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Showing posts with label Workouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Workouts. Show all posts

April 26, 2017

What I'm Up To {April}


What We're Eating... random, random, random. Lots of lean protein, lots of gnocchi [because easy], lots of homemade tortilla/pita chips, lots of protein shakes.

What I'm reminiscing about... Europe. Sweet, beautiful Europe. This day last year we were traveling around Italy in Cinque Terre and my soul gets so sad remembering how beautiful of a life we had for a month. I still haven't fully recapped [I WILL, one day] and I so miss the carefree attitude we walked around with and I miss the glorious views and the delicious food. I made Le Husband promise we would go back someday.

What I'm Loving... not living for my phone. I've only been at my new job for three weeks, but not having to worry about my phone ringing all the time is the biggest blessing. Beyond thankful for the new job.

What We've Been Up To... where to start. Le Husband is now working back at his old job and doing a lot of traveling. I'm teaching four classes a week on top of my new job and starting to add 6am workouts to my fitness regimen. Now that I no longer live at the gym {PTL} mornings are the only times free for me to get MY workouts done. It's been tough, but it's what I have to do to stay in shape and get better for my class participants.

What I'm Dreading... surgery. UGH!

What I'm Working On... my PT certification. Oops, let this one fall waaaaaay off the radar and have to take the test next month. Holy frijoles, need to get my act together quick.

What I'm Excited About... being about to eat FATTY foods. I've been eating EXTREMELY lean because fatty foods cause me to have a gallbladder attack. Great for my body composition, but I miss cheese, half/half, olive oil, yogurt, burgers, avocados cheese, ice cream and did I mention cheese?

What I'm Watching/Reading... not much on television, I don't have time. I'm mostly watching videos for Les Mills releases and reading my notes. I need to get better about a devotional at the end of the day.


What I'm Wearing... REAL CLOTHES! So exciting after living in black pants and a black polo the past six months. Bringing out the leggings, long shirts, jeans and cute tops. Oh and of course, all the Reebok workout clothes.

What I'm Doing This Weekend... more house stuff. We will be traveling a lot in the summer so lots and lots to get done in the townhouse while we have the time. Oh and I think we have a kickball tournament?

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month... seeing my mama, even if it is for surgery. Traveling for kickball and seeing friends. Memorial weekend and the opening of our HOA POOL! Yes, we have a pool.

What Else Is New... gosh, seems like so much is new still.

Sorry for the lack of pictures, I know it's not as fun. But, I'm just getting back into my blog groove so posting three days in a row is big time, haha. Thanks for reading!

linking up here

June 24, 2016

Fitness FRI-YAY!

Hi, friends! Happy FRIDAY! Woohoo, the weekend is here. I'm super stoked as we are visiting my Ohio family. It's been go, go, go the past few weekends and even though I'm tired I'm loving all the family time. 

Today I'm going out on a limb and trying something new. My love of fitness isn't new, of course, but I've never really shared a workout I've created here. However, now that I've had some extra time I've realized how much I love sharing my knowledge of fitness and wanted to start bringing y'all some different ways to workout. 

Here is  a full body, no weight, circuit workout you can do just about anywhere. 
I'm a HUGE fan of going to the gym and lifting heavy weights, but sometimes you don't have the time or just don't want to make the trek to a gym. That's where body weight workouts become your best friend. I'm a huge fan of circuit workouts because they keep the heart rate up while you're working your muscles. Double win! In the work out below you will want to repeat each circuit three times, going from one exercise to the other with very minimal rest in between. Give yourself at least a two minute break in between circuits and always take water when you need it.

***PSA: I am not YET a certified trainer [currently for my AFAA certification].  Please check with a doctor before attempting any new exercises and ALWAYS honor your body and injuries. Feel free to reach out with questions***

If some of the exercises don't make sense, have no fear. I have a video for you use if you need. If you're able to watch you'll see I'm breathing heavy by the end, it is NOT meant to be easy. I like adding the cardio blast in the last circuit to really bring the workout home. I've included modifications to start off with if you are newer to fitness.

There you have it, friends. I know I have some work to do with my graphics and pictures, learning everyday.  And I have not yet mastered the art of editing so forgive the extra few seconds here and there. I'd love feedback if you attempt the workout and please don't hesitate to ask any questions about modifications and form. 

Have a fabulous weekend, friends! Sending you love and sparkles [and baby vibes to a special friend]!

April 6, 2016


Had to post this funny picture from the going away party. Center of attention, just how I like it! :)

making: lists on lists on lists. packing for Europe lists. packing up the apartment lists. LISTSEVERYWHERE!

wishlisting: ummm, a house? I guess? right now everything is do, do, do [haha, doodoo] so I don't have much time for wish listing. I guess I wish someone else would show up to pack up our apartment. and I wish for a magic portal to get to Europe because I would rather not fly.

cleaning: everywhere and everything. we move out in 11 days. ELEVEN! #somuchtodo

feeling: excited, scared, nervous, happy, stressed, sad, reminiscient, joyful...yup all the FEELS!

loving: my daily workouts and sweat sessions. seriously, they have been a god send with everything going on in life right now. I love only having to focus on the workout I'm doing and keeping up with the fast dude in my sports conditioning class. when I'm sweating my brain isn't turning and I always feel so much better leaving the gym.

posting: random stuff. I have a few post of feelings in draft and am trying to make sure I get good content out to y'all. in all honestly I feel like my blog has hit kind of a wall and interest is waning. trying to finish up some posts for when I'm away and figuring out what I want to do with guest posts and when I want to try and pop in with some adventures of our trip.

tasting: nothing. I mean, I'm eating but right now food is fuel and I've been horrible about making deliciously healthy meals. I have been tasty lots of bad for me food with all the celebrations going on, hoping to be tasting lots of salads in the coming days.

praying: everything gets done on time and everything comes together correctly. so many balls are in the air right now and I am so scared I'm going to drop a huge one causing the dominios to all fall down. oh and praying for save travels on all our flights [eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek] and for everything to run smoothly while we are in another country.

hoping: launch goes fantastically next Tuesday. I am super pumped about Release97 and can't wait to team teach with another fabulous instructor. the sissys, friends and Le Husband will be in attendance and I really want to crush it since it will be my last launch with this gym.

What's c u r r e n t l y going on with you?

linking up here, here and here

March 9, 2016

Loving Lately {Random Mix}

Morning beautiful friends! Hope your week is going well. We are enjoying some goooooooooorgeous weather down here in Virginia and I'm basking in the sunshine and warm temperatures. So happy SPRINGTIME is right around the corner.

Today I thought I'd share some of the things I'm loving lately. I always find these posts on other blogs intriguing and quite often find new favorites. I admit I don't have anything new and trendy to share, but the products below are all things I use weekly if not daily.
Le Husband brought me home these socks and shoes -- at different times -- and they have both become  staples in my work wardrobe. I love the shoes, they provide great support for lifting and my elliptical workouts and are nice to switch off and on with my regular teaching shoes. I was a little less sure of the socks -- I think they look silly on -- but they allow me to grip a bit better while doing lunges and hang/cleans.

My yoga mat is used almost daily and I am in the market for the a new one. How fun are these colors?

I was in the market for a new shampoo/conditioner set after Pureology changed their formula  [boo] so I reached out to my favorite hair girl, Courtney. She told me about Joico so I ordered it off of Amazon and have been la-la-la-loving it. My hair feels fresh and clean without feeling weighed down. Oh and it smells delicious, which is an added bonus.

Totally random to have a coffee maker on le blog, but y'all, this BUNN is a dream. I always forget how LONG it takes for regular coffee makers to brew coffee because our Bunn brews in less than two minutes. You can't 'prep' it to brew on it's own, but I pour the water in the coffee pot head to the bathroom to wash my face and by the time I'm done so is the coffee. #lovethebunn

While starting the purge process I uncovered some Lancome Juicy Tubes gifted to me and I forgot how shiny their glosses make my lips. I will never give up my Sugar lip colors, but it's been fun to break out some new [old] fun colors.

Well, that's what I'm loving right now. Are there any new/old products you're loving?


January 26, 2016

Sun Warrior Protein Makes Me Strong {Review}

Hello friends! How are you doing today? We are slowly thawing out up here but would you believe they are calling for snow again later in the week? Crazy town, y'all! I spent a couple hours with Le Husband and a friend digging my car out yesterday. So thankful for a helpful friend and a super strong husband. #nogymneededthisweekend.

Speaking of the gym, y'all know I love to workout, eat healthy and stay as fit as possible [snow weekends excluded] so I was THRILLED when SUNWARRIOR asked me to review their protein powder. Since completing three Whole30s I've been a bit meh towards protein powders because of alllll the random ingredients. SUNWARRIOR is plant based and their break down of amino acids and ingredients on their packaging [and website] keeps my mind at ease when it comes to what I'm putting in my body. I find that protein powder is a great way to stay on track when you need a quick boost of energy and a great addition to any workout and healthy eating routine. #workitoutandeatright

I chose to try their vanilla protein and once it arrived I began trying it out different ways. Since it's gotten colder, oatmeal has been my go to breakfast at least three times a week. However, I found that it never kept me quite as full as eggs, until I added in SUNWARRIOR protein. Just a half a scoop and I'm set until close to lunchtime. The vanilla flavor enhances the oatmeal itself and is mild enough of a flavor that it does not detract from any extra add ins [big fan of blueberries].
Protein oats in the morning.
I also found SUNWARRIOR tastes DELICIOUS in overnight oats. Everyone has their own version of overnight oats and I've always found they are a bit lacking without a good protein power. Until SUNWARRIOR, I had not found a protein that enhanced the taste of the oats without overpowering it or creating a grainy taste.Add in a half scoop to a scoop with your overnight oats and be prepared not to be hungry until lunchtime.
I like my oats with coconut, cinnamon, chia seeds and of course, Sun Warrior.

You know what never goes out of style? The classic protein shake. Well, only when you have a protein powder that mixes in with water [or liquid of your choice] without leaving a grainy taste. I had a few protein shakes before soccer and kickball games and found I had great energy but felt a lil water logged from all the liquid so close to game time. I knocked it back to two hours before games and felt a lot better on the pitch.

SUNWARRIOR has been a saving grace on Monday mornings before teaching my 6am class. I can't eat much before I work out but found after my first I was on the struggle bus hitting it hard without anything in my system. I started drinking a protein shake before class and man, the difference was incredible. I was able to lift a lil more weight and I didn't feel like I was dragging the last two tracks of class either. Bonus, I can make the shake the night before and it's grab and go at 5am.
Good morning, protien shake!
I've started to keep a serving or two at my office to keep the afternoon crash at bay and to drink before I teach on Thursdays. SUNWARRIOR gives me the energy I need when I'm feeling a bit low and also keeps me full so my tummy isn't talking while I teach.

If you're looking for a new protein or just want to try one out look no further than SUNWARRIOR. They are plant bases, have great flavors and keep you full when used as a meal replacement. I'm more than happy to answer any questions so feel free to leave them in the comment section.

***I was provided a sample of Sun Warrior for this review, but all opinions are my own***


June 12, 2015

Too Many Things… So Little Sleep

Happy Friday, ladies. I am so ready for the weekend because this week was a packed one, y'all. I don't think I saw my bed before 11:30pm all week. There were just too many fun events [World Cup, Stanley Cup, Kennedy Center and kickball] to go to bed on time and I paid for it every morning when I got up to do yoga. But, I got up and got after it and here were are at Friday. So, let's rock it out and get to Friday night and some drinks, okay?

Favorite athletic activity of the week: Meet my new bike, Babs! She was my birthday gift from Le Husband and Wednesday night was my first ride. We rode into DC for our kickball game and it was a nice lil ride.  I was never interested in biking before I met Le Husband but since he's an avid biker I figured I'd jump on that train. It was a lil nerve racking driving on the roads for the first time, but it was pretty cool biking through the nation's capitol. Babs and my new helmet kept me safe and I admit I'm ready for my next ride. #yaynewtoys #yaynewworkout #heybabs

Favorite athletic event of the week: I know I already blogged about this on Monday, but watching the USA Women's National Team play in the Women's World Cup at the bar on Monday night was so awesome. I love soccer [duh] and the World Cup [double duh] and it was fun enjoying the game with other avid fans. Even though we lost power due to a crazy monsoon, it was a great evening, especially when the US scored. Man, I love sports!

Favorite art activity of the week: Tuesday night Babyspice and I went to the Kennedy Center to witness the breathtaking Don Quixote performed by the Royal Ballet. Babyspice bought me tickets for my birthday and it was probably one of the best presents ever. I'd never seen Don Quixote but now I'm a convert. The ballet was gorgeous and the colors and dancing and costumes were divine. Seriously a kaleidoscope of fabulous for all the senses. If you ever have the chance to see the Royal Ballet set the date, make the plans and spend the money, because it is SO WORTH IT!

Such a fun night with Babyspice. I always love going to the Kennedy Center. #girlsnightout

Favorite video of the week: Guuuuuuuuuuuurl, stay sassy!!!! #godiva #arethawouldbeproud

Favorite funnies and links of the week: 
+ How long does it take to get out of shape?

+ This tragic obituary made me so sad.

+Holly Madison's new book comes out this month and this week she shared there was a time she thought about committing suicide at the Playboy mansion. Even with all the parties and the free stuff she wasn't happy. I'm glad she got out and is in a better place now.  

+ Fun USA Women's soccer article! 

+ I've never been shy about my lack of grammar knowledge, so I loved this post by A Lady Goes West.

I hope that y'all have a great weekend. I have a fun birthday dinner tonight, plus the USA's WWC game at 8pm [you better watch, y'all] and then a chilltastic weekend in my future. I seriously can't wait to get some sleep! Make today awesome, bunnies! < 3

**linking up  Here here, here hereherehere andhere this week**

May 1, 2015

If April Showers Bring May Flowers…What Do May Flowers Bring?

Good morning and happy Friday, fabulous friends. I hope the week wasn't too bad for you and that you have some fantastic plans for the weekend. Even if it's just staying in and watching TV or chilling out, make it fabulous, won't you? Alright, let's get down with favorite town. [oh and btw, the answer is Pilgrims, teeheehee]!

Favorite Quote of the Week: hashtagTRUTH #feedthegoodwolf #behappywhenyoudonthate
[don't have the source as this was on a friends Facebook wall and I'm not posting that link here]

Favorite Workout of the Week: We did this in my CXWORX class on Weds and it is incredibly hard but incredibly effective. I suggest giving it a try today, just to test your core.

Favorite Video of the Week: We all know the sad situation in Baltimore and please understand that this is in now way an attempt to make light of the situation. I don't have the answer to the problem so I'm keeping my mouth shut. However, I saw this video online and just had to share it with y'all. If you weren't aware, sports history was made on Wednesday when the MLB game between the Orioles and the White Sox was played in an empty stadium. We had the game on at work because we all wanted to witness history and it was really strange watching plays get made without the cheer of the crowd. I think this player pretending the stadium was full was quite sweet and funny too.

Favorite Recipe of the Week: I know I normally post healthy recipes, but I found this one on Pinterest and I can't wait to make it for a party I have in May. Doesn't it look perfect for a backyard BBQ or fun summer soirée?
Favorite Funnies of the Week: Hope these give you a laugh or smile today :)!
Have a fabulous day, dear friends of mine. I'm wishing you a wonderful weekend! < 3

**linking up here, here hereherehere and here this week**

April 21, 2015

Tone It Up Tuesday

Morning, friends. I thought I'd take some time and talk about fitness today, cool? Awesome. As you all know I'm kind of a fitness addict and have really been working hard this year to accomplish my goals. Last year Le Husband and I were all about getting SWOLL and strong. I packed on a few pounds of muscle and saw a huge jump in the weight I was able to lift [60 pound jump with squats and 30 pound jump with chest]. Most women are scared to 'bulk up' [whole other post] but I was stoked to see my muscles come in and to see definition in my arms.

However, 2015 is a new year and so we've be trying a new workout together [for those interested we are doing the 5 by 5 via ARNOLD]. Well, we were until the middle of February when Le Husband was injured due to lifting. He's okay now, but he had to take a month and a half off of everything so our gym dates were on the nay-no list. Which meant I had to find a new routine, because with the weight I'm lifting I need a spotter at the gym and I hate asking randos to help me #snottygymgirl. It took me a week but I created an awesome workout plan and I figured I should document what I've been doing to see how it's working out for me.
[Full disclosure: This post was written and saved at the beginning of the month,when I was rocking it out. I started editing it last week and it was the same week I was a bit off my game. I know it probably doesn't matter whether I admit that here or not, but I want to be honest about my routines and share that I"m not perfect and do skip days/weeks]
6am yoga session at home - I love and a 20 minute sessions is great in the mornings.
12pm Body Pump during lunchtime - I love this instructor and class! She really pushes us to work hard and it's a great way to start my week. I've gotten so much stronger in the class and it's fun seeing my friends every week.
Possible short run after work, depending on weather and how my legs feel. - I need to start hitting the pavement more often, at least 10 miles a week if not more. Still tyring to figure out where running will fit into all of my workouts.
15-20 minute evening stretching after dinner. - When I'm extremely active I get hurt if I don't stretch so I've been ADAMANT about getting some stretching in every day. My splits and pigeon are getting better, woohoo!

6am yoga session at home.
5pm Sports Conditioning class at Golds -This class kicks my @$$ every time but I love it. Sports conditioning is an extremely intense class full of sprints, plyo work, cardio work and weight work. I'm always drenched in sweat when class is over but I still feel great.
15-20 minute evening stretching before dinner.

Possible 6am yoga session at home. - Sometimes I skip Weds because Weds is my long day, I just listen to my body in the morning and take it day by day.
Either 10:30am yoga class or 12pm CXWORX core class. - I used to go to yoga but my gym added the CXWORX class at the beginning of April and I am now in love with CXWORX. The instructor is fantastic and even though it's only a 30 minute class I leave the gym shaking.
15-20 minute evening stretching before dinner.
745pm ballet class - I am so in love with ballet class and even though it's late in the evening, I get my hiney to class to do my plies and jetes. I really enjoy the barre stretch, too. #stretchthosehammies

6am yoga session at home.
12:30pm Yoga class - This yoga class is awesome but it's the one day that I often miss because of work. And it makes me mad when I miss it because I love how noodley and relaxed I feel after class. Our instructor is amazing and every class is unique. She even brings some essential oils for us to try in class and I'm *this* close to placing an order of oils. Anyone have suggestions?
Possible short run after work, depending on weather and my legs.
15-20 minute evening stretching after dinner.

6am yoga session at home.
12pm Body Pump during lunchtime. - Different instructor but still an awesome class. I like knowing that I've gotten in my workout on a Friday in case fun plans randomly pop up with friends.
Possible short run after work, depending on weather and how my legs feel.
15-20 minute evening stretching after dinner. 

Yes, I know that looks like a lot. And some days it is too much and I'll take the morning yoga session off my plate. But, this routine is one that has helped me feel fitter than I've ever felt and I'm able to measure how much I've improved in each class. I also realize how LUCKY I am to be able to work out on my lunch break and I never take that for granted. I know many of you would love to get your workout done in the middle of the day but are unable to because of your job. My work is always changing and who knows how long I'll be able to keep up my lunchtime workouts, so for now I'm hitting the gym every chance I can.

I used to do the same thing every day for my workouts but love how different each day is now. Your body needs change to produce change so make sure you are switching up your workouts every few months or so okay? I'm actually going to have to change up this schedule now because Le Husband is back to being healthy so we are starting up our gym dates again. I'll probably have to drop weight in my BP classes so I have enough fuel in the take for my evening workouts but other than that I think I'll be able to keep everything the same. One can hope right?

Since we're on the topic of fitness, I thought I'd share a quick plank video with y'all. It's almost bikini season and planks are one of my favorite ways to tone my midsection and strengthen my core. Let me know what you think of the video and please let me know if you have any questions. :)
 [I am not a certified trainer and as always honor your body and check with a doctor before you try any new fitness moves.]
Have a fabulous day, friends!

April 10, 2015

Last Friday Of Thirty-One!

Morning and happy Friday, friends! I hope you are doing well and had a great week. I'm doing pretty awesome today because I heard from my BOFF that sweet baby Evie is making her way into this world. I can't wait to see pictures of the sweet lil girl!  Who can have a bad day when a new life is born? Not me! It's also going to be in the 80s today so I am stoked beyond belief. FINALLY we have the HEAT!!!

Alright, lets get on to some favorites!

Favorite Pin of the Week: How gorgeous is this dining room?!?! I love everything about it, especially the sparkling chandelier, the chairs, the pink and of course the beautiful touches of whimsy.
Favorite Quote of the Week: A new ABC memorization to master. #nowiknowmyabcs
Favorite Workout of the Week: I'm a huge fan of Les Mills classes, especially Body Pump, Zumba and Yoga, but recently tried out CXWORX and oh my goodness it's my new favorite class. It's a 30 minute core workout and it's killer in a good way. I love lifting, but often neglect my core at the gym because it's something I can do at home. However I don't always do my core work at home so it's not nearly as strong as I would like it. Hopefully this class whips my core into shape in time for babin' suit season. {check out *this* post for more CXWORX info}

Favorite Funnies of the Week: Enjoy the hahas and the heehees!
Favorite Links of the week:
25 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Got Fit.

41 Insane facts you didn't know about Disneyland.

The "Food Babe" Blogger is a big fat liar. Don't fall for her spin, she doesn't have the education to back up her claims.

Yesterday marked the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War [which I love to study] so I loved this slide show of Civil War pictures in color. #unitedwestanddividewefall

Here's a lil flashback to Elementary school for y'all.

25 photos that will restore your faith in humanity.

Brittany is a 22 year old woman that loves pink and just competed at the 2015 Arnold Strongman Classic. Home-girl can dead-lift 375 pounds and can single arm press 100 pounds. #girlcrush

Leaning out? You're doing it wrong.

Hope y'all have a fabulous weekend. I'm looking forward to enjoying a relaxing but fun one myself. CHEERS y'all!

August 25, 2014

Finally Chillaxin'

Morning, friends. Y'all remember when CHILLAXIN' was the phrase that paid? Yeah, me too. I have to say, this weekend was the perfect definition of chilliaxin' and I'm incredibly thankful for the down time. Life is about to get pretty busy, I honestly can't believe August is almost over.

This weekend I…

…finally got my phone semi-upgraded. I've been on a 4 for the past six months and it's sooooo slow. Friday night I was able to get home, so Daddy could work his magic and switch me to his 4s. Hallelu!

…visited with my lovely aunt who was in town.

…slept for 12 hours on Friday night.

…woke up refreshed and hit the gym.

…reached a new high dead lifting :)!

…made an epic frittata for lunch.

…watched tons of LLWS. The kids are so precious, I hate that someone has to lose. 

…joined my family at our pool's annual Crab Feast, in the rain.

…housed a ton of crabs.

…had a blast even though it was a dreary, rainy day.

…drove to Menchie's afterwards because we still needed carbs.

…slept for 12 hours Saturday night #soneededsorested

…drove to Maryland for a kickball game.

…considered leaving the team after a particularly horrible performance. The difference in mentality with many players is really starting to grate on my nerves.

…loved my studly cheerleader and was glad to have him in the stands.

…grocery shopped for the week. #getinmybelly

…played two soccer games.

…got hit in the baby maker, TWICE, within five minutes.

…involuntarily shed a few tears. #ouch

…ate a fantastically delicious and healthy Sunday dinner.

…packed the gym back for two a days.

How was your weekend? What did you do?


Don't forget to come back here tomorrow, for the first Monhtly Motivation linkup. Share your fitness and health goals for the month, so we can help keep you accountable. Join me and my two fabulous friends, Lynn and Carolyn the last Tuesday of every month. Look forward to seeing y'all!
P!nk Persistence!

June 10, 2014


Staying in shape is tough. 

It's a daily [and sometimes hourly] commitment, that can all too easily be broken due to life, injury and random circumstances.

So today I'm sharing some FITSPIRATION to help keep you motivated!


This is my ultimate, if ever possible goal. Her arms are amazing!
Help me be accountable friends! :)