Showing posts with label Mama B. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mama B. Show all posts
January 19, 2018
One BIG Weekly Win
Hey, friends. Been quiet here this week, I know. Launch week during snow storms is quite crazy, but that's a recap for next week. I've truly been quiet because I've been extremely worried and nervous for Mama B.
Again, going to be a bit vague, just how it will be here for the moment. After the scare last week we've all been dealing with checking up on her, asking how she's doing and waiting for doctor appointments to come back. She's still in pain, however her amazing body is slowly healing which is wonderful.
Things were quite stressful for everyone earlier this week as two doctors were giving conflicting prescriptions and it as super scary trying to navigate what step was the correct one to take. Lots of prayers went up, lots of prayer warriors were called upon and yesterday we received the best news. Both doctors now realize waiting and letting the body heal naturally is the best step, not a quick surgery next week.
Thank you all again, for the thoughts, for reaching out, for the prayers, the kind words and just being here and reading and supporting our family. I'm beyond thankful to be here talking because things could have been SO SO SO much worse. With that stressor gone I believe I can now think clearer and come back here and visit y'all too.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend < 3 , Be blessed!
January 15, 2018
Weekend Recap {The One With Rest and a Scare}
Hello, Monday. If you're someone who has the day off, please enjoy it for me. The gym is open and we are beginning LAUNCH week which means I'll be living in the GGX room when I'm not trying to get new clients.
Thankfully I'm heading into this week rested as my weekend was a mix of fun with friends but lots of sleep as well. Le Husband came home Saturday morning from being gone ALL WEEK {missed him} and we enjoyed napping, couch cuddling, Disney movies, yummy food and relaxing all day after my BOOTCAMP class.
Saturday evening we met up with some fitness friends for dinner and it was SO NEEDED. Just an evening of delicious food, funny stories, wine, whiskey, smiles, jokes and way too much fun. We stayed way later than planned but it was so worth it. I know I say it all the time, but my fitness tribe is the best! Supportive, kind, caring, hilarious and SO MUCH FUN!
Sunday morning was church, errands and then a quick gym session where I practiced for my first class tomorrow. It is going to be a super busy week because I'm launching a ton of classes this quarter.
Monday - BODYCOMBAT 10:10am; BODYATTACK 6:00pm
Tuesday - BODYPUMP 6am; SPRINT 9:30am; BARRE 10:10am; BOOTCAMP 6pm; BODYPUMP 7pm
Wednesday - BODYCOMBAT 9:00am; SPRINT Noon; BODYCOMBAT 6:00pm
Thursday - BODYATTACK 9:00am; SPRINT 6:00pm
Friday - BODYATTACK Noon; BOOTCAMP 5:30pm
Phew, gimma all the food now, right? Lots of stretching a fluids this week and fingers crossed my voice makes it through unscathed. I've been hoarse the past five days and trying to keep quiet to save everything I have for this week. Wish me luck and have a great week.
Before signing off, I'd like to ask for prayers for my Mama B. We had a pretty unexpected scare on Friday night which was incredibly unnerving. I hate to be vague, yet want to respect her privacy so I'm not going to go into detail here. She is okay, THANK THE LORD, but could use some prayers for 100% health and recovery. Moments like this really make you see what matters and how quickly your life can change. Mama B is my family's world and we are so grateful 'alls well that ends well'.
December 26, 2017
MAMA B!!! Today's Your BIRTHDAY!
Today I'm wishing
Mom Jeans wearing
Christmas sweater loving
Godly disciple
Most generous
awesome cooker lady
with the BIGGEST HEART in the WORLD
and most important
April 4, 2016
Good-Bye To Yoooooouuuuu {Weekend in Review}
Oh my land, what a weekend. I don't think we could have packed anything else into that past few days if we had tried. Here we are in April and the month of our trip and it all feels so surreal. Each day is another small small step forward to our destination.
I had hoped Friday would be an easy day to get ahead for Saturday but the work gods were not in my favor. It was small fire after small fire after HUGE ISSUE and I felt so behind when I left work an hour later than planned. Both Le Husband and I had rough days and we decided homemade pizza was just the ticket. It was quite delicious and gave me a bit of pep in my step to finish up the party prep before passing out for the night.
Saturday I slept in a bit and then hit the ground running. There was packing up of bins, finishing up party food prep at the apartment, another purge, no food eaten and then it was off to my parents house. They were such champs letting me host the party at their home on such short notice and it ended up being the best thing in the word. The weather held out and everyone pulled together to get everything whipped up before the guests started to arrive.
After dinner we came home and went right back to packing up and finishing up our trip plans. It seems that Germany is not going to work out so it's on to northern Italy [we think]. I also laid out most of what I want to pack for the trip and am HOPING to get it finalized this week. Did I mention I was trying to make it in a carry on? No, well yeah, we are gonna try. Which reminds me, it's time to get off here and finish up some more stuff. Can I get a PTL for no more 6am class? I don't think I'd make it tomorrow if I had to teach, I am so wiped out mentally and physically.
OH, before I go, one more good piece of news…I GET TO KEEP MY JOB FOR TWO WEEKS AFTER THE TRIP!!!!! WOOOOOFREAKINGHOOOOOOO! I am so thankful everything ended up working out the way I envisioned and I am SO GRATEFUL my boss ended up working with our schedule. Our moving date has changed to June but that is okay, I am 100% thrilled with the extra few pay checks. THANK YOU ALL for your prayers and good vibes, I so appreciate them.
Hope you have a FABULOUS Monday! <3 p="">
Linking up with these ladies
I had hoped Friday would be an easy day to get ahead for Saturday but the work gods were not in my favor. It was small fire after small fire after HUGE ISSUE and I felt so behind when I left work an hour later than planned. Both Le Husband and I had rough days and we decided homemade pizza was just the ticket. It was quite delicious and gave me a bit of pep in my step to finish up the party prep before passing out for the night.
I was almost a complete blogger fail before and during the party because I took two pictures. Luckily my sissys, mostly BABYSPICE, snapped some pictures for me to share. Even though this was an informal and thrown together quickly party I still tried to go all out on the snacks. We had lots of chips and dip, veggie tray, hummus, cooked to order burgers with fixins, brats, cuban chicken, broccoli slaw, chicken tenders, macaroni and cheese, tater tots, cookies, cheesecake bites and of course cupcakes. I mentioned the cupcakes I wanted to make here and randomly they were peanut butter which was NOT what I was expecting. I decided to bake regular chocolate cupcakes and then made the icing sans peanut butter. Pretty sure they were fabulous because none were left with at the end of the night. I snatched one of the last ones, heehee!
Sportypsice was so sweet and picked up some beautiful flowers for decor and Babyspice snapped these lovely pictures. They added just the perfect touch to the party. #lovemesomeflowers #smalltouchesmakeallthedifference
Our first order of business Satruday afternoon when I showed up to help set up was to pop the champs. It was a day of celebration and I wanted to share a bottle with my best gals. There were five bottles still left and we went through them ALL plus one brought as a gift. You could say the champagne sangria was a hit, haha. #loveourdinosaurglasses
The original recipe I chose ended up being kind of a dud, so I was in quite a panic Friday night trying to come up with a plan B. Can I grateful I am for mr google? He brought me to this recipe and after a lil tweaking [added different fruits and some grapefruit juice with the orange juice]. Yum, I want another glass right now.
While the food was wonderful, the true star of the party was all the love felt by those who came to send us off into the sunset. I was completely floored by the turn out of our friends from all our different groups [over 40+ people] and so thankful the weather held up. We had our kickball friends, my work friends, soccer friends, family friends, neighbor friends and few friends I've known for 20+ years. I wish I had been able to spend more time with everyone but it's always hard make the rounds when your the hostess. I will be forever grateful to Babyspice for being the photographer and making sure I got a picture taken with everyone in attendance. Yup, she installed a 'you can't leave without a picture rule' and it was quite fabulous. Surprisingly I held it all together and didn't blubber at all. I had one or two moments where I teetered on the edge of bawling but managed to hold it all together. #keepittogetherman
The party started at 5pm and the last guest left around 11pm and we still had a little clean up to do. It was an exaushting day of being on our feet however it was oh so worth it. I am incredibly blessed to have this life and SO THANKFUL for my wonderful family. We threw this all together in seven days and they were all rockstars helping out any way possible. Hugs were very long and tight at the end of the night as the realization of the coming months arose but again, we were all able to keep the tears at bay. I couldn't ask for a better family and am so grateful for them. #bradybunchforlife
Sunday morning came too early and we jumped right into the swing of things. It was church, home to pack up more boxes and the car, a fun pedicure with the ladies before another stop at the storage unit. Let me tell you HOW much my feet appreciated the massage, heaven sent I tell you. The company was quite wonderful too. #pinkforsummer
I made it back home and just fell onto the couch in our mess of an apartment. The days are beginning to feel the same, so much work done but so little reward shown in the home. I know every step counts but I'm started to get anxious it all won't get done without multiple sleepless nights. Neither Le Husband or I wanted to cook so we headed out to our favorite Mexican joint for a delicious but predictable dinner of fajitas and margs.
The party started at 5pm and the last guest left around 11pm and we still had a little clean up to do. It was an exaushting day of being on our feet however it was oh so worth it. I am incredibly blessed to have this life and SO THANKFUL for my wonderful family. We threw this all together in seven days and they were all rockstars helping out any way possible. Hugs were very long and tight at the end of the night as the realization of the coming months arose but again, we were all able to keep the tears at bay. I couldn't ask for a better family and am so grateful for them. #bradybunchforlife
My heart is so full! |
I made it back home and just fell onto the couch in our mess of an apartment. The days are beginning to feel the same, so much work done but so little reward shown in the home. I know every step counts but I'm started to get anxious it all won't get done without multiple sleepless nights. Neither Le Husband or I wanted to cook so we headed out to our favorite Mexican joint for a delicious but predictable dinner of fajitas and margs.
After dinner we came home and went right back to packing up and finishing up our trip plans. It seems that Germany is not going to work out so it's on to northern Italy [we think]. I also laid out most of what I want to pack for the trip and am HOPING to get it finalized this week. Did I mention I was trying to make it in a carry on? No, well yeah, we are gonna try. Which reminds me, it's time to get off here and finish up some more stuff. Can I get a PTL for no more 6am class? I don't think I'd make it tomorrow if I had to teach, I am so wiped out mentally and physically.
OH, before I go, one more good piece of news…I GET TO KEEP MY JOB FOR TWO WEEKS AFTER THE TRIP!!!!! WOOOOOFREAKINGHOOOOOOO! I am so thankful everything ended up working out the way I envisioned and I am SO GRATEFUL my boss ended up working with our schedule. Our moving date has changed to June but that is okay, I am 100% thrilled with the extra few pay checks. THANK YOU ALL for your prayers and good vibes, I so appreciate them.
Hope you have a FABULOUS Monday! <3 p="">
Linking up with these ladies
Big Girl Life,
Le Husband,
Mama B,
October 15, 2015
A Happy/Sad TBT
Since we were in Vegas this past weekend, I was not able to celebrate a happy day with my family. October 11th was always a day of celebration, love and family in my home. Back in 1980, Mama B and Daddy got all dressed up and promised to love and cherish one another forever and the 11th marked 35 years of wedded bliss.
35 years later they are still IN LOVE, happy and an amazing example of marriage. They have been the biggest supports of my marriage and I only hope Le Husband and I are as fortunate as they are in life. Cheers to many more years together, Mama B and Daddy! I wish you a gobzillion wishes of happiness and joy!
Pretty sure I borrowed this from Babyspice, THANKS! |
Nine years ago October 11th became a day of sadness and a day of grieving. Nine years ago a college friend and an amazing man gave the ultimate sacrifice when he was killed in action in Iraq. I found out from a friend via AIM when I was at work and I'll never forget that moment. I lost it at my desk and just asked 'WHY SHANE'? My boss was incredibly understanding and let me leave work early and on the drive home from work my dad kept me company. I was a mess the rest of the day, trying to find out details about the funeral and just grieving alone in my room.
Shane epitomized life. He lived with zest, humor, love and truly didn't know a stranger. While we weren't incredibly close during college he was the go to guy in classes and always had a laugh or a smile when you needed it most. All funerals are sad, but his is one of the most mournful moments of my life. The world is a little less bright because his candle is no longer burning.
I do my best to visit his grave every year, either during Memorial weekend or during October. I usually leave a flower with a note by his stone and just sit there and cry while I remember a life that is no more. Last Christmas I was blessed enough to meet his family while we were laying wreaths at Arlington Cemetery. It was poignant talking with them and I couldn't help but cry when his father teared up remembering his son.
I wore a KIA bracelet with his name and date on my wrist for many years and after it started to break I put it away until I could save it for my wedding. Shane's bracelet was part of my bouquet and is forever preserved with my flowers.

Thank you Shane, for your service to our great nation. You will never be forgotten < 3!

June 30, 2015
A {Body} Pumped Up Weekend Of Fullness
Morning and happy Mond…errr, Tuesday, friends. This week marks the second week I couldn't get my Monday post together because the weekend was the lead car on the busy train. Thank you all for your good thoughts/wishes, I am happy to report I passed the BODYPUMP instructor training I attended all weekend and am super stoked for the next steps. I plan to do a full post on my training, for those interested, but will touch on it for my weekend records today.
Friday night I left work, quickly prepped food for the weekend and then headed to a family friend's home for a fun retirement dinner. They live on the same street as my parents and are moving next month so while it was a celebration it was still sad to know they won't be here later this year. We all enjoyed their food and watching the US women rock it in their quarterfinal game. #USA!
When we got home I was allll ready to head to bed, but then I remembered my college was going to be on the Food Network for Diner Revival. It highlighted a famous dinner in Farmville and I was so excited to see it get a lil spruce up because of some amazing students. I was live tweeting the show and Ty Pennington favorited one of my tweets, woot woot! After the episode I hit the hay and tried to get some sleep before my big weekend.
Friday night I left work, quickly prepped food for the weekend and then headed to a family friend's home for a fun retirement dinner. They live on the same street as my parents and are moving next month so while it was a celebration it was still sad to know they won't be here later this year. We all enjoyed their food and watching the US women rock it in their quarterfinal game. #USA!
When we got home I was allll ready to head to bed, but then I remembered my college was going to be on the Food Network for Diner Revival. It highlighted a famous dinner in Farmville and I was so excited to see it get a lil spruce up because of some amazing students. I was live tweeting the show and Ty Pennington favorited one of my tweets, woot woot! After the episode I hit the hay and tried to get some sleep before my big weekend.
I was up super early Saturday morning, to head out west for my training. It was pouring in the morning and I was a bit stressed about being late, but luckily enough people stayed home that I could fly on the roads. I arrived in plenty of time, found a corner, started listening to my music and then BOOM it was time to start the training. I really enjoyed the master class we took and it was awesome starting the morning with such a great workout. We learned more about the class, did our presentations [oh em gee, so scary] and really broke down the movements so we could learn how to teach them better. There was a lot more in the day, but I'll touch on that in another post. I will say, I was pretty tired Saturday afternoon, but my day wasn't done after training.
The cruise ended around 10pm and after we got home I still had some BODYPUMP homework to get done. I managed to get into bed before midnight and was up bright and early again on Sunday. Everyone was a bit sore from all of our working out on Saturday but we hit three more workouts Sunday, including the fun BODYPUMP challenge. I believe we hit 6,000+ reps all weekend but everyone rocked it like champs. I was extremely nervous about my last presentation but felt good after it was over and was ECSTATIC when I received my 3/3 rating. This was a HUGE step out of my comfort zone and I was extremely worried I wasn't the right person for the job. #teamfitnessisawesome #soexcitednow
Part of my success came from my awesome group. All of the ladies in group four were amazing and we really cheered each other on throughout each assessment. I really liked our instructors too because they had great personalities and were extremely knowledgeable. Their critics were always helpful and they really wanted everyone to succeed. It was very long and tiring weekend, but the instructors and members made it a wonderful experience.
I have to give a MAJOR shout out to the fabulous Nikki of 'From My Life to OUR Life'. Homegirl was the FIRST person I told about wanting to MAYBE try BODYPUMP instructor training and she answered with the biggest YOU CAN DO IT!!! She cheered me on to talk to my instructors, helped me figure out the portal and really pushed me to try something outside my comfort zone. Not to mention she answered EVERY SINGLE ONE of my gobzillion questions and helped quell some of my fears. THANK YOU SO MUCH, NIKKI!!!! And thanks to all of my blog friends that cheered me on behind the scenes when I wasn't ready to put it here on the blog, y'all are the best!
I was on cloud nine after passing so I stopped by Starbucks for quick pick me up and of course, some extra napkins for my car! #napkinhoarder #dontcare #ownityall #lovemycoldpresscoffee
My life wouldn't be my life it I wasn't rushing back from BODYPUMP training to attend some family event. Mama B turns 60 this December 26th, crazy, and decided that this year she wanted a birthday party in the summer, since everyone is always busy with the holidays around her special day. So, we threw her a half birthday party at the pool and it was a wonderful Sunday evening. There were about 40 people in attendance and we served homemade pulled chicken, baked beans, macaroni and cheese [evil cheese tried to choke me out, so scary], coleslaw, broccoli slaw and of course birthday cake.
The weather was perfect, the people were fun and the drinks were flowing [cheers to passing] so it was easy to perk up for the party. Mama B had a wonderful time and we all enjoyed celebrating her in the summer. Lady looks good for her age, hopefully I get to keep her genes when I grow old.
I couldn't help making fun of her, though. She couldn't find her glasses and phone so I put them on and pretended to be her. Babyspice captured this hilarious picture and holy cow, do we look alike.
Once everyone left, we broke down the party, took things home, cleaned up and then I headed back to the apartment to rest. I thought about writing this post when I was laying on the couch trying to recover but my arms just weren't functioning, haha. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow and made the exactutive decision to sleep in a lil on Monday morning [cheers to a boss being on vacation].
ERRRMAGGEEEER was I sore on Monday. My calves and shoulders were on FIYAAAAH and my body was just tired. Luckily I was able to come home early and I grabbed a quick nap before Le Husband got home. My evening consisted of dinner, blogs and early bedtime and it was fabulous.
Thanks again for all the warm wishes and support, y'all are just the bestestestest < 3!!!!!
May 11, 2015
Busy Bees Knees Weekend
Morning and happy new week, friends. I hope you had a fabulous weekend. Mine was pretty awesome, but uber busy so I'm still rocking the tired pants today. Hopefully tonight I'l get some extra zzzzs and feel back to normal tomorrow.
* The beautiful nail color I chose thanks to Emily's post on Friday. I'm 99% a pink toes girl, but loved the coral color so I went for it on Saturday.
* Pretty pedicured toes. We took Mama B to get a pedicure for Mother's Day and we all had a relaxing time. Cheers to pretty feet to start spring. #sorryforthefootpicture #notafanmyself.
* Our Mother's day brunch at a Korean BBQ place. It was super delicious and Mama enjoyed her meal, card and flowers. We housed a ton of beef and rice and of course, sushi.
* Celebrated a truly amazing lady!
Not pictured:
* A long morning kickball practice on Saturday morning. We have a tournament next weekend and tried to iron out all the kinks. Hopefully we will be able to repeat this year.
* The fun cookout at a friends house before a Cinco De Mayo party. #cheerstotieronefriends
* An empty whiskey and sangria bottle that was consumed that night.
* Both of the maxi dresses I wore this weekend.
* A two hour nap Le Husband and I took to catch up on our sleep.
* An amazing burger and milkshake that was consumed for dinner.
* A Sunday night soccer game.
* Prep work for the week.
How was your weekend? Tell me all about it!
****I hope all my mama friends were spoiled! To all my sweet friends who have lost their mother, please know I was thinking and praying for you on Sunday. And to And, to all the women out there that are dealing with complications getting pregnant, I am sending a big virtual hug to you! I can only imagine the silent suffering Mother's day brings, but I hope one May soon, you too will be celebrating a lil bundle of joy! < 3****
May 8, 2015
Mama, I Love You!
Happy Friday, loves. I hope you've had a great week, mine was much better than last week PTL! We have a lot of fun things planned this weekend, bbq, mother-daughter pedicures, brunch, soccer game and hopefully some rest.
Today I'm celebrating mothers of the world, especially my mom and MIL. I'm so blessed to have such a caring and warm-hearted mother. She has taught me so much and I'm so thankful to still have her here today to learn from as I grow older. I am also incredibly blessed to have an amazing MIL as well. Le Husband's mother is so sweet, caring and welcomed me into the family from day one. I know I'm lucky to have such a wonderful relationship with my MIL and it's one I don't take for granted.
So, cheers to all the mothers of the world. Thank you for changing the diapers, reading the books, going through labor [or c-section], for the clothes, the story times, the traditions, the parties, the presents, the discipline [even though it wasn't fun], the life lessons, the morals, the kisses on boo-boos and the kisses through the phone when we're far away from you. Thank you for all the love and joy you bring to your children. Thank you for the sleepless nights and the diaper blowouts. Your children love you so much!
And a special thank you to Mama B. Thank you for being so wonderful and kind and loving. I'm so blessed to call you Mama or MOOOOther! Dancing with you at my wedding was a moment I'll always remember. Thank you for the amazing back and the sweet dance moves! I LOVE YOU!
I hope all of my mother friends and mothers to be have a wonderful weekend and get spoiled accordingly. Know I'm sending you lots and lots of love from pink land.
And, to all the women out there that are dealing with complications getting pregnant, I am sending a big virtual hug to you! I can only imagine the silent suffering Mother's day brings, but I hope one May soon, you too will be celebrating a lil bundle of joy! < 3
Today I'm celebrating mothers of the world, especially my mom and MIL. I'm so blessed to have such a caring and warm-hearted mother. She has taught me so much and I'm so thankful to still have her here today to learn from as I grow older. I am also incredibly blessed to have an amazing MIL as well. Le Husband's mother is so sweet, caring and welcomed me into the family from day one. I know I'm lucky to have such a wonderful relationship with my MIL and it's one I don't take for granted.
So, cheers to all the mothers of the world. Thank you for changing the diapers, reading the books, going through labor [or c-section], for the clothes, the story times, the traditions, the parties, the presents, the discipline [even though it wasn't fun], the life lessons, the morals, the kisses on boo-boos and the kisses through the phone when we're far away from you. Thank you for all the love and joy you bring to your children. Thank you for the sleepless nights and the diaper blowouts. Your children love you so much!
And a special thank you to Mama B. Thank you for being so wonderful and kind and loving. I'm so blessed to call you Mama or MOOOOther! Dancing with you at my wedding was a moment I'll always remember. Thank you for the amazing back and the sweet dance moves! I LOVE YOU!
I hope all of my mother friends and mothers to be have a wonderful weekend and get spoiled accordingly. Know I'm sending you lots and lots of love from pink land.
And, to all the women out there that are dealing with complications getting pregnant, I am sending a big virtual hug to you! I can only imagine the silent suffering Mother's day brings, but I hope one May soon, you too will be celebrating a lil bundle of joy! < 3
January 26, 2015
Tea, Please!
Morning! Crazy that it's Monday again. I hope my northeastern friends are alright and warm in all the snow. We had a lil spritz on Friday night but that's it. They called for a bunch of snow tonight, so we will have to see what actually happens throughout the day. Fingers crossed for an easy commute or a work from home day, please :)! Let's get on to how I sent my weekend, shall we?
This weekend was…
… kicked off with a sister and Mama B tea party at the Ritz Carlton
… a picture perfect pretend Downton Abbey moment.
… an afternoon filled with scones, devonshire cream, macaroons, tea sandwiches and chocolate.
… something I hope to do again with the lovely ladies in my family. We had such a wonderful time chatting about life, cheering new jobs and praying for friends.
… also filled with lots of sleep. PTL.
… another evening of fun with dough and homemade food.
… our first try making pizza dough.
… a lil bit messy.
… my first try making garlic rosemary knots. #cookingonawhimisfun
… not always pretty, but sure was tasty.
… a white pizza evening. #steakpizzayesplease
… my first Sunday back to church in a month. Man have I missed it.
… the weekend we finally caught up on all of our shows.
… a Sunday full of linen closet organizing, room reorganizing, purging and cleaning.
… an 8pm game where I had two goals but our team lost.
… a Sunday night doing the snow dance so I can work from home on Monday.
Linking up with these beautiful ladies < 3
This weekend was…
… kicked off with a sister and Mama B tea party at the Ritz Carlton
… a picture perfect pretend Downton Abbey moment.
… an afternoon filled with scones, devonshire cream, macaroons, tea sandwiches and chocolate.
… something I hope to do again with the lovely ladies in my family. We had such a wonderful time chatting about life, cheering new jobs and praying for friends.
… also filled with lots of sleep. PTL.
… another evening of fun with dough and homemade food.
… our first try making pizza dough.
… a lil bit messy.
… and doughy.
… not always pretty, but sure was tasty.
… a white pizza evening. #steakpizzayesplease
… the weekend we finally caught up on all of our shows.
… a Sunday full of linen closet organizing, room reorganizing, purging and cleaning.
… an 8pm game where I had two goals but our team lost.
… a Sunday night doing the snow dance so I can work from home on Monday.
Linking up with these beautiful ladies < 3
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