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Showing posts with label Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Review. Show all posts

April 9, 2019

Show Us Your Books {April}

Another month, another book recap. I've kept things relatively light/easy reading the past two months. There have been a lot of mommy books also being read and I've really just wanted to enjoy reading before bed. Also, it's been nice to enjoy my down time right now, because I know I will have very little of it in the coming weeks. Danielle Steel was the author of choice right now, which is weird. I just recently discovered how much I enjoy her stories and in my opinion, easy reading.

* * * * *
This book was incredible. It was just what I needed during the dark moments this year. As many of you know, 2018 was filled with a lot of down {before baby} and I was mentally struggling everyday. I stumbled upon this book when I was desperately searching for a mind shift and I'm beyond grateful I chose to intentionally read every chapter. I did not know when I picked it up it was written by the woman who wrote "Lean In" (which I never read, btw), but I can see why the other book was so successful. Sandberg's writing is raw and powerful as she speaks about the unexpected death of her husband and doesn't sugar coat anything. I really connected to her philosophy of avoiding the three Ps (Personalization, Pervasiveness, Permanence) when bad things happen and have actually suggested this book to a few friends. If you're dealing with some tough stuff I highly suggest this read.

* * * * 1/2
Very intriguing summary and something so FAR from my life I just had to read it. Super quick read, even though it isn't a short book. I found the story super engrossing and just kept turning the pages. I found all the characters very interesting and even though the storyline is quite farfetched it wasn't something SO OUT there it was dumb. I mean, don't get me wrong, I could not have lived the main character's life, nor could I imagine being a true artist. I enjoyed the storyline, however a few times it as quite predictable which is why I took away half a star. 

* * * *  1/2
One of the more fluffier books I read, even though it was all about being against the odds. Kate is a great character to root for and her children are all interesting characters. I admit, some of their 'trials' seemed a bit eye roll inducing and many parts of the book you could see coming. However, I enjoyed the sagas and felt they were well written and brought the reader into some unique situations. Will keep your interest and good for a travel book. 

* * * * 
Another more serious Steel book, also set in WW2. This one had quite a few different storylines and was not what I expected. There were quite a few moments where things just abruptly stopped and another plot started. I understand this is an accurate portrayal of the era, but it still felt off as a reader. Lots of sadness, lots of loss, lots of hope and intrigue. Put it on the summer list.

* * * * 3/4
This book was so good. So heartbreaking. So riveting. So inspiring. Gaelle's journey navigating living in France during WW2 is beyond hard, but she is such an incredible character. The turn of events after WW2 is very interesting and fun to read. I would have given the book five stars, but it seems Steel wanted to make one aspect of Gaelle's life super tough and it just felt forced all the way. Otherwise, fantastic read, great for spring break of summer.

* * * * 1/2
Random library grab and I'm quite happy I decided to give it a go. Interesting storyline, fun characters, intriguing plot and a few random twists you don't see coming. I was particularly fascinated with the old Hollywood vibe and how tough it was even back then for women to make it in Tinsel Town. There are time hops throughout the book, but they are well done and not confusing at all. I think anyone would enjoy this read.

* * * * 
Where it all began for Hannah, finally. I had always wondered how her story started and this book explained everything. It was nice to have a look into the beginning of the series and 'meet' all the characters for the first time. The book was shorter than other books and it played out how I expected, but that's part I like best with Fluke's stories. She keeps me guessing but nothing too crazy that has me frustrated. Easy breezy and super light.

February 12, 2019

Show Us Your Books

Got myself together for Show Us Your Books, finally. All female authors this time, randomly.

* * * * 1/2
I found this book because I was looking up pregnancy books for learning, not just for fun. Super glad I picked it up because it is a super cute read. The main character is enjoyable and the premise is silly, but legit. After being stuck with all the crap shifts and jobs at the magazine, Liz pretends to be pregrnant to collect on her MEternity so she can find another job. Of course she meets a guy, of course people second guess her and of course she gets attached to all the joys of pregnancy. Full of normal rom-com funnies, this is a easy read to pass the time. I took off half a star beccause I felt the auther was trying to be too trendy in her writing about NYC. It just annoyed me, ha.

* * * * 
I still have to see this movie, so of course I read the book first. Which doesn't totally mesh with how the movie runs, apparently. I wanted to love it, because I love Blake Lively, but even imagining her as Emily this story kind of fell flat. Kind of tried to be quirky by pushing boundaries and it was weird. I also didn't enjoy the back and forth between blog post and real dialogue. I honestly was waiting for one more twist at the end but it didn't happen. Passed the time well, but not the hype the movie seems to be about.

* * * * 
Ballet is a secret love of mine so I snatched this book up when I needed something easy for a trip. It is the classic Nora Roberts formula. Hot girl, smoking guy, both from different backgrounds with no reason to fall in love. Things happen, they get together, something pulls them apart and theeeeeeennnn! I enjoyed the unique family dynamics woven into the story and adored Kate.

* * * 1/2
Random pick up on a whim. Full disclosure I thought it was fiction until I started reading it. Call me a bad history student but I was completely unaware of Kick Kennedy and enjoyed learning about her and the Kennedy family's stay over in Europe before WW2. Lots of Downton Abbey period references and interesting tidbits about the Kennedy family. Was a bit long, but still enjoyable.

* * * * 
This book is how I imagine a conversation with Graham would go. I must admit, there were a few times I was like, 'GIRL GET TO THE POINT', but overall it was a fun read. I enjoyed learning more about her early career, gaining insight into what it was like to be on GG when it suddenly ended and how the remake came to be for everyone involved. Fun read.

* *
Oh, this book. I thought it was the normal Roberts book, but it was kind of icky which really surprised me. Roberts is the queen of opposites attract and people fighting chemistry until there is the 'awww heck' moment and someone goes in for the embrace. However, this is the first time I've felt the 'chase' was taken too far and the consent really wasn't there. The main character had so much going for her, but then was just a flop. I enjoyed the setting of Greece and the whole mystery was one I didn't truly see coming.

* * * * * 
Loved this Roberts book. So well written, such wonderful characters and masterfully pulled together. Heartbreaking at the beginning, something we are seeing too much in our society, but the follow up is truly wonderful. There isn't a quick fix and relationships are tested over and over again. You watch people grieve and grow and come back together. This will pass the time quickly.

* * * * * 
Oh, wow, what a book. This one tugs at the heart strings so badly and is beautifully written. Set in WW2 it follows three completely different women as they navigate the rise of the Nazis and the war. One woman is Polish, one is German and one is American, all trying to survive and make it through. Lots of pondering moments and thoughts of "what would I do in this situation". Incredibly crafted and a book everyone should read.

December 11, 2018

Show Us Your Books

Y'all, I'm here. I made it for the Show Me Your Books. This is only a bit of what I've read the past few months but I'll take it as  a win right now. Most of my picks are light hearted because of the past season of life, however a few made me think and realize my problems aren't really all that awful. I'm so grateful for literature and fiction, two things which usually never disappoint. What have you been reading lately?

The story of one spouse always supporting the other and the kids and then finally saying enough. Lots of hyperbole and metaphors and family strife, but with love. You'll feel you know part of the story and then be surprised. And then you'll be right, too. I'm always happy when a flawed character realizes their flaws and activity tries to change it instead of just whining. Fun read. 

* * * *
I've expressed my enjoyment of Flukes series and this one fit perfectly with her mystery recipes of past books (see what I did there?), ha! Sadly the victim in this book is a well known character and that stupidly made me sad. But, we finally get some idea as to the whereabouts of Hannah's husband, finally! Good easy read for a trip on a plane, in the car or just something fun and light to pass the time. 

* * * *
What an intriguing story. I was hooked from the beginning and really enjoyed all of the characters. Some of the plot was predictable and some had me going 'oh wow', which is how I like a book, honestly. Hannah works some magic here with her writing and I'm all about being spellbound by a story. I think most people will enjoy this book whatever your taste.

* * * *
Love me a good mystery and this one had twists upon twists upon WTHs. This book has been described as similar to 'Gone Girl' (which I never read) and 'Girl on the Train' (which I didn't really enjoy) and I would just describe it as a thrilling mystery. The characters are all flawed and it was hard to decide who did it because of alllll the jumping from before and current. Definitely one to read if you need to pass the time quickly.

* * * *
Heartbreaking. Harrowing. Infuriating. Confusing. This book is going to touch your heart and piss you the hell off. I am still baffled this book is based on a true story and after doing a little research I can't believe the woman responsible was never truly held accountable. As a curious cathy I felt some of the storylies could have been fleshed out a little bit more because quite a few just ended suddenly. This will grip you and will probably be a book you can't put down.

* * * * 1/2
I found this book because I searched for Downton Abbeyesque books. The storyline intrigued me and after reading a preview and I thought, why not. I was fascinated by the characters, storyline and heartbroken with part of the story. The heroine has guts, is resourceful and is definitely someone you can cheer for throughout the book. 

* * *
I do not understand the fascination with this book throughout blogland/instagram. I'm a big fan of Hannah, but this book was not what I expected and definitely didn't live up to the hype. The main characters frustrated the hell and no, I'm not victim blaming. I just don't understand why this story was so fascinating when it really was super drawn out and the same situation over and over again.

June 12, 2018

Show Us Your Books {May}

Back at it with my books this month. Linking up with Steph for 'SHOW US YOUR BOOKS". Again I wasn't able to get ALL the books I read this month for the recap, but bright about half. I've been on a BIIIIIG Kristin Hannah kick [just finished another one] and the three books at the bottom were a RANDOM grab because of their covers. #oooops

* * * * [source]
As mentioned before, I've been on a Hannah kick so I've snapped up a bunch of her books from the library. This one I hemmed and hawed over, because it is about a couple drifting apart and I wasn't sure I was up for that genre. But, I gave it a whirl and was pleasantly surprised. The story wasn't anything surprising and I was very happy the wife wasn't the pushover she started out to be in the beginning. Lots of little 'relationship' lessons sprinkled in here and there, all on a beautiful Portland backdrop. Five star summer read status.

* * * * 1/2[source] 
One of the reasons I enjoy reading books by Kristin Hannah is her propensity to really challenge the reader with tough situations. This book right here made me put it down a few times because I could NOT believe the situation she dreamed up. A tough situation between sisters, one testing the limits of love. In all honesty, it took me longer than I expected to figure out the twist but once I did I already knew how the book would finish. Not the lightest of reads, but still something you could read through quickly to pass the time.

* * * 1/2 [source]
I had high hopes for this book after reading the summary. A little kid getting lost. Bad people roaming around. A sister fight and a cute detective. All adding up to a great plot I thought. But, it dragged on and on and on. I couldn't stand the mother of the child and the way Michaels wrote certain parts were extremely confusing. I was not a fan of one of the side stories at all. Maybe I'm just a lazy reader, who knows. If you need to just pass the time with something this will work, but it won't leave you with that 'i just read a great book' accomplishment at the end.

* * * * [source]
Reality television in a book is hit or miss for me. Of course the author can take some liberties, but at the crux of the story you KNOW it's bursting the bubble of television shows. Both characters in the book are likable and quite funny, too. I loved all the southern flairs and foods, even though some of the scenery descriptions were long. Not a hard to decipher the plot here, yet still a great way to pass the time.

* * * * * [source]
World War Two told through a woman in Italy. So many twists. So many dark turns. So many times I had to take a step back. I did not enjoy the way the heroine had to suffer in the beginning. It seems trite and honestly just something to make her life harder. There were a few times I was worried about characters and one moment I cried when I realized the tough decisions she had to face. I had to read something light afterwards because this book had me heated about Germans and Italians [back in the day of course]. If you like the Nightingale you'll enjoy this book.

* * * * [source] 
Not as good as Tuscan Rose, but still a wonderful book. My biggest issue is there were a few times I felt the writer was lazy and didn't bring certain endings full circle. She just left them with people leaving the country or dying. It made me quite annoyed. World War Two experienced in Asia,  China and Australia which was a very different story. Lots of scenery changes and lots of good plot twists. Give it a whirl if you have a long car ride or some time at the beach. 

* * * 1/2 [source]
The last Belinda book and my least favorite. It had a bit of super natural which seemed strange. I understood why she had it happen but it made some things feel inauthentic. I very much enjoyed the main characters growth and again reading history I did not know much about. This book takes place in Spain during Franco's reign. Lots of drama I forgot about. Lots of times I wished people were smarter and left when they should have left. I did not appreciate how one of the stories ended up, it felt fake in a shocking the reader way, which is why I didn't give it four stars. I recommend it, I'm just mad at the author so I'm keeping a half star out. 

There you have it. Some of the books over the last month. What are you reading?

August 8, 2017

Show Us Your Books

FINALLY. Made it here for book recaps. I've read more than the four books below, but finally making  a post meant quick like bunny writing and I only had time for four. You'll notice a theme, intrigue. WWI intrigue, military sniper intrigue, con artist and saving the nation intrigue and of course, the military investigator intrigue. All books were 5 out of 5 stars because I could not put them down. Does this mean you'll agree? Probably not, but that's the fun in recommendations, right?

Fun fact: I've always wanted to be a sniper. Not the most logical job or relatable job but I grew up military and snipers always held a fascination. Cleary I don't have the stones or the patience, but I love reading true life stories or novels about snipers. This book is the sixth in the series that inspired the movie and television show, "Shooter". Bob Swagger is an old man, but returns to help clear the name of a fellow sniper, because he's the good guy. Great writing by Hunter, lots of twists, lots of intrigue and lots of military talk. If that and gun descriptions aren't your thing, this isn't the book for you. But, this book is really, really, really good.

Good ol Bess Crawford is back. Sadly, this is the last in the series until October, boo. You'll remember my affinity for this WW1 nurse/detective. The war is nearing an end, but young Bess is continuing to answer the call until the very last moment. My imagination brings up moments from Downton when Bess describes the war and the hospitals. I am also fascinated by all the rules back then, what was proper, what caused gossip and how Bess had to finagle ways to see people without it being a stain on her reputation. I will be sad when this series is over and might actually purchase hard copies of this series because truly enjoy it so. If you are interested, I would suggest starting at the beginning, you'll be lost in the characters starting so close to the end.

Baldacci was the first crime/murder/intrigue authors I read. I discovered him in college and it was my first taste of murder, deceit and descriptive evil people. His level of gore is about all I can take and I found myself trying to read every book of his I could get my hands on at the library. This is one of the last series of his I've started and I was immediately drawn to the military aspect of the main character John. Baldacci writes quick chapters, full of the unexpected and oh my gosh chapter ends. Pages fly as you keep looking for the next big thing. I realized halfway through the book I've read others in the series out of order, and this book solved a few 'huh' moments. I'm mad about one part, but don't authors piss us off on purpose? Great quick read.

The Camel Club is one of my favorites by Baldacci. Big fan of groups of misfits right wrongs and taking down the bad guys. Another book out of order in the series when I read it, glad to finally have all the background on Miss Annabelle [love her name by the way]. A big time DC player and a not so big time DC player are murdered and it's up to the Camel Club to put it all together to bring the bad guys to justice, all while staying out of harms way. Fun peeks into the rare book collector's life and the con artist's too. I really enjoyed it and think it would be a great last part of vacation book.

There you have it, some of the books I've read. Nothing groundbreaking and all very similar but I tend to read the same kind of books all together when I just need SOMETHING to read before bed. The next batch might be all romancey or silly. I have quite a few deep reads on my list but with my studying and busy days I want something light before bedtime. 

What's the ONE book I need to add to my list?

November 8, 2016

Show Us Your Books

Finally, I made it here again! WOOHOO! I think my last books recaps was post Europe, egad. Honestly, there wasn't a lot of reading going on here throughout the early summer, which is quite unusual for me. For the first time in a long time, my time was spent outside of book world. Not anymore, I've been devouring books with a vengeance and finally got my act together to share them all with you.

* * * * * {summary and source *here*}
Speaking of finally, I FINALLY finished this book after starting it BEFORE OUR MOVE! Yes, I started it but wasn't able to finish it before it had to be returned, wah. I waited months and am so glad I was able to finish it recently. Wow, what story. Doerr crafted a true masterpiece and being in France just seven months ago made it that much more poignant to me. I have to admit, I was super sad about parts of the ending, I expected something a lil different, but such is the life of a reader. Get this book, ASAP!

* * * * 1/2 {summary and picture source *here*}
Murder mysteries are probably my favorite genre to read and y'all know I'm all about baking, so merging the two creates the perfect series. Joanne Fluke has created a wonderful heroine, based in Minnesota, and all of the characters have their special place in each book. Hannah is strong willed in her detective sleuthing, but she's always a bit haphazard when it comes to her love life and after 18 books it was getting a bit droll. However, Fluke finally has helped Hannah find her special someone and the murder in this book takes the cake, ha. I accidentally read this book before the previous one so was a bit lost at times with a few characters, however once I read it afterwards it all made sense. I also read two others finally available to rent from the library. If you want a fun fluffy series, one which will also give you some great recipes, give this one a whirl.

* * * * {summary and picture source *here*}
When I need an easy read, I jump on the romance train real quick. There's something soothing about the romantic formula. Lori Foster brings her own spin to with the first novel in the Guthrie Brothers Series. Both Honor and Jason come with their own baggage, but sparks fly when Honor moves into the condemned house next door. There is the normal will they won't they pull and of course circumstances get in the way, plus the whole harlequin love chapters. Honor's stubbornness bothered me a bit, but other than that it was fun to read and will pass the time quite well.

* * * * {summary and picture source *here*}
I'm not quite sure how I came about this book, probably just browsing the online library. The summary caught my fancy because it was different than most of the books I'd already read during the summer. The year is 1904 and an undercover Texas Ranger is thrown into the life of a switchboard operator as he tries to capture the gang leader of a group of outlaws. The heroine is quite likable, however her birding soapbox gets a bit old quickly. Gist provides a fun look into the small, but growing Texan town where propriety still reigns, even during a gang shootout.

* * * {summary and source *here*}
Fantasy books are really not my genre, unless you count Harry Potter. Sorcery, magick, time hops and  dragon fights serve a purpose in a cartoon but I rarely get past the first chapter in a book. However, Nora Roberts is one of my go to authors so I thought I'd give this series a try. Well, guess who read the last book thinking it was the first?!? Yup, this girl right here. Honestly, I'm glad because I met all the characters and know how it ends and I don't have to read the other books, haha. Don't get me wrong, it was well written and the characters were all fun, but the dreams, sorcery and spells turned me into a bit of a skimmer. If you like Ireland scenery, this would be a good series, Roberts paints glorious pictures with her words of the landscape.

* * * * * {summary and source *here*}
Baldacci is one of my favorite authors and Oliver Stone is one of my favorite characters. I'm a sucker for a good spy book, especially one with a back stabbing government and a couple do good vigilantes. Divine Justice picks up with Stone on the run and he takes refuge in Divine, Virginia where he happens to stumble upon a whole different problem. Baldacci keeps you guessing and I was only 3/4ths correct in my guess about the ending. If you like espionage books, check this one out for sure.

The Bess Crawford Mystery Series [ Four books]
* * * * 1/2 { summary and picture *here*}
Bess  Crawford is my new favorite sleuth and this mystery series is my new favorite jam. If you're a Downton fan imagine a woman who favors Anna in looks, Mrs. Crawley in righteousness, Sybil in wanting to always help, Mary's wit and Edith's self doubt at times, that is Miss Bess Crawford.  She is a nurse during the first World War and I loved the throwback to the Downton era. Initially I wasn't sure about the series, however once the story got going, I couldn't put it down. I sped read four books in just a few weeks, and am waiting anxiously for the next one to become available from the library.

June 14, 2016

Books on Books on Books

Hello and happy book review day. I expected to have a LOT more books to share with y'all today since  I was traveling around Europe for 30 days, but I did not do nearly as much reading as expected. Normally I'm a night reader, but while traveling I used that time to update my blog and chat with family. Most of my reading was only done while traveling, if I wasn't catching up on sleep. Linking up with Steph and I think you should join the party.
* * * 1/2
"Edith Lavery, an English blonde with large eyes and nice manners, is the daughter of a moderately successful accountant and his social-climbing wife. While visiting his parents' stately home as a paying guest, Edith meets Charles, Earl Broughton, and heir to the Marquess of Uckfield, who runs the family estates in East Sussex and Norfolk. To the gossip columns he is one of the most eligible young aristocrats around. When he proposes. Edith accepts. But is she really in love with Charles? Or with his title, his position, and all that goes with it?

One inescapable part of life at Broughton Hall is Charles's mother, the shrewd Lady Uckfield, known to her friends as "Googie" and described by the narrator---an actor who moves comfortably among the upper classes while chronicling their foibles---"as the most socially expert individual I have ever known at all well. She combined a watchmaker's eye for detail with a madam's knowledge of the world." Lady Uckfield is convinced that Edith is more interested in becoming a countess than in being a good wife to her son. And when a television company, complete with a gorgeous leading man, descends on Broughton Hall to film a period drama, "Googie's" worst fears seem fully justified" [picture and summary source via goodreads]."

Oh how I wanted to LOVE this book. I adore Downton Abbey and think Julian has a fabulous knack for creating vibrant stories. The main character narration was a fun twist from what I expected and originally I really enjoyed Edith. She reminded me of any young woman looking to 'marry up' and Charles is so sweet. But then, ugh, just ugh. I couldn't handle the drama and then don't even get me started on the ending. I could sense the direction it was going but was hoping for one final twist. If you're intrigued by the monarchy and British culture I think you'll enjoy the story. If all of that bores you definitely  skip it.

* * * *

"Jess Dunne is third-generation Hollywood, but her star on the boulevard has yet to materialize. Sure, she’s got a Santa Monica address and a working actress roommate, but with her nowhere barista job in a town that acknowledges zeroes only as a dress size, she’s a dead girl walking.

Enter Jess’s mother—a failed actress who puts the strange in estrangement. She dives headlong into her daughter’s downward spiral, forcing Jess to muster all her spite and self-preservation to snag a career upgrade.

As a personal assistant for a famous (and secretly agoraphobic) film composer, Jess’s workdays are now filled with shopping for luxury goods and cooking in his perfectly designed kitchen. Jess kills at cooking, a talent that only serves her intensifying urge to dig in to Los Angeles’s celebrity buffet.

When her food garners the attention of an actress on the rise, well, she’s all too willing to throw it in with the composer and upgrade again, a decision that will have far-reaching ramifications that could explode all her relationships. All the while, her mother looms ever closer, forcing Jess to confront the traumatic secrets she’s been running from all her life. 

Oh! You Pretty Things is a dizzying ride at the carnival of fame, a fast-paced and sharply funny work that dares to imagine what happens when we go over the top in a town of gilded excess [picuture and summary source via good reads]."

Not sure why I grabbed this book, but I did and it did it's job on flights and long train rides. The story was fun, the characters were really unique and exciting to delve into and the backdrop of Hollywood just made it more interesting. The author did a good job of stretching the story when I saw the writing on the wall and sadly again I was quite bummed out about the ending. Works as a summer or waste time read. 

* * * * *
"Liv Chandler is running for her life, and the cops haven’t been able to do a thing to help. But there’s one man who makes her feel safe, no matter what…rugged charter boat captain Rafe Brodie.

To Rafe, Liv is a beautiful mystery, one he can’t ignore. He means to unearth her secrets, and in the process, if luck is on his side, maybe the spark between them will ignite.

But Liv’s past is more dangerous than Rafe could guess, and when his first mate turns up dead, she fears that she’s next. That there’s something else coming she can’t see. That even Rafe and the remote village of Valdez, Alaska can’t protect her forever [picture and source via goodreads].

It wouldn't be a long trip without a silly romance, right? If you don't like these books, don't bother, but if you enjoy them for what they are this is a fun one to pass the time. Rafe and Liv's chemistry is actually believable and I loved the fact it was set in the Alaskan community. The mystery took a bit to come about, which I enjoyed since they are usually predictable. 

* * * * *

"Growing up on her family’s Sonoma vineyard, Georgia Ford learned some important secrets. The secret number of grapes it takes to make a bottle of wine: eight hundred. The secret ingredient in her mother’s lasagna: chocolate. The secret behind ending a fight: hold hands.

But just a week before her wedding, thirty-year-old Georgia discovers her beloved fiancé has been keeping a secret so explosive, it will change their lives forever.

Georgia does what she’s always done: she returns to the family vineyard, expecting the comfort of her long-married parents, and her brothers, and everything familiar. But it turns out her fiancé is not the only one who’s been keeping secrets  [picture and source via goodreads]."

LOVED, loved, loved this book. It was an easy, fun, light read that brought to light a different family dynamic, but one most can relate too. You feel for everyone involved, but recognize that people have to make their own choices and go their own way. Georgia is quite the enjoyable character and her father makes me want to move to California and buy a vineyard. The perfect beach, pool or travel read.

March 29, 2016

Ten Things To...

Morning and happy Tuesday, y'all. I'm honestly still playing catch up on sleep as we spent a long time last night packing up more of our apartment. It was a Monday date night at the storage unit, woohoo! Today I have a meeting most of the day so my commenting might be a lil spotty, but I promise to make it to all your pretty blogs when I can. 

Today I thought I'd share different things on my radar, but with the Ten for Tuesday twist.

Here are Ten things to...

::Listen To::
Che'nelle's song if your needing a bit of a pump up vibe. Check this video out if you need to feel FIERCE!
This song if you need to focus on a single task, it's the perfect mix of calm and interesting.

:: Try ::
In the market for a new skin regimen, give Lindi Skin a try. Over the weekend my face sadly became a lil sun and wind burned from our early morning bike ride. It was quite angry with me so I was glad to have the Lindi face wash at home to try. The cleanser was SUPER gentle but still left my skin feeling fresh and clean and I loved the smell. The lavender serum not only smelled fabulous it also helped soothe my burnt skin. While this is nowhere NEAR as serious as  I now keep both the cleanser and serum in my gym back to use before or after my workouts. I know it will get the job done, but won't leave my skin feeling dry or itchy before I teach. I can see why someone with sensitive skin would LOVE these products, but I think they work well on any skin type. #trylindiskin #smellsamazing

Even though we're back on the healthy train I'm trying to find a delicious sweet treat to share this weekend at our bon voyage party. I know I should probably keep with an old standby but don't these look amazing? 

:: Watch ::
Yes, I'm a bit late to the party but oh my goodness this movie was just adorable. If you haven't seen it be warned, there are a few UP moments scattered throughout the movie. Oh and if you hate snakes as much as I do, be sure to close your eyes when a red thing falls off a tree. #family #humanasadog #dinosaursareawesome

:: Read ::
I've only perused Marie's website but really want to buy and read her book.  So far her 'spark joy' theory has helped me change my hording sentimental ways and I'd love to learn more about her organization techniques. #purgingbeforethemove

:: Do ::
Have courage, be kind and THROW the kindness around. Be good to others #confettiforall 

:: Buy ::
With the trip to Europe and move closing in, I've been seriously watching my spending habits. Got to be good now to justify a new Italian leather something right? However, I needed to stop by Target to pick up some new storage bins and used the time in the store as an excuse to scoop up a few more necessities. There were high hopes of scooping up some of the cute workout shirts I posted about a few weeks ago, but alas the two in the store were NOT flattering at all. My trip was not in vain though as I grabbed a new travel makeup set to replace my previous SK brushes I misplaced in February [seriously, no idea where they went]. While perusing the Merona aisle I saw my FAVORITE tank camisoles were on sale so I snatch up a few. Y'all, do yourself a favor and go get you some, they are so soft and hold up really well too.

:: Meditate ::
We all need a lil bit of Zen in our life sometimes. Ten wonderful things to keep in mind and don't forget the belly laugh.

:: Taste ::
Love me some tacos and shrimp tacos are a favorite in the springtime. How delicious does the cilantro lime slaw sound? Can't wait to try this with our homemade tortillas #yumyumgood #amouthfiesta!

:: Sip ::
Another lil summin summin I'm wanting to try for our going away party. You know I love me some champs and I thought mixing it with sangria would be a fun springtime treat. Not sure if I'll get as fancy as this pin or just try a simple lil mixology on my own. Have you tried this recipe before? Any tips or tricks?
What are some things on your radar right now?


Before you leave, I have to share one more fabulous piece of news. My sweet, sweet, friend Jess of The Newly is expecting and I am over the moon and excited for her and her sweet lil family. If you have a minute head over to her blog and give her some congratulation love.

***I was provided Lindi Skin products for review, but as always all opinions are my own**