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Last week was a doozy and there was no catching up this weekend. Which means I had very little down time on Monday because I had to learn the launch release I put off last week. #skills. Those two sentences to say, my blog hopping and visiting has been down recently and I'm hoping to change that course this week.
I managed to get around to a few blogs yesterday and saw *this* post from fabulous Chelsea. Not only was it well written (like all of her work of course), it provided much needed inspiration for today. Thank you, pretty friend, for allowing me to borrow your fabulous idea.
Husband sweatshirt are more comfortable than my own. Mine are way cuter of course, but when it gets chilly I reach for his first. Something about the coziness I think.
Maple is the flavor of the season. I don't do pumpkin {nope} so I'm usually out of luck when it comes to the fabulous fall flavors. But, down here in Knoxville, maple has been everywhere and I can't get enough.
Quiet moments with a book can offer a much needed respite. I read to live in a different world for just a moment. Sometimes I'm gone for a long time, but even just a chapter here or there brings me back to a happy perspective on life.
New friendships. We may have only been here over a year but I've made some incredible friendships. I'm talking grip you deep inside your soul, part of the family, will drop anything to help out kind of friendships. I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful new people in my tribe.
90% of it all is mental, so be a human and adapt. While driving 7 hours Friday night and Sunday to and from a wedding [ouch] I listened to one of Le Husband's podcasts. We both enjoy learning about fitness, but he takes it to a whole scientific level I normally don't vibe along. However, this week's episode made a great point and it's something I've taken to heart. Thoughts become things or actions and we are in control of them 90% of the time [excluding any type of mental health diagnosis of course]. Just because we have a bad day, or are hungry or tired doesn't give us the right to give up and just be a jerk. When possible adapt to your situation and know it isn't forever. Please understand I'm talking about the day to day, small bothers and annoyances in life, this is not a blanket statement to every situation.
When things are hard, look for the helpers. Lots of bad and horrible in the world right now. So much it makes me want to hide my head and just wish it away. But, the helpers who show up everyday inspire me to do my part. Maybe it's a quiet part, maybe it's a loud part, but I will be a helper in times of need.
Travel makes my heart sing. I can't get enough of traveling and my list grows daily.
What do you believe in this week?