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Showing posts with label Confession Fridays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Confession Fridays. Show all posts

April 14, 2016

Last Confessions Before the Trip

|| I can't believe my birthday is tomorrow. HOLY COW how is 33 already here? Didn't I just turn 32?

|| My family was too sweet to me at my birthday dinner last night and I barely held back the tears reading their cards. There was a slight glimmer with each one, gah what am I going to do on Sunday?

|| I am the hibachi flying food catching queen!

|| Wednesday at work was sooooo busy I barely had time to eat which worked well with our hibachi dinner but I was still hungry after my meal so Le Husband and I went to the store for some extra whipped cream. #ilovewhippedcreamtoomuch

|| I accidentally ran a red light when turning left. I was exhausted from being up so late finishing up some trip planning that I saw a break in traffic and though it was a green light for everyone. Everyone was safe and there wasn't even any honking but I felt awful when I realized what I did. #morecoffeethenextmorning

|| Launch on Tuesday was AWESOME! My fellow instructor is incredible, he has such energy and he helped elevate my performance which made me feel so strong. We had over 100 people in class and we dropped it like a SQUAT! Below is what I shared on Instagram, lil video of class whoop whoop!

|| We just received the track lists for BODYPUMP98 and I'm geeked for the chest and lunge track.

|| An unexpected twist in our journey came up this week and I'm quite surprised by how calm I feel. #faith
|| I don't know how you night owls and late night working ladies do it. The past two weeks has been bed at midnight and up around 6am. It is constantly go go go and I am plum WORN OUT!

|| I'm a lil disappointed in myself and my blog planning. I had planned to prep at least three posts each week I was gone, but alas barely have one a week. Thankfully I know some amazing blog friends who are willing to turn around a quick guest post.

|| Yesterday I put a funny picture on my iPhone back ground as a joke with Sportyspice and now I kind of want to keep it there for motivation. #needtofindmyabsagain #aftergelatoofcourse

What are you confessing today?

&with  Natalie & Kristin

July 18, 2014

I Confess...Friday's My Fave

Oh sweet, sweet Friday, you are finally here. The week after a long vacation is the longest week ever, right?!? It's been a bit of a doozy getting back into the swing of things and y'all would judge the ish out of me if you saw how I rolled to work the past four days. But, you know what, at least I made it.

Let's get down to some confessing and favoriting, ya heard!?

I confess... Sole Society owns my next paycheck. Great googly-moogly, their sales are killing me, but their shoes are so comfy, it's worth the money.

I confess… I thought I was a young buck last night, but sadly I am not. I agreed to sub for a friend's soccer team last night at 10pm and while I didn't have my best game it went well. So, a team that played after us didn't have enough girls and I thought 'Sure, why not, I'm up anyway'. OH EM NO…my body is NOT in shape enough to play another game, at 11pm. WOOF!

I confess... This is the first weekend since MAY 17th, that Le Husband and I going out of town FOR REAL!!!! We are going to be able to wake up in our own bed and just chill this weekend and I'm so stinkin' excited.

I confess... I almost threw up in my mouth when I read Leslie's post about Birks being 'back in style'. Are you serious? Barforama!!!

I confess... The vast and expansiveness of Alaska has me aching to move there. People don't think I could deal with the winters, but the Denali mountain is worth a long winter.

I confess... The response from Wednesday's post made me laugh. Glad I'm not the only one that's weird, < 3 you ladies.

I confess... As happy as I am to be home, I'm still not fully here. Alaska was so incredible, so beautiful and so remote, it really made me question my choice living in the concrete jungle. Work annoyances and petty BS that engulfs me back home just melted away and I felt so free and happy while I was gone.It's been a struggle getting up in the mornings and acclimating to the day-to-day. Hopefully, it gets easier, soon.

Now, onto my favorites from the week.

Favorite Video the week: Tacky blog post coming next week ;)

Favorite moment the week: Sleeping in my own bed....FINALLY!

Favorite blog post the week: People complain to much and Nikki's on point with her thankful post. Life isn't always peaches and cream, but being grateful can make a bad day better.

Favorite funny of the week: Ode to my Alaskan trip

Shake that tail y'all, it's FINALLY FRIDAY!

linking up with Leslie and Amanda!

April 11, 2014

These are my Confeeeeeeeeeesssions

Morning ladies and a happy Friday to you. 
I hope your week has gone well,
 just one more day and then it's the weekend, woohoo.

I haven't done a confessions post in awhile, 
so today I'm bringing back a favorite linkup of mine. 


I confess... I'm so thankful for the beautiful weather this week. After a ridiculously cold and dreary winter, it's so nice to see the sun and feel it's warmth. Soon it will be warm enough to bust out the spring/summer wardrobe. While I HATE the work involved with a closet change over, I'm so ready for my cute clothes I doubt I'll mind as much as normal.

I confess... I am super excited for my birthday party tonight. Sangria, tapas, friends, family and dancing, the makings of a truly fabulous party. Yes, I'm almost 31 and I have birthday parties. #birthdayaholicoverhere.

 I confess... Le Husband and I will be at kickball practice Saturday morning before getting ready for the wedding. Austin is in two weekends, so every practice is important. Fingers crossed no injuries so I can rock high heels to the wedding ceremony and reception.

I confess... that I finally watched Disney's Frozen this week. Which is kind of weird for a self proclaimed Disneyaholic. I wasn't able to veiw it when it was in theatres and after all the hubbub I kind of lost interest, if that makes sense? We have it here at work, so Tuesday I finally saw what all the fuss was about. Kind of, I think. I mean, it was a really good movie and I loved the strong female characters [kristenbellisamazing] and lil Olaf [toocuteforwords], but I wouldn't put it up there with UP, Monsters Inc or Toy Story. Maybe it's because I don't have a lil girl, who wants to watch it all the time. I guess we'll find out in the [distant] future huh? ;)

I confess... I am thrilled that I FINALLY get to meet Lynn aka my BOFF today. THHHHHHARRRRIILLLED! This blate is 2+ years in the making and I'm already sad for Sunday when she has to leave. It's going to be a full weekend of hugs, squeals, talking and girl time. I can't wait!
I confess... Le Husband has no idea what's about to hit him. #sorrylove ;)

That's it for me, what are you confessions this week?

August 9, 2013

Confession Fridays


I confess... I read both of the following articles and died laughing.  One because they are hilarious and TWO because they are both great examples of C and myself. #oppositesattract.
25 Frustrating Things about being an Extrovert [ME]
25 Frustrating Things About Being An Extrovert
When people stop inviting you places because you keep canceling plans.
I confess... The work to wedding stuff ratio this week has been very much favoring the wedding stuff. Yes, I'm getting my work done, but I'm also making calls and sending emails. Less than 30 days, sue me.

I confess... I've become that wedding girl. Everything I seem to talk about is wedding stuff and everything I seem to blog about includes the word wedding. Bare with me girls, I'll be back to normal soon.

I confess... I'm extremely nervous about what I'm getting C for his groom's gifts. I hope he likes em.

I confess... Sportyspice totally surprised me on Wednesday. She conspired with a good friend at work and brought me flowers, coffee and a card to celebrate ONE MONTH till the wedding. We all went out to lunch and had a great time. Such a wonderful way to commemorate my last month as a single girl.
So sweet!
Alright ladies, your turn, what do you confess?

July 26, 2013

Confession Friday: Q&A


Using the topic for today and answering a lil Q&A:

1. My worst fashion offense of all time has to be Spice Girl Platform Shoes
2. The most embarrassing song on my iPod is probably "Like Me" by Girlicious.

3. The last white lie I told was to Le Fiance.

I  told him I was done being stressed about wedding stuff...yeah right!

4. The celebrity I most wish would disappear is the whole Kardashian family UGH!

5. Sometimes, I wish I could heal all the hurt in the world. 

Yes, so cliche, but hearing stories from where both my sisters work often breaks my heart. There is so much love needed in this world but people seem more concerned with the Kardashians or themselves :(

6. My childhood crush was JTT or Max Elliot Slade, SWOON!

7. I've never turned down another hug or kiss from Le Fiance.

8. Snakes make me a nervous wreck. 

I hate hate hate snakes. Probably right on the line of a phobia. I have to turn away from CARTOON snakes on TV. ***heebbiiiieeeeejeeeebbbiiiiieeeeesssss***

9. I'd rather watch paint dry than mow the front/back/side lawn.

10. Much like a train wreck, I can't turn away from watching Real Housewives of New Jersey and Orange County

Can't stop watching the DRAMA!

This girl is so glad it's Friday. So thankful my doozy of a week is THIS close to being over. Have a wonderful weekend sweet ladies!

July 19, 2013

Confession Fridays

Linkup with Leslie

I confess. . . that last night I may have broken the law. It wasn't bad, it didn't harm anyone, but I confess I did it. Last night was the first time I ever used a 'fake id' because I accidentally left mine at home. A teamie had an extra one which I used, but I was twelve kind of nervous handing it over. I think the bouncer knew, but it was kickball night so he let me proceed anyway. REBEL without a cause YO!

I confess. . . this summer kickball team is my favorite. We dress up in jorts and redwhiteandblue America style and kick everyone's butt. So much fun and I love dressing up with my team.
Big Slick Cowboys, what what!

I confess. . . Last night at the bar I realized I was super old. I was sitting on a stool near the dance floor/flip cup table and Babyspice was legit breaking it down. She is very entertaining to watch and I was talking to a teammate about how awesome she was and he turned to look at me and said "That used to be YOU! Now you just watch"! DAAAAAAAGGGGER! You bet I got my old hiney up and jammed out to the next few songs. ME....OLD.....WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

I confess. . . My boss is slowly working on my last nerve. Her attitude in addressing me and the lack of leadership, only delegation now, is driving me nuts. Nashville's LOOKING REALLY nice right now.

I confess. . . I am 230483024802384039840238 kinds of excited for my bridal shower tomorrow. Babyspice, Sportyspice, and Mama B have been planning and working really hard to get everything ready and I know they will do a bang up job. I've been given a FEEEEW hints about some pieces of the party, but for the most part it's a surprise. I'm just thrilled that so many of my friends will be able to celebrate with me during this wonderful time. I.CAN'T.WAIT.

I confess. . . 50 days y'all.....50 DAYS until I'm a MRS. Didn't I JUST get the ring?!?!


May 24, 2013

Today I Confess A Mess

I confess . . . Kim Kardashian just needs to go away. Chica sent MUSIC boxes as her invitations for her baby shower. And the ballerina looks like her and the box plays Kanye's song....I mean really...GO AWAY!

I confess . . . I'm still sore from the manhandling massage I received on Wednesday. Homeboy straight WORKED IT OUT on my body and oooooh nelly, I'm still feeling it; in my back, shoulders, neck, and glutes [minimus and maximus]. He told me I needed to stop working out [yeah right] and that I needed to come back and see him often. More massages, yes please...who's paying?!?!?

I confess . . . I think I'm going to try and get reflexology massages more often. My massues asked the owner to come in and work on my feet [because I was so ridiculously tight] and even though I hate feet, this was incredible. She was able to tell that I don't sleep well, enjoy a glass of wine at night, hold my pee [what?] and slouch ALL from how tender my feet were. CRAZY right?!?! Check out this chart!

I confess . . . My panties were in a twist after reading a blog post yesterday. I understand that blogs are people's tools for sharing their feelings, thoughts and they have a right to say whatever they want. But....shhewww eeeeee, sometimes people need to THINK before they write. I probably shouldn't say anything here [DONTJUDGEMECLO] but hey, it's my blog, I do what I want.

I confess . .  . I am 2304820348 gobzillion  kinds of nervous for this weekends trip with my family and C. We are ALL driving TOGETHER in one minivan for nine hours [there and back] for my cousin's high school graduation. C likes the quietness of driving and if you've learned ANYTHING here on my blog, it's that the Brady Bunch IS NOT quiet. Here's hoping it goes well and he doesn't ask for the ring back and run for the hills after this trip.

I confess . . . I have renewed my crush on a literary character thanks to a blog yesterday. I was reading a post and all of a sudden the gorgeous face of Gilbert Blythe was staring me down. OH swoooooon! He was my first crush, so dapper and dashing and so sweet once he grew up. Anne Shirley you better be STINKIN' happy with this hottie!

I confess  . . . Google made me cry with their doodle. SO BEAUTIFUL!

Happy Happy Friday friends!

April 19, 2013

Confession Fridays

These are my :::::CONFESSIONS::::::

I confess... I couldn't have asked for a better 30th birthday/weekend. My party [which I'll post about next week] was fabulous and my actual day was amazing. I'm blessed and UNSTRESSED about my 30s, BAH-RING-IT

I confess... I am twelve kinds of proud of my Thursday hairdo. Usually when I don't have time to wash/dry it, I'll throw it up in pony or updo, however my new SHORT hair makes that hard. Enter, Pinky's 'fake-french-twisty-sophisticated-hair-do'. I'm no PinkLouLou, but I think this looks faboo!

I confess... Thursday was my first kickball game of the new season and I'm STOKED!

I confess... I'm majorly bummed none of the stores in my area have this dress in stock. I was bridesmaid dress browsing online yesterday and this one made my heart skip a beat. I LOVE the color and the style, but won't have my girls buy it without being able to try it on in store. DoubleDarn!

I confess... I love my CAPS! C bought me tickets for my buuuurday and we went to the game on Tuesday night. They rocked it out 5-1 and I'm super excited for the playoffs!

I confess... the DCers complaining at Verizon Center really annoyed me. Hello, we live in the NATION'S capital so we deal with HIGH SECURITY all the time. Having EXTRA security the day after a horrific tragedy is necessary and a given, so why wouldn't you PLAN for it?!?!?

I confess... I'm 2104802348023 kinds of nervous for the Tough Mudder this weekend. It's going to be cold, muddy, wet and hard and I'm so unprepared. I hope that I don't let my mind defeat my body. And I PRAY I'm not the weakest link in our group.

Happy Friday friends!!!

March 22, 2013

Spring's Here Confession Friday

I confess... I can't believe Psalm Sunday is this week. Since my engagement, Lent has just flown by. Anyone out there baffled that Easter is sooo close?

I confess... I wish I still had spring break. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, sun, cheap swim suits, cheap drinks, cute boys, too many people in one house and not enough sleep, I miss that recipe of fun.

I confess.... I just discovered Songza and LOVE IT! Hair Metal has been the station of choice lately and I've been straight jammmmmmin'!

I confess... I left my engagement ring at home Thursday and felt neeekkkid all day! How funny that I lived without it for 29 years but now a second without and freakout-city.

I confess... I am over the moon, super duper happy, mega ecstatic that THIS lil piece of the inter webs finally hit 200 FOLLOWERS! Thank you to each and everyone of you following, picture me doing the happy dance right now!

I confess... tears were shed at work while watching an Army Wives episode. Any storyline with military veterans gets me every time. #bawlertasticoverhere

I confess... I'm uber happy the contract has been signed for the reception venue. YAY!

I confess... I have NO idea what wedding dress I want yet. I've tried a ton of different styles and really have found all of them flatter me [dontgetmadplease]. What I'm learning is I have to decide WHAT kind of bride I want to be on my special day. Fun and flirty; Elegant and regal; Whimsical and sweet; Seksi and simple, I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT!

I confess... my workout on Thursday morning did NOT happen because I stayed up WAAAY too late with my bestie L after dress shopping. Mama was out to play and it was great just being the TWO of us without the cute munchkins around. But, man did I feel old the next morning.....R-U-F-F RUFF!


Today is the last day for the
Simply Smithwick
and I confess I'm kind of sad.

I didn't think I was going to be able to write posts
on all the topics, but surprisingly they were easy and fun
and I found a bunch of new blogs to read.


The last topic on the list is Spring Recipes.

Now, I don't have special recipes I bring out
just for spring or anything.

I do find myself craving lighter foods and get super excited
for MORE PRODUCE at the farmer's market.

I'll start bringing back more salads and veggies
and will make smoothies for breakfasts instead
of eggs or oatmeal.

I perused my Pinterest and found some
fun springesque recipes to share. 

For Easter brunch appetizers

Easter Dessert maybe?! Eggs instead of hearts!

Savory, simple, sweet....siiiiiiiiiiiiigh

Light and Easy for springtime


I JUST found this linkup and am 
SO STINKIN' excited for it.

Even though I don't have MUCH wedding stuff
on le blog today, 
I did confess some fun wedding fun.

Next week, it's ON like

Happy Friday sweet friends!

March 15, 2013

Confession Friday

I confess... I TOTALLY forgot about my 3 year blogging anniversary! Guess that's what an engagement IRL will do to your blog priorities. Happy three years to me!!!

I confess...This week was my 500th post too, holy cow when did THAT happen?!?!

I confess... I'm not Catholic [Methodist] but I was/am COMPLETELY taken with the pageantry, secrecy and the celebration of choosing a new pope. I was glued to the tv during the conclave and was ecstatic about the white smoke and bells. #Habemuspapam #Francis

I confess... I think Pope Francis is adorably cute! :)

I confess... I want to be a professional wedding dress modeler. NOT a model, I just wanna wear the dresses all the time. Babyspice is going to build me a time machine to help with this request. THANKS!

I confess... Despite being a non crafty person, my DIY 'Will You Be My...' gifts turned out pretty cute. I'm super excited to share them next week for SPD.

I confess... A St. Patrick's day card C's grandmother sent me MADE MY DAY! She is the matriarch of the family, and this was MY first card from her welcoming me to the family. I even received an Irish blessing. WOW, I'm getting a whole new 'family' soon, exciting!

I confess... Army Wives is killing me! I hate when characters are killed off, especially the good ones, wah! But, I'm SO excited I've found people that watch the show, even though I'm three seasons behind.

I confess... I did the HAPPY dance when C and I finally set a wedding date. EEEEK! It's really happening y'all.....and soooooooooooooooon


March 8, 2013

Confession Friday

::::Deeeeeeeeeeeeez arrrrrrrrrrrr mi CONFESSSSSSIOOONNSSS::::

I confess... I am 234908230480234 kinds of excited to try on WEDDING DRESSES this Saturday! EEEEK! My sisters, mama and a few friends are coming with me and I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Source: via Pinky on Pinterest

I confess... I may be planning to TRY and sneak some champagne in coffee mugs to the appointment. Hey, it's cause for celebration right??!?!?

I confess... I lobbied to work remotely on Wednesday because of the 'snow storm' that was predicted and I did NOT want to deal with traffic. My boss allowed me to work remotely and we received a whopping inch of snow. That turned to rain an hour later....oooooops!

I confess... While home, I watched six episodes of dance moms. OH MY TOE SHOES, those mothers and Abby are cray-cray! Can't wait for "Dance Moms Ruined My Life" in 2025.

I confess...I'm really upset a craft I did for my BM/MOHs didn't turn out the way I wanted. Hopefully I can fix them, otherwise I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm mad! #bridefail

I confess... I just did a double take after I wrote the word bride. THAT'S ME!!!!

I confess... Lil Miss 'don't eat processed foods' ate a S'mores Pop-Tart for breakfast this morning. #notime #so good!

I confess... I think I've become one of THOSE engaged girls. I went to the gym this week [finally] and actually missed my ring while I had it locked up in my locker. I've only lived with my beautiful ring for three weeks, but it already feels a PART of me. #nerdalert

Happy Friday Friends!

March 1, 2013

Confession Friday


I confess...that I can't stop looking at my left hand. It sparkles and I LOVE IT SO!

I confess... planning a wedding is a 'tad' bit more stressful than I thought it would be. I know nailing down a date is the hardest part, so I'm looking forward to the fun stuff once that's done and over.

I confess... last night was the FIRST night since the engagement that I haven't just dropped my things at my place and headed over to Le Beau's. Normally, we get home and do our own thing at our own place then get together to cook dinner and hang out. But, since he put a ring on it, we've been hanging out as soon as we get home. It's sweet and nice, but my place is a DISASTER!

I confess... I'm so excited to hang out with my bestie L and my Fresh Prince and Princess Kate tomorrow. I love those lil munchkins and can't wait to pick L's brain about wedding stuff.

I confess... I love my sisters! They are my bestest friends and always there for me! ANTONDAS FOR LIFEY!

I confess... I had a feeling last year that 'unlucky' 2013 would be my year and so far I've been right. It's amazing the clarity that comes with finding the right person and surrounding yourself with the right people. My God is an AWESOME God and I'm so blessed.

I confess... that I am IN LOVE with my wedding shoes. My friend and coworker bought them for me for my 'wedding present' and they are BOMB.COM! Pink satin Kate Spade shoes.....swoooon! I wanna wear em NOW NOW NOW!

I confess... I had planned to link up for wonderful Janna and Kelly's Thrift Shop Fearless Fashion Friday, but I chickened out. I perused a thrift store and then walked out because I'm a wuss. I am totally supporting you two ladies though, I think this idea totally rocks. I'll put on my big girl pants next time, I promise!

February 15, 2013

Fierce Fashion and Confessions

Another Friday so another link up with Kelly for

This week I'm taking on:

To be honest, when the whole 'print mixing' fad started,
I thought it was pretty fugly.

I'm all about clean lines
and mixing prints just didn't do it for me.

However, when I realized this fad WASN'T going away,
I decided to give it a whirl, just for kicks.

My first attempt at mixing prints.
Pink striped blazer paired with spotted black/white skirt.
Yes? No? SAY WHAT!?!?

I haven't mixed any patterns since the summer,
so I thought I'd try it again for this link up.

My mixed print outfit on Wednesday.

Granted, they were both stripes, just different types.

I normally wouldn't have paired these prints together,
because they weren't aligned,
but I stepped slightly out of my comfort zone
and tried it anyway.

So, what do you think?
Yes, no?
Any mixing print tips?


I'm also linking up with Leslie for Confession Fridays!

1] I've wore my hair in my pony tail 3 times this week, because I haven't washed my  hair. Ehh, what are you going to do? I prefer the extra 20 minutes of sleep to looking cute ;)

2]  C and I have yet to make it up for a morning workout this week. What, we've both been really tired and I guessing really needed the sleep.

3] I recently started watching Army Wives from the beginning and I'm ashamed to say I like the show. I know it's soooo off base portraying military life, but the characters are kind of fun.

4]The #SOTU wasn't even on my radar this year. #boopolitics.

5] I bought two pairs of shoes yesterday that I didn't need, just because they were pink. #budgetwhatbudget.