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Showing posts with label Pink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pink. Show all posts

March 25, 2015

Oh Teal, You're Making Me Blush

Hello, ladies! I hope y'all are doing well this Wednesday. We are over the hump of the week, y'all, woohoo! I am extra excited today because after work I'm joining Mama B and the Sissys at the Kennedy Center to watch the American Ballet perform Cinderella. SQQQQQQQQQQQQUUUEAAAAL! Ladies, I am beyond excited and know it is going to be such a breathtaking performance. The movie on Sunday and the ballet today, how in the world did I get so Cinderella lucky?!?! Is it time to go home yet?

Moving on...

Spring weather has made an appearance and the warmer temperatures have me eying soft spring colors for my closet. Obviously pink is my jam, however I tend to gravitate towards bright, happy pink shades that match my, ahem BRIGHT personality ;). But, there is something so beautiful and feminine about blush don't you think? I love the lines of this trench and the ballet flats are so lovely.  I adore the blush and white combination on the model, so beautiful for a brunch or day date.

Maybe it's the Cinderella fever, but I've found myself drawn to teal  accents with blush pieces. I love the design of the infinity scarf and can see myself wearing those earrings all season. Those sandals could work with a million outfits and I love the small silver embellishment on the top.

So it seems I need a clothes genie, anyone know where I can find one? What are your favorite spring colors? Anything special you are searching for this spring?

linking up *here* *here* and *here*
Before you leave today, I want to say thank y'all so much for supporting me on my Whole30 journey. Today I am technically free of the program but with everything going on tonight and tomorrow I'm suspending my celebratory meal until Friday. Y'alls encouragement has meant the world to me and each comment has helped me along to today. I was so scared of mentioning this here because I didn't want to fail, but I knew I needed to be held accountable. I will be sharing more on my full journey next week, but I can't leave today without mentioning how much I appreciate all of y'all! < 3

February 14, 2014

Love to LOVE you baby

That's right, love to love YOU!

Free SVG Hearts
Happy pink&red day my lovely friends.

Today is the day to celebrate LOVE!

Love of your family!
Love of your friends!
Love of your coworkers! [mine are getting cookies today!]
Love of humanity!

I haven't always been a Valentinte's day lover.
[shocking right?!!? I did always love the celebration of pink though]

My parents always made the day fun
with flowers, chocolates or some kind of a gift 
when we were growing up. 

I never felt UNLOVED because of St. Valentine,
but being in high school on the 14th wasn't 
always the most fun. 
[Who wouldn't feel a bit jealous of the girls walking
in the hallways with multiple bouquets, balloons and chocolates?!]

Even when I was dating, I was never a big Valentine's day girl.
I would rather have a random flower on a Tuesday in July,
than a gift on the 14th because you felt obligated
to get me something.
[come on ladies, let's give the dudes a break]

However, in the past few years I've become more of an 
enjoyer if you will.

I just LOVE

I firmly believe that love makes the world go round,
so why not celebrate it, if only for a day.

So today, even if you're not a fan, love those around you
no matter your 'romantic status'.

If you are single:
 ...get a pedicure...take a bubble bath...put on a girlie movie...tell your friends and family how much they mean to you...get drinks with your girlfriends...tell bad dating stories...celebrate being able to do WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO...

If you are attached:
...write a sweet note...don't set expectations to high...tell your friends and family how much they mean to you...take a moment to be thankful for the special S/O in your life...tell them how much you care...enjoy the small and simple things your relationship has to offer...

Today I'll be enjoying a simple meal at home, with Le Husband.

I'm happy I have such an amazing Valentine,
but I'll love him all the same every other day of the year too. 
Cheers sweet friends! I hope you have a fabulous Friday :)!

Remember, I love you
and there's NOTHING you can do about it < 3


I may not be linking up for 5 on Friday, but I'm sharing my 
#TEAMTEDDY picture!

I actually got mine to Alex in time to be part of the video and it was an incredible moment watching all the different #TEAMTEDDY pictures!


We love SUPER TEDDY!!!!

July 3, 2013

Colors of the Rainbow

Last week I was tagged by the 
fabulous rockstar 
[thanks girlie]
The rules are simple, post your favorite item from the 
colors below and tag your friends.

Simple enough yeah?!!?


[Red Lipstick]
I love love love a deep red lip. I don't rock it often, but love the vintage feel.

[Peach Sangria]
I'm partial to ALL sangria, but a frozen peach sangria is SO PERFECT at the beach
the pool or just sitting outside on a warm summer afternoon.

Okay, I know CHAMPS is techinally GOLD, but close enough right?
I LOVE ME SOME CHAMPS, 100% my first drink of choice.

I could probably live off of guacamole if I wanted too, and come summer bbqs season
I kind of do. Hands down my favorite green thing [besides money obvi].

[The Ocean]
Even though I'm more of a lake girl than a beach girl, whenever I hear the world blue, my mind
brings up a picture of the ocean. Nothing is more calming than the sound of the waves. 

I may be a pink girl, but for some reason I just LOVE purple nails. They are girlie without
being too girlie and no matter the shade, purple always looks classy and fabulous.

Ummmmmmmmm really?!?! Pink?!?! I mean seriously, I want anything and everything
[minus sportswear] in PINK!!!!
But, if I had to choose, SHOES and DRESSES would be my two favorite
Today I'm tagging: Kristin, Lynn, Babyspice, C-Lo

June 26, 2013

What I Wore Wednesday [linkup]

Today I'm linking up with Tori for

This week's outfit is extremely girlie and fun.
Shirt: Hecht's [Yes it's THAT OLD]
Earrings: Gift from parents in college
Bracelets: USA bracelet from WW2 museum, fake pearls a gift
Watch: Michael Kors
Engagement Ring: Le Beau
Black/Silver Ring: Wet Seal
Nail Color: Essie - Case Study

I'm lucky because I DON'T have to 
dress up for work. 

Honestly I could exist in jeans and a polo,
which is nice in the winter.

But sometimes I get really into looking nice
especially in the spring/summer.

I had our wedding tasting after work
and I wanted to look pretty and bridal. 

What do you think?!?!

What did YOU WEAR!?

May 6, 2013

Blog Every Day in May [Day 6]

Day 6, Monday: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?

What a loaded question right?

Let me see if I can do it justice. 


I dance in the rain!

I sing out loud in the car!

I play kickball!

I play soccer!

I succeed!

I pretend I'm a chef!

I blog!

I read!

I rewatch episodes of my favorite tv!

I make fun of things and people!

I make lots of mistakes daily!

I think about Christmas all the time!

I support the people I love!

I fight!


I fail!

I pray for peace and love and hope!
I smile!

I laugh!

I live in a PINK world of glittery optimism!

May 1, 2013

Flower Power Wedding Edition

Saturday morning I met with a florist for
a consultation for my wedding. 

I met with a consultant from BrookHill 
here in the NOVA area.

I'm an uber lucky girl because one of my
best friends from high school's mother
[did you follow that]
is the co-owner of BrookHill.

I knew when the day of wedding planning arrived
[eeeek it'ssss here aaaaaaaah]
Brookhill would be my florist.

And y'all, they do AMAZING WORK.

Do yourself a favor and check out their
photo galleries, straight gorgeous. 

My friends mother is the sweetest lady,
 but 100% honest when you ask her opinion. 

Unfortunately, she is slowing removing herself
from working at Brookhill, but she said 
she would help out for my wedding!
 I'm LOVING that I will KNOW
the people creating my wedding arrangements.
The mother was pretty much my second mom
during my junior and senior year of high school,
so she knows me and what I LOVE!

EEEEEK! I'm so excited. 

Ok, now that you have some back story,
on to the consultation.

We spent the first hour going over 
times, dates, colors
and looking at swatches, my wedding shoes
and talking about the overall feel for the wedding. 

 He really understood my vision and  
I'm LOVING all of his great suggestions.

After the logistics it was time to 
pick flowers for bouquets

I'll be 100% honest,
other than the colors for the bridesmaid bouquets
I REALLY had NO IDEA what I wanted.
[tell me you're surprised ;)]

I mean, obviously PINK and fun and happy,
but I walked in there without
ANY IDEA of what I wanted for MY bouquet.

I've gone back and forth recently,
with the color of my bouquet.

There was a time I want an

There's just something so romantic and magical
about an all white arrangement. 

But, I've also envisioned myself
[being the pink girl I am]
having my bouquet being a 
show stopping pink arrangement. 

My favorite flower has always been 
the Star Gazing Lily
so I've thought about using that
as my main flower in my bouquet as well.

I mentioned ALL of this to my florist
and then basically said
"What do you think?!?!?"

He suggested going the pink route,
since I'm a pink girl
and then showed me different pictures
of some of the soft pink bouquets.

I did realize that I want a bouquet
with a bit of texture instead of
just a big circle of one flower.

After lots of pictures and talking
we came up with an arrangement
using some beautiful flowers.

Of course NOW I'm LOVING

Soft pink roses

Medium Pink Spray Roses

Blush Pink Areca Orchid Dendrobium

White Lisianthus
Source: via Mrs. on Pinterest

I'm still not 100% sure WHAT my bouquet will look like,
but I envision something similar to THIS in color
[NOT PEONIES though]

There will also be some pretty pink and clear bling [duh]
and I will have just a bit of a greenery collar. 
The bouequet will be wrapped in a beautiful ivory ribbon
and I'll have my KIA bracelet and a brooch
of my late grandmothers attached to the handle.

I'm LOVING all the flowers we picked and
CAN'T wait to see what they create.

I know it's going to be GORGEOUS.

Next we worked on the bridesmaid's bouquets.

Pink and Green
with accents of orange.

With that in mind, we put together 
an arrangement of the following flowers:

 Mini Green Hydrangeas
Source: via Erica on Pinterest

Orange Spray Roses

Light Pink Titanic Roses

Shocking Versillia Roses

Basically I envision their bouquets looking similar to this,
but without the orange orchids

Super fun and bright right?!?!

I'm LOVING how happy those colors look together.

Annnnnd they aren't SUPER pink
so C will be happy. 

I'm LOVING all of the ideas 
the florist and I came up with and how
fun the whole process was.

I'm LOVING the fact we're UNDER BUDGET
with extra things added in I didn't expect.

WOOOO to the HOOO!

Oh man, I can't WAIT to open those boxes
on my wedding day. 

I'm LOVING that I'm one step closer
to walking down the aisle

 Linking up Jaime
and Michelle 

April 19, 2013

Confession Fridays

These are my :::::CONFESSIONS::::::

I confess... I couldn't have asked for a better 30th birthday/weekend. My party [which I'll post about next week] was fabulous and my actual day was amazing. I'm blessed and UNSTRESSED about my 30s, BAH-RING-IT

I confess... I am twelve kinds of proud of my Thursday hairdo. Usually when I don't have time to wash/dry it, I'll throw it up in pony or updo, however my new SHORT hair makes that hard. Enter, Pinky's 'fake-french-twisty-sophisticated-hair-do'. I'm no PinkLouLou, but I think this looks faboo!

I confess... Thursday was my first kickball game of the new season and I'm STOKED!

I confess... I'm majorly bummed none of the stores in my area have this dress in stock. I was bridesmaid dress browsing online yesterday and this one made my heart skip a beat. I LOVE the color and the style, but won't have my girls buy it without being able to try it on in store. DoubleDarn!

I confess... I love my CAPS! C bought me tickets for my buuuurday and we went to the game on Tuesday night. They rocked it out 5-1 and I'm super excited for the playoffs!

I confess... the DCers complaining at Verizon Center really annoyed me. Hello, we live in the NATION'S capital so we deal with HIGH SECURITY all the time. Having EXTRA security the day after a horrific tragedy is necessary and a given, so why wouldn't you PLAN for it?!?!?

I confess... I'm 2104802348023 kinds of nervous for the Tough Mudder this weekend. It's going to be cold, muddy, wet and hard and I'm so unprepared. I hope that I don't let my mind defeat my body. And I PRAY I'm not the weakest link in our group.

Happy Friday friends!!!

March 27, 2013

WILW slash OHP

Time to link up for

Very interesting read, check it!

love vintage, love it.
Source: via Pinky on Pinterest

Source: via Pinky on Pinterest


Sleep and stretches....yes
Source: via Pinky on Pinterest

Hopefully my contribution for EASTER



I mean, for the LOVE!!!