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Showing posts with label Blessed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blessed. Show all posts

April 4, 2016

Good-Bye To Yoooooouuuuu {Weekend in Review}

Oh my land, what a weekend. I don't think we could have packed anything else into that past few days if we had tried. Here we are in April and the month of our trip and it all feels so surreal. Each day is another small small step forward to our destination.

I had hoped Friday would be an easy day to get ahead for Saturday but the work gods were not in my favor. It was small fire after small fire after HUGE ISSUE and I felt so behind when I left work an hour later than planned. Both Le Husband and I had rough days and we decided homemade pizza was just the ticket. It was quite delicious and gave me a bit of pep in my step to finish up the party prep before passing out for the night.

Saturday I slept in a bit and then hit the ground running. There was packing up of bins, finishing up party food prep at the apartment, another purge, no food eaten and then it was off to my parents house. They were such champs letting me host the party at their home on such short notice and it ended up being the best thing in the word. The weather held out and everyone pulled together to get everything whipped up before the guests started to arrive.

I was almost a complete blogger fail before and during the party because I took two pictures. Luckily my sissys, mostly BABYSPICE, snapped some pictures for me to share. Even though this was an informal and thrown together quickly party I still tried to go all out on the snacks. We had lots of chips and dip, veggie tray, hummus, cooked to order burgers with fixins, brats, cuban chicken, broccoli slaw, chicken tenders, macaroni and cheese, tater tots, cookies, cheesecake bites and of course cupcakes. I mentioned the cupcakes I wanted to make here and randomly they were peanut butter which was NOT what I was expecting. I decided to bake regular chocolate cupcakes and then made the icing sans peanut butter. Pretty sure they were fabulous because none were left with at the end of the night. I snatched one of the last ones, heehee!

Sportypsice was so sweet and picked up some beautiful flowers for decor and Babyspice snapped these lovely pictures. They added just the perfect touch to the party. #lovemesomeflowers #smalltouchesmakeallthedifference 

Our first order of business Satruday afternoon when I showed up to help set up was to pop the champs. It was a day of celebration and I wanted to share a bottle with my best gals. There were five bottles still left and we went through them ALL plus one brought as a gift. You could say the champagne sangria was a hit, haha. #loveourdinosaurglasses

The original recipe I chose ended up being kind of a dud, so I was in quite a panic Friday night trying to come up with a plan B. Can I grateful I am for mr google? He brought me to this recipe and after a lil tweaking [added different fruits and some grapefruit juice with the orange juice]. Yum, I want another glass right now. 

While the food was wonderful, the true star of the party was all the love felt by those who came to send us off into the sunset. I was completely floored by the turn out of our friends from all our different groups [over 40+ people] and so thankful the weather held up. We had our kickball friends, my work friends, soccer friends, family friends, neighbor friends and few friends I've known for 20+ years. I wish I had been able to spend more time with everyone but it's always hard make the rounds when your the hostess. I will be forever grateful to Babyspice for being the photographer and making sure I got a picture taken with everyone in attendance. Yup, she installed a 'you can't leave without a picture rule' and it was quite fabulous. Surprisingly I held it all together and didn't blubber at all. I had one or two moments where I teetered on the edge of bawling but managed to hold it all together. #keepittogetherman

The party started at 5pm and the last guest left around 11pm and we still had a little clean up to do. It was an exaushting day of being on our feet however it was oh so worth it. I am incredibly blessed to have this life and SO THANKFUL for my wonderful family. We threw this all together in seven days and they were all rockstars helping out any way possible. Hugs were very long and tight at the end of the night as the realization of the coming months arose but again, we were all able to keep the tears at bay. I couldn't ask for a better family and am so grateful for them. #bradybunchforlife
My heart is so full!
Sunday morning came too early and we jumped right into the swing of things. It was church, home to pack up more boxes and the car, a fun pedicure with the ladies before another stop at the storage unit. Let me tell you HOW much my feet appreciated the massage, heaven sent I tell you. The company was quite wonderful too. #pinkforsummer

I made it back home and just fell onto the couch in our mess of an apartment. The days are beginning to feel the same, so much work done but so little reward shown in the home. I know every step counts but I'm started to get anxious it all won't get done without multiple sleepless nights. Neither Le Husband or I wanted to cook so we headed out to our favorite Mexican joint for a delicious but predictable dinner of fajitas and margs. 

After dinner we came home and went right back to packing up and finishing up our trip plans. It seems that Germany is not going to work out so it's on to northern Italy [we think]. I also laid out most of what I want to pack for the trip and am HOPING to get it finalized this week. Did I mention I was trying to make it in a carry on? No, well yeah, we are gonna try. Which reminds me, it's time to get off here and finish up some more stuff. Can I get a PTL for no more 6am class? I don't think I'd make it tomorrow if I had to teach, I am so wiped out mentally and physically.

OH, before I go, one more good piece of news…I GET TO KEEP MY JOB FOR TWO WEEKS AFTER THE TRIP!!!!! WOOOOOFREAKINGHOOOOOOO! I am so thankful everything ended up working out the way I envisioned and I am SO GRATEFUL my boss ended up working with our schedule. Our moving date has changed to June but that is okay, I am 100% thrilled with the extra few pay checks. THANK YOU ALL for your prayers and good vibes, I so appreciate them.

Hope you have a FABULOUS Monday! <3 p="">
Linking up with these ladies

November 26, 2015

For It All, I Give Thanks

I am {THANKFUL} for: My Family

I am {THANKFUL} for: My Husband

I am {THANKFUL} for: Kickball


I am {THANKFUL} for: Friendships that keep me sane and happy.

I am {THANKFUL} for: My Health
Thankful to be fit!

I am {THANKFUL} for: Our military who protects us at home and around the world. #becauseofthebrave


Wishing each and everyone of you a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday. Whether you're with family, friends or celebrating away from those you love, please know I'm sending you a hug and loves of pink love.

Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friends!

November 5, 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

Life is good and I am grateful everyday. Well, at least I try to be grateful. I am in no way perfect and quite often fall victim to sulking when life hands me a curve ball. But, I've recently really tried to find blessings every day and have begun writing down things I'm grateful for at the end of every night. Some are serious, some are superficial and some are HUGE, but they all encompass my heart of thankfulness. Shelly and Holly are hosting an 'Attitude of Gratitude' link up this month and I am super stoked to jump on the thankful train. #youshouldjointoo #thankfultrainchoochoo

Today I am thankful for. . .

... my blog and all the beautiful friendships I've formed in this Internet space ...

... friends who push me outside my comfort zone to be better and to try something new ...

... warm cups of hot cocoa with EXTRA WHIPPED cream...

... BODYPUMP. It has made me strong and fit and I can't wait to teach and share the power with others ...

... my body and my health. I constantly ask my body to perform under tough circumstances and for the most part it doesn't let me down. I know many people do not have the gift of good health and I am honestly thankful every day that I can continue to be an athlete and push my body to the limits...

... free airline drink tickets. I hate flying and a glass of wine helps keep me calm...

... sunny bright days with white puffy clouds in the sky. The weather this week has been beyond gorgeous and I am thankful for a few extra 70 degree days under my belt. I'll be sad when the cold comes, so for now I'm rejoicing in the sweet warmth Mother Nature granted us....

... a new baby announcement from my bestest L and a new birth with my friend Lo. #yaybabies

... makeup that helps hide my tired eyes and makeup that is fun and helps me feel pretty when I need a boost...

...soft, fleece blankets. I love cuddling up on the couch in my pink blankie after dinner, it's the best...

… BLATES! #icantwaitformyblate...

... kickball. Oh kickball, you've brought a lot of fabulousness into my life and I'm eternally grateful you brought me my husband. Seriously, we met on a social kickball team. I've traveled to more states for kickball than I did my entire college soccer career and we've created so many memories together and with friends. It's been amazing have my sisters join our team and the family vacays have only gotten better each tournament. Thank you, big red ball, for bringing so much joy, fun, laughter and happiness into my life...

What are things you are grateful for today? Will you be joining the linkup?

Linking up *here* &*here* & here and here & with*kristin*& *annie*

July 21, 2015

A {Lil} Bit of Thanks

Life can be messy. Things big and small happen and all of a sudden it seems to be one thing after another and then we're all down the dark rabbit hole. I have some friends experiencing the snowball effect and it breaks my heart [prayers and love to y'all, you know who you are < 3].  My life might not be 'all roses' but right now things are pretty even keel. So, today I'm taking a moment to give thanks for the little things in life that make me happy.
Just a lil bit of thanks for... 

My foam roller. If I can't get a daily massage, this lil contraption is the next best thing. #hurtsogood.

Soft warm socks on my feetsies when I sleep.

Tents. Coolers. Ice. I would have melted on the turf playing soccer during a heat advisory this weekend without those three beautiful wonderful inventions. #dontbeuncool

Relaxing music on YouTube. Sometimes you need a lil zen at work.

Yummy scented perfumes that make me feel fresh and clean.

Fun pink leopard sun shades. Daddy bought them for me last year and Sassy looks so fierce while keeping cool.


My body and all it allows me to do at my age. #gettingoldisntfunbutatleastimstillmoving

Make up wipes. When the heat melts the makeup off my face I'm always glad to have wipes to clean up quickly.

An active younger sister that makes soccer in the heat fun.

New friends from sports. I had a blast playing with a new team this weekend and am glad I said YES when asked.

Bed Buddy warming packs. My tired shoulders love this warming device.

What are your lil bits of thanks, today?


April 27, 2015

Hey Baby, Hey Baby, Hey!

Hey, pretty ladies, what's shaking? Did you have a great weekend? Are you rested and ready to tackle Monday? I'm not rested but I'm ready to get after it today. We only get so many Mondays in a year so I'm making the most of this one.

This weekend I headed down to Texas to visit my beautiful new mommy BOFF! I flew out early early Friday morning and after a super turbulent flight (ugh) landed safe and sound in Texas. I don't know what it is about turbulence but when the flight attendants can't get up during the flight that just makes me sooooo nervous. There wasn't a lot of sleep on the flight, but I did enjoy my Disney movie ;)!

Lynn and sweet Evelyn met me at the airport and y'all she is absolutely gorgeous. I forgot how incredibly tiny newborns are since I haven't been around one a few years. Evelyn is the perfect mix of mommy and daddy and is just the sweetest most preciously adorable and snuggly lil thing.
I mean that face, that FACE!!!

When we got home I got the lay of the new baby land and finally got to hold sweet lil girl. Oh my goodness, that new baby smell is the best thing in the world isn't it? Le Sigh! I accompanied Lynn to Evie's two week appointment and girlfriend was so good. I learned a ton (which I'm hoping to bank in my brain for when the time comes) and it was fun being there with Lynn. Although the heel stick wasn't fun for any of us, but Evie was a champ.

We went out to lunch afterwards and it was super delicious. My Barbi salad was amazing and I indulged in a delicious strawberry cupcake, too. It was such a fun lunch out with the girls and sweet lil girl just slept away as we enjoyed our delicious food.

We ran a few errands and then it was back home for naps {all of us}, feeding and waiting for Daddy to get home. Everyone was tired for the week so we enjoyed some Mexican takeout at home. Oh, we also experienced a severe thunderstorm and tornado warning for a bit, then the skies cleared and all was well. Finally learned what 'that crazy Texas weather' means, haha. After dinner we watched Interstellar and y'all that was one weird movie. I had heard amazing things about it but whoa ways it long and strange. Not sure I'd recommend it, am I crazy? Has anyone else seen it? Thoughts? Weird!

Saturday we hung around the house all morning, napping, feeding and snuggle lil girl and then had lunch. Afterwards we all got ready and headed out in the afternoon to enjoy the gorgeous weather. I'm talking 90s with no humidity and gorgeously sunny. So much better than the 60s and rainy back at home, woohoo! It was a fun walk into downtown and I thoroughly enjoyed soaking up my vitamin D!

Evelyn was a sleeping rockstar in her stroller and the adults enjoyed some drinks and then we headed to another restaurant for dinner. Lynn's brother Metis there and it was fun hanging with him :)! The food was delicious and the patio was so nice with the weather. 

Once dinner was over we headed home to watch some baseball and then everyone hit the hay early. Sunday was a nice chill day at home and the it was time for me to leave to head to the airport :(! Double sad face because bad weather in both Dallas and Houston had me stressing a connection that shrunk from an hour to 15 minutes. Luckily I was able to change my flight to one through Nashville that got me home without the worry of getting stuck. Le Husband was a major champ and drove all the way to BWI to come get me. I married a good one, thank you #superhusband!

It was such a great weekend hanging with my BOFF and her beautiful little one. I feel so blessed to have witnessed one of my best friends with her first children, it was a pretty incredible experience! She is such an amazing mom and I was in awe of her and her husband as they cared for sweet lil Evie. I've been around newborns many times, but never for longer than a few hours. Praise and applause to all you mamas and daddies out there because y'all are rock stars. Babies are amazing miracles but goodness they require a lot of work ;)! Trust me, I've babysat and I know that babies aren't lil toys that are all fun and games, but I never realized how around the clock parenting a newborn baby is for mommy and daddy. #parentsareawesome #hugstoallyall

I'm sad to be home and so far from Lynn and her precious family, but I snapped plenty of pictures to remember sweet lil girl. Can you believe we forgot to get a BOFF picture together?!?! Drat! I can't wait  until our next visit whenever that may be and I can't wait to watch sweet Evie grow up < 3!

How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? Hope you have a fabulous Monday!

December 1, 2014

T is for Thankful

Morning and happy first day of December, friends. WOW, crazy how quickly November flew by, huh? I stand amazed that it's December already and the Christmas season is here. The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving were pretty stressful, so the four day weekend was exactly what I needed to recharge. A perfect mix of family, friends, food, fun, sleep and good times, too.

This Thanksgiving break I...

:: Enjoyed sissy time, since I was in Ohio last year.

:: Hung out with my favorite 'turkey' ;)! #hunkcity #lovehim

:: Chowed down on lots and lots of delicious Thanksgiving food.

:: Spent three hours shopping on Black Friday…in one store. #thankyoumacys

:: Helped put together the Christmon tree, at church.

:: Looked angelic ;)

:: Saw Big Hero 6 with the family. Such a fun and cute film, but be ready to cry. #ididtwice

:: Mailed my first round of Christmas cards. #cantwaittosharewithyall

:: Ate Thanksgiving numero dos with the family. #leftovers #morefood #familyfun

:: Slept in and napped a lot.

:: Brought up the Christmas decorations from storage.

:: Watched the Ohio State vs Michigan game! #gobucks #ohio #beatmichigan

:: Unwrapped my childhood ornaments for our tree. #firsttimeawayfromthefamily #thanksmamab

:: Spent 2+ hours trimming the trees, cleaning, hanging the wreaths and decorating our apartment.

:: Basked in the beautiful glow of a job well done. #itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas #eighpounds

:: Mailed my second group of Christmas cards.

:: Lit the first balsam cedar candle of the season. #smellsyummy #bestscandlesmell #Christmas

How was your Thanksgiving break? Did you do anything fun? Any black Friday shopping?

Hope you have a fabulous week, sweet friends!

Linking up with these beautiful ladies < 3

September 16, 2014

A New Day, A New Perspective

Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you, sweet, wonderful, lovely friends. You all truly were my sunshine on an extremely grey day. Your sweet comments and advice really helped put things into perspective and made me feel so much better. I was still pretty blue yesterday, but having y'all care enough to comment on a silly kickball post really made me feel loved. Funny that I knew turning to y'all was the way to go, instead of pretending everything was okay. Thank you for being so fabulous.
I was able to sweat things out at the gym with a good work out with Le Husband, last night. He helped put some things into perspective and gave me his vote of confidence, which means more than I can explain. I felt strong lifting and the endorphins really kicked in and reminded me it was just a bad weekend, not a bad life. That along with some delicious Mexican at our favorite restaurant brought me back to pinkville and I'm ready to get after it today.
People, including some close friends and at times, Le Husband, really don't understand my love of blogging and this community on the Internet. But, that's okay, because I do understand it and am constantly amazing by the wonderfully kind and beautiful women I have encountered. I hope that if any of you have a bad day, I can help turn it around with a kind word, funny story or just a listening ear.

Thank you again, amazing women. I'm giving y'all the biggest virtual hug ever!!!

Have a fabulous TUESDAY!

September 8, 2014


Morning and happy Monday friends. I hope y'all are ready to rock out this week, even though it's a regular week and not a four day one. I personally am still on cloud nine after an amazing anniversary weekend. Unless you're new here [and if you are, HI] you are very aware that Le Husband and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary this weekend.

We chose to stay close to home, instead of going away, since we've already traveled to seven different states and Canada this year. Our apartment is right out side DC, so we booked a hotel for the weekend and decided to play tourist, hitting all the memorials we never get time to actually visit. We also took the time to visit some fabulous foodie restaurants, too.

Let's get right into it…this weekend I...

::: Ate at MXDC and love our tacos, lobster guacamole, paella and churros.

::: Walked around the National Mall and took pictures after dinner. 
White House
National Monument
:::Ate brunch at the oldest restaurant in DC, Old Ebbitt's Grill. #delish

::: Had an oops where I forgot my wedding shoes and a few other important things at home.

::: Persuaded amazing Babyspice to drive me home, but forgot my keys.

::: Ended up taking a cab home to get everything and pick up my car.

::: Spent two hours in the American History Museum. #loveamericanmilitaryhistory

::: Played tourist, complete with tripod and camera bag.

::: Retook engagement pictures at the Jefferson Memorial.

::: Visited my second favorite Memorial.

::: Ate dinner at Capitol Grill, where they had hearts on the table for our anniversary.

::: Enjoyed the best steak I've ever had in my entire life.

::: Was pleasantly surprised when our server brought us a free Happy Anniversary dessert and champagne.

::: Spent some time learning more about our favorite President.

::: Teared up in Ford's theatre #softy #sosad #ilovelincoln.

::: Reflecting pool.

::: Took silly pictures.

::: Lincoln Memorial

::: Korean war Memorial.

::: Was captured by Le Husband touching a medi-vac helicopter, similar to the one my grandfather flew in the war.

::: Walked a bazillion miles, playing tourist.

::: Loved all the food we ate and all the sights we actually took time to see.

::: Was exhausted on Sunday.

::: Had to play in a championship soccer game at 8pm.

::: WON THAT GAME, whoop whoop!
Thanks Babyspice!
::: Ate YEAR OLD WEDDING CAKE and it was super delicious [better than some wedding cake I've been served]!

::: Endured a Cowboys loss, which stunk, but at least my team lost to an awesome offensive team, unlike the deadskins.

::: Packed my gym back for Monday, watched football, exchanged cards and went to bed.

How was your weekend, did you do anything fun?
Linking up with these beautiful ladies today whoop