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Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts

May 10, 2016

Disney Tag You're Favorites

I saw this post on Emily's blog awhile ago and had it sitting in my drafts for way too long. Figured today would be a great day to share a lil more about me and my love of Disney! #betsomeofmyanswerswillsurpriseyou
Favorite Disney film: There are soooo many, mostly princess movies, but hands down UP. It's my family's FAVORITE, we quote it ALLL the time and any time I see it on TV I watch it. SQUIRREL!

Favorite Disney Characters: How long do you want to be here?

Favorite Disney Princess: When I was younger Sleeping Beauty because I thought she was the MOST beautiful princess in the world. Now I think I'd like a lil bit of a mix of Sleeping Beauty, Merida, Mulan and Jasmine.

Favorite Disney Sidekick: Mushu from Mulan. He is fabulously hilarious and wildy witty. "Get the bags cricket, let's move it heifer"; "It's porridge and it's happy to see you"; "Did you see those guys, they popped out of the snow, like daisies"!

Favorite Disney Song: Oh man, I can't pick, I seriously love to sing them alllllll!

Which Disney character would be your best friend? Merida. Tomboy princess, hellllllo PINKY!

Who would be your Disney pet? Gus-Gus, I mean he's just so cuuuuuuuuuuuute!

Have you ever been to Disneyland? Yes, twice but the first time doesn't count. My parents packed all three kids up in the car when I was maybe four and drove us from Montery to Disneyland and wouldn't you know, the park was closed unexpectedly. CAN.YOU.IMAGINE!?! No Internet or Apps to check on, just drive up to the park to find it closed. My poor, poor parents. We went later that summer though, phew!

You is your favorite Disney Villain? BOOOO on all the villains, they are the worst. I have to pick two Scar from the Lion King and Goob from Meet the Robinsons.

Do you collect anything special? No, not really. We used to collect the VHS [haha] and DVDs but now it's only if we LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the movie. Can't wait to snatch the ones we have at my parent's house when kids start making their appearance.

What Disney film would you star in if you could? Meet the Robinsons so I could use my inventions to jump into ALL the other Disney movies. But for real, I think I would like to star in the Princess and the Frog, LOVE NOLA and the music and dancing in the movie is my favorite.

How old were you when you watched your first Disney Movie? I believe three of four. My parents took me to see Snow White when it was relaunched in theaters. I'm sure I was a model child.

Who is your favorite Disney couple? Karl and Ellie. I know we don't get a lot of time with them but they just seem to be the sweetest couple in the world and I love the love they share with each other.

Have you done this Disney tag? Who are some of your favorites?

March 29, 2016

Ten Things To...

Morning and happy Tuesday, y'all. I'm honestly still playing catch up on sleep as we spent a long time last night packing up more of our apartment. It was a Monday date night at the storage unit, woohoo! Today I have a meeting most of the day so my commenting might be a lil spotty, but I promise to make it to all your pretty blogs when I can. 

Today I thought I'd share different things on my radar, but with the Ten for Tuesday twist.

Here are Ten things to...

::Listen To::
Che'nelle's song if your needing a bit of a pump up vibe. Check this video out if you need to feel FIERCE!
This song if you need to focus on a single task, it's the perfect mix of calm and interesting.

:: Try ::
In the market for a new skin regimen, give Lindi Skin a try. Over the weekend my face sadly became a lil sun and wind burned from our early morning bike ride. It was quite angry with me so I was glad to have the Lindi face wash at home to try. The cleanser was SUPER gentle but still left my skin feeling fresh and clean and I loved the smell. The lavender serum not only smelled fabulous it also helped soothe my burnt skin. While this is nowhere NEAR as serious as  I now keep both the cleanser and serum in my gym back to use before or after my workouts. I know it will get the job done, but won't leave my skin feeling dry or itchy before I teach. I can see why someone with sensitive skin would LOVE these products, but I think they work well on any skin type. #trylindiskin #smellsamazing

Even though we're back on the healthy train I'm trying to find a delicious sweet treat to share this weekend at our bon voyage party. I know I should probably keep with an old standby but don't these look amazing? 

:: Watch ::
Yes, I'm a bit late to the party but oh my goodness this movie was just adorable. If you haven't seen it be warned, there are a few UP moments scattered throughout the movie. Oh and if you hate snakes as much as I do, be sure to close your eyes when a red thing falls off a tree. #family #humanasadog #dinosaursareawesome

:: Read ::
I've only perused Marie's website but really want to buy and read her book.  So far her 'spark joy' theory has helped me change my hording sentimental ways and I'd love to learn more about her organization techniques. #purgingbeforethemove

:: Do ::
Have courage, be kind and THROW the kindness around. Be good to others #confettiforall 

:: Buy ::
With the trip to Europe and move closing in, I've been seriously watching my spending habits. Got to be good now to justify a new Italian leather something right? However, I needed to stop by Target to pick up some new storage bins and used the time in the store as an excuse to scoop up a few more necessities. There were high hopes of scooping up some of the cute workout shirts I posted about a few weeks ago, but alas the two in the store were NOT flattering at all. My trip was not in vain though as I grabbed a new travel makeup set to replace my previous SK brushes I misplaced in February [seriously, no idea where they went]. While perusing the Merona aisle I saw my FAVORITE tank camisoles were on sale so I snatch up a few. Y'all, do yourself a favor and go get you some, they are so soft and hold up really well too.

:: Meditate ::
We all need a lil bit of Zen in our life sometimes. Ten wonderful things to keep in mind and don't forget the belly laugh.

:: Taste ::
Love me some tacos and shrimp tacos are a favorite in the springtime. How delicious does the cilantro lime slaw sound? Can't wait to try this with our homemade tortillas #yumyumgood #amouthfiesta!

:: Sip ::
Another lil summin summin I'm wanting to try for our going away party. You know I love me some champs and I thought mixing it with sangria would be a fun springtime treat. Not sure if I'll get as fancy as this pin or just try a simple lil mixology on my own. Have you tried this recipe before? Any tips or tricks?
What are some things on your radar right now?


Before you leave, I have to share one more fabulous piece of news. My sweet, sweet, friend Jess of The Newly is expecting and I am over the moon and excited for her and her sweet lil family. If you have a minute head over to her blog and give her some congratulation love.

***I was provided Lindi Skin products for review, but as always all opinions are my own**

November 9, 2015

Something TO

Morning, friends! I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was spent in sunny Orlando for the last kickball tournament 2015. As you read this, we are getting ready to make our way back home and then I'll jump online for work. I'll be sure to recap all the sun, kickball, BLATE [!!!] and fun for you later in the week. For now, enjoy my teaser picture and TO DO post.

::Something to Read:: 
In an attempt to better myself, I'm trying to read more Non-Fiction and learney [see, can't spell] books. I came across this article highlighting 10 Mind Expanding books everyone should read. Even though it was published much earlier in the year I thought it was worth sharing with y'all. There were only a few I had heard of, but the summaries of the others have me intrigued. Bookies [not the money kind] have you read any of the books suggested? Have any thoughts to share with the group? Anyone want to attempt a book club with one of them? #amitheonlyoneinterestedinthisidea

::Something to Listen To:: 
I do not like working in silence. I try to have music or a television show in the back ground at work. When I really need to concentrate I head straight to YouTube and pull up various spa/meditative playlist. Recently I came across this INCREDIBLE Disney piano compilation and have been in love ever since. If you're a Disney nut like me you need to check this out ASAP! 

::Something to Bake::  
Now that my self imposed Whole27 is complete I am super excited to start baking delicious goodies. Normally I don't eat many of my creations, but I do find it imperative to taste so no baking while eating Whole30. I LOVE Sally's Baking Addiction, she has incredible recipes and such a fun zest of life. I've used her recipes before and am REALLY excited to try the ones below. Don't worry, I'll share them with y'all, virtually of course! #gimmeallthesweets #ilovetobake
S'more Chocolate Chip cookies {source}
Cinnamon Bun Caramel Corn {source}
Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Mini Cheesecake {source}

::Something to Do::  
Volunteer with an organization before the holidays hit. I get it, life is busy and things can get crazy, but taking time to volunteer is such an incredible high. Many places are filled to capacity during the holiday surge and are desperate for extra help throughout the rest of the year. My sisters and I assist our church's Hypothermia project every year [since 2010] and I'm hoping to get to a soup kitchen or food pantry too. If you don't have the time send a small donation. Money is tight year round and any extra gifts will be extremely appreciated  by any organization.

::Something to Watch::  
I grew up in a Peanuts household and so did Le Husband so we've enjoyed continue our tradition of watching the holiday classics. Charlie Brown is one of my favorite cartoons and we actually now collect Tom Everhart paintings because he is the only artist with rights to recreate Charles Shultz characters. Do yourself a favor and make sure you sit down and watch this movie with loved ones, it is super cute and a great addition to the Thanksgiving tradition.

September 24, 2015

Today I'm Talking Random

+ Thank y'all so much for making our "Falling for Fall" linkup such a success. I LOVED reading everyone's post yesterday and am nos so stinking excited for all things fall. Did you miss linking up yesterday? No sweat, the linkup is open all week so come on and join in the fun! #fallingforfall #linkupsuccess #youbloggiesrock

+ Clearly, it's fall. I get it, I understand it and I don't mind it now. However, I am NOT a fan of home girl rolling up in our summer grill with an attitude and bringing rain and 65 degree temperatures. How 'bout we ease into fall instead of jumping into the deep end? Thanks! #crispnotcoldplease #whatswiththeattitudemothernature

+ My leg is looking dead seksi y'all. Between the bruise still lingering from a kickball collision and the new bruise coming in on my shin from soccer I'm giving Giselle a run for her money. OW, OW!

+ Have you tried Peanutized yourself? Le Husband and I are HUGE Peanut fans - we watch the specials every year - and are so excited from the new movie. I found the Get Peanutized website via Snoopy on Twitter [yes I follow him] and had too much fun creating a Peanut Pinky. What do you think? Does she look like me? #howcuteissnoopy

+ Y'all, a celebrity responded my TWEET. Well, a reality star celebrity. I was a huge fan of Dorinda this season and her impression of Bethenny during the 100th episode special was so fantastic I had to tweet her. Well, can you imagine my excitement when she TWEETED ME BACK!?!?! #itsthelilthings #moreexcitedthanishouldbe

+ Sweet lil notes make my morning. #hesakeeper < 3

+  Babyspice is still enjoying her adventure across the pond and her pictures are making me so jealous. I'm so thankful for technology and the ability to talk with her every day using the WhatsApp [so awesome]. I miss her like crazy and can't wait to see her when she returns. #antondaforlife #londoncalling #birthdaytrip

That's all for today, bunnies! Hope you have a fabulous Friday eve! < 3

Linking up with *kristin*& *annie*

August 6, 2015

Winnie The Poohing V3

Normally my Thursday's are themed and not just 'thoughts'. Today I'm changing that up and sharing some stream of consciousness randomness. I'm sorry or you're welcome, you let me know ;)!

+ New movies aren't really my thing -- unless you're talking Disney, HP or Bond -- I'd rather watch movies I've already seen or television shows. Recently I re-watched two of my favorite movies "Mona Lisa Smile" and "Frequency" and if you haven't seen either, I highly suggest both for your next movie night. I also saw "The Imitation Game" and "Woman in Gold" for the first time and both were extremely interesting movies and I highly recommend you check out both.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4

+ Disrespectful and micromanaging bosses drive me batty. Both Le Husband and I have been dealing with them a LOT recently and we both are getting pushed close and closer to our breaking point. Maybe this is what I need to actually get out there and find what I truly want to do in life. Any good vibes would be appreciated.

+ Yesterday I posted about Gwen and Gavin breaking up and would you believe it, the news about Kermit and Miss Piggy breaking up hit the Internet Wednesday, too! What in the world is going on people? I am in shock! I don't think it's a funny PR stunt and honestly am sad the Muppet's would joke about this with kids.
 + I met a bunch of friends out for Taco Tuesday and a birthday celebration this week and had a blast. Usually I'm a home body that doesn't like to go out during the week. I don't like spending money on food that makes me fat and I hate being tired the next day. But, Tuesday was so much fun and brought back fond memories of being indestructible in my mid-twenties. Where oh where did the time go?

+ Y'all know about my love affair with smores. No? Well I would press the FDA to make smores a food group if I thought they would take me seriously. My girl Nikki knows me so well she sent me this pin and I can not wait to give it a try.
+ I found out a very special blog friend and I share the same wedding anniversary. How awesome, right? #twinsies

+ The support for Leslie's family continues to amazing me. There is now a dress being sold soley to support a fund for her two girls, the Go Fund Me is going strong and Elaine is collecting letters for the girls from people who knew Leslie. Kelly has everything nicely in her post, so please check it out if you have any questions.

+ This may be a humble brag, so forgive me, but I am still on a high after my Spartan run on Saturday. Even though I didn't do as well as I originally wanted to, I completed my 2015 fitness goal and that is what matters. Honestly I want to sign up for another race right now because of the runners high, but I think I'll wait another week to be safe :)!

What are your thoughts today?

Linking up with *kristin*& *annie*

March 23, 2015

A Chill and Charming Weekend

Morning and happy Monday, ladies. I hope y'all had a great weekend. Mine was the perfect combination of chill, calm and a lil bit charming. Cinderella charming, that is. 

\\ Lots of naps were taken this weekend. My pink blanket and couch were my jam. 

\\ There was a minor misshap with my squash at a friends BBQ. I was so bummed they were burnt. 

\\ Sunday brought about meal prep time for the week. Whole30 is almost over and prep is just second nature now. I'm excited to actually complete my challenge this week, whoop whoop.

\\ ABC Family amazing on Sunday because the channel aired Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid and Cinderella. It was a young/old girls dream.

\\ Saturday was the first practice for our women's kickball team and overall it went pretty well. 

\\ I sported a beautiful pair of navy heels to church on Sunday, courtesy of one fabulous BOFF>

\\ Sunday after church I finally saw Cinderella with Babyspice, Sportyspice and Mama B. I personally LOVED the movie and thought they did an incredible job with the fairy tale. I was enchanted and the acting was pretty phenomenal. 

\\ You know what's tough? Staying compliant in a movie theater. But don't worry, I packed myself some snacks to keep from eating the movie popcorn. Carrots, dates, a Larabar and a special water and mint drink keep me satisfied. 

\\ Bond was showing this weekend, too. And I had to send a picture of the thank scene to my dad while he was away. Man do I love me some Pierce in Bond. 

How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun?

December 12, 2014

I'm So Not Ready for the Weekend…#saidnooneever

Hello and happy Friday. You know I'm ready for the weekend and I'm excited for everything on the agenda. Gym, double date, wreaths at Arlington cemetery, Christmas parties, good food and a soccer game. FUN times bazillion! Let's get into some faves, yeah?! #lego!

Favorite Recipe of the Week: I saw this hot cocoa recipe on another blog and I can't wait to try it this weekend. Who wants to try it with me?!?! #nutellamakeseverythingmoredelicious
Favorite Realization of the Week: Macaulay Culkin was in the Nutcracker! NO LIE! I was watching one of the hundred versions out there and about fell out of my chair when I saw Macaulay's lil face. He is sooo cute, despite the fact he wasn't a dancer and the whole ballet was beautiful. #homealonetoballet

Favorite link of the Week: MSN posted a link that highlighted hilarious children's notes. Below is my favorite, but you need to check out the link because there are some HYSTERICAL NOTES! #fromthemouthsofbabes.
[smart girl]
Favorite Pin of the Week: Sometimes the hustle & bustle becomes too loud and we lose the true meaning of the holiday season. I pinned this last week and have been mindful ever since I read it. So far, I think I've done pretty well not letting stress get the best of me. This season I want to  s e n d PEACE and be the light.
Favorite video of The Week: The Grinch. Doing yoga. You're welcome. [keep the volume low]

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, ladies.

**linking up here, here herehere, and here this week**

My lil bit of cheer today is good news I received yesterday. After 2+ weeks of no workouts, per a doctor, I FINALLY am cleared to workout again! HALLELUJAH! I went on a 3 mile run yesterday and it felt amazing. It wasn't the fastest, or easiest run, but it was still incredible. HOOORAY for workouts, whoop whoop!

August 18, 2014

An "Above Average" Weekend

WOOHOO, another week, another dollar right?!?!

This was our first weekend local in the past two weeks and this weekend I...

…played a full soccer game, without subs. #myfeetstill hurt

…scored three goals, but we still lost.

…enjoyed an incredibly lazy Saturday morning with Le Husband. #heaven

…caught one of my favorite movies with my morning coffee #robinwilliams

…completed a gym workout, inside and outside.

…reached a new high on bench, 105 pounds, baby!!!


…went on a double date with my parents for dinner at Ray's the Steaks.

…indulged in some divine steaks and sides .
28oz steak, lobster mac and cheese, mushrooms, potatoes and creamed spinach. #delish
…forgot to take a picture of our amazing key lime pie and chocolate mousse.

…devoured it too fast.

…went to a bar to celebrate a gym colleagues birthday.

…felt incredibly welcome from the host and the birthday boy.

…was told, by another gym colleague that I was "above-average at the gym, but all done up you're beautiful". #backhandedcompliment #yourekiddingright #toomanydrinks

…did Le Husband proud and just smiled instead of getting pissy.

…sipped on multiple delicious black cherry mojitos.

…made Le Husband take a bar selfie.

…loved my tie-dyed maxi dress and wedges outfit.

…walked the mile home from the bar and loved the cool evening weather.

…passed out, quickly.

…forgot to set my alarm for church, Sunday morning.

…ran errands and prepped for the week.

…did laundry and cleaned the apartment.

…watched a ton of Premier League soccer.

How was your weekend? Anything fun happen? 

Hope you have a fabulous Monday and rest of the week. 

July 15, 2014

Places I Would Go [Fictional]

As mentioned yesterday, my vacation/honeymoon was incredible and it's been really hard getting back into the swing of things. Both at work, in real life at home and even here on the bliggyblog. I figured it would be, so I planned this post prevacay, just in case I wasn't ready to blog. Since I just checked off a vacation on my bucket list, I thought I'd list out my 'fiction' bucket list for y'all.

Who wouldn't want to visit a magical castle where you learn how to be a wizard or a witch? I mean come on, doesn't it sound absolutely amazing?!?! Plus, you get to eat whatever you think of and want....fat kid, party of one. Hogwarts sounds like the most incredible place, despite the spiders, trolls and snakes in the piping. I hope that I'd be friends with Harry, but not involved with all the drama, that's just too much to deal with while trying to get straight A's and playing quidditch, or course.

Oh Downton, you are gorgeously beautiful and so different than any estate in the US. I would love to roam all of the floors upstairs and downstairs and just get lost in the era. And explore the art and books in the libraries. All while sipping a cup of tea :)!

I grew up watching and reading Anne of Green Gables and I always wanted to visit Prince Edwards island. But ONLY if it was back in the pre-WW1 era. The clothing, the idealism and the simplicity intrigues me to no end and I'd love to have my own Gilbert Blyth.
This movie had me at magic doors and cuddly monsters.I would love to work in the door warehouse and visit all different places of the world. Don't you think that would be fun?!?! And way cheaper than flying?!

What fictional places would you visit?

Inspiration found *here*.

April 3, 2014

About Time

Have you seen the movie?
If you haven't, I highly, highly suggest that you do. Rachel MacAdams is fabulous, of course, and the rest of the cast does a bang up job too. It will make you laugh, cry, cringe and everything in between. I would also bet money, that it's not quite what you expect. It sure wasn't what I expected.

I promise I'm not giving away the plot twists, but there was a scene
in the movie that almost brought me to my knees.

I was already sad, but then something happened
that made me almost, completely lose it. 

I wasn't just in tears, my heart was hurting.

I would give anything to go back in time, on a certain dreadful day.

Or the week before, just to love her, hug her and tell her 
before she went home to be with the Lord. 

But, everyday I'm stuck with words I never got to say,
hugs that I never got to give. 

Stuck with regrets about
how many phone calls I didn't make, 
letters I didn't write
and patience that I didn't have all too often.

As we approach the five year anniversary of my grandmother's death, 
I can't help but get sad all over again.  

She's missed so much these past five years,
and I think about her everyday. 

I'm still incredibly bitter she wasn't here for my wedding.
Even as I type this, bitter tears are clouding my eyes. 
She would have had so much fun and loved EVERY moment.
Gosh, I'm bitter. 

I wish with all my heart, I had the ability to go back in time
and tell her about my special day.
And tell her how much she's missed, daily.
About the dreams that are being realized.
 But I can't. 

So, I write this blog post. 

And I cry.

Dearest Mina-Mo,

Gosh, you are so missed. To the core of us, you are missed. I hope you know that I regret all of the time lost while you were alive. EVERY.DAMN.DAY! I remember all the sweet words you said to me and the advice you gave me, whenever you were around. To this day, I still pick all of my produce from the back, since it's the freshest up there. Sometimes I just do it and think nothing of it, other times I catch myself and tears fill my eyes as I remember you. 

My wedding day was not the same without you. Though I wear your rings and have a necklace with your diamond it is nowhere close to being enough. I only hope you were smiling down on that September day and were proud of the woman I was and the man I married. I think you would like Le Husband. He's like daddy, not much of a talker, which works well with your chatty granddaughter. 

I could go on, but sweet grandmother it's too hard. 

Just know that you are missed, thought of and loved so very much. 

Forever your doll,

October 18, 2013

Friiiiiiday, Friday....

1] Vegas: A full recap will be done sometime next week but for now here are some quick snapshots. The trip/vacation parts of Las Vegas were awesome. It was so much fun sharing the experience with SportySpice, BabySpice and Le Husband this year. We partied till early morning, ate at Hash House, saw the fountains, enjoyed good food and drinks, gambled and won money and just had a good vacation. Minus the fact our team lost. The loss was a BITTER pill to swallow Saturday and the bitterness probably won't go away for awhile. Right now though, I'm choosing to focus on the fabulous memories made with three of my favorite people.

2] Fall Fashion: Aka what fall fashion? I have yet to be really WOWed by anything this season. It's really all the same stuff it's been the past few years; boots, skinnies, leggings and big sweaters oh my...snooze. Where's the drama and the NEW?!?! Although, now that I think about it, this might be the best thing ever for my wallet because I'm not spending unnecessary money on outfits/deals/steals that I don't need. #walletwin!

3] Cowboys beat the Redskins: Yes, I know I'm late mentioning this, but the game was on while we were still in Vegas so I haven't had a chance to blog about the results until today. This game is always a huge game and until RG3 was added to the team it was pretty one sided on the Cowboy's end. We rocked the series for awhile, but recently it's been more back and forth aka MORE STRESS for a Dallas fan in DC. But, this weekend good prevailed [winkwink] and my boys brought home the WIN! #howboutthemcowboys!

4] End to the furlough: Woohoo, it's over and people are back to work, thank goodness! I personally was not affected but my dad was the first week. He was able to turn a bad situation into a good one and really used the time to help Mama B at home and just enjoyed the 'vacation'. I've had many friends affected though, and it's been a real run of the gambit in the area. There are those where the furlough has been more of an annoyance than anything, just a change in a routine, but no real difference with spending or budgeting. And others where the missed paychecks really changed and hurt their normal way of life. I'm hopeful the government keeps it's word on back-pay and really pray we don't have to go through this again. It gives our country a bad name and that is inexcusable.

5] THE HEAT: Yeah, I may be a tad bit behind with this movie, but it is bombdotcom y'all. I watched it this week and was rolling the entire time. The script is hilarious and McCarthy & Bullock are pure comedy perfection. For once, the adult language and content isn't just there for show, rather for comedy and to add a bit or reality to the situation. If you haven't watched this movie yet, go rent it this weekend, you won't be disappointed.
Happy Friday sweet lovely friends! < 3

June 6, 2013

#TBT Disney Style

You ever get to thinking about 'the olden days'?

The way back whens of childhood?

I recently experienced nostalgia for my childhood days
and found myself remembering the good old times of
Disney movies.
[maybe it has to do with my job?!?!?]

 Do y'all remember the OLD Disney animated movies?

Not to talk ill of Disney now, but those movies were SO CUTE
and so good and just plan fun right?!?!

Here are a few of my faves:

Sword in the Stone 1963

This movie was one of my early favorites because of the wonderful characters. The squirrel and wizard's duel scenes are two of my favorites. Archimedes the owl is a classic Disney voice and I LOVED the relationship between Merlin and a young King Arthur.

Sleeping Beauty 1959

What young Disney loving girl DIDN'T LOVE Sleeping Beauty? The funny fairies, the handsome prince and the beautiful princess, this movie had it all. "Once Upon a Dream" was sung COUNTLESS times in my childhood, with hopes of finding our young prince [guess who found hers yay!] I remember Melfiecent & her creatures being super scary back in the day, shudder. I always loved the fact Aurora's dress ended as PINK at the end, just perfect don't you think?

Snow White 1937

Oh Snow White, you were Disney's first Princess and animated feature film and therefore will always be my FAVORITE! Mama B told me you were my FIRST movie experience so maybe that has something to do with it. The Seven Dwarfs were so cute and I LOVED their singing skills :)! I think the Queen was the FIRST MEAN GIRL and she truly takes the cake. I always loved when Prince Charming saved the day with a kiss....SWOOOON!

The Aristocats 1970

Everybody wants to be a CAT...Normally, I hate CATS! UGH EWW GROSS. But I'll make an exception for Duchess, Thomas O'Malley, Marie, Toulouse {love} and Berlious. This story is so sweet and fun and I JUST LOVE the music.....Do-Me-So So-Do-So-Me-So...a true Disney classic if there ever was one in my mind.

101 Dalmatians 1961
Source: via Maggie on Pinterest

I can't pimp out cats without pimpin' the dogs too, am I right?!?!? Pongo and Perdi and their beautiful spotted 'puddle' of puppies were just precious. I loved Daryl and Anita's story and who could forget the evil Cruella De Ville? The dog barking chain has to be one of my favorite scenes in the movie, followed closely by all the puppies in a barn with the cows. I wish I had a home for 101 puppies :)

So friends, and classics that I missed?