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Showing posts with label Decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decor. Show all posts

February 19, 2016

The Return of True Friday Faves

Morning and happy Friday, ladies! I hope your week wasn't too long or crazy pants. Mine was kind of all over the place with the weather and being sick so I am super stoked for the weekend. Okay, no dancing around, let's get down to Friday Faves!

Favorite quote of the week: Breathe in, breathe out and BE!
Favorite moment of the week: Rocking my Thursday BODYPUMP class after being insanely sick on Wednesday. I brought the extra energy and felt like I really connected to my students. CHEERS for continuing to get better at this teaching thing. #BODYPUMPSTRONG! #learningasigo #woohoo #wemakeitbounce

Favorite decor picture of the week: Le sigh. If only Le Husband would let me.
Favorite links of the week: Learn something new!

My how childhood has changed!

Coolest mother/daughter workout video. #momgoalsoneday

12 people you should never unfriend on Facebook.

She gave up her smart phone and actually makes it sound like the best decision ever.

Favorite funnies of the week: LAUGH IT OUT!



Hope y'all have a fabulous weekend. Catch you here on Monday < 3!

**linking up  Here  here herehere and, this week**

December 8, 2015

Countdown to Christmas {Linkup} || Home Decor ||

Morning, friends. I hope y'all are doing well, I am after my COWBOYS stomped those deadskins, woohoo!Hopefully y'all have your Christmas posts ready to linkup for Countdown to Christmas with Katie, Sara and myself. I know I dropped the ball on reminding you yesterday, bad Pinky, but hopefully y'all were better than me and remembered anyway. #promisetobebetternextweek #tistheseasonforlinkups #comeandjointheparty
Today I'm showcasing our Christmas decor. We live in a two bedroom apartment so I can't do EVERYTHING I'd like because of the lack of space, but I think I do a pretty good job of making it festive. Things have changed a lil since last year and I'm quite happy with how everything turned out.

First up is our beautiful tree. This tree is actually my parent's FIRST tree and this year I added their tree skirt to my ensemble. So, yes, this tree is over 35 years old, crazy right? I wish we were allowed to have real trees in our apartment but we aren't so we make do with this lovely piece.

 Our ornaments are a compilation of Le Husband's, ornaments we've bought throughout our travels and ornaments my mother gave me every year. I am so grateful she started that tradition, because we have so much history on our tree and never had to endure a sad first married tree of no special ornaments.

If you remember from previous years, the buffet and our high top were in different places before we decided to change everything around. I have LOVED the change, but it made decorating a bit tricky this year. I think I managed to display everything I wanted well and LOVE the advent calendar my MIL made for me.

How adorable is Le Husband's Charlie Brown tree?

There are only a few other pieces in the kitchen but we have quite a few Christmas themed towels that I put on a weekly rotation during the season. This one is my favorite because I love the beautiful poinsettia prints.

On the island Le Husband built I've put my FABULOUS pink tree. Y'all this tree is one of my favorite Christmas pieces, Mama B did such a good job finding it for me. It was special to me in college and always makes smile when I set it up.

Moving into the living are you'll find both of our nativities. I love nativity and manger decorations and always try to find the best place in our home to display them. Le Husband has his Peanut's gang on a bookshelf and this year I put a Christmas book behind it for a lil bit of a back drop. Isn't this set adorable? I can totally see it being a favorite once kids come into the picture. #peanutschristmas #didijustsaykids

One year instead of an ornament my mother gave us each a nativity and I am so thankful she did. I love how classy and elegant this set is and that it isn't toooooo big. Normally I try to have the wise-men and shepherds farther away from the stable, to keep with the Christmas story, but we just didn't have the space this year. Baby Jesus is in hiding though, until Christmas Eve when he'll make is magical appearance. #rightnowitsjustabarn #gimmeallthenativities

You'll recall my love of WREATHS from last week's post. I wish I could post wreaths on every door and throughout the home, but we only have the wall space for one wreath and behold everything pink and glittery. When we spent Thanksgiving in Kentucky a few years ago, all the cousins went to Michaels and then we created our own holiday wreaths. It was a fun time and I'm really happy how well mine has held up. #clearlyiembracedmycolor

Decorating our high top was a bit of a challenge this year since we actually use it for dinner every night. I brought out our Christmas placemats, changed our flowers to Christmas flowers and have my beautiful Christmas napkins displayed [thank you, Babyspice].  Confession, we use paper napkins because I don't want to ruin our pretty ones.

One quick turn from the table you'll find our sofa and our fun and festive pillows. #thankyoutarget

This year I grabbed some free evergreens from the Christmas tree lot and displayed it throughout the home. I love the festive flair it adds to our television stand and the two Peanuts characters add the perfect lil touch.

My mom bought these for Le Husband the past two Christmases and it's a fun new family tradition.

To round out the apartment here is our bookshelf right by the front door. I decorated the top shelf candles, evergreens, one of my favorite lil trees and the bears both got a Santa hat or stocking.

Well, there you have it, casa de Pinky all jazzed up for the Christmas season. I'm extremely happy with the look and find I can't help but smile when I'm home and the tree is lit. There is something special about this time of year and I plan to soak it all up as much as possible. What are your favorite decorations in your home?

Also linking up here & here today!
Okay, now is your chance to link up your holiday festive fun!

December 7, 2015

Fun with Friends and Family and Giveaway Winner!

Morning and happy Monday, friends. I hope you enjoyed your first December weekend. Mine was crazy busy but a lot of fun. I could totally use some extra a sleep, but hey, that's life right?

This weekend I…

… woke up early Friday morning to participate in Hypothermia relief. These smiles make it worth the early alarm.
< 3 my sisters!
… went to my dermatologist for a second round of laser treatments for my skin damage. #ouchbutworthit

… skipped the gym and went to dinner with Mama B and Daddy. #lovemesomecheese
My favorite go to meal.
… after dinner went to pick out my parent's Christmas tree. It was fun spending time with them and not having to argue with two other minions, heehee. Aren't my parents adorable? #yestheyare!
We found THE Tree & a Pinky tree!
… went home and passed out super early because I was exhausted from the early morning.

… woke up refreshed on Saturday and prepped homemade Cinnamon Carmel Party popcorn for a friend.
… finally wore my FAAAABULOUS shearling vest from Pearl & Monroe. #lovelovelove
… enjoyed a wonderful evening with a group of fabulous couples. Everyone met playing kickball and most have kids now so it's tough to get everyone together.  The men all put everything together and Le Husband's contribution was the main course. It was insanely delicious and the guys did a fantastic job of putting everything on for the women. The company was just as amazing as the food so it was definitely a weekend for the record books. We already have our next evening planned and I can't wait. #bringonthegamehensandgames #swapitup #lovemyladies

… arrived home much later than expected and paid for it the next morning.

… rallied to make it to church to watch my parents sing in the choir during our carols service. They did so well and were so cute up there in the loft. I love supporting my family and celebrating Christmas.
Cheers to pretty music!
… ate a delicious brunch then went home to decorate the family Christmas tree. I love the tradition of waiting for everyone to decorate and enjoy the fun banter while remembering ornaments. Hard to believe we used to have my ornaments on the tree, it was decorated on EVERY branch. #familytraditionsmakemesmile
Family Christmas tree is soooooooo pretty all done!
… played in a soccer game. Had a goal but lazy people on the team kept us from winning, RUDE!

… stood in line for Pollo Rico for over thirty minutes. Yes it was worth it but slow ordering people annoy me.

… came home and finally finished decorating the apartment and the tree. My ornaments make me smile every year and I love all the fun touches around our home. I can't wait to share all the festivities with y'all.
Travel and wedding ornaments are my favorite!
… took the token 'CHRISTMAS TIME IS HERE' picture! #lovethisseason
Christmas time is here!
… caught up on blogs, prepped for the week and watched one of our shows. It was a long busy weekend so I decided to call it an early night. #yesimoldandidontcare.

Before you leave, I wanted to announce the winner of our giveaway. CONGRATS, Ashley Bree! Kristin will email you to get your address for all the goodies. Thanks to everyone who participated, I wish you ALL could have won! Hope you have a GREAT Monday! 

June 3, 2015

Dream A Little Dream of My Home

You won't be shocked to learn that even though I don't have my own home, I have many a dream board [here on pinterest] and color scheme in my brain. Even though Les Husband and I are waiting to figure out where we will be moving, we will sometimes peruse homes online and dream of making one of them ours.

My color palette for our home changes quite frequently [shocker] and right now I am all about the rustic, whimsy, chic look, while including lots of exposed wood. I've been on an exposed beams kick for awhile and love checking out home decor that plays off that feel. Below is one of my most recent dream boards and it is everything I could dream for my one day home. Combining the masculinity of the wood and the femininity of the colors really set my heart a flutter.

light house and homeI am so incredibly sad this rug is sold out, isn't the pattern and color amazing? The detailing in this pillow [sold out, wah] is a bit feminine for Le Husband but I think it's a great contrast to the strong lines of this gorgeous Ralph Lauren accent table. I would be so happy every morning if I could snuggle up in this lovely chair with a cup of coffee resting on the nearby side table [on a coaster of course]. For me, this whole look was inspired by the strong beams of  Bellescape's gorgeous mirror. I'd have no problem checking my reflection in it every day, would you?

What are your home decor dreams right now? Anything trending in your neck of the woods? How did you pick out your theme for your home? What didn't work?

linking up here

March 4, 2015

Beautiful Bits

Just a lil post with some beautiful bits I found on Pintest [you can follow me *here*]. Enjoy! < 3



Have a fabulous day, lovely ladies! Remember, you are BEAUTIFUL!

linking up here and here today