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Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts

September 7, 2018

Five Years

"You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers form up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you"

Happy Five Years, my love! 

July 22, 2016

FBF: Because He's Mine

*** I started this post before our move, but never posted it. I thought the week of our six year dateaversary would be as good as any. If you don't like mushy stuff, feel free to click the red X***

The alarm is beeping stirring me awake. Drowsy with sleep, I start moving and find my legs tangled up in someone else's, the same person I accidentally hit when I slowly stretch.  He's taken up most of the bed and is snoring softly and I can't help but look at him and smile because he's mine.

Lights stay off as I get ready for work, each loud noise answered with a soft 'SORRY'. I get dressed in the dark so I don't have to wake him but I don't mind at all, because he's mine.

My written out list for boxing up packages and labels get thrown to the side when he swoops in to take care of things while I'm at work, and even though I'm sad about my lists I don't mind too much, because he's mine.

Vacations are rarely restful and lazy since he's the go, go, go active guy, and even though I miss my lazy days laying in the sun on the beach I don't mind too much, because he's mine.

Plain chicken and veggies for dinner, night after night. I'm bored as all get out, but I know he has a goal and he is helping me to my goals and even though ALL I WANT IS CHIPS, GUAC and a BURRITO I eat the meals and am grateful this disciplined man in mine.

New city, new place to call home, new free schedule and no jobs makes for a stressful time. I couldn't imagine doing this journey, this big step without my best friend. Even though we deal with stressors in different ways, there's no man I'd rather have by my side and I thank God every night because he's mine.

Happy date anniversary, my love. I'm incredibly thankful a random kickball team [and rum] brought us together. The past six years have been an amazing ride and I am so excited for our future. I love you to the moon and back. 

October 15, 2015

A Happy/Sad TBT

Since we were in Vegas this past weekend, I was not able to celebrate a happy day with my family. October 11th  was always a day of celebration, love and family in my home. Back in 1980, Mama B and Daddy got all dressed up and promised to love and cherish one another forever and the 11th marked 35 years of wedded bliss. 

35 years later they are still IN LOVE, happy and an amazing example of marriage. They have been the biggest supports of my marriage and I only hope Le Husband and I are as fortunate as they are in life. Cheers to many more years together, Mama B and Daddy! I wish you a gobzillion wishes of happiness and joy!
Pretty sure I borrowed this from Babyspice, THANKS!

Nine years ago October 11th became a day of sadness and a day of grieving. Nine years ago a college friend and an amazing man gave the ultimate sacrifice when he was killed in action in Iraq. I found out from a friend via AIM when I was at work and I'll never forget that moment. I lost it at my desk and just asked 'WHY SHANE'? My boss was incredibly understanding and let me leave work early and on the drive home from work my dad kept me company. I was a mess the rest of the day, trying to find out details about the funeral and just grieving alone in my room.
Shane epitomized life. He lived with zest, humor, love and truly didn't know a stranger. While we weren't incredibly close during college he was the go to guy in classes and always had a laugh or a smile when you needed it most. All funerals are sad, but his is one of the most mournful moments of my life. The world is a little less bright because his candle is no longer burning.

I do my best to visit his grave every year, either during Memorial weekend or during October. I usually leave a flower with a note by his stone and just sit there and cry while I remember a life that is no more. Last Christmas I was blessed enough to meet his family while we were laying wreaths at Arlington Cemetery. It was poignant talking with them and I couldn't help but cry when his father teared up remembering his son.

I wore a KIA bracelet with his name and date on my wrist for many years and after it started to break I put it away until I could save it for my wedding. Shane's bracelet was part of my bouquet and is forever preserved with my flowers.

Thank you Shane, for your service to our great nation. You will never be forgotten < 3!
Linking up with *kristin*& *annie*

September 10, 2015

So I was Thinking

Hi, friends! Sorry for the radio silence yesterday. I was in an all day meeting and have a half day meeting today so my blogging and comment reprocess will be kind of sporadic. Normally meetings drive me batty, but this meeting has been extremely productive and I'm actually looking forward to finishing everything today. Okay, I sound a bit nuts, so on to my rambling Thursday thoughts. 

+ Le Husband and I flew home late Monday so we could soak up alllll the family time over the weekend. Well, wouldn't you know our flight was smack dab in the middle of the Ohio State vs Virginia Tech game? But don't you worry, we rocked our Buckeye gear on the plane and Le Husband streamed the game with Southwest's wifi #thankyoutechnology. After a few turn overs [like always] the Bucks trounced the Hokies and avenged last season's loss. I'm super excited for the college season and to cheer on OSU to another championship! #scarletandgrey #letsgobucks #ohiostate

+ Since we were flying on our actual anniversary, Le Husband and I made reservations at Ruth Chris for Tuesday night. Usually we use special occasions to try new restaurants but we had a gift card from parents [fromourfirstannivessaryoops] and thought our second anniversary was a great time take advantage of their generosity. We enjoyed a delicious bottle of wine, the porterhouse for two [ohmyfoodgasm], lobster mac and cheese and of course a fabulous dessert. Our dinner, coupled with the gorgeous flowers Le Husband brought home, capped of a wonderful second anniversary and I am so looking forward to our third year of marriage. #bringonyearthree #marriageisawesome #stucklikeglue

+ Downton Abbey is coming to an end and the final season starts in London next weekend. I have watched the trailer more than I care to admit and I am so darn jealous of you Britain peeps. So cruel we have to wait even longer for the episodes. I'm going to be so sad when we finally say goodbye to the Abbey, I've so enjoyed the poise, grace and humor of the Crawley family and staff. #downtonforever #pleaseletmaryenduphappy #teamannaandbates

+ While we're talking television, have any of you checked out the E! series WAGS!?! I am INCREDIBLY ashamed to admit how intrigued I am by this show. The first episode piqued my interest one day and now it's like an accident on the side of the road, I just can't look away. The wives aren't too bad, but the wanna be girlfriends are RIDICULOUS, like EWWW for real?!?!? Please tell me I'm not the only person fascinated by this complete train wreck…pretty please.
Alright, I'm out ladies. I hope to make it back to blog land later today. If not, don't judge me as I take advantage of my three day work week [yes, three days. yes, another trip. yes, we're crazy]. Love and sparkles, friends!

September 8, 2015

The Weekend of Labor, Boys & Marriage

Morning, loves, how are you after the three day weekend? I hope you weren't 'laboring' too much and were able to enjoy the extra day off. I had a wonderful weekend as we were home in Cincy visiting Le Huband's family. We had a fabulous time, as usual and I soaked up nephew time whenever possible.

This weekend I...

*snuggled my adorable lil nephew baby C.

* played 500 different versions of Legos with my darling nephew A.

* visited an Alpaca farm which was a ton of fun. Those kids are a lil crazy but super soft.

* perused through the beautiful Alpaca fiber garments. I almost bought the most amazing sweater but decided I had enough already. I did buy a lil summin summin for the winter!

* played and loved on the boys again. I love coming to visit my family because I get the perfect dose of baby and lil boy. Can we talk about those cheeks?!?

How was your weekend? Ours was fabulous with family and if you read yesterday you saw it was our two year anniversary [here if you missed it]. I can't believe it's already been two years, time flies when you're having fun with your best friend. I'm excited for our celebratory dinner tonight, cheers to many more years of marriage :)!

September 7, 2015

Seven Hundred Thirty Days Later

My heart still pitter patters over my groom.

I remember with joy, the hustle and bustle of getting ready with all my favorite girls.

My walk with my Daddy down the aisle still takes my breath away.

Our perfectly us ceremony still brings a tear to my eye and a smile to my face.

The concept of being a family of six has FINALLY taken hold.

 I'm so happy I listened to my mom about a bubble exit. #oneofmyfavoritepictures

Walking back to the church being Mr&Mrs holds a special piece of my heart.

I still can't get enough of our formal pictures at the Jefferson Memorial.

I still get giddy thinking about our first dance.

These pictures STILL make me laugh and smile.

Seven Hundred and Thirty Days later and I still have to pinch myself to be sure 9/7/13 wasn't just a dream. The love that surrounded us two years ago was the most amazing feeling in the world and I wish I could relive it all over again. Our wedding day was one of the best days of my life and I am so thankful I have Le Husband as mine forever. Happy 2nd Anniversary, my love, to the moon and back! Thank you for making my life a bazillion times better, you are the man of my dreams < 3!

Happy anniversary to my wedding twin and dear, dear friend, Jessi. Best day ever times two, lady! < 3
Linking up with these beautiful ladies whoop whoop < 3

May 21, 2015

No Place I'd Rather Be

You know the song, right? The line 'No Place I'd Rather Be' always struck a cord with me whenever I listened to the song. Something about it made me sit back and think, no matter where I was when I heard the music.

In the normal hubbub of the day, sometimes I get so stuck thinking about the past and worrying about the future that I miss the present moment right in front of me. I let the craziness of the world envelope me and forget to take stock in who I am and what I have in my life. So today I'm celebrating me, in this moment.

I'm a believer of Christ.

I'm a daughter.

I'm a sister.

I'm an aunt.

I'm a daughter in law. 

I'm a WIFE!

I'm a kickball player.

I'm a loyal friend. 

I'm a fitness fiend. 

I'm a blogger.

I'm athletic, lovable, stubborn, crazy, supportive and a lil bit loud. 

I have big dreams and big aspirations. 

I am read to face the world and make my mark. I'm excited for my future and the goals that have been set. But, I'm alyso content in who I am and where I am right now. I have the love of a wonderful family and the support of amazing friends. I have a roof over my head and a job that brings in money. And I have an amazing husband that helps provide for our small family of two, who loves me unconditionally, who does the lil things I never see to make life easier, who makes me laugh constantly, who supports me in his own way and who is my best friend. 

In this moment, on the couch with the TV playing one of our favorite shows and my husband's hand on my knee, I am immersed in a sense of joy and thanksgiving. Life is wonderfully good and there's definitely no place I'd rather be.

***I mentioned yesterday that I was guest posting on Candace's blog, but it did't go live until the afternoon. I figured I'd promote it one more time today, just because :)!***

inspiration found *here*

 Linking up with *megan* *kristin* and *annie*

December 31, 2014

I Hope You Had The Year of Your Life

Today is the last day of 2014. Honestly, I can't believe it. 2014 was our year of nonstop go,go,go and it's so crazy to think that the year is over. Since I've already recapped my year, I won't bore you with another list. Don't get me wrong, I love reading people's top tens and I loved creating mine last year. But, I've already looked through the trips so I thought I'd sit back and think about what 2014 meant to me.

2014 was the year of travel and growth. It was my first year as a wife so it was a year of learning. I learned how to live with a man. I learned how to balance my new family life. I learned how to be patient, compromising and more loving then I imagined. I learned how to grow friendships, while being married. I learned how to be someone's person while also remaining true to myself. I learned that so much changes when you get married and that having Le Husband by my side, through life is the most amazing blessing in the world. I'm so thankful and happy he chose me as his wife.

Le husband and I grew a lot as athletes this year. We both literally GREW because of the gym. I put on three pounds of muscle and moved more weight than I ever thought possible. I've maxed out at 140 pounds on the bench and 150 pounds on the squat rack. My back is stronger, my core is stronger and my legs are more diesel than when I played soccer in college. You'd think I'd be happier with my body, but I'm still growing in that aspect, and not in a good way. I'm more muscular, but I'm not as lean as I'd like and 2014 was the year of trying different eating styles, none which have given me the outcome I wanted. But, I'm thankful that there were no huge injuries, so 2014 was a win in my book.

We struggled a lot with our kickball team in 2014. Mostly with the lack of passion other teammates shared. We struggled with coaching decisions, play time decisions and friendships taking precedence over talent. We almost quit and walked away, but instead we fought through the tough and we stayed with our commitment to the team. I personally struggled with my women's team, but also saw my sisters grow in their kickball knowledge and talent. The four of us traveled and learned about each other on each trip and enjoyed the vacation even if the team outcome was horrible. I'm still incredibly geeked out on kickball and very thankful for the sport that brought me my husband, but 2014 brought more struggle than I ever anticipated. But, there were a lot of great memories this year and I can't wait for 2015!

There were a lot of ups and downs this year, both at work and in my personal life. My work situation changed drastically in the summer, but it's proven to have worked out for the best. I had a bunch of fun travels, which were followed by health scares and drama. I learned what I value in friendships and what I really can do without as well. Dealing with hypocritical people that enjoy lambasting others just is no longer on my to do list. I cut out the bad and nurtured the good and am incredibly thankful I listened to my inner voice.

This year I met my BOFF and created and grew so many new friendships because of this blog. I personally have grown it more than I ever imagined and didn't just take the easy copycat route. Finding new blogs and forming connections has been so incredible this year and I honestly am inspired by all you amazing women. Thank you for reading, thank you for listening, thank you for reaching out and thank you for being my friend :)!

Personally, I loved 2014 as a whole. 2013 was MY year, but 2014 was pretty fabulous, too. 2015 proves to be one of the most interesting years yet and I have BIG plans. Some that I'll share soon and some that I might just surprise you and myself with one day. The page turns tomorrow and while I'm sad to leave such an incredible year behind, I'm stoked to start fresh.

Cheers to the ending of 2014 and the beginning of 2015! Stay safe tonight, loves!

What was your favorite part of this year? What are you looking forward to in the new year?

September 8, 2014


Morning and happy Monday friends. I hope y'all are ready to rock out this week, even though it's a regular week and not a four day one. I personally am still on cloud nine after an amazing anniversary weekend. Unless you're new here [and if you are, HI] you are very aware that Le Husband and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary this weekend.

We chose to stay close to home, instead of going away, since we've already traveled to seven different states and Canada this year. Our apartment is right out side DC, so we booked a hotel for the weekend and decided to play tourist, hitting all the memorials we never get time to actually visit. We also took the time to visit some fabulous foodie restaurants, too.

Let's get right into it…this weekend I...

::: Ate at MXDC and love our tacos, lobster guacamole, paella and churros.

::: Walked around the National Mall and took pictures after dinner. 
White House
National Monument
:::Ate brunch at the oldest restaurant in DC, Old Ebbitt's Grill. #delish

::: Had an oops where I forgot my wedding shoes and a few other important things at home.

::: Persuaded amazing Babyspice to drive me home, but forgot my keys.

::: Ended up taking a cab home to get everything and pick up my car.

::: Spent two hours in the American History Museum. #loveamericanmilitaryhistory

::: Played tourist, complete with tripod and camera bag.

::: Retook engagement pictures at the Jefferson Memorial.

::: Visited my second favorite Memorial.

::: Ate dinner at Capitol Grill, where they had hearts on the table for our anniversary.

::: Enjoyed the best steak I've ever had in my entire life.

::: Was pleasantly surprised when our server brought us a free Happy Anniversary dessert and champagne.

::: Spent some time learning more about our favorite President.

::: Teared up in Ford's theatre #softy #sosad #ilovelincoln.

::: Reflecting pool.

::: Took silly pictures.

::: Lincoln Memorial

::: Korean war Memorial.

::: Was captured by Le Husband touching a medi-vac helicopter, similar to the one my grandfather flew in the war.

::: Walked a bazillion miles, playing tourist.

::: Loved all the food we ate and all the sights we actually took time to see.

::: Was exhausted on Sunday.

::: Had to play in a championship soccer game at 8pm.

::: WON THAT GAME, whoop whoop!
Thanks Babyspice!
::: Ate YEAR OLD WEDDING CAKE and it was super delicious [better than some wedding cake I've been served]!

::: Endured a Cowboys loss, which stunk, but at least my team lost to an awesome offensive team, unlike the deadskins.

::: Packed my gym back for Monday, watched football, exchanged cards and went to bed.

How was your weekend, did you do anything fun?
Linking up with these beautiful ladies today whoop