save the changes to my scheduled post and it showed up all wacky!

Favorite news of the week: I know I've bashed you over the head with the whole "I'm a BODYPUMP Instructor", but I"m just SOOOOO proud of myself. Monday brought the best news and now I'm ready to tell y'all when I get a job. Thank you for all of the support and love, y'all truly are the best!

Favorite blog post of the week: April shared this post on Tuesday and it really struck a cord with me. I immediately wrote a letter and dropped in the mail for Mr. Strong. If you have a moment I encourage you to do the same :)! #landofthefreebecauseofthebrave #america #aletterdoesntakemuchtime

Favorite video of the week: A lil Celine, 50s style!

Favorite links of the week: Enjoy!

+ Breaking up with a boyfriend is tough enough, but could imagine if someone broke up with you on a plane?

+ How well do you know your classic children books?

+ What Barbie would look like if she were a real person with realistic measurements.

+ I can't wait to try this delicious banana cake with cream cheese frosting. Anyone ever tried this recipe?

+ I'm not a parent, but these tweets are from real parents and made me laugh. Thoughts?

+20 things to do when you're 30 that will make life better at 50.

Favorite funnies of the week: Have a giggle on me, friends!

Hope y'all have a fabulous weekend! I'm looking forward to mine. See y'all next week < 3!

 **linking up  Here  here hereherehere and, here this week**

July 3, 2015


Happy Independence weekend, friends!

Wishing you a fabulous 4th of July!

Have fun, enjoy the fireworks and BE SAFE < 3!


May 25, 2015

Twenty Three Notes

The TRUE meaning of Memorial Day Weekend.

"Day is done, gone the sun

From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky
All is well, safely rest
God is nigh."

**brief history ::here::**

May 22, 2015

To Whom It May Concern {Faves}

Hello and happy Friday, bunnies. I know y'all are excited for a three day weekend, right? I am for sure.  I feel like I've been moving at a Mach bazillion pace and could really use an extra no work day. Hopefully your week hasn't been too crazy and y'all have something exciting and memorable planned for this weekend. Let's jump right into some faves and letters, kay?

Dear favorite picture of the week:
You are exquisite. You are American. You are our country.
Dear favorite recipe of the week,
Okay, you're not really a recipe per say, you're more of a thrown together food with seasoning. But, man are you delicious. I don't know WHAT it is, but I can't get enough of sweet potatoes this week. I am jonesing for em baked, as a hash brown or just cut into bite sized and baked with EVOO, salt and garlic powder. So easy, Whole30 okayed and sooooo delicious!
Dear favorite video of the week,
You are so incredibly movie, I really don't think words do you justice. A lil boy wanted to pay tribute to those who died on Omaha beach and I can't think of a better tribute for Memorial Weekend. I was pretty teary through the whole video, but, oh my word, the moment at the 5:00 mark had me sobbing. Project Vigil is a testament to the heart of Americans and I am so thankful such children exist. #taps #tearsstreaming #thankyou

Dear fallen college friend,
Oh Shane, Memorial Day is so hard. So very hard. I miss you every day, but I really miss you this weekend. You were such an amazing man, such a kind and generous soul and the world is a lot dimmer without your gregarious personality and smile. I know your family misses you so much and I know your grave will receive a lot of love this weekend. I promise to see you in the next few weeks, it's been awhile since I came to visit. Thank you, Shane! Thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for your courage and thank you for serving our country. You will never be forgotten! < 3
KIA October 2006
Dear favorite Americans,
Happy three day weekend, y'all. I hope that the weather cooperates with you this weekend and gives you a good time. Be safe with the activities, wear sunscreen, don't drink too much alcohol and drink lots of water. And please, take a moment to remember what this weekend was created to celebrate. This weekend isn't about the beach, the pool, the right outfit, the perfect cookout food or drinks, but rather it's about those who have served our country and are no longer with us. We take time to remember those that put the call of their country ahead of the call of themselves and we say thankful for helping make this country so great. I wish y'all the best weekend! < 3

**linking up here, here hereherehere and here this week**

April 30, 2015

These United States

Morning, ladies and happy Friday Eve. Today I'm taking a page out of Kristen's blog and posting my United States list. I loved reading her list back in March and I've slowly been building this post to share with y'all. 

I've visited 27/50 states [even thought it's not marked, I've visited Massachusetts, doh!]

Alabama: Our family has visited this state many times because my father's parents live here. Including our surprise party for my grandfather despite the tornado that hit a week before the trip back in 2008. It was a whirlwind of a crazy trip, but that's what family is for, right?

Alaska: I went on an Alaskan cruise last summer [still recapping, I know I suck] and it was one of the most amazing vacations of my life. I highly suggest you put it at the top of your list and start checking out cruises. Alaska is one of the most gorgeous states in the US and I honestly would love to live there one day.


Arizona: Daddy was stationed at Ft. Huachuca when I was a baby. Don't remember this state at all.


California: Babyspice was born here when Daddy was getting his second master's at NPGS. We lived in Monterrey for two years and then moved back to the NOVA area. I loved what I remember of Monterrey and enjoy watching our home videos of those years.

Colorado: We took a Christmas ski trip when I was in college. It was amazing and ruined me and East coast skiing forever. I also went to a kickball tournament in Denver last year and had a blast. I love the weather and food in Colorado, I just wish it wasn't so expensive to live there.



Florida: Soccer tournaments, Disney World, family trips and kickball tournaments has made this one of my most visited states. I love the warmth, sunshine and the beach. Hopefully I'll be able to meet my beautiful blog friends in FL one day.

Georgia: We had a high school trip to Atlanta for a music festival and that was my first trip to GA. I've also had a few for kickball tournaments and hope one day to visit my dear sweet GA blog friends #fingerscrossed.

Hawaii: Unfortunately I was a baby and then a four year old when we visited Hawaii so I don't remember it at all. I've been trying to get Le Husband to get on board with a trip there, but so far no dice. I think the only way it will happen is if we attempt the Iron Man or Hawaiian Spartan.






Kentucky: GO CATS! My father's brother lives in Kentucky so we've visited multiple times and enjoyed football and basketball games.We have also spend various Thanksgivings and long weekends there too.

Louisiana: My first trip to the New Orleans was in 2006 for Hurricane Katrina relief work. I was blessed enough to go back two more times [once with Babyspice] and then hit up NOLA for fun with three different kickball tournaments. I know there is more to Louisiana than New Orleans, but NOLA is one of my most favoritest cities in the the US. Make sure you plan a trip someday, friends. You will love it.


Maryland: I can't count how many times I've visited Maryland. I live only five minutes [no traffic] from the VA/MD border so let's just say a gobzillion ;)!

Massachusetts: We had a school trip for orchestra to Boston my Senior year of High school and it was amazing. I loved everything about the city even though we were only there for a short while. September 2012 Le Husband and I went to Boston for a kickball tournament and it was one of my most favorite trips together. Sad bunny that I didn't know all you amazing Boston bloggers back then because a meet up would have been fabulous.



Mississippi: My first mission trip was in Gulfport, MS and it was a life changing experience. Hurricane Katrina hit ground on August 29th and I was in Mississippi in October helping to rebuild. Our first trip was spent gutting homes and it was tough physically and emotionally. Seeing the loss first hand was hard, but it was incredible seeing the progress year after year. I did four trips to MS and three to NOLA to help with relief and they were all amazing in their own special way.




Nevada: VIVA, LAS VEGAS! I've hit up Vegas five times and will probably visit again this year for another kickball tournament. I don't do Vegas the way most people do, but I still love the food, excitement, night life and views.

New Hampshire

New Jersey: Had to visit for a work trip twice. I'm good now, haha.

New Mexico

New York: My first trip to NY was with my high school orchestra and it was a bit of a whirlwind. I dated a guy who was from NY and so we went up there a few times to visit his family. My most recent NY trip was with work when my team won an award in 2011. They put us up in a fabulous hotel right after the holidays and it was amazing seeing all the Christmas decor.

North Carolina: Soccer tournaments brought us to NC multiple times growing up and we've driven through it countless times to visit other southern states. I also had multiple college soccer games a year in NC so it was a very visited stated from 2001 - 2005.

North Dakota

Ohio: This state meant NOTHING to me until I met Le Husband. Seriously, it was a fly over state and nothing more. I think when Le Husband told me where he was from my response was "Ohio, really?!?" My first trip to Ohio was about a year into dating and we've been back multiple times a year since. It's always fun visiting his hometown because 90% of his family still lives there. Who knew Ohio was so kewl ;)!



Pennsylvania: We visited Hershey park a few times growing up and had quite a few soccer tournaments up that way as well. Kickball tournaments brought us back to PA the past three years and it was always a fun time [minus losses of course]. Drinks are SO much cheaper in PA ;)!

 Rhode Island

South Carolina: My great aunt lived in South Carolina and we used visit her on our way to Hilton Head Island. We were in SC during the winter so the beach time wasn't always the warmest but it was fun to get out of the cold north every year. I miss those visits and hope to get to Charleston one day soon.

South Dakota

Tennessee: Mama B's family lives in Tennessee and we visit yearly to vacation on the lake. We ski, boat, fish and just soak up the sun. I started water skiing at four [on two skis] and by third grade had graduated to slalom [one ski]. Every year I try to get a lil faster in the slalom course and try to get the perfect end of summer tan. I've also visited Nashville twice and would love to live there if possible.

Texas: Most of my visits to Texas involve family or kickball, but now they also involve my beautiful BOFF. I admit I do claim this state since I was born there and think it would be awesome to actually live there #thegreatstateoftexas.

Utah: I was lucky enough to visit the Heavenly ski resort for a week with my aunt and uncle in 2006. It was an amazing week of skiing and I loved gorgeous Lake Tahoe. Oh and did I mention it was free? HOLLA!


V i r g i n i a: I live here!


West Virginia: We've driven through this state more than I'd like to admit and I played a bazillion soccer games in WV, too. I would like to try one of the resorts in WV, I've heard they are gorgeous.

Wisconsin: My family visited Wisconsin many times when I was  younger to see my great-grandmother and great aunt. I always enjoyed those trips, Wisconsin is a state I wish I could visit more often.


I'm pretty happy with my list. I really want to plan a Northwest trip in the near future to hit a few more states, but we will just have to see.  My international list isn't very big, but I have hit four of the seven continents; South Korea {Asia}, Spain {Europe}, Brazil, Chile {South America}, USA, Canada {North America}

What's your state count? Did you beat me?!?

Linking up with *megan* *kristin* and *annie*