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Showing posts with label Shane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shane. Show all posts

October 13, 2017

Weekly Wins: Short and Sweet

Going at you late today, oh well. This week was super busy, but super awesome. It just sometimes means I write a blogpost in the morning, not the night before. Even when things are tough and yucky I usually can keep my perspective that LIFE in general is good. Which is exactly where this post idea was born, for me. Even if the week STUNK TO HIGH HEAVEN, there are always small lil wins and joys to celebrate.

|| My parent's celebrated their 37 year wedding anniversary on Wednesday. My card to them was late, oops, but the texts and calls were on time. I'm very thankful and feel super blessed to grow up in such a loving home with two people who respect each other so much. Wishing them many, many, many years of happiness and joy. LOVE YOU MAMA AND AND DADDY!

|| LAUNCH WEEK IS COMPLETE and I DIDN'T MESS UP ANYTHING! YES! YES! and mooooooooooooooore YES! Studying for my PT cert really put me behind the eight ball with learning new choreography, but I managed to cram, cram, cram and rock all my classes. Even the one yesterday where I learned everything in three hours. Cheers to fitness!

|| Also, cheers to friends. After the last class of the week last night, two of my fave guy friends and I went to pizza and it was delicious and fabulous. We are a lil trio of fun and it had been awhile since we had all just chilled together and laughed. Grateful for my friends.

|| LE HUSBAND COMES HOME TODAY!!!!!!! Y'all, he's been gone for 14 days and he's finally coming home. I don't post this lightly because I know many a military wife or wife of a traveling husband but I'm still super excited he's coming home. We have a wedding this weekend so it's right back on the road for him, however this time we will be together. YAY!

Before I leave I need to speak about Shane. Wednesday also marked 11 years since he made the ultimate sacrifice for our country {you can read more *here*}. I miss him, a lot. I think of him quite often, too. Beyond grateful for his bravery and willingness to serve. I love you, Shane. #landofthefreebecauseofthebrave #lancersforever


December 11, 2016

Dear Jason... I'm Sorry

Dear Jason,

How do I start this letter? Honestly, I can't believe I'm writing it now. Four days later and everything still doesn't seem real. When Sportyspice texted me the news I was in shock. I responded back What the F*$&, (which probably made you laugh since I rarely cussed around you).

She had to be lying, I couldn't be reading the words she texted, they just COULDN'T be real. But they were, all too real. Driving down I-40 sobbing I somehow made it to work. Jason, what happened? Why? Why did this happen? Why are you gone and not here anymore?

There is so much left unsaid and it breaks my heart because it's my fault. Your base was only four hours away from here and I had no idea because we hadn't talked in so long due to our falling out. Did you know you were on my heart the past few weeks? Did you know I was thinking of reaching out to you, and then my job got in the way and every time I thought about it I got distracted and forgot until the next day? Did you know I worried about you even though that was no longer my place? That I checked up on Facebook when you had important posts? I'd like to think yes, yet a big part of my heart knows you probably thought we were still where we ended when you didn't come to my wedding. 

Man did that hurt. And it shows today because that's what drove this wedge. I still don't understand why you didn't come and why you didn't tell me before when I asked. You were my big brother and every time we talked about the wedding you were excited, asking if I wanted you in military dress or just a suit. Talking about how you'd make sure to have a chat with Le Husband at the reception. You were always my protector, ever since you were my college RA sophomore year. That's when you became my big brother and I your little sis. We made people do a double take when we talked like family. You knew that stupid college boyfriend didn't deserve me and offered to 'take care of it' whenever he acted a fool. I loved how you and my Dad got along and how you both connected. It made me happy because I knew you didn't have the best relationship with your father. Being there for your commissioning with my Dad is a memory I'll always cherish because we were BOTH so proud of you. 

Our argument seems so stupid right now, funny huh? Sad it takes you being GONE FROM THIS WORLD for me to understand how STUPID holding a grudge can be and how short a time we have here on earth. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. 

I know I was your person for a time and I should have been there for you, always. I'm not going to put your business out there, but I knew the things you dealt with and we had many a long nights talk about the importance you had in this world and how important you were to people. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you the past few years. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you realized you needed a career change. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you during the hard times and the happy times. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help whenever you needed it. 

And, Jason, I'm so sorry you left here without me telling you how much you meant to me and how much I loved you. My eyes fill, my heart breaks and my soul hurts every time I think of you now. I messed up and I'll pay for it the rest of my life. I will do whatever I can to make sure your daughter knows HOW MUCH YOU LOVED HER. She will also know how incredible you were and your impact on this world. 

I don't want to sign off, that makes this so final. But it is final, which hurts, sucks and kills me. Our country owes a debt to you and I owe you more than you know. I take comfort that you are with Shane now and can only imagine the good natured trouble you both are causing in heaven. Watch out for us, here. Your guidance, smarts, good manners, kind words and loving demeanor will be missed greatly, so sprinkle a lil bit here and there when you can. 

I love you, Jason. Godspeed.

October 15, 2015

A Happy/Sad TBT

Since we were in Vegas this past weekend, I was not able to celebrate a happy day with my family. October 11th  was always a day of celebration, love and family in my home. Back in 1980, Mama B and Daddy got all dressed up and promised to love and cherish one another forever and the 11th marked 35 years of wedded bliss. 

35 years later they are still IN LOVE, happy and an amazing example of marriage. They have been the biggest supports of my marriage and I only hope Le Husband and I are as fortunate as they are in life. Cheers to many more years together, Mama B and Daddy! I wish you a gobzillion wishes of happiness and joy!
Pretty sure I borrowed this from Babyspice, THANKS!

Nine years ago October 11th became a day of sadness and a day of grieving. Nine years ago a college friend and an amazing man gave the ultimate sacrifice when he was killed in action in Iraq. I found out from a friend via AIM when I was at work and I'll never forget that moment. I lost it at my desk and just asked 'WHY SHANE'? My boss was incredibly understanding and let me leave work early and on the drive home from work my dad kept me company. I was a mess the rest of the day, trying to find out details about the funeral and just grieving alone in my room.
Shane epitomized life. He lived with zest, humor, love and truly didn't know a stranger. While we weren't incredibly close during college he was the go to guy in classes and always had a laugh or a smile when you needed it most. All funerals are sad, but his is one of the most mournful moments of my life. The world is a little less bright because his candle is no longer burning.

I do my best to visit his grave every year, either during Memorial weekend or during October. I usually leave a flower with a note by his stone and just sit there and cry while I remember a life that is no more. Last Christmas I was blessed enough to meet his family while we were laying wreaths at Arlington Cemetery. It was poignant talking with them and I couldn't help but cry when his father teared up remembering his son.

I wore a KIA bracelet with his name and date on my wrist for many years and after it started to break I put it away until I could save it for my wedding. Shane's bracelet was part of my bouquet and is forever preserved with my flowers.

Thank you Shane, for your service to our great nation. You will never be forgotten < 3!
Linking up with *kristin*& *annie*

May 25, 2015

Twenty Three Notes

The TRUE meaning of Memorial Day Weekend.

"Day is done, gone the sun

From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky
All is well, safely rest
God is nigh."

**brief history ::here::**

December 9, 2014

A Soldier's Christmas Prayer

Hello, friends! Thank you so much for your sweet comments yesterday. Y'all truly are the best and are so kind. I, myself am still super bummed I didn't take a picture of my crazy hair. Maybe one day I'll try and recreate it for you, just because I love y'all that much.

Yesterday I was able to work from home, which was amazing after such a fun filled weekend. However, it got me thinking. About the men and women that don't get that opportunity to call in to work from home, or call in sick when they've had a rough weekend. Which then got me thinking about the men and women, servicing our country in foreign lands, all in the name of freedom. To many, they are an afterthought and forgotten, but to others they are family dearly missed.

Sportyspice dealt with a deployed boyfriend over Christmas, so I've seen the heartache, but I've also seen the smiles packages and letters can bring. So, even though I know there is probably enough on your plate, do our military a small favor and send a message overseas to a solider. It doesn't take much to send just a card to brighten someone's day.

In honor of the those overseas, I'm posting the Solider's Christmas Prayer, today. The poem mights say ARMY, but I believe it includes Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and National Guard, too. Hoo-ah and God Bless!

A Soldier's Christmas Prayer
(author unknown)

‘Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone,
In a one bedroom house made of plaster & stone.
I had come down the chimney with presents to give
And to see just who in this home did live.

I looked all about a strange sight I did see,
No tinsel, no presents, not even a tree.
No stocking by the fire, just boots filled with sand,
On the wall hung pictures of far distant lands.

 With medals & badges, awards of all kind

A sober thought came through my mind.
For this house was different, so dark & dreary,
I knew I had found the home of a soldier, once I could see clearly.

I heard stories about them, I had to see more
So I walked down the hall & pushed open the door.
And there he lay sleeping silent alone,
Curled up on the floor in his one bedroom home.

His face so gentle, his room in such disorder,
Not how I pictured a United States soldier.
Was this the hero of whom I’d just read?
Curled up in his poncho, a floor for his bed?

His head was clean shaven, his weathered face tan,
I soon understood this was more than a man.
For I realized the families that I saw that night
Owed their lives to these men who were willing to fight.

Soon ‘round the world, the children would play,
And grownups would celebrate on a bright Christmas day.
They all enjoyed freedom each month of the year,
Because of soldiers like this one lying here.

I couldn’t help wonder how many lay alone
On a cold Christmas Eve in a land far from home.
Just the very thought brought a tear to my eye,
I dropped to my knees & started to cry.

The soldier awakened & I heard a rough voice,
“Santa don’t cry, this life is my choice;
I fight for freedom, I don’t ask for more,
my life is my God, my country, my Corps.”

With that he rolled over & drifted off into sleep,
I couldn’t control it, I continued to weep.
I watched him for hours, so silent & still,
I noticed he shivered from the cold night’s chill.

So I took off my jacket, the one made of red,
And I covered this Soldier from his toes to his head.
And I put on his T-shirt of gray & black,
With an eagle & an Army patch embroidered on back.

And although it barely fit me, I began to swell with pride,
And for a shining moment, I was United States Army deep inside.
I didn’t want to leave him on that cold dark night,
This guardian of honor so willing to fight.

Then the soldier rolled over,
whispered with a voice so clean & pure,
“Carry on Santa, it’s Christmas Day, all is secure.”
One look at my watch, & I knew he was right,
Merry Christmas my friend, & to all a good night!

My lil bit of cheer today, is a picture of our family Christmas tree. I went home, after work for the annual fun festivities of decorating the tree. As usual, it was an evening filled with music, snacks, sparkles, ornaments and of course, Christmas cheer. #ornamentsonthefloor #familyfuntimes #pineappleoranment #sparkles!

November 11, 2014

Honoring All Who Served

THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR VETERANS, past and present. Your service means so much to me and I am so so so GRATEFUL!!!!

A SPECIAL thank you to my two Grandfathers, my uncles, MY HERO MY DADDY, my friends who serve and my Fallen college friend Shane!

Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice Captain Shane T. Adcock

Amazing song I turn to every Veteran's Day.

"RED is for the Blood
Blue is for the Bruise
White is for the eyes, that fought for me and you.
So we LIFT our HEARTS today
Filled with gratitude and praise
For the VETERANS of the USA"


May 23, 2014

Twenty Four Notes

The TRUE meaning of Memorial Day Weekend.

"Day is done, gone the sun

From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky
All is well, safely rest
God is nigh."

**brief history ::here::**

May 22, 2014

To Whom It May Concern...V5?

Dear Weather: Hi, it's me. The girl who rarely complains about you, unless you are freezing cold. I know you have lots of other people that constantly whine to you, but remember, THAT'S NOT ME! So, if you would, could you be kind to me? Last weekend you threw me for a loop in Ohio, please don't give me a repeat performance. I'm not wishing for 75, sunny and no humidity[like most people ALWAYS ask for], I just want out of the 50s purdy please. Sweating buckets by the pool is 100% okay by me, I promise.
Dear Work Friend: I'm so sorry about everything. I can't imagine what you're going through and I think you are so strong. I'm sorry that your company is treating you so badly, they will regret it next week, of that I am sure. Your work ethic is something to aspire too and I wish you the very best on your new journey! Adios butthead ;)!

Dear New Last Name: I finally got you changed at work. Way bummer it took so long, but darn if someone didn't give me miss-information. It's kind of fun to see you in my new email signature. I'll miss being so high in the alphabet, but that's okay, I like my husband more than the alphabet. ;)

Dear Kimye: JUST GOT AWAY ALREADY! Who cares about your wedding?!?! It's going to be so ridiculous and showboaty that it shouldn't even really count as a wedding [not saying anything about the average couple that chooses to have an extravagant wedding. y'all are cool]. I wonder if this one will last 78 days.

Dear Pollen: You are soooooo on my :achoo: list. Please stop :sniffle: spawning and falling down. My car does NOT :cough: looked good bathed in your green/yellowness and neither does anything else. ::ACHOO:: please go away…NOW! :ACHOO:ACHOO:ACHOO:

Dear Airplanes: Please be nice to me in the coming months. I've got a lot of flights heading my way and we ALL know what that means. If you could be super smooth and steady that would be wonderful. LOVE YOU LONG TIME!

Dear Traveling Friend: YAY! You're home! I'm so excited, you've so been missed! I can't wait to catch up with you and hear about our travels. It will be nice to have you back too, for our gossip and life chats, woohoo can't wait!

Dear Blog: This is probably the first time in six months that you haven't been schedule to post at 6am this morning. Ehhhh, what are you going to do right?!?! Sometimes life just gets in the way right? Hopefully my readers will still stop by and say hi [thankyou for being here today]!

Dear JuneJuly: You're my favorite months this year….yes, you beat out April! I can't wait! I can't wait! BRING ME TO JUNE ALREADY!

Dear Fallen Soldiers: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Your ultimate sacrifice does not go unnoticed. You will be remember this weekend, if only by a few. We can't say thank you enough. We miss you all, especially you Shane. Our country is i n d e b t e d to you.

October 21, 2013

10 Mile Strong

Yes ladies, I'm Ten Mile Army Strong.

This weekend was all about Sunday's Army 10-Miler. Back in April, when we all signed up, I was excited to try train hard for the race and really hoped to beat my time from two years ago. And then, a lil thing called a WEDDING happened and all thoughts of training kind of hit the wayside August - October. Ooops!

C and I debated selling our bibs the week before Vegas, because we are proud athletes and don't like to go into an athletic even not in our 'best' shape. We both were worried we wouldn't be able to handle running a sub-par mile pace. But, after talking and thinking we decided it was something we would enjoy together and would run it to support the Army.

So Saturday was spent resting our legs. Besides going to the farmer's market and the grocery store we pretty much just stayed off our feet and watched college football all day. Sighhhhh....such a glamourous  married life right?!!?

It was nice though, just to hang out and witness some awesome college football upsets....WHAT WHAT TENNESSEE!?!?! BCS is gonna get a bit of a shake up in the rankings this week.

Sunday morning we were up super bright and early to get ready to meet up with the rest of the family. We parked right off base, walked to our corral and waited for our wave to start. It was a biiiiiiit chilly that early in the morning and I was nervous about my calves tightening up, but luckily they were fine.

Mama B, Daddy, SportySpice and BabySpice all trained for the race so they ran ahead of C and me. We were able to stay with them in sight for the first four miles, but after a small hill we lost them in the crowd. It was really nice running around Washington DC without traffic in the early morning. The 10 Miler is such an awesome experience because tons of fans line different parts of the streets and cheer the runners on throughout the race.

Our race went pretty well for not training. We kept a good pace and it wasn't until mile eight that either of us felt any kind of real twinge. The last mile required a bit of a push on both our parts but we finished only four minutes behind the rest of my family. HUGE win for us!
The FAMILY that runs together...
President Washington caught up with my family
After the race the whole family came back to our place and Le Husband cooked a banging brunch, with some help from me of course. While eating we enjoyed a classic movie on the Hallmark channel, "The Swiss Family Robinsons", which was one of C's favorites when he was younger. This was my first time viewing the movie and it was pretty fun. We all enjoyed a good laugh at the 1960s movie effects.

Once the family left, it was football, couch and stretching time. My body was HURTING badly from not training, especially my knees so I stayed on the couch as much as possible. It was a great place to watch my Cowboy's demolish the Eagles and also a great place to enjoy pizza for dinner. 

Hopefully I won't be too sore the rest of the week and I'll be able to get back after it in the gym by Tuesday. I've so missed my normal workout schedule, that's for another post. 

Speaking of another post, stop by tomorrow of the recipe of those amazing smores bars I mentioned a week ago. I promise it will be worth your time. 

Alright bunnies, go show Monday who's boss! < 3 Muah < 3

Linking up with sami, meg and leanne

October 12, 2012

Confession Friday's Letters

Hello Friday, so nice to see you!

Time to confess and dear it up okay?!!?

1] I confess I'm still on cloud 9 after winning the Waka Founder's Cup kickball championship. My first tournament win and it feels so good. So does the extra $500 in my pocket ;)!

A couple that wins together ;)

2] I confess I REALLY think I'm gonna use the extra $500 to buy myself a LV speedy. I've wanted one forever, but can't justify spending the money. Now, since THIS money is 'free', I don't feel so badly about the spending.

3] I confess Sporty Spice and I JUMPED UP AND DOWN on the field when Baby Spice called to tell us SHE PASSED THE BAR! Phew, a weight is off all of our shoulders and we are so proud of our Esquire.

4] I confess even though I only went to work for 3 days this week, it's been an uber long week. Vacation always seems to do that to me.

5] I confess last night's debate was kind of annoying to me. Better moderator but too much back and forth.

6] I confess yesterday was a happy sad day for me, but more sad. I love celebrating my parent's anniversary, but my heart always breaks when I remember Shane paying the ultimate sacrifice.

7] I confess I stink at writing recaps, but promise they will be up next week. PINKY [hahaha] promise.


Dear Vegas: Thank you for being so wonderful and not killing me. I love your city mucho, but a weekend is perfectly long enough. Dear WAKA: Thanks for running an awesome tournament. The 10K isn't bad either ;)! Dear OSC: What's up Champs?!?!? So happy to finally have won my first championship. Now, let's DO THIS in NOLA. Dear Le Beau: There's no one else I would rather have by my side winning or losing. Dear sickness: Time to check out of my body, like NOW! Dear Biden: You need to work on your laugh, you were a total #creeper last night. Laughing Biden masks for Halloween?!!? Dear Weekend: Please don't go by too quickly!

October 11, 2012

A Happy and Sad Anniversary

October 11th is a happy sad day for Pinky.

Growing up, October 11th always was a happy day.

A day of celebration, love and family.

October 11, 1980 Mama B and Daddy got all dressed up,
and said their
"I Dos"!

32 years later they are still IN LOVE, happy and
an amazing example of marriage.

I want what my parents have,
and I think that's why I've never felt the need
to just get married to be married.

I want their compassion, understanding, love, hope, faith
and happiness!

Thank you Mama B and Daddy for being such a wonderful
and awesome example of marriage.

and wish you
a GOBZILLION more years
of wedded bliss!
Check the wedding picture on the left :)

6 years ago began my journey grieving on October 11th.

6 years ago a college friend and amazing man gave the
ULTIMATE SACRIFICE for our country
and was Killed in Action
fighting in Iraq.

Shane epitomized life. He lived with zest, humor, love and
truly didn't know a stranger.

and I don't think I can top it this year.

I visit his grave every year,
leaving a flower
or note.
Just to say, I remember you and to silently
cry and pray for his family.

I still wear his name on a KIA bracelet everyday
as a reminder to LIVE the life I have been given.
And to remember those who are no longer with us.

Please take a moment today and remember,

We miss you Shane! Not a day goes by I don't think of you.

May 28, 2012

MeMoRiAl DaY....It is the VETERAN...

While you are bbqing, beaching, pooling, sunning, drinking and eating today
and say

Today we REMEMBER those who have DIED for our

It is the
not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.

It is
not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is
not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is
not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the
salutes the Flag,

It is
who serves
under the Flag.