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Showing posts with label Hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hope. Show all posts

September 3, 2015

You Need to Read This {Plus a Fun Fall Announcement}

Enjoy your daily dose of inspiration. I hope you have a fabulous Thursday, friends!


Before you go, I'm super thrilled to announce the Falling for Fall linkup, which I'm hosting with the BEAUTIFUL Katie Elizabeth. The linkup will go live on the FIRST day of fall, Wednesday, September 23rd and will celebrate all things FALL! Share with us your favorite fall outfits, recipes, activities, football teams and crafts. I can't wait to read all of your fun posts and get excited for fabulous fall. We hope to see you on September 23rd, so mark your calendars :)!
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Linking up with *kristin*& *annie*

April 5, 2015

Christ is Risen! He is Risen INDEED!

The Tomb is Empty!
Jesus has beaten death. 
Let the trumpets sound and the celebration begin.

I'm alive! I'm alive because HE LIVES!


April 3, 2015

Three for Good Friday

Favorite Quote of the Week: Today is dark, but Sunday brings the LIGHT.
Favorite Picture of the Week: He chose nails to save us. You and me. #grateful
Favorite Song of the Week: I've been listening to this constantly since Babyspice shared it with me. #powerful

Fellow Christians I mourn with you today. We experience the darkest day of our year, but we know death does not win. I wait for that glorious moment on Sunday, when the tomb is empty and Jesus ascends to join our Father. T o d a y is dark but the light will shine again in three short days.
Whatever your beliefs today, know that I wish you and yours a blessed and GOOD FRIDAY! < 3

**linking up here, here hereherehere and here this week**

January 1, 2015

A New Dawn...A New Day...A New Year


Today begins:

a new year

a new chapter

a new start

a new page

a clean slate

a fresh perspective

another day of blessings!

Make the most out of each and every day you have been granted.



May 15, 2014

Why All the Pain and Suffering?!?

Normally, I like to keep it fresh and fun over here. I'm not the most hilarious blogger in the world, and my life isn't perfect by any means, but I am an optimist and try to see the lighter/happier side of life. However, sometimes life has other ideas and even a supreme optimist can be thrown for a loop. [please excuse the long post, which is probably full of errors and makes very little sense. you have been warned] 

This past weekend, in Virgina, three incredible people died unexpectedly in a freak accident. An accident that no one could prepare for or see coming. Three amazing people are no longer part of this earth and it's heartbreaking. Sadly, the heartbreak is felt in my household as one of the victims was a former college teammate of Babyspice. She has taken the loss extremely hard. It's one of those "she was such a lovely, bright, kind and wonderful person. how does this happen" moments. I'm so sad for the families of those who died and I can't imagine what they are going through. What was supposed to be a fun event, turned into a tragic end.  

Speaking of tragic, what about those natural disasters that appear and cause havoc and death? Sometimes, it's not just sad and unbelievable, it's incredibly heartbreaking. We as humans understand that nature can turn on us in a dime. And that we can try to shelter ourselves as best as possible, but sometimes, nature wins. Often, the best side of humanity comes out after natural disasters, but usually, the worst happens first.

Speaking of the worst, a good friend of mine is dealing with the worst work situation and it makes me so angry. She has a tremendous work ethic, but due to a boss that sucks at life and crappy rules, she's being pushed out of her job. It's incredibly unfair, and honestly a really bad work choice in my opinion but there's nothing that can be done. I'm trying to be there for her, as best I can, but honestly I don't have anything to say to make it better. I believe that there is something better for her out there, but I know that's not what she needs to hear right now. I had such faith in her boss and her company and it just stinks how everything has gone down.

And then there's just the day to day "did that really just happen". The car accident that you never expect, the scary medical news you had no idea was out there, the family member that gets sick, the unexpected injury from a sports game, the surprise new work schedule. All things you don't plan for and all things that can really effect your day to day mentality.
Despite all the bad, I try to find the happy and the joy of the other side. The new baby born to a loving family. The new job for a parent that has been out of work for too long. The unexpected raise, that allows someone to quit their second job. The beautiful side of humanity, just showing up because someone cares. I have faith that good triumphs over evil and that happiness outweighs sadness, but right now, there's a lot of sadness going on and it troubles me.

***comments turned off. I just needed to get the words out of my head. < 3 ***

December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas To ALL!

Joy to the World
Christmas Print - Luke 2 - 8x10 - Red, Gray, White
Wishing you all the grace, love, happiness and JOY 

December 24, 2013

Silent Night, Holy Night

Not a creature was stirring...

Twas the Night Before Christmas
By: Sister St. Thomas, B.N.D. de N
"Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the town,

St. Joseph was searching, walking up roads and down;

Our Lady was waiting, so meek and so mild,

While Joseph was seeking a place for the Child.

The children were nestles, each snug in their beds,

The grown-ups wouldn't bother, there's no room they said;

When even the innkeeper sent them away,

Joseph was wondering, where they would stay.

He thought of the caves in the side of the hills,

Lets go there said Mary, it's silent and still;

Made pathways of light for their tired feet to go.

And there in a cave, in a cradle of hay,

Our Savior was born on the first Christmas Day!

The Father was watching in heaven above,

He sent angels, His couriers of love.

More rapid than eagles God's bright angels came;

Rejoicing and eager as each hear his name;

Come Power, Come Cherubs, Come Virtues, Come Raphael,

Come Thrones and Dominions, come Michael and Gabriel.

Now fly to the Earth, where My poor people live,

Announce the glad tiding My Son comes to give;

The Shepherds were watching their flocks on this night,

And saw in the heavens and unearthly light.

The Angels assured them, they'd nothing to fear,

It's Christmas they said, the Savior is here!

They hastened to find Him, and stood at the door,

Til Mary invited them in to adore.

He was swaddled in bands from His head to His feet,

Never did the Shepherd's see a baby so sweet.

He spoke not a word, but the Shepherd's all knew,

He was telling them secrets and blessing them too.

Then softly they left Him, The Babe in the hay,

And rejoiced with great joy on that first Christmas Day;

Mary heard them exclaim and they walked up the hill,
Glory to God in the Highest, Peace to men of good will!"


Wishing you, and yours a very blessed Christmas Eve.

Oh Holy Night
Sweet hymns of JOY in grateful chorus raise we,
let all within us PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
CHRIST is the LORD!!!

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem
the GREAT GLAD tidings tell
Oh come to us, abide with us
Christmas Carol of the Bells
Ring Christmas bells,
Merrily ring
Tell all the world
Masters in the Hall
This is Christ, the Lord
Masters be ye glad!
Christmas is come in
And no folk shall be sad!

Joy to the World
Joy to the world! the Lord is come;
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven and nature sing,

December 14, 2013

9:38 AM

"Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.
their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.
they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
"this is heaven." declared a small boy.
"we're spending Christmas at God's house."
when what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
those children all flew into the arms of their King
and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
and as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."
then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe
then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"
"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"
then He and the children stood up without a sound.
"come now my children, let me show you around."
excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA

June 27, 2013

Dear Pinky

Last month I was prompted to write a letter to my readers
and this month I wanted to write a letter to myself.

Dear Pinky,

WOW, life is good. Crazy busy, but good.

Since that fateful February Sunday your world has changed
for the better
and you are moving towards your wedding day.


The day you dreamed about, but weren't sure
would actually get here.

It's been a rough dating road, but you've w e a t h e r e d
the storms
and found the calm that is C.

And oh, he is so calm compared to you
and your mach 2304830284 personality.

But, as you know, that fact that you are opposites
and not the same
work so well for the two of you.

Does 'being opposites' grate on both
of your nerves at times?!? DUH!

However, you both have learned patience
communication and how to
\FLIPPIN' JUST RELAX/ and move on with life.

What an amazing concept huh?

It only took you 30 years to learn that lesson.

Oh wait, did I mention you are the big THREE-OH
right now?!?!

Yeah, you are and you know what, you're rockiit.  

Speaking of rocking it, your family is your rock.

100% unconditional love in that Brady Bunch dynamic.

Of course you already knew this, but planning your wedding
has brought out a WHOLE
LeVeL of love. It's pretty *incredible* I must say.

Too incredible to really explain,
but you want for nothing when it comes everything
and they are RIGHT there to help you
when you are STRESSED
or annoyed
or ready to just elope [yes that thought has happenedonceortwice]

Yet, you know, a wedding here, surrounded by everyone
that LOVES you and Le Fiance,
will be the best thing in the world.

THE BESTESTEST! NO matter what happens.

So, sweet sweet Pinky, I leave you with this. 

Your life is peaches and cream right now,
so enjoy it.
hardships are going to come, and things will get
r o c k y.
BUT, you will always be able to look back to now.

The true beginning of your 'adulthood' persay.

Life is glitter and pink and butterflies,
don't let ANYONE take that away!

x's and o's and sugary love,

April 8, 2013

Shining Down on Me From Heaven

Easter  or the week after, always carries an extra promise and heartache for my family.

We lost my beautiful maternal grandmother in 2008 and sadly, five years [minus two days] later, her older sister was called to Heaven to join her.

My family is grieving and it hurts. She was the salt of the Earth, a true saint in human form

We received the sad news of failing health a few weeks ago, and I've been religiously praying for healing and no pain. There wasn't news this past week and I was hopeful things had taken an upswing and I would be addressing a wedding invitation to my sweet great aunt.

Sadly, Sunday morning we received the call she had passed on and is now with Jesus.

I'm sad I NEVER had the chance to make her special and delicious caramel cake. She was going to send me the recipe and I had hoped to SEND her my first attempt.

 You better believe that recipe will be mastered this month.


I'm a bit angry the invitation can't be sent anymore. Actually I'm very angry.

I KNEW even if I sent the invitation, the journey would be too far, and I NEVER expected her to make the trip. But, knowing that she would still be here on earth when I wed was enough for me.

But now, that's gone.

Today is April 8th and my heart is still broken from losing my grandmother.

Her not being able to attend my wedding in human form already hurts my heart. It hurt my heart the day she passed away.

I still remember my Mom holding the phone to my grandmother's ear, while I was back home in DC and crying while talking. I told her how much we would miss her and how much we loved her. And how much I was going to miss her on my wedding day.

And now that day is five months away and I'm already crying because she isn't here.

Now they are both gone and I'm sad.

And mad.

And just a bit drained.

Life is hard.

I'm clinging to the promise made just one week ago.

DEATH is not the end.

JESUS conquered the grave.

But, the loss of a loved one on earth is a hard burden to bear.

I will be turning to this hymn and many quotes this week.

Please pray for peace and grace for my family if you pray.

It will be appreciated more than you know.



March 29, 2013


Today is not a day for many words. Today is a day of reflection and of sadness. Today Jesus dies on the cross. For YOU! For ME! For ALL!

Do yourself a favor and click the song titles below for amazingly moving music. They will be sung at my church tonight and both songs bring to life the pain and suffering Jesus took on to save us all.

I pray you have a blessed Good Friday.

Craig Courtney

"My Father, let this cup pass from me.
My Father let this cup pass from me.
Yet not my will oh Lord,
yet not my will oh Lord
 But Thine be done"

"Then they took my Savior,
and nailed him to a tree.
And then they broke his body.
Poured out his life, put him to death


Pamela Martin

"I Thirst he cries upon the tree,
I Thirst he cries in agony.
He shared the cup the night before,
and now he is the drink that's poured.

"And though the crowd ignores his plea,
he says to all come drink from my.
The water that I give is free.
Thirst no more."


March 28, 2013

Guest Post and Last Supper


Today is also Maundy Thursday in the Christian calendar.

Today, we remember the last supper Jesus had with his disciples
as a man on earth, and the beginning of the longest
three days of his life.

The Last Supper

He washed THEIR feet
Source: via Emily on Pinterest

December 31, 2012

Funerals Family and Faith



This weekend we buried my great aunt.
She was memorialized in the same chapel her husband was and will be buried next to him.

Seeing her lying in a coffin hurt my heart so much.

I kept whispering "wake up, now, please wake up".

But, we all know that isn't the way of the world.

As the pastor and many of you said, she is at peace now and not suffering, so for that I am thankful.

The three girls were asked to speak at the service and I chose to talk about my great aunt's humor.

She was a very funny lady, even though sometimes she was laughing AT you.

I miss her loud laugh and her loud voice.

I miss her and am so sad her earthly body is gone.


My grandfather is the only living member of his immediate family now.

He had 7 brothers and 2 sisters if I remember correctly, but now it's just him.

I'm sad for him. He's had to bury so many siblings.

However, I am grateful he is still here with us and can only PRAY he stays with us for long long time.

Many of the cousins [my second cousins] drove in for the funeral and while the occasion was a somber one, it was nice to see everyone.

It has been a few years since this side of the family had a reunion and I'm sad the yearly reunion has been discontinued.

There were a few moments over the weekend where I was torn between wanting to go home because I was so drained and wanting to stay and create more memories with family.

NO matter what anyone says, FAMILY is the most important thing in the world, and we all need to remember to cherish the time we have on Earth together.



Death always tests my faith.

I get sad.

I get angry.

I get SUPER MAD the person is gone from Earth.

I don't understand why and never will.

My mother told me that my great aunt recently accepted Jesus in her life and I am so thankful.

God is so good and we are so blessed to have a merciful Savior.

Knowing that she is with Jesus and her husband in heaven gives me comfort.

Death sucks and it never gets easier.

But, our GOD beat the grave and so now can we.

I have faith, but I'm still hurting.

December 11, 2012

I Pray I'm Strong Enough to Love

Source: via Pinky on Pinterest

Dear Husband...

These are not my vows, but they are my hopes and dreams for US!

I don't have you as my forever and always yet, but I can't wait until I do.

I've always wanted the dream, fairytale wedding and marriage. Since I was a lil girl, I knew I wanted to be a wife and then a mommy. I can't wait to be a family and to have that special bond with you and our children.

Okay, I'm rambling....first things first....


I can't wait to wake up next to you every day.

I can't wait to plan our life out together.

I can't wait for all of the new challenges and experiences we are going to have.

I am thrilled to pieces that I will be YOURS for the rest of my life.

You are the love of my life and I am the luckiest woman in the world.

But, I'm going to be 100% honest with you, I have am nervous about this marriage thing.

I wish I could say I know I'm ready to be a wife, but ehhh, I can't.

I'm still a stubborn DOB [daughter instead of son] and that's not going to change easily.

I like things my way and I often think it's my way or the high way.

Do you promise to still love and forgive me when I'm wrong but think I'm right?

I promise to remember all the little things you do for me, even if I don't always tell you thank you.

I know that marriage is a lot of hard work, but I'm pretty sure I'll forget that at times.

But, I promise you I won't forget that you gave me butterflies.

Or, that you are the most amazing man in the world.

I pray that God grants me the patience and disposition to love you the way you should be loved.

When I say my vows, I mean forever and always times a gobzillion.

No going back, even though there will probably be days we want to run away.

Being almost 30, I'm getting started a lil late in the game, but I STILL want 80 years of marriage with you.

I look at all the old couples out there, and that's what I want us to be like.

NO matter what comes our way, I want to rock life with you by my side.

I like to think I'm stronger than I look, so I HOPE I can be strong enough to love right.

To be the wife YOU need!

The wife God wants me to be.

I want to be THAT couple that people pin on pintrest [or whatever comes next] when we are old and wrinkly.

So, when I'm stubborn or mean, remind me of these words.....and don't forget,

I'm forever yours..... < 3

September 28, 2012

Confession Friday's Letters

1] I went to Boston last weekend for a kickerball tournament and I haven't posted a recap yet. Have no fear, there will be one next week.
2] I am in a tizzy because next month is October. And by next month I mean Monday, what the froyo!? I have the National Kickball championship next month, say what?!?!? Where or where has this year gone?
3] My grammar sucks and I need help. To anyone reading this, please feel free to correct all of my mistakes and then send me them in an email. I want to improve my writing, thanks!
4] I may have checked blogs, facebook AND personal email before doing anything work related this morning. My bags may be sitting right next to me without being put away too. #Friday.
5] Even though I know the phrase "whatever" is a button pusher, I still used it last night. And now I feel badly because I got a sweet text in the morning.
6] I am thrilled to pieces the regular NFL refs are back because now people will stop b*$chin'. I understand everyone loves the NFL, but having the presidential candidates voice their opinions about the refs on Twitter made me see red. Y'all have a heck of a lot more to deal with than NFL refs, like the middle east or the economy, sheesh.
7] I played the part of being a mean girl and I shouldn't have, shame on me.
8] I confess I'm super excited to have this linkup back, thanks Leslie!
Dear Friday: I love you! Dear Fall TV shows: I'm so glad you are back, don't make me cry though. Dear Real Princes Looking for Love on TLC: WHAT THE WHAT!?! Y'all are ridiculous. Dear ankle: Know your role and get better NOW! Dear Sissys and Le Beau: Tomorrow is going to be so much fun, I can't wait to go hiking. Dear Bloggies: Please pray for a student of my father's. He was hit by a car while riding his motorcycle and is still in critical condition. He and his wife are Christians and could desperately use your prayers. Dear S&T: We are praying for you! GOD IS GOOD!
Have a great weekend friends!

August 29, 2012

7 years ago and TODAY

7 years ago today, Hurricane Katrina made landfall.

Katrina DEVASTATED the Gulf Coast and left massive damage in her wake.

People chose to stay to ride out the storm, levees broke, flooding happened, people died, people lost everything, roads were destroyed, history was lost, and help came late.

I remember vividly watching the destruction of Katrina, on CNN at my first job. I was 3 months out of college temping and struggling to keep it together as I watched the wrath of the storm batter NOLA, MISSISSIPPI, and TEXAS.

I can still feel the knots in my stomach, the tears in my eyes and the overwhelming feeling of

That feeling stuck with me day, after day, as I read about the destruction,
death, fear, hurt, and sadness. I remember telling my best friend L,
"I don't know how, but I will go down there and help"!

Little did I know, God was stirring my heart for good.

2 weeks after the storm, my mother told me my church was sending a
team down to Gulfport, Mississippi to help those affected by the hurricane.
I immediately signed up and started to prepare.

Luckily, my temp job was ending and I was living at home so I could take
the week off. The $500 was a tough pill to swallow because I was making peanuts
and didn't have another job lined up.
But, I knew this was something I HAD to do.

Our team arrived in Gulfport the 2nd week of October.
That's barely a month after the storm hit.

Another church committed to sending teams in EVERYWEEK until the end of the year. Including Thanksgiving and Christmas time. God is so GOOD!

I could write a novel about my experience in Gulfport, but I don't have the time, and frankly don't want to break down in tears right now.

I was blessed enough to be able to do mission work four different times in Gulfport and once in New Orleans. Each trip was amazing in itself and I have so many fond memories.

But, nothing will EVER top my first trip.

I remember:
The curfews, tping doors, the bus girls, amazing food, gaining weight, tears, smiles, stories, being in charge as the youngest volunteer, playing games, making friends, my college pastor, God's love everywhere, tiling, singing, dancing, walmart trips, getting lost because of no street signs, SONIC, sparkle shoe laces, government passes to go past the tracks, I-90, the broken road, the oil, the 6 blocks of NOTHING where homes used to stand, trailer park city, LOVE, HOPE, REBIRTH!

I cried driving to the church from the airport.


There are no words to describe the destruction I saw.

I cried after talking to people because of their HOPE!

I cried when people thanked me for helping.
Humanity truly is GOOD at the heart.

Here are a few pictures I found from my first trip.

I wish I had more pictures. I'll have to look on my old computer.

There is still SO MUCH to be done after Katrina.
Supporting communities rebuilding after the hurricane has become my cause.
We haven't forgotten you Katrina victims, we are still here!


As I write this, stupid hurricane isaac is making landfall in the SAME path
Katrina took 7 years ago.


People have already rebuilt once, they don't deserve to rebuild so soon.

But, I'm ready to help!
God is good and will protect them.

My work boots are ready though!

Please, take a moment to pray, send thoughts or good vibes to those who are and will be affect by the weather. I know every good thought and prayer will be heard.