reading - a little bit of this and that it seems. random romantic novels, history novels, my NASM textbook and getting back into daily reading blogs. any good book recommendations?
anticipating - my first travel kickball tournament of the year. excited and nervous for the weekend.
buying - nothing really. trying really hard to stay on a budget, because you know, new house and surgery. oh wait, i had to buy a new phone because my old phone died suddenly then came back to life. #freakout
praying - babyspice gets the job she interviewed for, earlier this week. #yougotitsissy
listening - to my favorite murder podcast and NEW RELEASE music for LES MILLS! #stareyes
watching - reruns of downtown abbey, LES MILLS videos and elementary.
devouring - all the fatty foods because I FINALLY CAN EAT LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN!
loving - the beautiful warm weather, sunny skies and beautiful scenery down here in Tennessee.
hating - feeling so sluggish and slow from being on workout restriction.
wanting - a good report from my post operation appointment today. #fingerscrossed
hoping - my body will snap back into action once I'm cleared to teach. need to get moving and back in shape. eating all the foods has decimated the work of the past few months. low fat diets work.
feeling - ever so grateful for support. my fitness friends stepped up when I needed classes covered, checked up on me after surgery, visited me when I was recovering and are there for me when I need to vent about not being able to workout. I'm also grateful for my family, my mother especially because she came down to play nurse, my husband who helped me on the day of surgery and the rest who texted and called to keep my spirits up the first day. grateful beyond belief.
wishing - i knew where life was heading. i have ideas, plans and obstacles to overcome. it's hard waiting.