Morning, friends. I thought I'd take some time and talk about fitness today, cool? Awesome. As you all know I'm kind of a fitness addict and have really been working hard this year to accomplish my goals. Last year Le Husband and I were all about getting SWOLL and strong. I packed on a few pounds of muscle and saw a huge jump in the weight I was able to lift [60 pound jump with squats and 30 pound jump with chest]. Most women are scared to 'bulk up' [whole other post] but I was stoked to see my muscles come in and to see definition in my arms.
2015 is a new year and so we've be trying a new workout together
[for those interested we are doing the 5 by 5 via ARNOLD]. Well, we were until the middle of February when Le Husband was injured due to lifting. He's okay now, but he had to take a month and a half off of everything so our gym dates were on the nay-no list. Which meant I had to find a new routine, because with the weight I'm lifting I need a spotter at the gym and I hate asking randos to help me #snottygymgirl. It took me a week but I created an awesome workout plan and I figured I should document what I've been doing to see how it's working out for me.
[Full disclosure: This post was written and saved at the
beginning of the month,when I was rocking it out. I started editing it last week and it was the same week I was a bit off my game. I
know it probably doesn't matter whether I admit that here or not, but I
want to be honest about my routines and share that I"m not perfect and
do skip days/weeks] |
6am yoga session at home - I love and a 20 minute sessions is great in the mornings.
12pm Body Pump during lunchtime - I love this instructor and class! She really pushes us to work hard and it's a great way to start my week. I've gotten so much stronger in the class and it's fun seeing my friends every week.
Possible short run after work, depending on weather and how my legs feel. - I need to start hitting the pavement more often, at least 10 miles a week if not more. Still tyring to figure out where running will fit into all of my workouts.
15-20 minute evening stretching after dinner. - When I'm extremely active I get hurt if I don't stretch so I've been ADAMANT about getting some stretching in every day. My splits and pigeon are getting better, woohoo!
6am yoga session at home.
5pm Sports Conditioning class at Golds -This class kicks my @$$ every time but I love it. Sports conditioning is an extremely intense class full of sprints, plyo work, cardio work and weight work. I'm always drenched in sweat when class is over but I still feel great.
15-20 minute evening stretching before dinner.
Possible 6am yoga session at home. - Sometimes I skip Weds because Weds is my long day, I just listen to my body in the morning and take it day by day.
Either 10:30am yoga class or 12pm CXWORX core class. - I used to go to yoga but my gym added the
CXWORX class at the beginning of April and I am now in love with
CXWORX. The instructor is fantastic and even though it's only a 30 minute class I leave the gym shaking.
15-20 minute evening stretching before dinner.
745pm ballet class - I am so in love with ballet class and even though it's late in the evening, I get my hiney to class to do my plies and jetes. I really enjoy the barre stretch, too. #stretchthosehammies
6am yoga session at home.
12:30pm Yoga class - This yoga class is awesome but it's the one day that I often miss because of work. And it makes me mad when I miss it because I love how noodley and relaxed I feel after class. Our instructor is amazing and every class is unique. She even brings some essential oils for us to try in class and I'm *this* close to placing an order of oils. Anyone have suggestions?
Possible short run after work, depending on weather and my legs.
15-20 minute evening stretching after dinner.
6am yoga session at home.
12pm Body Pump during lunchtime. - Different instructor but still an awesome class. I like knowing that I've gotten in my workout on a Friday in case fun plans randomly pop up with friends.
Possible short run after work, depending on weather and how my legs feel.
15-20 minute evening stretching after dinner.
Yes, I know that looks like a lot. And some days it is too much and I'll take the morning yoga session off my plate. But, this routine is one that has helped me feel fitter than I've ever felt and I'm able to measure how much I've improved in each class. I also realize how LUCKY I am to be able to work out on my lunch break and I never take that for granted. I know many of you would love to get your workout done in the middle of the day but are unable to because of your job. My work is always changing and who knows how long I'll be able to keep up my lunchtime workouts, so for now I'm hitting the gym every chance I can.
I used to do the same thing every day for my workouts but love how different each day is now. Your body needs change to produce change so make sure you are switching up your workouts every few months or so okay? I'm actually going to have to change up this schedule now because Le Husband is back to being healthy so we are starting up our gym dates again. I'll probably have to drop weight in my BP classes so I have enough fuel in the take for my evening workouts but other than that I think I'll be able to keep everything the same. One can hope right?
Since we're on the topic of fitness, I thought I'd share a quick plank video with y'all. It's almost bikini season and planks are one of my favorite ways to tone my midsection and strengthen my core. Let me know what you think of the video and please let me know if you have any questions. :)
[I am not a certified trainer and as always honor your body and check with a doctor before you try any new fitness moves.]
Have a fabulous day, friends!