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Showing posts with label Girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Girls. Show all posts

September 27, 2016


Hi, friends! Wait, a post on a day other than Friday, get outta here with my bad self right?!? I'm slowly trying to get back into the swing of blog things and SLOWLY trying to make my way over to other blogs. Can't make promises, just know I'm trying, kay?

Anyway, THIS WEEKEND WAS INCREDIBLE. Seriously, so so so amazing in so so so many ways. While I'm looking for a big girl job, I'm using this down time to up my certifications and this month that included attending an Advanced Instructor Module [AIM1] for Les Mills BODYPUMP. When I looked and saw it was in Memphis I realized I could attend and MEET ONE OF MY FAVORITE BLOGGERS at the same time. WINNING times two right?!?!

My girl JESSI [ I can say my girl cause I KNOW HER IN REAL LIFE] lives in Memphis and was the sweetest friend ever when I asked if I could stay with her to attend this training. Yeah, we hadn't 'met' before, but we've known each other for awhile and I was uber excited to have her show me around Memphis [which I've never seen].

I took Friday off of work and DROVE across the state. Lil Miss Pinky had NO idea how far away it really was until this drive. Yeah, not close, but easily doable for the weekend. I arrived not long after Jessi got home from work and we CAUGHT UP with each other then enjoyed a delicious home cooked meal for dinner. Oh yeah, we also enjoyed a few glasses of sangria, too. It was such a blast and we chatted as if we'd known each other for years, while we learned more about each other at the same time. Sadly I had to cut the party a bit short because I had a very early call time for my training.

After barely sleeping due to nerves, I was up bright and early and on my way to the gym. There was almost a heart attack moment when I couldn't find the entrance but thankfully I used my critical thinking skills and found the gym. I walked in full of nerves and worries and SO SCARED of falling flat on my face in front of this AMAZING trainer and my peers.

Y'ALL!!!!! IT WAS THE BEST TIME EVER AND THE MOST INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE. I honestly can't even begin to explain how crucial this was to my LES MILLS journey. I walked in a scared lil baby instructor and left a badass veteran of the program. We were taken through an intense technique class and everyone had a bunch of little tweaks for each move and we all had MANY 'AHA' moments as well. Presenting still brought the nerves however the knowledge shared throughout the class lent to a pretty amazing presentation number two and I feel SO REINVIGORATED with my coaching. Definitely found my LOVEMARK! Our instructor was the most fabulous trainer and she really helped me find my BODYPUMP self. I learned it was OKAY to be more PINKY while teaching, as long as I still stayed in the essence. Seriously I could go on and on, so I'll just stop and share these to fabulous pictures.

Once the training was over I hightailed it back to Jessi's and after a quick change we headed out to downtown Memphis for some FUN. Sushi was our choice for dinner and the place was super cute and delicious. I LOVED my Saki-tini.

Next we moved on to walking Beale Street, which was such a fun experience for this Memphis newbie. The vibe is like New Orleans with the streets closed but the MUSIC coming from all the bars was sooooo bluesy and happening. We wandered up and down the strip then settled on a dive bar in the middle. To say we stood out is an understatement but the music was too good to pass up. SO much talent for real.

After we finished our drinks we walked further down to main street to find another place to chill. Jessi took me to this awesomely themed speakeasy. I tried my first Kentucky Mule [delicious] and we were again treated to some fabulous Memphis tunes. The decision to shut it down after this bar was total mutual and we headed home to get a lil bit of sleep.

Sunday morning was a nice easy wake up with yummy coffee and a scramble a la Jessi. Too soon it was time for me to pack up and leave since I driving to Memphis has me crossing a dateline. Though the weekend together was short, we made the most of it and I'm SO HAPPY we were able to hang out. There's already a Nashville trip in the works and HOPEFULLY I'll get her further east for some hiking. THANK YOU JESSI FOR BEING YOU, which is just the awesomest!!!

Hope y'all have a great week. I teach another BODYPUMP class today and then will hopefully be taping my BODYATTACK certification video on Thursday. Cross your fingers for me!!!!

June 19, 2016

Family Fun Wedding Weekend

Hello and happy Monday, friends. I hope everyone had a good weekend and spoiled their father's rotten [bighugtothosewhosnolongerarewithus]. My father was spoiled but he had to share the weekend with a  family weeding, which of course he didn't mind. His side of the family all congregated in Lexington, KY to watch our cousin [his nephew] get married. It was a fun filled weekend and I was so ecstatic to be reunited with my sweet sisters and parents. I know it's only been a month but I've missed having them close something fierce.

Everyone arrived on Friday night and we BBQed at my aunt and uncles house while everyone was at the rehearsal and dinner. The wedding was at their home [which is a small horse farm] and we were there to keep watch on the setup so hooligans wouldn't come around and do something foolish. It was nice to catch up with grandparents and other aunts and uncles then it was time to head to the hotel and off to bed. 

Saturday morning I was up early with Sportyspice and we hit the gym before breakfast with the family. Mama B and Daddy headed to get Babyspice after they ate so we hit the pool for a lil tanning time before the wedding. Soon enough the entire clan was outside and our chill pool time turned into family knockout basketball games. It was quite completive and hilarious with laughs and trash talking all around. Soon it was time to break for lunch though and start getting ready for the wedding. There was a fun Chickfila adventure with Sportyspice and then more cousin and sissy catch up time. All the girl cousins decided to get ready together and its as great talking to our one cousin who is THISCLOSE to making the Olympic Rugby team, so exciting. 

We all headed out to the house together and it was SUCH a gorgeous Kentucky day. The sky was so blue and there was a delightful breeze which kept us from sweating…too much. It was very warm during the ceremony but it was so lovely no on really minded all the sweat, haha. 

Lots of cheers were heard when they were announced as husband and wife and then it was on to family picture time before cocktail hour. You know we had to get some fun sister pictures, right?

Grandma with the grandkids

Missing our one cousin in Spain.

We clean up nice, huh?

New favorite picture!

Reunited and it feels so good!

The wedding had a lovely shabby chic hipster vibe and I LOVED the blushing bride signature drink. 

The biggest hit of the night was the photo booth. I've NEVER been to a photo booth this good nor have I ever enjoyed one as much. I seriously have a whole stack of different pictures with different family members and it was so much fun. 

In between the photo booth fun we all broke it down on the dance floor and danced our lil hearts out. Yes, even Le Husband :)! As usual, the Brady sisters were a hit and we started quite a few different dances which was a blast. 

Too soon we were sending off the happy couple with sparklers as they began their new life together. 

The family closed down the party and sadly it was up bright and early for family brunch the next morning. Everyone was a bit tired however we were all laughing about the fun the night before and all the shenanigans. There were a few people who spent the night on the back porch, haha. 

When brunch was over it was time for people to start heading back which meant it was time to say goodbye to my family again. I have to admit, it was so weird watching them drive off for home without me. There may have been a tear or two when it happened. I had so much fun with my sissys and can't wait to see them in just three weeks for Sportyspice's bridal shower. 
Miss them already

Le Husband and I headed home later that afternoon and it was a quick three hour drive to Knoxville. Once home we helped get dinner ready for the grandfathers and then spent time catching up with the fam. There are a few interviews in place this week so if you can say a prayer or two that would be wonderful. Hope y'all have a wonderful Monday! 

March 29, 2016

Ten Things To...

Morning and happy Tuesday, y'all. I'm honestly still playing catch up on sleep as we spent a long time last night packing up more of our apartment. It was a Monday date night at the storage unit, woohoo! Today I have a meeting most of the day so my commenting might be a lil spotty, but I promise to make it to all your pretty blogs when I can. 

Today I thought I'd share different things on my radar, but with the Ten for Tuesday twist.

Here are Ten things to...

::Listen To::
Che'nelle's song if your needing a bit of a pump up vibe. Check this video out if you need to feel FIERCE!
This song if you need to focus on a single task, it's the perfect mix of calm and interesting.

:: Try ::
In the market for a new skin regimen, give Lindi Skin a try. Over the weekend my face sadly became a lil sun and wind burned from our early morning bike ride. It was quite angry with me so I was glad to have the Lindi face wash at home to try. The cleanser was SUPER gentle but still left my skin feeling fresh and clean and I loved the smell. The lavender serum not only smelled fabulous it also helped soothe my burnt skin. While this is nowhere NEAR as serious as  I now keep both the cleanser and serum in my gym back to use before or after my workouts. I know it will get the job done, but won't leave my skin feeling dry or itchy before I teach. I can see why someone with sensitive skin would LOVE these products, but I think they work well on any skin type. #trylindiskin #smellsamazing

Even though we're back on the healthy train I'm trying to find a delicious sweet treat to share this weekend at our bon voyage party. I know I should probably keep with an old standby but don't these look amazing? 

:: Watch ::
Yes, I'm a bit late to the party but oh my goodness this movie was just adorable. If you haven't seen it be warned, there are a few UP moments scattered throughout the movie. Oh and if you hate snakes as much as I do, be sure to close your eyes when a red thing falls off a tree. #family #humanasadog #dinosaursareawesome

:: Read ::
I've only perused Marie's website but really want to buy and read her book.  So far her 'spark joy' theory has helped me change my hording sentimental ways and I'd love to learn more about her organization techniques. #purgingbeforethemove

:: Do ::
Have courage, be kind and THROW the kindness around. Be good to others #confettiforall 

:: Buy ::
With the trip to Europe and move closing in, I've been seriously watching my spending habits. Got to be good now to justify a new Italian leather something right? However, I needed to stop by Target to pick up some new storage bins and used the time in the store as an excuse to scoop up a few more necessities. There were high hopes of scooping up some of the cute workout shirts I posted about a few weeks ago, but alas the two in the store were NOT flattering at all. My trip was not in vain though as I grabbed a new travel makeup set to replace my previous SK brushes I misplaced in February [seriously, no idea where they went]. While perusing the Merona aisle I saw my FAVORITE tank camisoles were on sale so I snatch up a few. Y'all, do yourself a favor and go get you some, they are so soft and hold up really well too.

:: Meditate ::
We all need a lil bit of Zen in our life sometimes. Ten wonderful things to keep in mind and don't forget the belly laugh.

:: Taste ::
Love me some tacos and shrimp tacos are a favorite in the springtime. How delicious does the cilantro lime slaw sound? Can't wait to try this with our homemade tortillas #yumyumgood #amouthfiesta!

:: Sip ::
Another lil summin summin I'm wanting to try for our going away party. You know I love me some champs and I thought mixing it with sangria would be a fun springtime treat. Not sure if I'll get as fancy as this pin or just try a simple lil mixology on my own. Have you tried this recipe before? Any tips or tricks?
What are some things on your radar right now?


Before you leave, I have to share one more fabulous piece of news. My sweet, sweet, friend Jess of The Newly is expecting and I am over the moon and excited for her and her sweet lil family. If you have a minute head over to her blog and give her some congratulation love.

***I was provided Lindi Skin products for review, but as always all opinions are my own**

February 29, 2016

The Weekend I Barely Stopped Moving

Good morning friends and happy LEAP DAY! I'll be honest with you, I find 2/29 a very strange day. I can't imagine having my birthday disappear can you? So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all your leap babies, make sure you enjoy your day!

Moving on to the weekend, phew, this was a doozy of a two days, y'all. It was a weekend of stuff after things after events after workouts and soccer games. Thankfully I was able to chill out a bit Sunday evening and get everything ready for my 6am BODYPUMP class. I'm super excited for early bedtime tonight after we have family dinner for Sportyspice's birthday [gimmeallthehibachi].

This weekend I…

… took the evening off from the gym [after taking a lunch class] and baked these adorable cookies for Sportyspice. She gave up chocolate for Lent and I wanted to bring her a cute treat for her 30th. #minionsrock

… rocked my faux fur vest for the last time this season. LOVE THIS LOOK.

… tried to keep a good attitude after the restaurant made us wait an HOUR for our reservation. Trust, me I get it when things run late, but they let three five tops take our room 30 minutes before the time we reserved. Thankfully we were comped appetizers but it was tough keeping Sportyspice's head up as the minutes ticked away.

… bucked up the birthday girl and had a wonderful time celebrating my favorite middles sister joining the 30 club. It was a fabulous evening full of friends, family, drinks and lots of fun conversations.

… realized I need to square my shoulders in pictures. #hugarm #notthatboxyinrealife

… stayed out way past my bedtime and indulged in one too many whiskey on the rocks. 

… woke up Saturday morning and started rocking it out. Since I knew it was a busy weekend I did a lot of my Sunday prep on Saturday morning. Prepped meat, salads and sweet potato chips for the week and then ate breakfast. 

… went to my 2nd GRIT class and rocked it out once again. #hiitisawesome

… drove to my parent's house and got ready for the baking bonanza with Babyspice. 

… spent four hours baking test cupcakes for Sportyspice's bridal shower. #cerealcupcakesforthewin

… woke up late Sunday morning and scrambled to make it to church on time. #workissuedidnothelp

… sprinted home after church to change into workout gear. Attended my second BODYCOMBAT class to help a fellow instructor tape her assessment video. Lots of workouts in the weekend make the muscles pop. #likemyworkoutearrings #forgottotakethemoffafterchurch

… came home, made food finally, did some stretching and drank pickle juice to loosen up a knot in my calf.
YES, I drank the juice and YES it works.
… played in an early soccer game where we won and I ran around like crazy.

… came home and relaxed for a bit which felt amazing.

… cooked dinner, did some more planning, prepped the rest of my lunch for Monday and put the final touches on Monday morning's BODYPUMP playlist. #gottakeepitfresh

How was your weekend? Were you running around as crazy as me? Make today awesome!

February 16, 2016

On Repeat {Winter Wear}'s cold out there...
No joke y'all, this weekend it was wicked cold which culminated in a snow storm late Sunday night. Unfortunately I still had to get up at 5am for my 6am class just in case someone showed up to work out. No one did [which didn't surprise me], so I did a quick work out and headed back home. The roads weren't terrible but it was still snowing so I texted my boss and asked for permission to work from home. Thankfully he agreed with my choice and I was fortunate enough to work on the couch in my pjs.

All  this cold weather nonsense has me wanting to curl up all day and sip hot cocoa. Sadly that isn't an option so I'm doing my best to combat the frigid weather with my winter wear repeats. We all have our trusty standbys and below are my favorites this time of year. #warmandcuteisamust #gimmeallthecozy

I'm all about cozy comfort at home so I basically live in my flannel pjs and robe after I shower on the weekends. Silky robes are super cute, but the flannel or terry cloth fabric gets a lot more use from me year round.

I can't forget my favorite pair of fuzzy flips, they keep my feet warm year round and man are they soft. My aunt gave us a pair for Christmas and I have never looked back. They are fabulous at keeping my feet warm and give them a little breathing room in the summer.

Warm socks are a must when I sleep, yes even in the summer, but they really get a workout in the winter. I love to stock up on them when they are on sale, they make for great gifts, too.

Combating the snowy outdoors is never fun, but fashionable boots and a warm furry hat makes it a bit easier, right?

Now, we can't forget our bodily maintenance in the winter. I swear by Vaseline for your lips/hands and coconut oil as lotion. YES, lotion. I slather it on after my shower and it keeps my skin so soft and the smell makes me think of a tropical paradise.

What are your winter wear must haves?

linkinguphereand hereandhereandhere

February 5, 2016


Happy Friday, party people. Woohoo, the weekend is finally here and my hectic week is behind me in the rear view mirror. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready for girl time, drink time and sissy wedding time. Thank y'all so much for your kind words and comments yesterday. I am so blessed to have y'all help me put things in perspective while also supporting me with sweet thoughts. Y'all seriously are the best, like for real for real. #blogbudsarethebestest

Favorite quote of the week: I'm so lucky to have my people and my circle. < 3
Favorite recipe of the week: Can't wait to make some for the weekend!
Favorite secret of the week: My BOFF is coming to visit me! Her wonderful husband contacted me because he wanted to surprise her with a trip and everything has worked out so well. It's been soooooo hard keeping the secret and I'm so glad the cat's out of the bag and guess what, she's gonna be here TODAY, wooooohooooo! #onlinefriendstoreallifefriends #besties
My beautiful BOFF on her wedding day.

OH you know, just checking blogs.
So yeah, I'm too excited for the weekend to think of anymore favorites. We are going to have so much fun and I'm so looking forward to our girls' night with the sissys, bridesmaid dress looking, DC touring and just hanging IRL with one of my bestest friends. I'll check you next week, have a fun SuperBowl weekend.

**linking up  Here  here herehere and, this week**

October 22, 2015

Loving Lately {Fall Trends}

I'm not the trendiest person, shocking, I know. Quite often it takes me a bit to jump on trends because I don't want to spend money on something that will change in a few months. Slowly though, my trend bug has begun to grow and I've started to get more and more excited about seasonal trends as they happen. I jumped on the blanket scarf and fur vest bandwagon last year and LOVE wearing both of them. We are barely a month into fall and I'm currently trying to build my wardrobe with some key pieces [much to the chagrin of my wallet and Le Husband]. #trendalert #fashionfun

Thanks to the fabulous @pearlandmonroeboutique I snapped up my plaid piece for the season. #supportmygirljess

A chunky white sweater has been on my list since summer and I am loving all the cable knit details.

If there is ONE shoe item of the season it's lace up ballet flats. Originally I was on the fence because they remind me too much of gladiator sandals [don't even get me started on GS, so not my thing], but after seeing a quite a few posts in blog land they've grown on me. I can't decided between black/tan, thoughts?

Jess of the Newly is the one I blame this next trend on [hi sweet friend]. She blogged awhile ago about faux leather leggings and for this price I think I can give it a try. I can already see Le Husband's face when I put together an outfit with them [ insert eye rolling emojii here ] but I'm getting a bit old for this trend so it's now or never.

I love all things leopard and have worn my leopard infinity scarf so many times since I was gifted it two years ago. I don't know where my was purchased but found a similar one *here*.

Hats are fun and I've loved my cabana hat the past few years. Recently I've been itching to try the felt hat trend and thought this was a great one to test the waters without breaking the bank.

After Kristen posted about her new Gap sweater I couldn't get it out of my mind so it went in my shopping cart. My wardrobe is thankful, my wallet not so much, haha. Gapdotcom is running sale so the tunic sweater is now on sale, too! #bloggerstakingmymoney

What trends are you lusting after right now? Anything I'm missing?

* Affiliate links used.

October 20, 2015

We All Deserve a Bit of Happiness {Review}

Am I right, or am I right? With all of life's ups and downs, I think we need to celebrate the happiness and fun things when we can. As an avid jewelry fan [I mean, really, is there a woman who isn't a fan?] I was ecstatic when Happiness Boutique contacted me about doing a review of one of their necklaces.

Their website is full of so many gorgeous baubles, it took me awhile to decide what necklace I wanted to review. I finally settled on a beautiful statement piece, one which looks nothing like anything I have in my jewelry repertoire. After placing the order I had a hard time being patience waiting for my pretty piece to arrive.

I mean how pretty is their packaging? I love all the little details, especially the lovely bag to protect the necklace.

It took me QUITE awhile to get on the statement necklace, I'm more of a statement earrings kind of gal. But, once I found quality pieces that didn't break the bank, I started to slowly build my collection. I was immediately drawn to the pearls, sparkles and vintage feel of the Pearl and Diamond statement piece. The chain is sturdy and even though their are a lot of baubles, the necklace is pretty light on my neck.

Another picture, highlighting the pretty sparkle. #brightandshiny #brightsunshineinthemorning #happiness

For my first look out, I paired it with a black shirt and my pink blazer and loved the contrast with the v neckline. This piece will be worn a ton because it can dress-up a casual outfit and a bright spark to a holiday ensemble. I am extremely  happy [!] with my purchase and will definitely be looking to Happiness Boutique when I need another statement piece.

Have you worked with Happiness Boutique?

linkinguphereand hereandhereandhere

***I was provided a necklace from Happiness Boutique for this review, but all opinions are my own***