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Showing posts with label Pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pain. Show all posts

May 23, 2014

Twenty Four Notes

The TRUE meaning of Memorial Day Weekend.

"Day is done, gone the sun

From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky
All is well, safely rest
God is nigh."

**brief history ::here::**

May 15, 2014

Why All the Pain and Suffering?!?

Normally, I like to keep it fresh and fun over here. I'm not the most hilarious blogger in the world, and my life isn't perfect by any means, but I am an optimist and try to see the lighter/happier side of life. However, sometimes life has other ideas and even a supreme optimist can be thrown for a loop. [please excuse the long post, which is probably full of errors and makes very little sense. you have been warned] 

This past weekend, in Virgina, three incredible people died unexpectedly in a freak accident. An accident that no one could prepare for or see coming. Three amazing people are no longer part of this earth and it's heartbreaking. Sadly, the heartbreak is felt in my household as one of the victims was a former college teammate of Babyspice. She has taken the loss extremely hard. It's one of those "she was such a lovely, bright, kind and wonderful person. how does this happen" moments. I'm so sad for the families of those who died and I can't imagine what they are going through. What was supposed to be a fun event, turned into a tragic end.  

Speaking of tragic, what about those natural disasters that appear and cause havoc and death? Sometimes, it's not just sad and unbelievable, it's incredibly heartbreaking. We as humans understand that nature can turn on us in a dime. And that we can try to shelter ourselves as best as possible, but sometimes, nature wins. Often, the best side of humanity comes out after natural disasters, but usually, the worst happens first.

Speaking of the worst, a good friend of mine is dealing with the worst work situation and it makes me so angry. She has a tremendous work ethic, but due to a boss that sucks at life and crappy rules, she's being pushed out of her job. It's incredibly unfair, and honestly a really bad work choice in my opinion but there's nothing that can be done. I'm trying to be there for her, as best I can, but honestly I don't have anything to say to make it better. I believe that there is something better for her out there, but I know that's not what she needs to hear right now. I had such faith in her boss and her company and it just stinks how everything has gone down.

And then there's just the day to day "did that really just happen". The car accident that you never expect, the scary medical news you had no idea was out there, the family member that gets sick, the unexpected injury from a sports game, the surprise new work schedule. All things you don't plan for and all things that can really effect your day to day mentality.
Despite all the bad, I try to find the happy and the joy of the other side. The new baby born to a loving family. The new job for a parent that has been out of work for too long. The unexpected raise, that allows someone to quit their second job. The beautiful side of humanity, just showing up because someone cares. I have faith that good triumphs over evil and that happiness outweighs sadness, but right now, there's a lot of sadness going on and it troubles me.

***comments turned off. I just needed to get the words out of my head. < 3 ***

December 14, 2013

9:38 AM

"Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.
their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.
they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
"this is heaven." declared a small boy.
"we're spending Christmas at God's house."
when what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
those children all flew into the arms of their King
and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
and as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."
then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe
then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"
"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"
then He and the children stood up without a sound.
"come now my children, let me show you around."
excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA

June 28, 2013

Fiiiiiiiiiive for FRIIIIIIIIIIDAY [linkup]


O::N::E - My life has been insane recently. I can't believe June is already over, every day that goes by I find myself thinking "really the day is over already"? When I get busy, laundry quickly falls to the wayside. I haven't had time to do laundry in the past few weeks and Wednesday I found myself without any chilling shorts to wear. Cue Le Fiance :)! Yes, I'm wearing his shorts and yes I did laundry that night.
T::W::O - I've been a nawdy food pinner the past few days. Usually my food pins consist of drinks and healthy recipes. Yeah, not so much lately. I've been pinning desserts, upon desserts, upon desserts. They all look so delicious. Check em out *here*
[S'more Ice Cream Pie]
T::H::R::E:E - I can't WAIT to see this precious face next week. Sweet lil boy is already crawling and I know is going to be so big. I have big cuddle plans, hopefully he'll oblige me!
I mean really, so cute
F::O::U::R - This week on Facebook I found out a college friend [intheex'sfraternity], now acquaintance, lost his brother. A suspect broke into his brother's home and shot and killed him. Right now they aren't sure of motive or reasons why, but that really doesn't matter. This young man had a wife and was a brother and a son and now he is needlessly gone. My heart aches for my friend, I can not FATHOM the hurt and pain he and his family are feeling right now. If you could, please send him some prayers and some thoughts of grace. Life is so so so short.

F::I::V::E - I need to stop letting other people's attitudes effect me. Whether it's bad moods, negative attitudes, woe is me whines or just meanness I need to breath, stretch, shake and let it go [thankyoumase]. I can be there for people without assuming the negativity and I can also just let the blahness roll right off my back. I am responsible for my own attitude and I need to stop letting others affect me.

Happy Friday friends! It's July next week, say whaaaaaaaaaat?

April 4, 2013

Failing Hard

I'm failing.

Flat out failing.

I failed at my three mile run yesterday.

I failed to pay my credit card bill on time.

I've failed at eating the way I should.

I've failed to get up and work out because I was tired.

My apartment is an homage of failing to be organized.

I've failed to be a good friend.

I failed to clean up my dishes after eating.

I've failed to read the WORD.

My Lent resolution...yep I failed there too.

I've failed to send a courtesy card to C's grandparents.

I've failed to return emails to wedding vendors.

I failed to meal plan the past two weeks.

I've failed to grant others grace when they needed it.

I fail to turn the TV off everyday.

My patience....yeah failed.

I have failed to be a stand up employee at work.

I've failed to help make dinner for hungry children with my church.

I have failed to complete many a blog post.

Grammar, yeah CONSTANT FAIL!!!!

I'm currently failing to keep my emotions in check.

I've failed to be a good fiancee, sister, and daughter.




And you know what....
failing blows.


And I'm so not buying the
Failing helps you get better, or you learn from your failures crap.*

Whoever said 'Fall down 7 times stand up 8'
forgot to mention falling down after the 8th stand up.
(yes, this is a pity party, but it's my pity party and I'll pity if I want to)

*choosing to turn off comments, because I'm not asking for sympathy. Just needed to vent. 

November 8, 2012

I confess...Life sometimes SUCKS!

Can I get an amen?!?!?

My life is great and I am so blessed.

But, gosh DARN IT, if some days just make ya wanna scream.

If you couldn't tell, yesterday was not the best of days.

Today's post was supposed to be fun, cute, cheeky
and of course an ode to my over packing nature.

But, then scrambling at work happened.

And the one hour commute happened.

Then the super long choir practice happened.

I had plans to dance and drink it out before packing,

but then I got THE phone call.

BabySpice: "Sis, someone broke into Sportyspice's car and stole her purse!"


Yes, some asshole smashed her driver side window and stole her purse.

Did I mention she was parked in the front of our CHURCH!?!?

Poor bear already had someone break into her apartment
this summer and
now THIS!?!?!

I was already home so couldn't help out
and I felt so helpless.


I don't know why bad things happen
to good people.

I hate that they do.

Especially when my family is affected.

Luckily, my family is awesome and tight knit
so we will figure everything out.

She'll use her passport this weekend
when she joins me in NOLA
and we will figure out money.

Sometimes life is hard
and it sucks a big one,
but then we dust ourselves off
and keep moving forward.

Karma's gonna get that SOB!

So, if you get a chance,
say a prayer of peace and calming for
sweet Sportyspice.

Thank you friends!

November 7, 2012

What's Weight Got to Do With It!?

Yep, that dreaded SIX letter word.


It just SOUNDS heavy and horrible.

That *one* number that can
define happiness
for women.
How many of you have stepped on the scale,
and literally
held your breath,
while waiting for the numbers
to appear.
Source: via RMW on Pinterest

I know I do
I step on a scale.

Before you read on, I'm gonna give it to you straight...
Right now I weigh 115-118 and to me
that is too much.

If that number offends you,
if you are pissed I feel this way,
please just click the red X to the right.

I 100% understand that I am petite
and my weight is not very much
for an almost 30 year old.

However, I could and should be around the
110-112ish zone
and much more toned than I am currently.

I'm squishy in places I shouldn't be,
and many of my pants are snug in the
stomach and booty area.

When I say too tight I mean
the leaving lines in my skin
kind of too tight.
And no, this isn't just something
that happened recently.

This has been going on for a few years.
Pretty much as soon as I turned 25
my body changed :(!
[that and my shin injury preventing
my normal running program]

I was warned, but I didn't believe
because I was always the girl that could eat
WHATEVER she wanted
and never gain weight.

I used to be able to fit into size 00-0 pants.
And when I say used to, I don't mean in college,
 I mean 3ish years ago.

Now, some 2s and even certain styles of 4s
are too tight.

Sure, I understand as we women get older,
our body changes,
gravity happens
and metabolism slows done.

But really?!!? I can't lose
3-5 pounds
and keep them off?!?!

I've been running and going to the gym for "maintenance"
for the past 6 years.
Well, that's really helped me.
[sense the sarcasm]

I tried giving up certain foods
and I never drank soda
unless there is alchol mixed in the glass.

Again, that's really helped me!

So, I'm trying something new.
I'm being restrictive
and seriously watching
what kind of food enters my mouth.

I told C I wanted to try Paleo again,
because my way of
hasn't changed my body ONE BIT!

And so far, I've stuck to it for the most part.
There were two days my will power
majorly SUCKED
which uber ticked me off.

I haven't gotten the 'carb flu'
thank goodness.

We've measured biceps,
and logged everything into a spreadsheet.

I'm sure I sound nuts!
But, my self esteem BLOWS right now
and this seems to be the only
route to fixing it.

I have a picture of myself
my junior year of college
that I'm using as an unrealistic goal.

Well, unrealistic to the friends
and family that has seen
the picture.

For the record,
my family, boyfriend, friends and acquaintances
have told me I'm ridiculous
and don't need to stress
like I'm stressing.

But, now I'm the girl who can't lose weight.
Many of my friends just stop using salt
run 1 more time a week
give up sugar snacks
do three more sets of abs
change from yoga to pilates
and POOF
weight/bloat GONE!

Not me!
I went 2 weeks without adding salt to anything!
I gave up carbs and sugar!
I switched up my workouts 2304830 times.


Well that's changing now
and I hope results happen.
I don't want to hate my body
like I do now.
And I don't want to continue
to hate certain foods,
because I know that's not healthy.

Am I taking care to eat enough for sustenance and health?
Have I been analyzing everything on my plate?
Should I allow myself to indulge more than I have been?

But, if I want to reach my goal
I have to take the hard road.

Wanna see my goal?

Unrealistic again?!?!? Probably.

But, staying in 'matinatnece mode' has done
jack $h*t
so now
it's time to

June 20, 2012

April 6, 2012


Today is not a day for many words. Today is a day of reflection and of sadness. Today Jesus dies on the cross. For YOU! For ME! For ALL!

Do yourself a favor and click the song titles below for amazingly moving music. They will be sung at my church tonight and both songs bring to life the pain and suffering Jesus took on to save us all.

I pray you have a blessed Good Friday.

Craig Courtney

"My Father, let this cup pass from me.
My Father let this cup pass from me.
Yet not my will oh Lord,
yet not my will oh Lord
 But Thine be done"

"Then they took my Savior,
and nailed him to a tree.
And then they broke his body.
Poured out his life, put him to death


Pamela Martin

"I Thirst he cries upon the tree,
I Thirst he cries in agony.
He shared the cup the night before,
and now he is the drink that's poured.

"And though the crowd ignores his plea,
he says to all come drink from my.
The water that I give is free.
Thirst no more."


March 5, 2012

My Heart is Heavy

My post today was going to be about choosing a new car, my new shoes and some fun recipes. Fun and fluffy as usual over here in Pinky land.

But then, on my way into work I was listening to WTOP (NEWS RADIO) and heard the sweet baby toddler that was found 2 miles from her tornado stricken home had died. Well folks, I just lost it. Tears were streaming down my face as I thought about the poor baby and her parents that were lost in the tornadoes.

Read more about the story *here*

My heart breaks as I think about the people hit by tornadoes in


39 people have died. Needlessly, because of Mother nature. Hundreds have lost some if not ALL of their earthly possessions. People have lost their businesses.

People in Alabama who were JUST rebuilding from LAST years tornado are now dealing with loss after THIS tornado. CAN YOU IMAGINE?!

You are rebuilding your life from a natural disaster and then
swoops in and you have to start all over again?!!?

I sure can't.

So today, I ask each and everyone of you to PRAY for these people (if you don't pray, please just SEND SOME loving and caring thoughts into the universe).

Pray for HOPE!
Pray for HELP!
Pray for STRENGTH!
Pray for God's hands to guide and help these poor people suffering loss.

PRAY for the families who have lost loved ones. I KNOW God will grant them Grace and Love, but I KNOW extra prayers can NOT hurt.

Already God is working and people are coming to help.
Watch a video showing how AMAZINGLY good people can be *here*!

The devil is working HARD to make life on earth miserable, so let's work JUST as hard to show him and others that there is LOVE, GOODNESS, HOPE, TRUST, FAITH, AND GOD here on earth.

I'll be back tomorrow with a much lighter post. I hope your Monday goes well, and when it does remember those who are grieving and starting over today.

February 29, 2012

Stream of Consciousness

***Disclaimer: If you are looking for a happy post or something to make you feel good use the red X to the right immediatly. This post is NOT for making anyone feel better***

The weather here is really crappy today. Rainy, cold, yucky and just blah! Fits my mood perfectly. I've been down in the dumps lately and I have no earthly idea why. I'm moping and not fun. I feel fake smiling. I honestly don't really FEEL much right now. Except like this!
I am not editing my thoughts right now, maybe that will help me get to the heart of my problem. I've found I'm sad as soon as I drive home. I'm not bursting into the room like I usually do. I am responsive and polite, but I'm NOT out going or fun, giggly, silly, crazy...which is normal for me. C is not really sure what is going on and bless his heart he is asking me what's wrong. He's trying, but right now I really don't care. I've just told him "I'm tired" when he asks "what's wrong". Monday he said "I don't like you tired" which made me smile a little, because it makes me feel that he likes my craziness. Sometimes I feel I'm too much for him to take and that positive affirmation meant a lot. But apparently not enough, because I was watching TV with him last night looking like her.
My mood is affecting my blogging too. I feel like I HAVE NOTHING important to say. Everyone out there talks about their life or their passion and I am blown away by what they have going on in their lives. People have focus, have heart, have drive have MEANING and I feel all I do is write about my weekend and then a random list of confessions. How boring! How does that make anyone better for reading? I don't take pretty pictures. I can't 'create' my own recipes. My DIY gene is non-existent. I'm not on Pintrest and really don't care to be. I enjoy makeup and fashion but am in NO way a guru or able to really give advice. I don't have the money to try new products and write reviews. I don't think anyone would care if I wrote about sports. Fitness is important to me, but it is not my passion. Endorphins after working out are AWESOME but I still struggle to make it to the gym sometimes so I can mark a big X through fitnesssybloggying. SPORTS are my passion, but there really isn't anything out there for me.

I am having huge ENVY/GRASS is greener issues at the moment as well. Cyberstalking people on facebook and becoming SO jealous about what their lives are like. EVERYONE is married! Everyone has babies! People are dating sports super stars! People have amazing job opportunities now because they have worked their tails off early on. And I'm STILL sitting at this job I got when I was 24. JUST a job, not a career. I wanted to go into sports broadcasting, hit one speed bump and dropped my dream. Now every time I see Erin Andrews on TV I get sad. Don't get me wrong, she is gorgie and amazing and I am happy she is living her dream, but I WANTED THAT DREAM. And every day it's one day farther away. And I'm STUCK here! I am too scared to take ANY chances. I suck.

 I have always prided myself in being fit and strong. I don't have curves, never have never will. I am petite and look like I'm in high school still, even though I am almost 30. I'm not gorgeous or a model, but I was always the envy of my friends for being SO in shape and SO fit. I had the six pack! I had the tight booty! I had the toned and defined arms. I was the fastest on my soccer team. I was tiny but could hold my own on the field! When I felt insecure I would hold stock that I was FIT and in shape. And the kicker, I didn't have to try that I hard. I could eat whatever I wanted and soccer practice would take it all away.

But NOW, yeah peace out hot body. My weight has plateaued and it sucks. I'm soft in places I was NEVER soft. My stomach is flab! My booty...yeah it's just big. I'm not strong anymore. I can't run because of my shins, but I do it anyway on the elliptical. Leaving the gym I am high on endorphins, but also LOW because I'm in pain. But I'm NOT quitting. I did that last year and I got fat. I hated my body and my self esteem plummeted. Never again.

You know what else sucks...I hate food now. Everything is the same. We eat peppers, onions, garlic and then a protein. Fixed the same way, all the time. Chicken, beef, shrimp or fish. No starches or complex carbs. No rice! No pasta! I hate the caveman paleo diet C is SO gungho about. But I do it anyway because again, I don't want to be fat. I shop at Whole Foods and spend a fortune but to what gain? I miss chips! I miss spaghetti! I want rice and pasta and potatoes!!!! I'm surviving on larabars, salads, nuts, larabars and water at my office. I get home and I'm hungry. I eat dinner and I'm hungry. I wake up hungry, but don't have anything to eat because I haven't been grocery shopping. Food used to be fun. Now it's just substance. That sucks.

If you've made it this far you deserve a medal. Trust me, I know this is a super huge pity post but I really don't care. I'm typing stream of consciousness and this is what has come out. I JUST WANNA SCREAM! I wanna slap myself silly for being so upset about NOTHING. A sweet blogger friend of mine just had surgery and I'm complaining?!?! My coworker had a health scare yesterday and I'm complainig!?!? There was a shooting at an Ohio HS and I'm complaining?!?! There is a war that Blackhops is helping to fight and I'm complaining?!!?!?!

This weekend was great fun with friends and family celebrating SportySpice's birthday. The love in my apartment was apparent, you could see it everywhere. My BFF T and I are back to a good place and I am so thankful. I adore my friends, le Beau and family, they are wonderful. Buttttttttt, something is wrong! Something is missing! Something doesn't feel right and I don't know what it is.

Get a grip child! Get a grip!

December 29, 2011

2011 Resolutions Recap

Ohhhhhhhhhh Thursday, why are you NOT FRIDAY!?!?! Welp, not much I can do about it so on we go, head held high....are ya with me?!!?

2011 is coming to an end a wow it was a pretty fabulous year. I plan to recap the year tomorrow (let's HOPE I actually get around to know me...VEGAS POST!?!?!) with fun pictures, but let's just say I'm UBER happy with the year. I thought it would be fun to check in on my resolutions/goals I had for 2011 which you can find *here* . Check-check-check IT OUT!

I am very ashamed of this grade, I should have done better and I didn't. There are no excuses, there are no words, there are no reasons, I just didn't do what I needed to do. 

Thanks to my shin splints and negative attitude this was a huge fail. I am a good 8-10 pounds heavier now than I was at the beginning of the year. I can only blame my injury so much, but not being able to just go out and run or do HIIT at home really really hurt my body image. I SHOULD have been more proactive in finding other forms of exercise to burn calories and I SHOULD have eaten much better. I very disappointed in myself for two reasons.
1) I let my injury get the best of me.
2) I became complacent and let myself think it was OK to slack off because I was hurt.
Looking back I am very upset with myself because of my lack of motivation and how poorly I really treated my body.

DINGDINGDING we have a LOSER!!! Seriously ya'll this resolution/goal didn't even get off the ground. Houston we CAN'T have a problem because well, it was never started. I maybe maybe MAYBE looked at a spreadsheet four times...I mean twice. There isn't really anything left to say but I completely sucked at trying to budget. HashtagEPICFAIL!

As horrendous as my performance was with #3 I will say I'm proud of my progress with this resolution. I hate hate HATE confrontation and while the idea still doesn't THRILL me, I will say I am more comfortable speaking my mind. I had to speak up for myself a lot last year with my roommate situation and I am better for it. I will still wait a day before bringing something up to a close friend or the BF, but that is just because I like to make sure what is bothering me is something legit. C and I have had our fair share of discussions, arguments and talks and I am proud of the way I presented my side. Since C does not like confrontation either, I have had to grow in this area quicker than expected, but I believe I am a stronger person for it.

Again, I am pretty happy with my performance with this resolution. My walls are completely down with Le Beau and this happened pretty early in the year. Working on NOT WORRYING is a daily struggle for me though. I am not a worrywart, but if something goes wrongish I tend to get more flustered than I should. I have become better at recognizing what is IMPORTANT and needs to be worried about and what doesn't. As I read on one of my favorite blogs "If it's not an 8 DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!"

As resolutions go, I don't think I did as well as expect and that kind of bums me out. However, my year really was fantastic overall and so I can't be too upset. For 2012 I think I need to tweak and modify some goals and really figure out what I WANT TO work on and what I CAN work on.

How did ya'll do with your resolutions for 2011? Share the good the bad and the ugly!!!! <3

November 4, 2011

The time I cried at a Soccer Game

Yes, CAH-RIED!!!! I'm not talking tears because we won, tears because we loss or tears of frustration about my play. Nope, these were HOLY SH*ZZA WTFRICK just happened to me and WHY am I in so much pain????!?!?!?

All I know is one minute I was going up for a header the next I was landing on the turf and crying out and falling because my left calf was a HUMUNGO ball of pain. Pain that I couldn't put any weight on and was tightening by the second. I was face down in the turf, with those stupid pellets and turf grass pieces in my face crying.

Now, I'm NOT a crier while playing sports. Sure I'll shed tears watching heart warming videos, stories, sad stories, commercials, movies and so on...there is nothing wrong with crying. But, when it comes to athletic events I'm pretty poker face.

Yeah, not last night. We are talking ALL OUT BAWLING HEAVING SHOUTING having trouble breathing kind of crying.

I am so blessed to have great guy teammates because they immediately surrounded to help figure out what was wrong. One guy F figured out that I was majorly cramping and since that is common for him he knew exactly what to do. Which was stretch and massage it out, which


Seriously, I yelled at him and tried to pull my leg away several times. This was more pain than straining my quad, groin and compartment syndrome combined. After what felt like an eternity the pain subsided and I was able to stand halfway up. Since we only had one other girl on the field I couldn't come off so I just stood near the sideline out of the way.

Not being able to help your team is one of the worst feelings in the world. Luckily they were able to keep everything together playing 6 vs 10 and pull out a tie.

The kicker....the other team seemed to think I was FAKING to waste time so we would tie the game! Can you believe their audacity?!?! Not to mention cynicism! Sorry Charlie, it's not MY fault ya'll were losing 1-0 to a team of 8 vs 11. Oh wait, I mean 7 vs 10 since our guy got hurt and YOUR DA of a player got a red card.

Yes, you are correct, I FAKE CRIED SOBBED to waste the last 5 minutes of the game so it would end in a 1-1 tie. I have no pride, because this coed league game means more to me than my word and health.

GET A FRICKIN LIFE PRICKS! I'm NOT A FAKER! I hate that nonsense, I play until I physically can't!
YOU DON'T KNOW ME, so don't pretend to know me.

I WAS PISSED beyond belief and said some choice words to their team's coach who was a d*ck. I will confess I was unsportsmanlike and didn't even try to shake their hands because I was pissed. One of their girls did come over and see if I was ok which I appreciated, but holy frijoles have some class people.

It took me 5 minutes to walk to my car and showering, yeah that was an experience. C came over and tried to massage my calf before bed, but it was swollen and he didn't want to irritate it. I iced and took some meds and was able to drift off to sleep for a bit.

I am doing okay today, but my leg is still pretty tender and I am walking with the slightest of a limp. I HATE BEING HURT! Hopefully my leg will heal, which it should with all of the Powerade, bananas, sunflower seeds and almonds I am stuffing my face with. Potassium is apparently my best friend today.

I'm kind of bummed though because I was supposed to go out dancing with Sportyspice and her roomies for a bday party but there is NO WAY I can make it. Oh well, I'll still have fun at the pregame party at mi casa.

Please pray for a speedy/healthy recovery and have a blessed weekend friends!!!!

But now the pityparty stops! Caroline shared this video on her blog and when I watched it this morning I just started crying. What an amazing young man! Do yourself a favor and check it out, I promise you will feel inspired!