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Showing posts with label Engagement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Engagement. Show all posts

February 18, 2016

These Are My Confessssiiiiooooonnnnssss

|| I was too lazy to blog about my weekend for the first time in forever. We had quite a lovely weekend of working out together, a girlie Harry Potter viewing party {thanks Babyspice} a FABULOUS couples Valentine's day dinner {so much good food} and then a new workout class on Sunday followed by a winning soccer game. #weekendupdate

|| I felt like this lil pup all weekend. It was soooo cold outside.
|| I am more than a little excited for the autoship of our newest BODYPUMP release. Sadly the East coast is the last coast to received so I'm just sitting here waiting and refreshing my email like a stalker.

|| The GIFs in my post yesterday made me laugh more than I thought they would. #housewivesforthewin

|| There was a sigh of relief when no one showed up for my class 6am Monday morning. I was hurting more than expected from my first BODYCOMBAT class and the thought of doing squats at teaching weight was not something I was looking forward to at all.

|| I do NOT like Ronda Rousey and was so happy when Holly Holm kicked her tail. I am all about being confident in your craft and who you are but her cocky attitude is not something I think young girls and women need to emulate. Props to her for staying relevant after she lost, but I'll be cheering against her when she finally schedules her rematch.

|| Nothing makes me smile more than the Carlton. Except the Carlton with JT.

|| My locks were more than overdue for a visit with my stylist. Thankfully she didn't judge too much. #feelingfresh

|| I've eaten my weight in popcorn the past three days. #popcornonster #whattheheck

|| I ate a whole sleeve of Saltine crackers yesterday while I was home sick. #ooops

|| Yesterday was my engageversary and it makes me smile every year. #threeyearsstrong

linking up with  Natalie & Kristin

November 23, 2015


Sportyspice is engaged, y'all! Her boyfriend popped the question on Friday and we are all beyond THRILLED! Babyspice and I have been SITTING on this secret for over a month and we are so glad the ring is out of the box. I am so excited for her and cannot wait to continue the engagement celebration and help plan her special day!!!! #sissysgettingmarried
The Proposal!

Her superbowl…I mean ENGAGEMENT RING!
The rest of my weekend was pretty tame compared to the engagement. Le Husband and I sported the drowned rat look at the OSU game [ugh on the loss]. I'm sitting 50/50 for game attendance, thankfully they won the national championship for my first game ;)! Hopefully we can get it together and beat the big blue next week.
Drowned rat, party of two

brrrr, brrr, brrr
I hope y'all had a great weekend and have a short week. Don't forget to enter Pamela's blogiverasry giveaway, here! I'll catch you tomorrow with a fun makeup swag vlog! Rock out your Monday!

December 17, 2014

Year in Review {April, May, June}

Hello and happy seven days until Christmas. Golly goodness, it's truly right around the corner. One measly week away, I can hardly stand the excitement. Today I'm sharing round two of my year end recaps. The middle of the year lots of things were happening and we continued our multiple trips a month for kickball and family fun.

Re-posted my engagement pictures as a throw back.

Shared a heartbreaking post about my grandmother's death anniversary.

After years of patiently waiting, I finally met my BOFF! She flew in from Dallas for the weekend and it was EPIC! We celebrated my bday, had dinners, went to church and had a blast together. It was so wonderful meeting her and it solidified our soul-mate status.The weekend was too short, but it was AMAZING and one for the books!!!


Rejoiced in the rising of our Savior, on Easter weekend.

Finally dropped a huge stressful and negative weight in my life. #neverfeltbetter #youcantryandspinit #buteveryoneknowsthetruth #copycatsthattalksmackmakemelaugh

Flew to Austin for our third kickball tournament of the year. This time the sissys joined us and we had a blast in the city. Unfortunately, the tournament ended badly and started a big of a spiral on our team. However, the trip was fantastic!


Started the month feeling inferior about my body and weight. #dumbIknow

Was saddened to learn that Super Teddy lost his fight with Menkes and went to be with God. Even though I never knew him or his family, I bawled when I heard the news. Fly HIGH, Super Teddy!
Traveled to Kent State for Le Husband's baseball reunion weekend. It was super cold, even the native Ohioans thought it was chilly for May. I bought two sweatshirts from the book store to stay warm and a hat to support the flashes. We toured the campus, saw the May 4th shooting memorial, watched a lot of baseball and had a great time with his teammates.

There was a huge shake-up at work that left me a lil nervous. It was something I kind of felt was coming, but when it happened it was a shock. Things are okay now, but it was a bit nerve racking at the time.

I confessed my thoughts on marriage and it was hilarious.

We traveled to Cincinnati to celebrate Memorial weekend with Le Husband's family.

Posted about lifting, because I saw too many women just doing cardio! WEIGHTS ARE YOUR FRIENDS!


Played in and WON our first Women's tournament as a team. It was an eye opening weekend, for sure.

Traveled to PA for a kickball tournament. It went realy poorly and there was a lot of drama because of people's lack of drive. Le Husband and I almost walked away from the team. 

Got GEEKED about the World CUP!
Seven days after our horrific defeat, the team traveled to VA Beach and stomped the competition. We managed to get back to our roots and WON the tournament. #anythingcanchangeinsevendays

Watched the USA BEAT GHANA IN THE WORLD CUP! It was one of the greatest sports moments of my life when we scored both goals and then celebrated at the end of the game. EPIC BAR MOMENT!

Ventured down to SOMD to play in a kickball tournament with my BFFER and watched the USA play again.

Posted my first coffee date.

Secretly started our Alaskan vacation, without giving blog land the heads up!

Come back next week for July, August and September!!!!


    My lil bit of cheer was finally watching The Holiday this season. It's become one of my favorite movies and I fall in love with the cast every time I watch it. Jude Law is perfection, isn't he?

April 2, 2014

Wedding Wednesday {TBW Style}

Wow it's APRIL!


It's BIRTHDAY MONTH and hopefully
the first month of WARMTH!

This time, last year, I spent my Saturday
prancing around DC for my engagement pictures
with Le Husband.

We opted NOT to pay for profession engagement pictures,
but rather chose to repurpose that money elsewhere.

Since we created our own Save the Date, it didn't seem
necessary to pay for a session when we would only use one picture
since we had another one picked out.

If I didn't have such a talented BabySpice, I'm not sure
exactly what we would have done for pictures.
Let's just say I'm incredibly grateful for a picture taking sissy-boo. 

Babyspice, her friend, Sportyspice, Le Husband and I
drove into DC on a sunny afternoon and just went with the backdrop
and weather that we had.

I think we were able to capture some amazing pictures. 
photo credit BabySpice

My hands down favorite 
Don't drop me in the water!
WINNER WINNER for the Save the DATE
Our attempt at the 'love stare' aka FAIL!
Check the lil kid in the background
2nd favorite
< 3 this man!
And a few out takes of course:

SO MUCH WORK right?!?!
All photo credit goes to Babyspice [thanks sissy!]

Funny that I wore our wedding colors, without meaning to
and even funnier that my outfit is NOT one of
Le Husband's favorites….at all ;)!

Crazy that this was a year ago.

WOW! Just WOW!

Wedding Wednesday
NC Belle in Boots

February 18, 2014

Three Hundred & Sixty Five Days

Yesterday was 365 days since I said YES
to that all important question.

One year ago last night, I walked into Le Beau's apartment

I left the world of girlfriend
and joined the world of fiance.

It was completly unexpected and I was 100% s u r p r i s e d.

I mean, I knew I wanted to marry him
and that he wanted to marry me,
but I thought we were a few months away.

Little did I know we were just seven months away
from our wedding day.

I can't even begin to tell you how much
joy, happiness, and love the last 365 days have brought.
The amount of memories, smiles, tears, good times and blessings
that I have experienced are too many to count.

I fully realized that since last year this blog has mostly been
engagement, wedding, smiles, butterflies and married talk.
BUT, I'm so glad I have this blog to look back on
and see how much fun last year was for us.

Reviewing my first 'I'm getting married posts' makes me realize
that JUST one year agomy world was so different.

Thank you honey, for making the past 525949 minutes amazing!


January 22, 2014

Pinky's Do's & Don'ts of Wedding Planning

Good morning ladies!

I hope everyone is doing well.

We're still dealing with snow and our tax dollars have been hard at work with school's & the federal government closed. Sadly, my company does not give us free days off work, so I've been 'slaving' away while others get to sleep at home. The snow is beautiful though, so I can't been too upset.

Since my Wedding OOOPS post was such a hit [thanks for the sweet comments friends], I thought I'd share my DO's & Don'ts of Wedding Planning today. I, by no means, am ANY kind of expert planner [wedding planning is not on my top 1000 things to do btw], but as one of the few post wedding girls that linkup, I thought it would be fun to share some advice that I wish I had known before planning. 


DO... take time to enjoy your engagement.
Whether you choose to have a LONG engagement or a short engagement take at least a week or two to BE IN the JUST engaged bubble. It should be one of the happiest times of your life, so wallow in the happy, joy and mushiness. Once planning gets started, stress happens, so splurge on going out to dinners, having extra cuddle time and staying up late together. The magic of your love will never fade, but the magic that is the engaged bubble will, so enjoy it as much as possible.
Siiiiiiiiiiiigh, what a great moment!

DO... remember that a wedding is JUST a DAY, but a marriage is a lifetime.
YES, a wedding is important and a fun and special day. BUT, it's just a day. Marriage is a lifetime commitment and something that will last forever. Stressing about colors, dresses, gifts and details REALLY isn't worth it for just one day. Definitely take the time to make it wonderful and your own, but also concentrate on WHY you are having the wedding day too.

DON'T... let people steal your sunshine.
This is YOUR wedding, don't let anyone take the fun out of planning it.You can't control other people's attitudes, opinions or actions so don't try. You will just make yourself miserable. People won't be able to come to your wedding and they might have some opinions to share regarding things you want to have, but don't let that steal your sunshine. Sometimes compromises will have to be made, but remember it's your wedding and stick to your guns when it's something important.

DO... make your wedding unique/special to you and your fiance.
It doesn't have to be expensive or anything grand, but have something that makes you two as a couple unique on the day. Whether it's programs, gifts, cake, your dress or anything else, just have something SPECIAL and unique to you both. It will make the day truly yours and give your guests something fun to remember as well.

DON'T... be fooled by Pinterest.
Sure, Pinterest is a great place to go for ideas and pretty pictures. But, it's also very easy to hide the costs and work and make you think everything is cheap&easy. That beautiful boquet that looks whimsy, yeah probably $200 to recreate. All the shabby chic decor that looks DIY friendly, yeah probably done by a professional to LOOK that way. DON'T stress yourself out perusing Pinterest too often. I only REALLY used Pinterest to get wedding dress ideas, to find my bridesmaid dresses and for hair and makeup. Everything else was just pretty pictures and mindless entertainment. 
DO... other things besides JUST wedding stuff while planning.
Remember to date your fiance and enjoy each other. Wedding planning will take up the bulk of your time for sure, but don't forget to still date each other and enjoy each other. Make plans to be together for dinner or to go out for ice cream or just go for a walk together. You are going to be with each other the rest of your life, so make sure you keep the joy and fun alive :)

DON'T... wait too long to order your invitations. TRUST ME
Yeah, just don't wait too long, it will cause way too much stress. 

DO... delegate/ask for help.
You don't have to be superwoman girlfriend, let others help you. Unless you have horrible friends and family, this is the one time in your life where everyone is asking to help you out, so let them. Even if it's just making phone calls or if it's something as major as being in charge of setting up, delegate to people you trust so you don't go crazy.

DON'T... sweat the small stuff.
STUFF happens and there is nothing you can do about it.Things will go wrong, you'll missplan, things won't arrive on time and you can either pitch a fit and get upset [which I've done] or build a bridge and get over it [which I've also done]. As mentioned before, the wedding is just a day, so don't let minor things keep you from enjoying everything about the wedding and the fact you're getting married.
[and who wants to walk funny?]
DO... workout.
You'll need the stress relief, the endorphins and will feel better about your body on your special day. Make a plan and stick to it. Maybe you have to workout in the mornings, maybe late at night and maybe only for thirty minutes, just make sure you get some sweating time [that kind of sweating time will work too ;)] Looking back I could have worked out harder earlier on, but I think I'll be where I want to be come my wedding day. My gym sweat sessions really helped keep me from going coocoo!

DO...take a step back and remember you're getting married to the love of your life.
You're getting married, that's what matters! You will be starting a life together as man and wife and that is so exciting. All that matters is walking down the aisle after the ceremony as ONE COUPLE! If the rings are forgotten, if the limo doesn't show up, if it rains and your dress gets ruined or anything else happens that wasn't planned.....IT'S OKAY! You will still be married and starting your new life together. ENJOY the moment and the fun. WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!


There are probably other tips I should be sharing too, but these are the most important ones, I think. Married ladies, any other tips you would share? Brides-To-Bes anything you wished you knew?!?!

Wedding Wednesday

NC Belle in Boots

***If you didn't see my post yesterday, please take a moment to ready Teddy's story and send his family some love and prayers***

January 17, 2014

Husband's Birthday FIVE

Good morning and happy Friday y'all!

Today, in pinkland it's indeed a special day,
as today we celebrate le Husbands birthday!

The love of my life turns the big 3-3 today,
so I'm dedicating my five on Friday post to him.

We've had some incredible moments together, but of course
there are a few memories that stand out.


Here are my Five Favorite Memories with le Husband.

About nine months into dating, C told me that he had qualified for an all expense paid trip to Cancun, Mexico for being a bad@$$ at work. Okay, not really, it was because he was one of the top six performers and exceeded his sales goal by a large amount. I was super ecstatic for him, but knew in the back of my head that since we weren't married, I probably wouldn't be allowed to go. 

Until I got a call two weeks before the trip and was told "Get your passport ready, we're going to Mexico"! Wooooooohooo! It was our FIRST big trip together [minus Vegas for kickball] and it was incredible. All inclusive and all expense paid is the WAY to go, let me tell you. 

It was fun hanging out with all his work friends [who were all much older than us with at least two kids] and one guy drunkenly told us we should get married in Cancun, on the trip. HA! We explored Chichen Itza, at delicious food and just enjoyed our days. It was a wonderful FIRST trip together!

2] Winning the WAKA Kickball Championship in Vegas
If you haven't been reading here before, you'll probably say KICKBALL, CHAMPIONSHIPS?!?! Yes, there is a kickball championship and in 2012 the team C and I play on won, WOOP WOOP! [I guess I should also point out that we met playing kickball, back in 2010].

2012 was a long year of kickball for me, as I worked to make the A team on the new team we joined. C was a great coach and helped me get better and I became much more of a confident player. When Vegas came around in October, I was ready and super stoked about our team's chances at winning.

We played lights out and despite some mistakes in the finals WE WON!!!! It was one of the best athletic feelings in the world, winning and being able to share that moment with my boyfriend. I still remember jumping on him and hugging him hard saying "WE DID IT"! That moment was so special to both of us, that we included the picture on our Save the Dates :)!

In November 2013, C and I took a cruise from New Orleans down to Mexico and it was such a blast. We had already been in NOLA for a kickball tournament, so we found a cruise leaving from a NOLA port after the tourney. It was a Carnival cruise and luckily it was three weeks before the meltdown of Carnival ships so we didn't have anything to worry about.

It was a fabulous five days of cruising, excursions, indulging in delicious food and some much needed quality time together. We swam in cenotes, rock climbed, zip lined, lounged, read and slept. Since we were at sea, we were completely unplugged and it was so nice to just enjoy each other and the world around us.

All too soon the cruise was over, but I have many lasting memories for this wonderfully amazing trip with my boyfriend. 

Every girl remembers the moment her man proposes to her, no matter HOW extravagant or how simple. It's a moment burned into our memories and of course, I remember our engagement like it was yesterday.

C did an amazing job, 100% surprised me and gave me such an amazing gift in the fact he allowed my sisters to help and be present afterwards. I still remember being completely surprised when I went to his apartment and calling my family and best friends after everything happened.

 I was thrilled he asked my dad for permission and that he updated one of my late grandmother's rings. That night was one of the most special nights of my life and I am so thankful for how everything happened. February 17th was the day I stopped having a boyfriend and finally had a fiancé!

As I've previously posted a 2304820348023842 bazillion times, our wedding was the best day of my life. Everything that we had planned for in the seven short months before came together and our service, pictures and reception went of without too much of a hitch.

Walking towards him, down the aisle was a perfect moment and the five minutes we stole right after the service are incredibly special to me. The day was filled with such love, happiness, joy and blessings and I wish I could experience the EXACT day again.

I am so thankful God created this amazing man to be my husband and helped us find each other in our very different walks of life. I remember being 27 and praying to find the right man and God answered my prayers, in his time [through kickball haha] to bring me to the man of my dreams.

2013 was the best year of my life and the past four months have truly been incredible. I am so excited for what the future brings for us and am ready to conquer the world, with C by my side.


Dearest Husband,

Happy, happy birthday my love! This is the THIRD birthday I've been blessed to share with you and I'm so excited I'll be there for the rest of them. I hope that today is a wonderful one for you and that you enjoy your first day of being 33! You are the heart and soul of my life and I'm so thankful you've chosen me to be your forever. To the MOON and back my darling!

All my love, 

*linking up here again!*

January 3, 2014

Top Five of 2013

How unbelievable is it that we are in the year 2014 right now?!?

I mean, where did time go?

I honestly can't believe 2013 is over. 

While I'm totally looking forward to a new year, 
so fresh and so clean,
I can't help but feel sad that we have said goodbye to 2013/

This past year, was completely and utterly MY YEAR!!!!

2013 was by far the best year of my life.

Here are my TOP FIVE moments of 2013!





What were your favorite moments of 2013?!!?

linking up here again!