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Showing posts with label Seasons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seasons. Show all posts

June 21, 2016

Happy SUMMER and An Afternoon with T-Bone Part Two

Hiiiiiiiii, y'all! Happy summmmmer! Beyond stoked my favorite month is official here. Wasn't yesterday gorgeous? I spend my summer solstice getting my butt kicked at the gym (such a great class), shopping for bridal shower paraphernalia, doing laundry, upgrading my Mac and practicing BODYPUMP on the dock. I couldn't let the beautiful weather go to waste!

I wasn't able to get my act together last week to get finish up my next T-Bone post so I'm sharing it today. I've been going over every Tueaday to hang out with him and help him around the house. We always go to lunch and there are always shenanigans. Last week's fun included a chainsaw, woohoo!


Me: I'm here to help you clear the creek path, look I even brought gardening gloves.
T-Bone: Okay, let me Oil up the chain saw.
Me: Are you sure? I think I can get them with the clippers, they look kind of puny.
T-Bone: Well okay, go get the loppers first. We will see how strong you actually are. 

T-Bone: Now cut at the base...down lower... I said the base, you're too high. 
[I couldn't get any lower, trust me].

T-Bone: Watch out, that's poison ivy, shew! You were almost in the thick of it. Lucky I'm here to point it out.

Me: What's that plant over there?
T-Bone: I don't know, but I hate it.

T-Bone: Get down low, no, you won't be able to do that, let me get the saw. {I made it work despite his protesting because NO THANK YOU CHAIN SAW}.
T-Bone: Oh look, don't you know everything?
Me: No I just wanted to show you my muscles.

T-Bone: Okay, let's go to the front yard. Time to chop down a tree so bring the chainsaw. Don't forget to grab the extra electrical cord. [wide eyed emoji face here]. 

T-Bone: Now get right to the bottom of the tree but don't let it touch the grass. No, lower, no don't let it touch the grass. Cut straight now. Straight!

We proceed to cut down TWO trees and then trim them to firewood size. How you ask? Oh you know, 90 year old Grandpa held the tree and pointed out where I should cut. Y'all I was sweating bullets concentrating so hard.

After the chain saw adventure he took me to lunch and one of his favorite restaurants. More fun ensued.

Me: What is good here?
T-Bone: I always get the same thing, spinach salad because I need the greens. Today I think I'll have a beer with lunch since you're doing all the work.

T-Bone to the waiter: Bring me a glass of your cheapest beer, I don't care what kind.
T-Bone after he drinks it: Yup, that's cheap but it works!

We spent most of lunch chatting about his past and him asking me about my stocks and giving me advice on what to buy/sell. T-Bone may forget some things but his mind is laser sharp when it comes it comes to his stocks. 

When lunch was over we headed back to his place and I swept his front/back porch, racked up the extra grass left from the lawn mower and then did a lil bit of straightening here and there. He didn't have much else to do so then I hung out a bit longer and then headed home. Every week has been an experience and I'm looking forward to the adventure today. Fingers crossed no more chain saws!

December 10, 2015

On Repeat {Fashion Fun}

Happy Thursday, friends. We are so close to the weekend I can almost taste it. Today I'm trying something a bit different and bringing you a few of my favorite fashion repeats. I am NO fashion blogger, so when I find an outfit I like I wear it as much as possible. Did I mention I'm not a fashion blogger, haha?

It is no secret that I love leopard, or maybe it is. If you didn't know, I LOVE me some leopard print everything. I bought this shirt from Loft two years ago and have a hard time not wearing it every week. Sometimes I rock it super casual and others I dress it up with a pencil skirt or black pants. The necklace I'm wearing is from Happiness boutique and is a new fave.
How I wore it.

Shop the look:
While I'm quite new to the shearling vest craze I must admit I'm a huge fan. I bought my vest from Pearl&Monroe and have been rocking it quite frequently. It is so warm and soft and I love the fun flair it adds to any outfit. I usually pair it with my tan Mossimo long sleeve tees, but will probably combine it with some of my sparkly and pink tops in the future. I bought my TOMS during the Nordstrom sale and y'all, they are sooooo comfy. Definitely shoes I can wear all day without any issues.
How I wore it.
Shop the look:

Plaid is rad and faux fur is fahhhhbulous. At least in my opinion. Last year I bought a faux fur vest and was so excited to bust it from storage earlier this fall. I've worn it quite a few times already and paring it with my new plaid shirt is my favorite fall to winter look. The vest keeps me quite warm and the plaid shirt is super soft and versatile. I haven't worn the look with jeans but will probably pair it with one of my dark wash jeans and heels later this season.
How I wore it.
Shop the look:
So there you have it, some of my repeat offenders this holiday season. Do you have any outfits on repeat?

Linking up with *kristin*& *annie*& here
*affiliate links used

November 6, 2015


Goodbye, Vegas trip.

Goodbye, month of chill weekends. You were good to us and I'm recharged and ready for the next month of crazy.

Goodbye, days above 60 degrees, I will miss your warmth.

Goodbye, bike rides into the city. Time to put Babs into storage until springtime.

Goodbye, getting home when the sun is still out. #bootodrivinghomeinthedark

Goodbye, superfluous five pounds of fat on my body.

Goodbye, mornings without jackets or scarves.

Goodbye, easy month at work. The holiday frenzy is right around the corner.


Hello, last kickball tournament of 2015. Please be good to us, pretty please.

Hello, FLORIDA BLATE! So excited for tonight!

Hello, daylight savings time. Thank you for bringing an extra hour of sleep.

Hello, possible OSU game.

Hello, fittastic body. It is SOOOO good to see you again.

Hello, cold mornings where I can see my breath.

Hello, vacation time!

Hello, Thanksgiving with Le Husbands family. I am beyond ready to cuddle my two nephews and bask in family time. I am so blessed to have such an incredible extended family and always look forward to our time back in Ohio.

Hello, turkey, rolls, stuffing, cranberries, potatoes wine, chocolate pie, indulgent treats, football games, after dinner naps, homemade gifts and family time.

Hello, heaters, over-sized sweatshirts, heavy comforters, jackets, mittens and hats.

Hello, BODYPUMP teaching opportunities.

Hello, start of the holiday season. Nine Fridays until Christmas, who is excited?!?!?!

November 3, 2015

A Few of My {Current} Favorite Things

Kristen posted this delicious shake recipe in October and I cannot get it out of my head. I am counting down the days until I can recreate it at home. #yesiwilldrinkitoutofamasonjartoo

While I was cleaning out my makeup drawer I found this eye liner in green and have been rocking it for something new. I'm all about a good smoky eye, but changing it up every now and then is fun too.

This November poem. Such a beautiful description of a transitional month.

Whenever I travel I wear a scarf to keep warm on the plane or to use as a blanket. The last two flights have been cold enough to use my blanket scarf and I can't lie, I feel so fall and festively put together.

I am obsessed with this sauce. It's delicious, WHOLE30 friendly and tastes great on veggies and proteins.

My girl, Jessi, did a fabulous post on changing your NOREPLY status on blogs and I'm so grateful she did. I get so sad when I can't respond to someone's awesome comment, so if you're new to blogging please check out her tutorial, we all wanna be able to chat with you :)!

Looking for Christmas card options? Make sure you check out Paper Culture before you decide on a company. Not only are all cards are made with 100% post consumer paper and they even plant a tree with every order made. I found a 50% off deal last month an our cards are already on their way, I can't wait to show em off.

Can Ariana Grande do anything wrong musically? Her Focus song has been on REPEAT like whoa in my neck of the woods. The music video is on point and I LOVE the syncopated beat.

I have been LIVING in these leggings at the gym. I'm so glad I listened to everyone during the Nordstrom sale and snapped up four pairs. I have yet to wear them with real clothes, but I'm in there at least four times a week at the gym. So comfy, thick and CUTE.

Did you hear the incredible news? Apparently Urban Decay is bringing out the Naked Vault II for the 2015 holiday season. OH EM I LOVE MAKE UP GEEEEEEEEEEE!

Since I've been hitting the gym like a maniac [lifting with Le Husband and taking BODYPUMP classes] my muscles have been a bit sore. My bed buddy heating pack has made a few trips to work with me and not only has it helped my muscles it keeps me warm in my dungeon of an office.

The Macy's Day Parade is only 23 days away and I'm enjoying all the fun updates from the Rockettes Twitter account. One day I hope to see them in NYC, but for now watching them on TV during the parade will suffice.

Our Ninja 3-1 Cooking System. I love our crock-pot, but this baby is fabulous during the fall. We use it almost every day and I love the fact I can stir fry something in the pot and then turn it on to slow cook. This was a random registry item and probably one of the most used gift from our wedding. If you're in the market, I highly suggest putting one on your Christmas list and will gladly tell you everything you need to know about using it. FIVE STARS, y'all!


I am still on Whole30 and I haven't had a chance to bake any cookies for the Cookie Swap, so I"m borrowing a recipe from Pinterest to share today. Most chocolate cookies make my tummy happy, but Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies will get you into my heart as well as my tummy. No one seems to make them anymore so when I come across a yummy recipe I have to snap it up for future baking. Are you an Oatmeal Chocolate Chip person or plain Chocolate Chip person?!!?
linkinguphereand hereandhereandhere
*some affiliate links used

October 30, 2015

Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus

Helllllllllooooooooooooo, Friday. Thank you so much for showing up, I've missed your pretty face since we chatted last week. I CANNOT believe tomorrow is Halloween. Didn't we just start Anne of Green Gables month? Crazy the holiday season starts on Sunday and call me crazy but I CAN'T WAIT! Bring on the hustle & bustle and ALL THE FOOD!

While I'm not a big Halloween girl anymore, I've done my fair share of complex and fun costumes. You know, back when I actually went out for Halloween weekend and such. Man, I've gotten super lame and old, haha. Today I'm sharing my five favorites in place of my usual Friday post. #becauseonhalloween #costumes


1] Mario & Luigi: My roommate & created these costumes, the year before they became popular. We bought the fabric, sewed the jumpers, made the buttons, hats and question mark box for our purses and then bought the rest. I loved how they turned out and the fact I could still use the shoes and shirt. All night long we said 'POWER UP' and everyone thought it was awesome! #aheadofthetimes #homemadeforthewin

2] Three Wise-men Shot [Johnny Walker Black]: This was my first foray into intensely homemade costumes and while it was a lot of work the results were completely worth the effort. All night we were complimented on our creativity and I enjoyed being a walking billboard for an alcoholic beverage. I also got a free shot, woohoo. Thankfully the weather was nice that night, otherwise I would have been a drink on the rocks. #homemadecostumeforthewin #mosttediouslabelever

3] Baseball player: The first Halloween Le Husband and I spent together we had only been dating three+ months, so no way were we buying a couples costume. But, our kickball team was going out so we decided to try and throw something together, in the eleventh hour. Somehow we landed on me being a college baseball player [since he was an assistant coach] and he would go as the morning after girl. It was HILARIOUS, but I'm not going to post a picture of Le Husband in a skirt here, because he'd kill me for sure. Not only did we pull of a fun costume, I was the most comfortable I'd ever been on Halloween. #baseballpantsforthewin #comfycostumesrock

4] Mackenzie from Toddlers and Tiaras: This was hands down one of the most fun costumes to wear and one that every girl knew upon sight. I was able to repurpose a birthday dress as my 'beauty' dress and the rest came together quite nicely. Sportyspice did an amazing job as my mother and the tan line streak was a huge hit. Of course, that Halloween it decided to snow so it was a bit chilly in the beginning but we made it work. BTW, posing, doing cupcake arms and making beauty faces all night is a lot of fun! #youaredrivingmenuts #cupcakehands #nonoway #snowinoctoberwth

5] Despicable Me [Agnes]: Our first FAMILY costume project was the year before Le Husband proposed, but I knew he was the one when he let me dress him as Gru. Despicable Me is a family favorite and so naturally the three sisters wanted to dress up as the cute lil girls, but we knew no one would recognize us without our Gru. Enter Le Husband. We threw this costume together in a week and I think it turned out pretty nicely don't you?!? #unicornsilovethem #familypicturebeforewewerefamily

What are some of your favorite Halloween costumes? Which costume of mine do you think was the best? Which do you think I could pull off again?

 **linking up  Here  here hereherehere and, here this week**

I can't sign off today without wishing my beautiful friend, JANNA, a happy, happy birthday! Wishing you a day just as fabulous and wonderful as you. I loved our blate, way back when and hope to see you soon soon soon! Love you sweet mama. Give lil Charlie a kiss for me! xoxo

psdotcom: Stay safe tomorrow night, friends. Dress up, act dumb and enjoy your drinks but make sure you have a buddy and look out for your friends. I want everyone to get home safe, okay?!?! xoxo

October 29, 2015

All About Autumn and Me

I saw this tag going around the Internet last week and figured why not join in the fun, even if I'm a bit late.

Favorite fall drink: I don't like pumpkin, I don't like chai and I really don't like anything cider so this time of year is not my favorite. In the past I did without, but now there are delicious caramel mochas and maple lattes for me to enjoy :)!

Favorite fall candle: I love a good apple pie/crisp smell and Autumn leaves smell is absolutely delicious.

Best Fragrance for fall: Hmm, I don't have a fall scent per say, but I gravitate towards a heavier and woodsier scent once cold weather arrives. I'm definitely on the hunt for a new scent, so shout em out, friends.

Favorite Thanksgiving Food: Oh my goodness, give me it all! I could eat Thanksgiving food year round -- and look like Santa -- I find everything so delicious. I can never get enough stuffing, smashed potatoes, oyster pie and of course ROLLS!

Favorite type of pie: Chocolate mousse, ain't nobody got time for apple and pumpkin.

Football games or jumping in leaves: Growing up we had to rake leaves so you better believe I jumped in those piles. Now that just sounds dangerous and gross, haha. I LOVE FOOTBALL! I'm a diehard Cowboys fan and married into a Buckeye family so Saturdays are all about college football and Sundays are about the Cowboys [and some Bengals, too]. I enjoy sharing a love of football with my husband, it makes for some pretty packed weekends. #gobucks #demboys

What is the best fall memory you have: Wow, there are so many. I played soccer all my life so fall means soccer games and tournaments and I loved soccer season in college. Fall meant cooler temperatures for conditioning and it also meant we were close to conference play. In 2002 we won our conference so that October was an amazing one. Fall 2013 is a favorite too because that was my first married fall and I loved creating traditions as a new couple.

Favorite fall attire: Fall is my second favorite time of year [behind summer, of course] and now that cooler temperatures have arrived I'm loving everything plaid, striped, dotted and sweatered. Personally I enjoy the temperatures that DON'T require a jacket, but that's just me. Right now my favorite attire is plaid, with booties being a close second.

Favorite fall television show: I love all fall shows because everything is finally back on TV. The Good Wife and NCIS are my two favorite series. I also love Elementary and Castle, you should try both shows, they are fabulous.

Combat boots or Uggs: Neither. I don't understand paying the price for UGGS because they say UGGS. I'd rather have a good pair of Sorels. Something that will withstand the rain and snow, while looking cute.

Is PSL worth the hype: Nope... basic.

Favorite makeup trend - winged eyeliner or dark lipstick: Fall 2015 has brought a new lipstick love to pinkland and for once I'm actually on trend. I will wear winged eyeliner every now and then, and have been rocking this deep shade of lipstick.

What is autumn weather like where you live: Wellll, that depends on Mother Nature. Sometimes we are blessed with a gradual fall and sometimes she shocks us straight into winter. We had a nasty start to fall, but October has brought some beautiful weather. Cool, crisp mornings that turn into 60 degree days are quite wonderful.

What do you think about Black Friday: I think back when Black Friday originated it was a good concept. Arrive a lil early to receive great deals. Now it's turned into shopping on Thanksgiving people go crazy for meh deals in my opinion. Our family goes out around 9am Friday to the PX/BX and maybe hit up Macy's for some clothing deals. I much prefer Cyber Monday. My wallet hates both, haha.

Fall mornings or evenings: Definitely mornings. Evenings are too cold and I don't have a fireplace or fire pit. I think once we have a home with a backyard I'll enjoy the evenings more. Now they just remind me of cold soccer night soccer games and I'm way too old for that noise.

Favorite fall movie: You can't have fall without Hocus Pocus. #whosexcitedforparttwo

Linking up with *kristin*& *annie*& here

October 28, 2015

What I'm Up to {October}

Morning, ladies. Can you believe this is the last weekend of October? Our month was pretty fast and furious, as usual, and I am BAFFLED next month starts the holiday season. I've grown to love this linkup because it helps me recap all our fun and is a great way to get down memories while they still fresh in my mind. #lifemovestoofastnottorecap

What We're Eating: October was a bit of a crazy month food wise. The beginning of the month was a complete debauchery with our Vegas trip and being lazy. However, the moment we arrived home from Vegas I put myself on lock down and have been eating Whole30 the past 15 days. I've already lost four pounds and am feeling 100% better about my body and in general. My Whole30 will actually end a few days early because of our vacation but I'll jump back on until the holidays.

What I'm Reminiscing About: Our start in kickball. We've been playing competitively for the past five years and 2015 will probably mark the end of our traveling careers. Crazy, right? It has been an incredible ride and we experienced some incredible highs, lows, cities and made life long friendships because of kickball. I'm sad to think about the end, but we have a lot we want to do next year and the travel budget will be incredibly different in 2016. Crazy a random team brought me to my husband and to where I am today. #thankyoukickball #champsin2012 #yesitravelforkickball

What I'm Loving: Feeling strong and fit. I lost a bit over the summer so workouts have been a bit tough the last few weeks. Feeling weak sucks, especially when I know HOW strong I was just a few months ago. I love moving up in weight and believe I'm finally on the upswing again.

What I'm Dreading: Getting back into healthy eating after my weekend off. I'm adamant about keeping the bad weight off before the holidays but I know reintroducing drinks and delicious indulgences will tempt me to fall off the wagon. I'm so proud of my Whole30 journey this year and don't want to mess up right before festivities of holiday season.

What I'm Working On: Research on some dreams and BODYPUMP.

What We've Been Up To: October means Vegas in our world and we Vivaed that Las Vegas. The tournament didn't turn out as expected but enjoyed all the fun Vegas had to offer. We took a few days to acclimate to real life and then Le Husband was off on a trip with his brother. I only traveled once this month and I feel a bit weird, haha. It was pretty rainy to start the month off, but the weather has lent itself to some wonderful weekends outside exploring and cozy days in watching football and eating. Fall is definitely here to stay and I don't hate it. #staywarmjustabitlonger

What I'm Excited About: I moved desks at work and it's working out pretty well. Earlier this year I had asked to move and after being told it was okay they gave away the desk I wanted. Who does that? The dude in the cubicle next to me has been wearing on my nerves the past few years. He takes his calls on speaker, is extremely incompetent, talks to himself and makes gross sounds constantly [snorting, throat clearing and more] and my patience was all but gone. Luckily a cube one away from him became available and I was finally able to move. I've been at the same desk for five years so the new one is quite a change but one I am learning to enjoy.

What I'm Watching/Reading:  We are watching all the normal shows and I'm finishing up the Last Anniversary. There are THREE books on my kindle which need to be read in the next three weeks so my reading is going into OVERDRIVE soon.
What I'm Listening To: Music has taken a back seat this month which is really strange. I listen to talk shows in the morning on my commute and usually bounce around to music on the way home. However, this month I've really enjoyed listening to my Audio Book 'A Little Princess'. Such a classic and hearing someone read is quite calming during the evening debacle.

What I'm Wearing: All the fall things. Scarves, booties, plaid, sweaters, boots, leggings, I'm wearing it ALL! 

What I'm Doing this Weekend: Hopefully a whole lot of nothing. Well, besides football food and fun. We've been invited to a Halloween party and are on the fence about going, so we will see.
What I'm Looking Forward To About Next Month: Our trip to ORLANDO! It is the last tournament of the kickball season and I'm looking forward to a fun weekend with Le Husband and the sissys. I'm also SUPER STOKED to meet up with some Florida bloggers while I'm down there, cheers to a blate!

What Else Is New: Nothing much. We are gearing up for the holiday season and a possible trip to OSU for a football game. The next two months are going to be a whirlwind and right now I'm grateful for the down time we are enjoying.

What were your favorite memories from October?

linking up *here* *here* *here*

October 27, 2015

Homemade Whole30 Butternut Squash Soup {Recipe Files}

Morning, ladies and Happy Tuesday! Today I have a super delicious recipe to share. I must confess, this recipe is kind of a mishmash of two recipes and then I just kind of winged it in the kitchen. I understand this isn't the best example of a recipe, however, it is quite easy and allows the individual to cater to taste. This was inspired by pre-cut butternut squash being on sale at my local grocery store and after I purchased it I researched recipes until I found two I thought were easy enough. Then, I just kind of fiddled and have to admit, I'm pretty proud of the outcome.

Homemade Whole30 Butternut Squash Soup
Recipe adapted from *here* and *here*

1 Butternut Squash [or container of pre-cut squash]
Salt & Pepper
1/2 - 1 can of Coconut Milk [or cream/half&half if you aren't eating Whole30]
1 - 2 Onion[s]
Any other dried spices you enjoy with butternut squash

Cookie Sheet
Immersion Blender or Regular Blender
Potato Masher

1] Cut butternut squash in half or place pre-cut diced squash on a cookie sheet. Drizzle olive oil and salt over the meaty part of the squash and if using the diced pieces move them around so they are all coated. Roast in the oven at 350 for 30-45 minutes or until tender. If using the diced pieces check them about 25 minutes in and use a spatula to roughly rotate them on the sheet. Depending on the size of your squash, it may take as long as 50 minutes for the halves.

2] While the squash is roasting cut up onion[s]. I prefer strips [because they are easier] but it doesn't matter since they will be pulverized with an immersion blender or a straight blender. When there is about 15 minutes or so left on the squash, add about 1 - 2 TBS of EVOO to a skillet and start to caramelize your onions. When they are done, remove from heat and set aside either in pan or transfer to a plate.

3] Once squash is tender [check with a fork, if it cuts through easily the squash is done], remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes. If you want to use an immersion blender read through steps 4 -6, if you would rather use a blender place squash, onions and coconut milk into a blender and skip to step 7.

4] Place squash in a big  pot on the stove and turn it on very low heat. Add some coconut milk [or cream if not eating Paleo/Whole30] and mash with a potato masher.

5] Add caramelized onions.

6] Continue to mash until you  have a smoothish [!] consistency. [I tried to use an immersion blender and it pretty  much was a fail. I didn't have the correct pot size and it was way too much work].

7] I found the immersion blender was a bit cumbersome so I stopped halfway through and  put everything into a blender. Oh my goodness, so much easier. Once everything was combined I added a bit more salt, pepper, cinnamon and coconut milk to thin it to more of a soup consistency. Honestly, this last step is to taste and feel, in my opinion.

8] Put mixture back into a sauce pant to heat thoroughly then enjoy. I sprinkled extra bacon on top of mine and it was a DELICIOUS addition. You could also swirl an extra bit of cream on top to make it look fancy if you want.

I stored the rest in a container and will enjoy it the rest of the week for lunch at work. I know some of the measurements are kind of wonky with my recipe, but I honestly went my feel and taste. Depending on your blender you may need to use a a soup sieve for the proper consistency. We don't have one and personally I thought the blender was enough, but, I am no chef, so if you want to sieve, sieve.

So, what do you think? Have you made butternut squash soup before? Is this too far off?  Feel free to reach out to me with comments or questions. If you try making this soup please let me know :)!

Psdotcom: So many of you commented on the purple potatoes I had to say something here. I had NO idea purple potatoes existed until three years ago when we started watching CHOPPED! If you are interested in them, check by the baby red potatoes in your grocery store.

linking up here here here here here and here today 

October 5, 2015

Rain, Rain Here to Stay. Guess I'll Just Eat All Day

Morning, friends. I hope you had a great weekend. My was supposed to be extremely rainy and nasty, so therefore we were going to be extremely lazy. Well, Hurricane Joaquin decided to play nice and stay out to sea so we just dealt with a lil bit of rain instead of the downpours and high winds that were predicted. Le Husband and I headed out late Thursday night to do our shopping in case we were hit, so we decided to keep Saturday slated as a lazy day and spent the day indoors watching football and eating. Oh my land, did we eat. Since we expected to be stuck inside all day, we planned accordingly with homemade chili, pasta, hot cocoa and spaghetti. Mmm, mmm, mm, it was a deliciously lazy weekend and I loved every minute of it if you must know. #lazyandlovedit #thankyourain #coldanddrearyisgreatforcuddling

+ Friday night was capped off with my CPR Adult/child certification. I am required to be certified to teach BODYPUMP, but I've also had this on my list for awhile. Especially now that we are around our nephews so often. It was very informative and I highly suggest everyone get certified, just to have that knowledge in your back pocket. #icannowsaveyourlife #cprcertified

+ My first hot cocoa of the fall season. The rain brought much cooler temperatures than expected so hot cocoa was a must. 

+ Homemade chili mac on a drizzly Saturday afternoon. #hisandherchiliforthewin

+ Cookies and cream pudding for dessert. #theextrawhippedcreamwasamazing #fancyplatingforfun

+ Cincinnati chili dip we scarfed down while watching seven different college football games. #gobucks

+ Homemade pasta noodles for chili mac and of course, Sunday's homemade pasta dinner. 

+ Three new kindle books I rented from the library. #soexcitedtoread

+ Our couch and my pink blanket where I spent most of Saturday and part of Sunday. #napsohard

+ Cleats from my soccer game on Sunday evening. #ihatelosing

How was your weekend? I'm feeling extra refreshed from the sleep and ready to get after it this week. I hope you have a FAAAAAAABULOUS Monday and enjoy a wonderful week < 3!

October 1, 2015

Goodbye... Hello!

Goodbye, 90 degrees and sunny. I will miss my sun kissed shoulders and warm drives home.

Goodbye, pool time.

Goodbye, month of crazy travel.

Goodbye, horrendous eating habits. I've enjoyed eating my delicious cheat meals, but not it's time to get back into shape.

Goodbye, tank tops, shorts, flips and sun dresses.

Goodbye, laziness and eating anything and everything under the warm sun.

Goodbye, favorite season.

Hello, crisp, cool mornings.

Hello, beautiful fall foliage. To quote Anne of Green Gables "I'm so glad I live in world where there are Octobers".

Hello, unexpected monsoon season. Not sure WHAT Mother Nature is smoking, but I think she's confused DC with Thailand or Asia. We have had nothing but rain recently and everything is so drenched.

Hello, Las Vegas vacation!

Hello, corn maize and pumpkin patch adventures.

Hello, jackets, skinny jeans and BOOTIES. I can't wait to wear my new booties & boots.

Hello, month of healthy eating and hard hitting work outs.

Hello, hot cocoa and campfires.

Linking up with *kristin*& *annie*

September 30, 2015

What's Up Wednesday {Link Up}

Hello, ladies! Happy hippity-hump day to all. Today I'm linking up with Shay for "What's Up Wednesday" where we recap our month using her prompts. I've started writing these instead of Currently posts, but I think next month I'll do both. Anyway, on to 'What Was Up' in September.

What We're Eating: September has been a hodgepodge of healthy and horrendous meals. Le Husband and I spent all of winter and spring getting FIT AS S*%% and then summer came and we just kind of ate everything we wanted #oops. Now, it's back to basics and that means cleaner eating this fall.  #yummy #megacheatday #lehusbandwasoutoftown

What I'm Reminiscing About: College and being a collegiate athlete. I can't believe I'm 10 years removed from college.

What I'm Loving: My passport is DONE and home, woohoo! It barely took a month and I'm super stoked to have my married name on my passport. I'm super stoked it was completed so quickly, too. You'll remember I was dreading it last month.

What I'm Dreading: The cold! Ugh, winter is way too close for my liking. And I'm dreading dealing with drama involving Le Husband's passport. He mailed his in BEFORE I did and hasn't received anything back yet. Plus, we haven't been able to check the status on his either. I really hope nothing horrible is in store for us regarding his passport.

What I'm Working On: Getting CPR certified and hopefully auditioning for a BODYPUMP job.

What We've Been Up To: Oh wow, this month has been nothing but travel, travel, travel. We were in Cincinnati for Labor Day weekend and then turned around and flew to Nashville the next weekend. Le Husband then traveled the weekend after, while I stayed home and scrubbed down the apartment and visited friends. Last weekend I was down at my alma mater and this weekend there was the possibility of another trip but I think ticket prices might squash it down. #livingontheroad

What I'm Excited About: BabySpice is HOME! We're doing a sisters dinner tonight and I can't wait to hear all about her fabulous travels and welcome her home. Ten days was way too long for her to be away!

What I'm Watching/Reading: I just finished Girl On the Train [what was the hype about] and Astronaut Wives Club [the show was more fun] which I'll review in October. Now that fall shows are back on I'm knee deep in Castle, NCIS [all three series], The Good Wife, Elementary Worst Chefs in America [Celebrity], Ladies of London and can't wait for Madam Secretary. I want to watch Scream Queens, has anyone seen it? So happy fall television is back, I've missed my shows!

What I'm Listening To: Honestly, nothing is really striking my fancy right now. I'm listening to the radio on the way to work, BODYPUMP music on the way home and every now and then a good song will come into play. For some reason, FALL OUT BOY'S Uma Thurman is repeating itself on my listen list [so catchy] but other than that I can't really tell you anything that's HOT ON THE RADIO WAVES. Someone wanna help a girl out?

What I'm Wearing: Even though it is now officially fall I'm still grasping at my summer wardrobe. Maxi dresses, capris pants and flips are my go to pieces until the weather stops hitting the 70s. When it's chilly I'm rocking my dark wash skinnies and various flowy tops. Can't bring myself to break out the sweaters yet.

What I'm Doing this Weekend: This weekend was slated for kickball practice and then turned into possibly flying down to Atlanta/Athens for a tournament and friend visit. Well, as of today it appears we are staying in town, but who truly knows with us, haha. #weliketowander #travelbeforebabytime

What I'm Looking Forward To About Next Month:  I can't wait for our yearly Vegas trip. This will mark our SIXTH time out to Vegas for Kickball [ 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014]and I'm excited about where we are staying and the timing of our trip. Fingers crossed we bring home the trophy and the money like we did in 2012!!!!

What Else Is New: We don't really have anything NEW right now, but there are some major changes we are looking at in the future. No, I'm not with child. I have a post in drafts regarding everything but right now it's going to stay there until I feel more settled.

What were your favorite memories from September?


September 25, 2015

Fall is in the Air on Friday

Morning, bunnies! Can I get a hallelu for Friday and the Pope? Hallelu! I hope your week went well and that you have fun weekend plans. Mine is looking to be a mix of chill and fun travel which makes me happy. Okay, let's get into some favorites.

Favorite blog moment of the week: I know I sound like a broken record, but I am still thrilled with the success of our 'Falling for Fall' linkup. It was so much fun reading everyone's favorites about fall, I'm now super excited for the fun fall festivities. Don't forget, the linkup is still live until the 30th. #thanksforplayingfriends.

Favorite quote of the week: Don't let life pass you by unnoticed.
Favorite video of the week: get ready for a tear jerker, y'all! An amazing NICU nurse was honored by Klennex for her tireless work and incredible bedside manner. I teared up multiple times, it was just so sweet.

Favorite cultural event of the week: Unless you live without a TV or social media you know the Pope was in America this week. DC was one of the stops on the Papal visit and it was pretty awesome having him in our city. Now, I did not have to deal with any of the road closures or huge crowds [many people were given leave to stay home, though] so all I saw were events on TV, which were pretty awesome. And, I'd like to think, no matter your religious affiliation it can be agreed the Pope's visit was an incredibly historical moment for our country and possibly for the future.

Favorite funnies of the week: Get your smile on, friends!

Hope you have a fabulous day, loves! Catch ya on Monday < 3!