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Showing posts with label OHMIWORD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OHMIWORD. Show all posts

June 25, 2014

Confessions of an Over Packer

Summer's here and that means trips, trips, trips.

Which means, packing, packing, packing.

And that's time for CONFESSIONS of an OVER-PACKER.

I've said it a bazillion times before, but I'll say it again...

I over-pack like crazy, because I never want to be left 
wanting something while I'm on a trip. 

Don't believe me?!

Check it...

Exhibit A: VEGAS 2011- 3 days, 4 nights

SHOES: 10 pairs for 4 Days!!!
It was only my second trip to Vegas and I really wanted to do it up after my first trip. I was there for kickball tournament so the cleats, flips and gymmers don't really count right?!?! But yeah, I ended up packing two pairs of shoes in Le Husband's [Le Beau at the time] suitcase. I think I brought three dresses, two skirts, two swimmy suits and a pair of booty shorts.

I posted a picture on Facebook and everyone gave me the Heather Dubrow!

Exhibit B: Cancun 2012 - Five days
In 2012, Le Husband [Le Beau at the time] kicked some major arse at his job and qualified for an all expenses paid trip to Cancun with other people in his company. And, he was allowed to bring his S/O for free too....HOLLLA! I was super stoked for a free trip with my man, but we had only been dating for six months and everyone else going were older married couples, with kids. So I was a bit nervous about looking like 1] Flavor of the month and 2] A college kid. We only had one excursion so all I really needed to pack was three swim suits, a cover up and an outfit for dinner each night. don't even wanna know how many outfits I packed.

Exhibit C: Vegas 2012 - 3 days, 4 nights
While I was a bit more organized for this trip, I still was a bit of a mess. As you can see there was A LOT of pink packed and I totally brought four extra outfits. I think most of that had to do with the fact that Vegas is the one place I thought I could still wear my sloooty girl clothes. But, when I was there, I found I just wanted to wear a cute dress or skirt. I will say that this trip I was much better with shoes. I only packed six pairs.


So there you have it friends, my over packing confessions. I know a list helps, but I'm always the girl that thinks "hmmmm, but I might need this...just maybe...I think". At least I'll ALWAYS BE PREPARED!

Are you an over-packer or an awesome packer? Any tips you want to share?

linking up with KATHY!

August 20, 2013

Good Bye to You

As I get ready to become a Mrs.
I've found myself looking back on life.

And the fun and silliness that happened
while I was sporting the SINGLEGIRLSWAG.
BEST Friends for LIFE!
Siiiiiiiiiiiigh, the confidence I had in my body back then
compared to now is ridiculous.

I also could eat whatever I wanted and not gain an ounce.
OH those were the days.

But anyway, this post is not about my body image isssues,
it's about  getting rid of the HO CLOTHES.

Receiving a wedding band means
it's time to getting rid of some super killa 'singlegirl' outfits.

This weekend was spent going through my seksi-slizzy clothes
and wonderingwhatiwasthinking things got a bit nostalgic.

Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% ready to settle down
and leave the crazy bar single scene behind.
[Lawd dating now...don't get me started]

And honestly, I had a good run with them H-clothes.

Maybe I shouldn't have flaunted my body the way I did,
but being part of the superittybitty club meant I had to show off,
my other...ummmm assets?!?!? [eeeeeehhh ooooh]

So it's time. Time to hang em up and ship em out.

::::Cue Michelle Branch's 'Goodbye To YOU':::

Ladies, this MRStoBE is saying GOODBYE TO:

Super Short skirts & Shorts....
Normal bar attire

My 26th birthday outfit.

2006 stage dancing at the beach
2010 DC Bar Night
I'm also saying Ta-Ta to teeny-tiny tops and back less shirts [see what I did there]
Kenny Chesney concert in 2007
New Years Eve 2006
The following two outfits are the two that make me the saddest to retire. I rocked that ah-mazing tube-top every chance I could. I bought it in college and finally out grew it two years ago. Saddddd day in pink land. I can still just fit into the red pants so they get to stay awhile longer.
Tummy bearing tops
I'm going to miss this outfit too.  I rocked this one with sky high heels and loved the confidence it gave me. This outfit made me bold, sassy, confident and happy. RIP fun outfit.
Most favorite outfit EVER, circa 2008

There you have it girls. A bit of a blast from my past. Now it's on to the future and dressing the part of a wife. HAHA okay, I'm kidding. But, it's time to not...advertise the merchandise as much ;).

Married ladies, what was your favorite pre husband outfit you had to retire when you got married? Single ladies, what outfit do you think you will never retire? [trust me, YOU WILL]

April 25, 2013

Thoughts On A Thursday

1] Reese Witherspoon's Arrest: OH MY GAH y'all, just oh my GAH! Sweet sweet America's sweetheart REESE...ARRESTED!?!?!? I am still shaking my head, so unbelievable right? But, if you're going to mess up, take a page from Reese's book when doing damage control. This chick has ONE banging publicist for sure. She immediately apologized, while assuming 100% responsibility for her actions and then she pulled two public interviews to let the rucus die down [dear lilo pay attention]. This is classic Crisis Management 101 and I'm glad she's smart enough to know the RIGHT way to handle the situation. Well done Reese, well done.

2] Mean girls on RHOC. This ish has gotten O!O!C! Seriously, I feel like each episodes is 'HOW TO BE A MEAN GIRL 101'. Am I an Alexis white knight, no way, but I kind of feel badly for her now. Tamra was funny her first season, but she's now THAT girl confusing 'speaking the truth' and 'being rude'. Oh lawd, don't get me started on Gretchen. She was my favorite, but now, ugh she's so rude and mean. Her behavior reminds me of the girl who WAS bullied, but then finally was accepted by the queen so she NOW will do anything to stay in the circle {gretchen weiners anyone?!?!?}. I might be done with this show, because it's horrible watching grown women act like middle schoolers.

3] BAD BURN LINES EEK! So I have some majorly BAD back burn-lines from running the Tough Mudder. We [the three sissys] elected to just run in sports bras in order to keep from being weighted down by weight clothes and it worked like a charm. However, we ALL forgot to put on sunscreen so yeah, no bueno. I'm suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper nervous these tan lines will still be around come September. I KNOW tan lines don't usually last that long, however, this was on baby skin that hadn't seen the sun in forever, and I've had those lines last awhile. These would NOT be seksi with my gown.
4] Mind over Matter is 100% the TRUTH! If you think you're tired, you can push longer. If Tough Mudder taught me anything it's that if YOU THINK YOU CAN, YOU CAN! I hadn't competed in a race of any kind longer than 10 miles and on Sunday, I rocked out a course of 12 miles plus 20+ obstacles. Not too shabby right?! Did I walk some, sure did. But, I didn't ever QUIT or even think about stopping. I now know I could rock out seven miles of pavement if I wanted to, it's just getting my head right before hand.

5] Helpless to help really stinks. I've recently been feeling helpless and powerless. I have a few friends and some family members that are struggling with grey clouds and hardships right now and I can't do anything about it. Well, yes, I know I can pray, and trust me I DO. But, I can't PHYSICALLY do anything to ease their minds or pain. I don't have the answers or solutions and I WISH WISH WISH I did. Watching someone you care about struggle is so incredibly hard, even with faith.

6] Homemade creamer is 23048203483 times better than store bought. Ya know, just in case you wanted to know. I've been using homemade coffee cream for the past two months [using THIS pin] and now I can't STAND store bought creamer. Coffee ladies, do yourself a favor and get off the store bought creamer. Homemade creamer is SUPER easy to make and you'll know EXACTLY what you are putting in your body. DO IT NOW!

7] I can't wait to be married :)! Like, S.E.R.I.O.U.S.L.Y can't wait! I can't wait to walk down that aisle, say my vows, kiss my groom and become Mrs. C with all my friends and family around. I've found my prince charming and can't wait to be his forever.

TOMORROW I'm linking up with Leslie for "WHY I BLOG"
instead of Confession Fridays. 

Come join me won't you?!

November 26, 2012

Yup, He's All Mine!!!

Louis that is.

Yes, you read and saw correctly.....

That is a Louis Vuitton and yes he is mine!

Saturday after Thanksgiving the two sissys drove to Tyson's II
with me and I FINALLY purchased
the Louis Vuitton Speedy 30!

I was uber nervous when I walked into the store,
because I'm not the NORMAL LV clientele.
I can't just pick out a bag without looking at the price
or purchase multiple on a whim.

But, my fears were laid to rest quickly by an extremely
friendly and warm LV rep.

The rep was very knowledgeable
and shared a ton of LV facts
while I was thinking and deciding
on my Louis.

I thought I knew what I wanted when I walked in,
but all of a sudden,
when it was time to pull the trigger,
I balked.

Not totally, but there was a moment of
do I really need this bag?!?!

Thankfully, my sissys were able to remind me
HOW BADLY I've wanted this bag,
and that I've saved a long time
for this moment.

BOOM, decision made.

Having the two of them there was so special,
there's NOTHING like having
sisters as your best friends.

After a year plus of lusting, saving and some kickball championship winnings,
I'm so excited to call this Louis Vuitton Speedy my own!
I'm a big kid now :)

I hope you and your's had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

My family recap will be up tomorrow!

Happy Cyber Monday!

November 20, 2012

Mach Zero to Mach Five Zillion

The past 48 hours have been insane.

I've gone from not doing anything
to doing everything.

Basically I've gone from


Want to light your hair on fire without matches?

Leave work for 6 days straight right before a holiday.

Trust me, it works! ;)


try having your dad's side of the family

come into town for a SURPISE
birthday for his mom

Thanksgiving week!


And, ohemgosh I gotta get everything ready?!

In two days!?!?

Normally I'd spend a week getting my apartment
ready for my aunt and uncle
to use instead of a hotel.

But, now, I only have 1 more day!


Sooooo not enough time for a hospitality perfectionist!

However, I'm not complaining.

I love my family and am super excited to see everyone.

Normally our family Thanksgiving is just
immediate family with a bf or two.

So, having everyone around is super fantastic!

C is even going to be in town this year
[so stinkin' excited]
which  makes it extra special.

Since I was away in paradise last week
the fact Thanksgiving is THURSDAY
has me baffled.

Wasn't it just summa summa summa time?!?

I digress.

Sorry, this post is all over the place.

You know what else is all over the place?

This morning has been nutzo.

I spilled my blueberries
Left my coffee [went to grab it]
Was late to the gym for morning workout with C
Packed the most random lunch
[tuna and 5 types of fruit]
Almost forgot my purse
and the kicker
FORGOT to pack a regular BRA in my gym bag.

Thank HEAVEN for 3 layers and itty bittys today.


Yep, I'm a mess.

But I'm a happy mess!

I hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving week.

I'll probably pop in on Thursday to be thankful,
but otherwise I'll catch y'all next week!


October 22, 2012

Murphy's Law Monday

Oh my word y'all, today has been a day!

Just one of those Murphy's Law Mondays where everything seems to be a little nuts!

I'm so tired it's ridiculous, and don't you just love when people TELL YOU you look tired?!?! Guess my makeup job can't hide the bags under my eyes.

Basically I over slept my alarm this morning, spilled two cups of coffee, which caused me to leave my work computer at home. No US1 comp = no Internet = No blogging! #wah!

What's killing me is the fact I spent time writing my WEEKEND RECAP for Sami's linkup (which I've loved since I found it) and just needed to add pictures when I came in today. Cue sad trombone for not being able to edit and post :(!

So, I'm posting from my phone, to tell you THE RECAP WILL BE UP LATER TONIGHT OR TOMORROW! I know, I just saved your life huh? ;)

I hope your Monday has been nicer than mine and here's a sneak peek from my tiring weekend:

October 18, 2012

Kickball Vegas Weekend: Game Day

Saturday was the day.

The day all the hard work and money paid off,
was just a big waste of time.

We were up bright an early to get breakfast from Earl of Sandwich
and to catch the free shuttle to the fields.

C and I were the first of our team to reach the fields,
and it was nice to quietly sit together,
look at all the fields and just send
good vibes into the atmosphere.

Then it was warm up time,
to get ready for pool play.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with kickball tournaments
let me break it down for you:

The morning consists of 4 Pool play games.

The top two teams from each pool
plus a wild card or two
move on to the elimination rounds
after lunch.

Because WAKA is such a huge phenomenon,
there were 60 teams at Founders Cup.

Yeah, 60 teams!

But, to be fair, WAKA isn't really known for the
COMPETITIVE side of kickball.

Most teams are more of a social outlet,
which is 110% cool by me.
I love the drinking and bar part of kickball,
I just like the winning too ;)!

OSC sailed through the morning competition with ease,
not being cocky, but we had an easy
pool draw.

Worst part of the morning was C still being sick.
Poor guy completely lost his voice all day Saturday.
Seriously, he couldn't say a word, it was so sad :(!
It also was a major blow for our defense
because he is the defensive coordinator and voice
when we play.

I saved the day after lunch by forcing green Starbucks tea
down his throat, so he was able to whisper.
If boys just listened to the GFs ;)!

The round of 32 and 16 were easy,
we really weren't tested until
the elite 8.

We played ODB and they were the first team
to have a lead on us.
Through smart decisions, base running, kicking,
bunting and defense
we were able to battle back to make it to
the Final Four.

We played a West Coast team
and let me tell you,
the sidelines were
ROCKING with West Coast support.

One of the awesome parts of Founders Cup
was how many teams stuck around
after they were eliminated.

WAKA provided beer trucks and food at the fields
so most people ended up getting hammered
while watching the Semis and Finals.

There had to be a good 100-200 people hanging out
during the finals.
Granted most of them were rolling down the hills
hammered, but still, it was noisy.

We won the semi's 1-0 and it was
a hard fought game.
Lots of people left on base
and an awesome push by our midline up dudes.

I had some good plays at 2nd and backing up 3rd.
I wish my bunting had been better, but oh well.
Finally it was time to play the finals.
And wouldn't you know, the team we played in the finals
was from VA beach,
so EAST COAST BEST COAST, what what?!?

We went down 1-0 in the first inning.
By the 4th it was still 1-0 them.
I was lead off to bunt
and wouldn't you know,
I foul out.


But wait, I didn't foul out, because the pitcher encroached
so I was awarded 1st base automatically.
What up pink socks!
C kicked after me
and I advanced to 2nd.
From there the team did an awesome job
bunting and kicking
and I was able to slide into home to tie the game.

They go to kick and we are holding them,
but I make a horrible read
and play the ball 100% wrong
so they score.
Top of the 5th.

If we don't score a run, they win
because we chose to be away.

The weirdest thing was,
even though I KNEW I messed up
and could have cost the championship for my team,
some how I KNEW it would be okay.

I don't know why or how,
but there was no FEAR in my stomach
or anxiety.
Everyone on my team told me to shake it off,
we would be fine.
And I 100% believed them.
We weren't going to lose this way!

And, as you know we didn't.
Our middle lineup came up huge again and we managed
to score 4 runs.
Our defense played lights out
and the game was ours!

OSC were champs and
it felt SO GOOD!

Team picture with WAKA officials

I was so happy we won, but my greatest joy was sharing the win with C. We both had worked so hard to stay in shape and practice to win, and finally the moment was ours. After jumping up and down with everyone, I jumped on him and just hugged him. That feeling, that moment, was pretty freaking special.

My favorite teammate

 We did it HONEY, we DID IT! 

As corny as this sounds, I've wanted this trophy for 2 years.

Once the celebration died die and the standard calls to family and friends, along with the standard tweeting and Facebook posting, it was time to jump on the champagne bus to the hotel. The ride was awesome. Waka provided bottles of champagne and we linked up our iPods for a dance celebration party. I'd show you pictures, but well, those are classified ;)!

After every tournament, C and I eat pizza so we grabbed a few slices from Miracle Mile and got ready for the after party. The team gathered to pre game and the time everyone spent in the hotel room together was pretty tender. Everyone gave a small speech and well all just reveled in the moment of winning. Then, it was time to party.

And party we did. The venue was crowded with kickballers and there was a pretty awesome cover band. The bar was completely understaffed, but I was already feeling good from the champagne and Jack I consumed earlier in the evening. I had a blast dancing with teammates, making new friends and feeling like a mini celebrity at the bar. People knew we had won and it was pretty awesome. 

Obligatory couple bar picture...C was super excited huh?

Yes, my skirt really was that short....
It's Vegas people ;)

Lovely lady champs. So much fun dancing with the girls :)

Around 2ish I was dunzo, both tired and tipsy so a group of us headed back to the hotel. 

Saturday was one of the most tiring, most fun, and most memorable days in my kickball career. 

I love my team, I love winning and I love my boyfriend. 

Oh, yeah...guess who's getting that LV purse!?!?!?


October 3, 2012

What needs to be done Wednesday

Wait it's Wednesday?!?! Already!?!?

How are we already here?!?!

Are you cursing me right now?!?!

Sorry, but this week has flown by and I need it to slow down.

Cause, well I leave for a mini vacation tomorrow

and will be gone till Monday.

So, today is my Thursday and tomorrow I leave for Vegas.

I take it you hate me now right?!?!

Well please don't, I'm not trying to brag, I'm just all
OH EM GOSH how can I get everything done?!?!

Source: via Tori on Pinterest

To keep the freak out at bay I'm gonna list out everything I need to do before my flight late tomorrow night. Hopefully I can check most of it off tonight.

1] Make a list of everything to pack!

2] Pack {yeah, this is SO NOT GONNA WORK}

3] Change sheets on bed {I hate coming back to not fresh sheets}

4] Pick carry on bag.

5] Double check kickball clothes and cleats are packed.

6] Triple confirm hotel and flights.

7]Unpack and repack because I want to change an outfit.
{yes I am planning for this because it WILL happen}

8]Figure out transportation to airport.

9] Unload dishwasher.

10] Decide on a post for Friday/Monday.

11] Get cash, check credit card.

12] Repeat #7.

13] Make sure EVERYTHING is laid out for work.

14] Pack carry on bag.


Phew, I'm tired just looking at the list.

Any pointers friends that know how to pack?!!?

CAN'T WAIT FOR VEGAS with my boo!
circa 2010

September 17, 2012

Weekend Recap

Good morning kids, how was your weekend?

I hope it was great, link up with Sami and tell us ALL about it!

Le Beau was out of town this weekend so I was 'fending for myself'. That meant Friday night it was a long run and booty burnin' workout followed by sissy wine night. I wasn't super hungry after my run and made a random concoction of mushrooms, chicken, peppers, onions, lemon zest, pine nuts and some white wine. It tasted divine and will probably become my 'I don't have anything to cook' meal.

Sportyspice and Babyspice came over to hang out and watch CMT's 'Making the Team DCC' and drink wine. We had a great time just chilling, while watching big haired dancers strut their stuff.

Saturday morning I was up early for the farmer's market [of course] and then had to get ready for a coworkers wedding. I didn't do a good job planning and was rushed getting ready so I was not able to eat much before leaving the house. That ended up being a horrible misstep because not ONLY did the wedding start an HOUR late, but it also was a 2 HOUR wedding! No joke! I was soooo hungry after the wedding that I scarfed down a Larabar I left in the car.

Sadly, I wasn't able to stay for the reception, because there was a huge miscommunication regarding the number of people attending. To make a long story short, there were not enough tables to go around so myself and another coworker (plus her family) decided to head to a restaurant instead. I was pretty bummed, but since I'm not family or a close friend I figure better me than them. I loved the dress I wore, so that made the trek worth it ;)

I was so exhausted from the whole wedding ordeal that I took it super easy Saturday evening. Just some cleaning and watching TV. OH and some baking! I got bored around 8ish and decided I needed to make cupcakes.

I texted C a picture and said "See what happens when you go out of town?!?!? I get in trouble"!
[How funny is it that baking cupcakes while the bf is out of town is trouble? That used to mean getting hammered and dancing on tables....when DID I become a grown up?] They turned out fabulous and are now sitting at work so I don't eat any of them.
Funfetti cupcakes with chocolate cream cheese frosting
Sunday was a glorious family day and I enjoyed every minute. After church the family just hung out and chilled at my parent's house. I did 2304803 loads of laundry, watched NFL Redzone [cowboys lost UGH], took a nap and master mind an AMAZEBALLS dinner feast. Teriyaki marinated grilled salmon, broiled asparagus, grilled portabello mushrooms, grilled veggies, rice and wine. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD! And the family hung out ALL day without a single 'getting on my nerves' moment. WIN WIN WIN! I'm so lucky my family lives so close to one another, so blessed.

My love got home a little after dinner time and I was uber happy to see him. I'm usually not a big "I miss my boyfriend" kind of girl, unless it's longer that a week. I love C with all my heart, but I do enjoy the solitude of being able to just be ME and do what I want when he's gone.
 [MAD props to you military spouses, gfs/bfs. We civilians have NO concept of 'deployment time'. I know our 2 weeks = your 6 months. THANK YOU for supporting our country.]

So, if he's on the road for a few days a week or gone for a week, I don't even bat an eye. However, for whatever reason, I missed him like WHOA this weekend and was superecstatic to have him back home. He was a peach and even brought me home a lil gift. I can now rep is alma mater with pride!

We hit the hay super early because today started morning workouts again.
GAH it was cold!
Hopefully it was worth it!

Siiiiiiiiiiiidenote: It was totally worth it because I just ate a cupcake. Don't judge, I JUST spilled a bottle of Coffee mate on my new shirt and I'm super unhappy. DRAT!

Happy Monday friends!

September 14, 2012

Furious Friday

First, I'm not that furious, just mildly annoyed.

But, mildly annoyed Friday doesn't have quite the ring to it.

So, hello Furious Friday!
I apologize if that is inappropriate wording. I don't understand it ;)

I am FURIOUS over the gross invasion of privacy by a french magazine, regarding Princess Kate. Those rude photogs used a telescopic lens to take pictures of her sunbathing sans top, and now plan to publish them online and in their magazine. ARE.YOU.KIDDING!? Grossly disgusted over here. I feel so badly for Kate. She is a great role model for young women and now there are pictures of her on the Internet that were not intended to ever be seen. She is a young, beautiful, married woman that expected privacy in her own villa and instead a peeping jaques invaded her privacy and has the potential to embarrass her and the Royal family. Shameful I tell you, shameful.

I am FURIOUS I have not been able to access Pinterest from work. The site is NOT disabled, but is running on some sort of 'incombatibility' form and therefore I can not view any pins. Not really something I can call IT about huh?

I am FURIOUS we have a commander in chief with a Jelloish backbone. Our foreign policy is going the way of American parenting, pampering and giving way to children instead of punishing them. I'm SURE those heinous men, who attacked, tortured for 9 hours and killed our American ambassador and 3 others are really scared of you [insert sarcasm here]. How about instead of playing nice, you yank support away from their country until they find and capture the perpetrators [or just have a repeat of the Pakistan debacle, your choice]. Then send them to Gitmo...oh wait you closed that down....nice move smooth operator. I guess you could just invite them to the White House for tea and then slap them on the wrist?!?! Yeah, I figured you'd agree with that approach. GROW A PAIR dude!

I am FURIOUS with our liberal media. Everyone is still talking about how Romney may have mouthed off too quickly against Obama's camp, before knowing an American was killed. But how many of you know that our American was tortured for 9 hours after capture? How many of you know that he went back to try and save those trapped? No one? Figures, let's liberally blame the conservative for actually speaking out, genius!

I am FURIOUS teachers in Chicago felt the need they had to strike. Stop, take a moment to read that again before you get upset. I am UPSET they felt the need to strike because they aren't getting what they deserve. Professional athletes make millions for catching, throwing, kicking a stupid ball but the teachers of our FUTURE generations barely make enough to support themselves. If only money were the only issue. Now, teachers are being held accountable for stupid lazy kids. If a kid gets a bad grade, the teacher MUST be the one who is doing something wrong! Are you effing kidding me?! Parents, please learn to hold your children accountable....oh vey!

 Okay, rants over for today! Thanks for listening and as always, yes I DO understand there are much worse things I could be furious over. My space, my whining, but trust me, ALL is in perspective!

Happy happy Friday loves! While looking for an image for this post I came across these pictures. If you are having a bad day or need a laugh, check em out. I DIE!