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Showing posts with label SweatPink. Show all posts

August 13, 2013

Week in Workouts #4 and Sweat Pink

Monday: 6 am Body Pump Class:
After a week off during vacation, [minus a crazy awesome hill circuit with the sissys and skiing everyday] my body was ready for weights. I love the 6am Body Pump class and instructor. She's in her second trimester and a beast and really really inspiring. I was super weak [by my standards] but really tried to push myself. My legs were shaking by the end of class. I'm determined to make this a weekly class.

Tuesday Off Day: 
Things got way too busy for a workout. That and I had a meeting with my florists that ended up being two hours. Don't worry, it's a good thing, but all I wanted to do when I got home was eat dinner, clean up and go to bed. I was exhausted and didn't feel like staying up late to workout. In retrospect I should have done a quick sequence.

Wednesday: 45 Yoga Power Sculpt Class
Another favorite of mine, and it as usual was awesome. This class really humbles me because the instructor is so amazing and the tons of reps make me weak...literally. I know I'm not very flexible, so the yoga work is awesome and I love the arm and booty focus too. I'm hoping to do this class every week until my wedding, to keep my arms in check. 

Thursday: 45 Yoga Power Sculpt Class and Kickball game
Two times in one week, I'll take. I was wicked sore after Wednesday's class, but wanted to get in an actual workout before kickball. There was a different instructor, but she was just as awesome and bad@$$ as the other girl and I loved the class even though it killed me. I had to take a break during one of the shoulder segments since I was sore, but I managed to jump back in after a quick break. I really like this yoga studio and might buy passes once my test trial is over. 

Friday One Hour Arm Workout
I LIFTED IN THE BIG BOY GYM AGAIN! WOOT WOOT! Man, I've really missed lifting weights. I had planned to get up for the 6am Body Pump class, but my body was NOT having it. So, I packed a gym bag and hit Gold's after work. It was pretty crowded for a Friday but I was able to get my arm workout groove on easily. I created the following workout on the fly, just doing my bis/tris.

I did one set of each exercise, circuit style [completed three times]
Circuit 1
Hammer Curls - 15 pounds
Tricep Extensions - 15 pounds, plus 10 extra pulse
Abs - 50 crunchs on the bench.

Circuit 2
Bicep curls/reverse curls in a standing lunge - 20 pounds
Tricep bench dips with my feet on a Bosu ball
Abs - 50 revers crunches

Circuit 3
Tricep Extensions - Level 4, then tricep burn out level 2
21's - 10 pounds
Side abs - 25 pounds

I completed the workout with three sets of pullups and then two more sets of an ab circuit.

I left the gym feeling refreshed and sore and AWESOME!

Saturday 5K ROC Race
This race was set up 100% as a fun race, but I didn't know that until we actually got to the race grounds. I honestly only signed up because C did, and since it was a 5K I knew I would be fine running wise. I had no idea what to expect with the obstacles, but after conquering the Tough Mudder I knew I could handle whatever they had. As I mentioned yesterday, the race was really fun, minus the start debacle. Let's just say we had a 10am start time and didn't get through the gate until 1030am, womp womp. The staggering of groups was awesome, keeping the obstacle lines short, but they needed to be better about informing everyone. We all started out as a group, but C and I pulled away because the pace was way too slow. I'm not trying to be rude or mean, but running too slow out of my gate is KILLER on my legs. We had fun keeping a decent pace and conquering all the obstacles. We raced the last 100 yards which was fun, even though I lost. All it all it was a fun race and a great way to get a workout in on a Saturday.

Sunday My Last Indoor Soccer Game
Siiiiiiiiigh, I played my last soccer game until becoming a Mrs on Sunday. Mama B gave me STRICT orders that I am NOT allowed to participate in any contact sports one month before the wedding. The game was a late one, 10pm but I was pretty jazzed to play. We played a pretty decent team, but I went in hoping we would have a good game and come out victorious. It was a hard fought and very tight game, but we ended up winning by three goals. Yours truly had the first goal [and it was saweeeeeet] and I played lights out on defense. Normally I'm really good about sharing playing time, but I was super amped to be on the field so I kind of hogged the time. I'm taking this next season off, but hope to be back at it in late October.

How did your workouts go this week?

I'll be posting more about this later,
but I'm SO EXCITED I had to share a bit now.

I'm now a SWEAT PINK Ambassdor!