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Showing posts with label Lists. Show all posts

October 18, 2017

Things I Believe in This Week


Last week was a doozy and there was no catching up this weekend. Which means I had very little down time on Monday because I had to learn the launch release I put off last week. #skills. Those two sentences to say, my blog hopping and visiting has been down recently and I'm hoping to change that course this week.

I managed to get around to a few blogs yesterday and saw *this* post from fabulous Chelsea. Not only was it well written (like all of her work of course), it provided much needed inspiration for today. Thank you, pretty friend, for allowing me to borrow your fabulous idea.

Husband sweatshirt are more comfortable than my own. Mine are way cuter of course, but when it gets chilly I reach for his first. Something about the coziness I think.

Maple is the flavor of the season. I don't do pumpkin {nope} so I'm usually out of luck when it comes to the fabulous fall flavors. But, down here in Knoxville, maple has been everywhere and I can't get enough.

Quiet moments with a book can offer a much needed respite. I read to live in a different world for just a moment. Sometimes I'm gone for a long time, but even just a chapter here or there brings me back to a happy perspective on life.

New friendships. We may have only been here over a year but I've made some incredible friendships. I'm talking grip you deep inside your soul, part of the family, will drop anything to help out kind of friendships. I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful new people in my tribe.

90% of it all is mental, so be a human and adapt. While driving 7 hours Friday night and Sunday to and from a wedding [ouch] I listened to one of Le Husband's podcasts. We both enjoy learning about fitness, but he takes it to a whole scientific level I normally don't vibe along. However, this week's episode made a great point and it's something I've taken to heart. Thoughts become things or actions and we are in control of them 90% of the time [excluding any type of mental health diagnosis of course]. Just because we have a bad day, or are hungry or tired doesn't give us the right to give up and just be a jerk. When possible adapt to your situation and know it isn't forever. Please understand I'm talking about the day to day, small bothers and annoyances in life, this is not a blanket statement to every situation.

When things are hard, look for the helpers. Lots of bad and horrible in the world right now. So much it makes me want to hide my head and just wish it away. But, the helpers who show up everyday inspire me to do my part. Maybe it's a quiet part, maybe it's a loud part, but I will be a helper in times of need.

Travel makes my heart sing. I can't get enough of traveling and my list grows daily.

What do you believe in this week?

October 17, 2017

The Last


Thing I ate... brisket stuffed sweet potato and a small piece of baguette.

Show I watched... episode two of Law & Order True Crime: The Melendez Murders

Account I followed on Instagram... ArtisticPops

Blog I visited... for a truly incredible post. #brave

Activity I did... taught BODYATTACK98!!!

Song I listened to..."Let Me Love You" Dj Snake and Justin Beiber. #bodypump103

Time I swore... this morning when a police officer decided to ride slow in the right lane. #gofaster

Product I used... peel face mask because my face is destroyed after last week and weekend.

Book I read... Key Lime Pie Murder Mystery.

Thing that frustrated me... trying to get a sub for a class. #spoileralertitscoverednow

Time Le Husband shocked me... how excited he was to see my Friday night. I love him dearly, but superfluous works of affection are not his love language [gifts + physical touch are his jam] so hearing he was happy to see me [said multiple times] made me all happy mushy inside.

partone - parttwo

October 3, 2017

I'm In The Mood For


Hot cocoa while cozy on the couch watching a movie

Flannel and sparkly tops with jeans

Cupcakes that contain no calories

Pho, gimme all the Pho!

A weekend where I can just lazy around and do nothing

Smores, because why not?

Decorating for Thanksgiving

More peace and less heartache

Creating a new workout routine so I can get stronger

More sleep

A spa day complete with facial, mani, pedi and massssssssage

Waking up early for a sunrise with the birds

Purging of all the old in our house and completely getting everything finished

Family time

inspiration from steph

May 3, 2016

21 Questions

I saw this on Nikki's blog awhile back and thought it would be a PERFECT lil post while I am away. I personally LOVE learning more about my blog friends and hope you enjoy learning more about me.

1. Are you named after anyone? Yes, I feel honored to be my father's namesake. #nonotpinky

2. When was the last time you cried? Oh goodness, last night after birthday dinner. So many changes are coming my way and the enormity of everything hit me like a brick wall.

3. Do you have kids? Nope, but God willing possibly next year, eeek! #didijustwritethat

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? Le duh, I'm awesome. No seriously, I think I exuded a warm personality and believe myself to be extremely supportive and fun. Let me know if you think otherwise.

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? NAH D'OH!!!!! Sarcasm is my third foreign language.

6. Will you ever bungee jump? If the opportunity arose I wouldn't say no, but I won't seek the opportunity out myself.

7. What is your favorite cereal? This is tough so here are my top three: Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Life.

8. What's the first thing you notice about people? Eyes and figure... are you in better shape than me ;)?

9.  What is your eye color? Hazel/Green. I love that they change with my clothing.

10. Scary movie or happy ending? Have you met me? Happy ending ONLY ALL THE TIME!

11. Favorite smells? Vanilla, evergreens, sugar cookies, jasmine,

12. Computer or television? I'm gonna computer because you can watch shows on it and play on the interwebs.

13. What's the furthest you've been from home? In high school my father was stationed in South Korea for a year and we visited him for two weeks in the summer. Despite the circumstances it was one of the most amazing trips.

14. Do you have any special talents? I don't think anything special.

15. Where were you born? The GREAT state of Texas.

16. What are your hobbies? Sports, lifting, teaching BODYPUMP, cooking, baking, eating [nom nom nom], sewing [doing a lil crossstich what what], reading, writing, blogging and of course, KICKBALL!

17. Summer or winter? SUMMA, SUMMA, SUMMATIIIIIIIIIIME! All the time, errrreeeeytime.

18. Do you have any pets? Not now, but had two dogs growing up and a gerbil.

19. Favorite movie? Can't pick one so here are my top six Frequency, UP [and anything Disney or Pixar], The Negotiator, Enemy of the State, League of Their Own, Field of Dreams.

20. Do you have any siblings? Yes, two fabulous lil sissys who are my bestest friends.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up? Good night moon, this has changed so many times. When I was younger I wanted to be the President, a veterinarian and a ballerina all at once. Hmmm, how many of those did I check off? Yeah, about that, haha. Anyway now? I honestly would LOVE to work in the fitness industry. My dream job, as of this moment, would be gaining the knowledge and expertise to work for Les Mills as an elite instructor so I could lead Quarterly's and Releases. That and I'd love to work in a bakery!

April 26, 2016

The Last


Thing I ate... hard boiled eggs for breakfast. Got to be lean for Europe.

Thing I watched... throwback of DCC Making the Team. Needed something light and easy while I packed up my room and suitcase. Cheers to having access to all the seasons on line [insert hair flip here].

Account I followed on Instagram... tonycavalero. He's a high school friend of mine who is an actor and been on Heart of Dixie [Stanley], Splitting Adam and is now the star of the Nickelodeon series, School of Rock. I'm so thrilled he's making it out in Hollywood, he's such a great guy and HILARIOUS.

Blog I visited... Perception is Everything. My sweet friend and best buddy, Janna is back y'all!

Activity I did... drove into work. BOO, boring. But it's my last two days before vacation, whoop1

Song I listened to... Lips Like Sugar for an old BODYPUMP track. Gotta learn more chorey over the trip.

Person I talked to... Mama B on my drive into work. A lil ray of sunshine and BURST of energy in the morning.

Time I swore... last night when box started to fall so I jumped to keep it up and hit my toes on another box right in front of it. Yeah, hurt like the dickens so a few four letter words escaped my lips.

Product I used... hairspray to keep my locks nice and curly for BIRTHDAY DINNER!

Book I read... ummm yeah, book reading has been off the table most of April. I'm currently reading 'The Way of the Seal' because I want to learn to be better mentally. Most self improvement books don't resonate with me, but I have nothing but awe and respect for Seals so this book am really connecting to the mission statement in the book.

Thing that frustrated me... trying to figure out all the different airline carry on policies. We are flying budget airlines and they are all different in their terminology of a carry on, personal item or luggage weight. 

Time Le Husband shocked me... I found the corsage from our wedding day saved in a special place when we were cleaning out the office. He's not really a sentimental guy so seeing he kept that made me smile big.

*written on 4/12

partonehere parttwohere

April 25, 2016

How Well DO I know My husband

Hello, friends. I thought I'd shake it up a bit here in blog land and post lil about Le Husband. I saw this on Laura's blog a few weeks back and thought it would be fun to share while we're away. Here's LE HUSBAND!

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on? Sports, history channel, national geographic channel or Criminal Minds.

2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? None, doesn't eat salad in restaurants.

3. What's one food he doesn't like? Sushi

4. You go out to eat and have a drink; what does he order? Whiskey neat or water.

5. What is his nickname for you? Honey

6. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? Historical memorabilia

7. What would he eat every day if he could? Whipped cream, oh wait he does ;)!

8. What is his favorite cereal? Captain Crunch w/Berries

9. What would he never wear? Jewelry besides a watch and his wedding band.

10. What is his favorite sports team? His college team, Kent State.

11. Who is his best friend? Me, of course.

12. What do you do that bothers him? Talk too fast, talk over him, interrupt his stories with questions and when I join him in the kitchen while he's prepping and get in his way doing my own thing. #evileyes

13. What is his heritage? 100% an Irish man.

14. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake? He's not a big cake guy, so I'd try and order his favorite Opry Cream cake from his favorite bakery from home.

15. Did he play sports in high school? Yes, he was a rock-star on the football and baseball team.

16. What could he spend hours doing? Working out at the gym, reading and surfing the internet.

17. What is one unique talent he has? He can set a goal, lock in and achieve it. When he decided to eat better he researched macros, created a plan for food a plan for working out, stuck to it and reaped the rewards. I am extremely envious of his ability. #willpowerfordays #unlessitempthimoops

September 1, 2015

20 Questions Tuesday

Teeny Pinky enjoying her summer back in the day.

What is your road trip essential snack? Pre Whole30 it was cheddar goldfish, but now it's baby carrots and if prepped a container of cooked sweet potato bites. #yumyum

You've been handed two free round-trip tickets... who are you taking and where are you going? Le Husband and we are going on cruise around the world with a week long stop in Bora Bora.

What was your High School Jam? All the teenybopper music - BSB, NSYNC, Britney, Christina and Jessica Simpson - I had the dance moves down for every dancing music video. hashtagnerdaleart

Would you rather have a perfect bum, or flawless face? Flawless face. You can always work towards a perfect booty, but a flawless face means less money and time spent on makeup.

What shows are you ashamed to admit are on your DVR? We don't have a DVR but I watch Celebrity Marriage Bootcamp [cringe], Kendra On Top and the RH of OC, NJ, and NY! I don't know why I can't quit them!

What's your ringtone? Generic iPhone ringtone, but my favorites have separate text/ringtones.

How old were you when you had your first kiss? Was it meh or toe-curling? I was 16 I think? It was meh for sure.

Do you have any siblings, and if so, where are you in the birth order? Two younger sisters that are my best friends :)!

What physical quirk were you born with? I can cross my pinkie toes.

What was your first car, and did you name it? 1998 metallic wine Toyota Corolla and heck yes, I named her Sandy.

What would you request for your last supper? Oh man, I don't think I can answer this because my last supper would be about fifteen courses long, haha. I'd start with champagne, french toast, eggs Benedict and then follow up with a medium rare steak in a red wine reduction with mushroom risotto and finally capped off with my mom's Oreo dessert.

Have you ever been hospitalized, and if so, what for? I've never been hospitalized but have visited the ER for stitches.

How tall are you? Do you wish you were taller, shorter...or are you just right? 5' 3" which 99.9% of the time I'm happy about, but every now and then I wish I were runway model height.

Do you prefer to DIY or hire it out? I wish I had the patience to DIY everything, but I don't so I'm definitely a hire out girl.

What do you eat for breakfast? Sweet potato, zucchini and pepper frittata.

What would you do for a living if you didn't need money? Work with veterans from war and their families. There aren't enough resources or people to help our veterans in need and I wish I could go back to school to get licensed to help our soldiers and their families. Then I'd also be a macaroon taste tester, because doesn't it sound delicious?

Finish this sentence: Every room needs... a fresh vase of flowers and pretty coasters to set down your drink.

How frequently do you wash your hair? Do you have any hair secrets or tricks? Every two to three days and no real hair tricks. I subscribe to the don't wash your hair everyday philosophy though, my hair is a LOT healthier than when I used to wash and dry it every day.

Will you leave the house without makeup? Yes. I'm really trying to incorporate the 5:2 rule of thumb to keep my skin healthy. If I'm not seeing anyone important I'll just walk out of the house fresh faced.

You just unloaded your Halloween haul...what candy do you go for first? TWIX or Kit Kats

inspiration found here

August 20, 2015

When I was Young

When I was young ...

::: I thought playing outside was the best thing ever.

::: getting roller blades was a huge status symbol. #loserrollerskates

:::  my parents put us on new sand restriction because we kept dumping it outside the sandbox.

::: dress-up was wearing clothes too big, not too small. #oldbridesmaiddressesforthewin

::: being muddy and dirty meant the playtime was fun.

::: I rocked boy short hair, glasses and soccer clothes like a champ.

::: Mom spent a lot of time getting grass stains out of my jeans. #playhard

::: I was loud, hyperactive, rule conscious and a ball of energy.

::: boys were the competition and I had to beat them at everything.

::: I read books in class when the teacher was talking. #lostmanyabooktoateacherdrat

::: a swing set became a castle, a rocket ship and a stage. #loveimagination

::: Saturday morning cartoons with cereal was a weekend tradition.

::: I wanted to be the first woman President.

What do you remember from being young?


Linking up with *kristin*& *annie* 

July 21, 2015

A {Lil} Bit of Thanks

Life can be messy. Things big and small happen and all of a sudden it seems to be one thing after another and then we're all down the dark rabbit hole. I have some friends experiencing the snowball effect and it breaks my heart [prayers and love to y'all, you know who you are < 3].  My life might not be 'all roses' but right now things are pretty even keel. So, today I'm taking a moment to give thanks for the little things in life that make me happy.
Just a lil bit of thanks for... 

My foam roller. If I can't get a daily massage, this lil contraption is the next best thing. #hurtsogood.

Soft warm socks on my feetsies when I sleep.

Tents. Coolers. Ice. I would have melted on the turf playing soccer during a heat advisory this weekend without those three beautiful wonderful inventions. #dontbeuncool

Relaxing music on YouTube. Sometimes you need a lil zen at work.

Yummy scented perfumes that make me feel fresh and clean.

Fun pink leopard sun shades. Daddy bought them for me last year and Sassy looks so fierce while keeping cool.


My body and all it allows me to do at my age. #gettingoldisntfunbutatleastimstillmoving

Make up wipes. When the heat melts the makeup off my face I'm always glad to have wipes to clean up quickly.

An active younger sister that makes soccer in the heat fun.

New friends from sports. I had a blast playing with a new team this weekend and am glad I said YES when asked.

Bed Buddy warming packs. My tired shoulders love this warming device.

What are your lil bits of thanks, today?


June 4, 2015

The Ah - Beh - Cehs of Meh

A|| Available: For gym dates, as a running buddy, as a shopping friend, ice cream dates, gossip sessions, cry fests, dance parties, wine nights, sangria making, an evening cooking and I'm always available to be a friend :)!

B|| Biggest Fear: Death [period]

C|| Crushing On: This gorgeous handbag, le sigh.

D|| Drink You Had Last: My BCAAs, yummy!

E|| Easiest Person to Talk To: God. He never interrupts me which I love ;)! Here on earth it would probably be my two sisters. We have our own language, talk way too fast but always understand each other.

F|| Favorite Song: I can't pick a favorite all time song, however I do have *this one* and *this one* on repeat right now. I know most are old but they are my JAMS when I need to concentrate at work. And of course I've been listening to my favorite summer time jam!

G|| Grossest Memory: Ummm, this is weird. I can't recall my grossest memory but smells gross me out like crazy.

H|| Hometown: I was born in El Paso, TX but Northern Virgina is where I've lived since first grade. So I guess technically Virginia is my 'hometown', however I'll always claim to be a Texan :)!

I||  In Love With: My Husband hashtagboringmarriedlady

J|| Jealous Of: People that have it all figured out; life, home, babies and jobs. How do y'all do it?!

K||  Killed Someone: Ummmm what?!?!

L|| Longest Relationship: Le Husband :)! Before him it was my hair stylist, haha. But, I've had five amazing years with Le Husband and we are three months away from our two year wedding anniversary. Swoon!

M||  Middle Name: Karoline...with a K.

N|| Number of Siblings: Two fabulous sissy-boos, Sportyspice and Babyspice!

O|| One Wish: To know where Le Husband and I are going to live so we can figure out where to buy a home. And a money tree to plant in our back yard so I can decorate it with this palette.

P|| Person Who Called Last: Mama B!

Q|| Question You're Always Asked: I get two... 1] Are you always this energetic/happy? Why yes, yes I am. 2] How old are you? Which is followed by REALLY? when I tell people my age. Can you believe people think I'm still in HIGH SCHOOL!?!?!

R|| Reason to Smile: It's summer time and not winter time. Bring the heat :)!

S|| Song You Last Sang: "Tell Me, Tell Me, Baby" by N*Sync [super old school teenybopperatheart]

T||  Time you Woke Up: Bright and early at 06:00.

U|| Unsure Of: What I want to be when I grow up, haha. I need a new job, but don't know what path I want to take professionally. Anyone have any suggestions ;)!?!?

V||  Violent Moment You Had: I burned my hand cooking on Monday, does that count?

W|| Worst Habit[s]: Judging, being lazy, picking at my cuticles, cussing.

X|| Number of X-Rays You've Had: I believe three, maybe four?

Y|| Years Young: 32

Z|| Zodiac Sign: Fiery Aries

Linking up with *megan* *kristin* and *annie*

inspiration found here

April 23, 2015


 ::: You just have to laugh at the drama filled crazy world. I definitely get a giggle out of people making a mountain out of a mole hill, especially when they think everything is about them. #notthecenteroftheuniverse.

::: A work reorganization is sad because a friend moves office, but it can open up different life opportunities you had been scared to try. #changeisscarybutnecessary.

::: I wake up to my alarm, hop out of bed to go do yoga and start the coffee pot but then I just walk right back to the bedroom and snuggle up to Le Husband for 45 more minutes of sleep.

::: A sick day is what you need to get your life organized. Even if you aren't really sick. #booyouwhore.

::: The only way to get through a conversation with your boss is with a cubicle between you with your head in your hands. #pleaselearnyourjob #readyouremailsbeforeyouaskmeaquestion.

::: It's okay to say yes to that EXTRA bowl of air popped popcorn.

::: A bad day rears it's head and knocks us off our axel. But, you need to remember to still be kind to those around you because your bad day does not need to become theirs.

::: You  have to be the jerk and cut someone out of your life to keep yourself from going crazy. This month marks a year since I removed a huge negative weight from my life and I'm so thankful I listened to my gut. The drama may never be fully gone [because some people can't let things drop] but it's no longer a factor in my life which makes me happy. #dropthedrama #walkaway #funnyhowthingsstillgetcopiedeventhoughwearentfriends

::: I can't help but watch trashy television. #bethennyisback #yes

::: Ballet class with your sister turns into ballet class with your sister and mother. #familydanceclass

::: Blasting a song on repeat is what you need to get through a project at work. And a situp set at home.

::: People mistake their place in your life. Just because they THINK they are in your inner circle doesn't mean you have to put them there. You know who you value and just because they don't understand it's not them, doesn't mean you have to change to keep them happy. #iknowwhomytruefriendsare #sorryyouthoughtyouwereoneofthem #truetothoseilove

::: Praying for someone is better than cursing someone.

::: My mind wanders the distant future and I get scared about having a home, being a mom and trying to have it all.

::: I wish I lived pre-Internet and digital era because the ability to compare wasn't everywhere. Sure you had the Jones' that lived down the street or the boss's wife, but it wasn't on every platform known to man. Simple living seems so appealing to me right now.

What are your sometimes? 

Linking up with *megan* *kristin* and *annie*

April 22, 2015

Yes, I'm Happy 99.9% of the Time

At the beginning of the month I came across Kerri's blog and this post just spoke to me. I began reading it and just found myself nodding, yes, yes, yes!!!!! So, I thought I'd share it with y'all and offer my take on my happiness. 

I am an insanely happy person. For real. No lies. No gimmick. No fakey. I am H A P P Y! It's not a front I put on in public while being a debbie downer in real life. I don't just put the happy out there because I want people to think more or better of me. Nope, I'm just happy and I don't really care who knows it.

Life may never be perfect, but mine is pretty flipping great most of the time. Sure I have down days, everyone does, but overall I'm happy. I'm that annoying girl that says 'GOOOOD MOOOORNING' to my coworkers every day or who smiles at strangers just because.

I confess I'm happy because...

... there are sprinkles and cupcakes in life.
... it's springtime and that means summer is right around the corner.

... my body is healthy enough to allow me to try new fitness routines and new sports.

... I live in a free country that allows me to share my opinion without fear of persecution. 

... kickball brought me the love of my life and some amazing friendships

... wine. Just give me all the wine.

... I have a job, a car, a roof over my head and never have to worry about my next meal.

... music. When I'm feeling happy, sad, overwhelmed or over joyed music is there to make it better.

… new baby smells and the gift of children.

... we currently reside in a state that experiences all four seasons.

... my family is incredibly and insanely amazing. They support me, they love me, they spoil me and they are the most fantastical people in the world.

 ... no one in my family is terminally sick or struggling with health care issues. #soblessed.

... I can afford to go on multiple fun vacations throughout the year.

... my friends both in blog land and in real life are kickass awesome. #noneedfordrama

... there are iced lattes on warm summer days.

... I've found my Mr. Forever. #cheesballiknowbutitsthetruth

What makes you happy?!?!?!

linking up *here* *here* and *here*

April 2, 2015

Something To....

::Something to Read:: 
This is an old article, but it's one that I've kept saved for awhile. I found it on GlistenFit and have read and re-read it many times. Don't Wish for It. Work For It. perfectly explains how to get where you want to be, both with fitness and with life. Jess is in amazing shape and I envy her abs, but I know she's worked her tail off to get them, so I will work mine off too.

::Something to Listen To:: 
 90s Country has been my jam the past few days. The warmer weather puts me in the mood from some of my favorite tunes and I'm never disappointed with this station. Old school Faith, Kenny, Tim, Martina and Garth always bring a smile to my face :)! Go get your 90s girl jam on, friends!

::Something to Bake::  
I love smores and I love cookies, so why not put them together?! Sugar overload? YES! But, Lent is over on Sunday so I think I deserve to indulge, don't you? I love that it looks super easy to bake, too.

::Something to Do::  
This is the perfect craft for the traveling couple. I will definitely be making one because Le Husband and I have visited so many states since we started dating in 2010. I can't wait to fill it all in one day, new goal for sure.
::Something to Watch:: 
Do yourself a favor and start watching the CBS series, Madam Secretary. I was nervous about the show at first because I thought it was a Hilary Clinton ploy, but thankfully it's the opposite of HC. Tea Leoni's character, Elizabeth McCord, is smart as a whip, good at her job, despite the fact she knows nothing about it and is an empathetic wife and mother. The cast is really great, the dynamic between McCord and here husband is awesome and even though the plots are a bit 'out there' the way she tries to solve each situation is incredibly intriguing to watch play out. If you're looking for a new show, I highly recommend Madam Secretary. Let me know if you're already watching, I'd love to TV chat with you!

inspiration found *here*.

Linking up with *megan* *kristin* and *annie*

March 26, 2015

Just a Touch of Me... Just a Touch of Me

Oh my goodness, ladies, last night was amazing! A lil unexpected, but incredible. I know yesterday I stated we were going to see the American Ballet's Cinderella at the Kennedy Center. Weeeeeellll, that's not exactly what happened. Due to a slight mix up, the show we saw was not Cinderella but three Acts of three different ballets. And y'all, they were amazing. JUST AMAZING! The mixup actually worked in our favor because we were able to see the great MISTY COPELAND in a principal role and she was incredible. Homegirl had the audience eating out of her hand she was absolute perfection.

It might not have been the ballet we expected, but it was still a masterful ballet. The principals were fantastic and I was in awe of the beautiful lines in the company. We all had a wonderful evening at the ballet and it was a memorable night for all of us.
Mama B and I rocking the blush yesterday :)!
Lovely Brady ladies at the Kennedy Center. So majestic and fun.
Birthday ballerina in the house!
I'm so excited for ballet next week, even though I'm even more aware that I'm the T.Swift of our class. Oh well, rock what your mama gave you right?!?!?!!?

I saw this on Fran's blog a few weeks ago and thought it would be a fun post to share. I love learning more about other bloggers so thought I'd share just a touch of me with y'all. Hopefully I won't bore you too much :)!

1.What's your favorite candle scent? Vanilla or Christmas
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister? Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Garner or Gwen Stefani.
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother? Matthew McConaughey.
4. How old do you think you'll be when you get married? I was 30.
5. Do you know a hoarder? Not a real one, my mom keeps a lot of things though.
6. Can you do a split? NO :(
7. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike? I think 4.
8. How many oceans have you swam in? 3.
9. How many countries have you been to? 4.
10. Is anyone in your family in the army? All retired now.
11. What would you name your daughter if you had one? Combination of a family name and a non family name.
12. What would you name your son if you had one? A family name.
13. What's the worst grade you got on a test? D.
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? I Dream of Jeanine.
15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? A gypsy or a spider.
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Game or Twilight series? Yes, NO WAY, Yes.
17. Would you rather have an American accent or British accent? Australian!!! [but I LOVE America!] 
18. Did your mother go to college? Yes and she has her masters.
19. Are your grandparents still married? No.
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons? No.
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? The cutest frog in the world.
22. What's the first amusement park you've been to? Disneyland.
23. What language, besides your native language, would like to be fluent in? Spanish and Chinese.
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray? Grey.
25. Is your father bald? Nope, he has a full head of hair.
26. Do you know triplets? No, a few twins. though.
27. Do you prefer Titanic of The Notebook? Hmmmm, The Notebook.
28. Have you ever had Indian food? Yes, no thanks.
29. What's the name of your favorite restaurant? La Tasca
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden? Uuuuh yeah. #endlessbreadsticksandsalad
31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores? BJs.
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? Michael
33. If you have a nickname, what is it? Pinky, Bits & Pieces, Lil Bit and others dealing with my real name. 
34. Who's your favorite person in the world? Jesus 
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? Ugh, this is tough. I see the plus/minuses for each and it quite often depends on my mood. I think I'll stick with rural, I like land and don't like messy traffic. 
36. Can you whistle? Yes I can.
37. Do you sleep with a nightlight? No, any light annoys me.
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning? Usually I try to, unless I'm IFing.
39. Do you take any pills or medication daily? Vitamins and BC.
40. What medical conditions do you have? None.
41. How many times have you been to the hospital? Four
42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? Only a bazzzzzzzzzziilllion times.
43. Where do you buy your jeans? Umm, all over. Loft, Old Navy, Macys and Gap.
44. What's the last compliment you got? Great meal, honey [by Le Husband]
45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? Quite often, yes.
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy? I like peppermint, green, and lemon.
47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? Gah, way too many. I'll guess 50+ [hangs head]
48. What religion will you raise your children to practice? I was raised Methodist and plan to raise our children Methodist, too.
49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn't real? I still believe in the magic of Santa.
50. Why do have a tumblr? I don't.

Linking up with *megan* *kristin* and *annie* 

February 4, 2015


 C U R R E N T L Y

Reading - lots of books and blogs.
Anticipating - A special lady's baby shower and a beach trip.
Buying - lots of baby gifts and cards for special mama-to-be's.
Praying -my mama friends dealing with tough pregnancies. I'm cheering for you ladies!
Listening - news radio. I feel so grown up when I listen to talk radio.
Watching - Gossip Girl all over again. I LOVE BLAIR AND CHUCK!
Devouring - fruit, fruit and more fruit.
Loving - my Naked 3 palette. So pretty, so easy and so versatile.
Hating - the fact I'm not as toned as I feel I should be with my gym workouts. #cleaneatingstinks
Wanting - bright sunshine, warm temperatures and a frosty, fruity drink.
Hoping - to keep up my clean eating habits the next few weeks. #thanksmyfitnesspal
Feeling - content, restless, thankful, hopeful and loved.
Wishing - for a LV NeverFull. #onedayitwillbemine

linking up here here here and here

January 22, 2015

More About Me Thursday

I've seen this floating around and thought it would be fun to talk about myself some more. Cause it's my blog, alright? I also know y'all are DYING to learn about me….no, well if not just click the red x in the corner, I won't judge you. I also TAG YOU, to participate, if you want to play along of course.

Four names that people call me other than my real name:
  1. Pinky
  2. Lil Bit
  3. Sunshine
  4. Britney [as in Spears. It was a soccer thing, which makes no sense, but it's true].
Four jobs I’ve had:
  1. Administrative Assistant
  2. Swim/soccer coach
  3. Nanny
  4. The job I have now
Four movies you’ve watched more than once:
  1. Up
  2. The Negotiator
  3. Two Weeks Notice
  4. Despicable Me
Four books I’d recommend:
  1. I'll Be Seeing You
  2. Gone With the Wind
  3. Harry Potter
  4. Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder {Series}
Four places I’ve lived
  1. Texas
  2. California
  3. Spain [for a month abroad]
  4. Virginia
Four Places you have visited:
  1. Alaska
  2. Las Vegas
  3. Mexico
  4. Seoul, South Korea
Four places I’d rather be right now:
  1. The beach
  2. Alaska
  3. Italy
  4. Greece
Four things I don’t eat:
  1. Olives
  2. Anchovies
  3. Anything curry infused
  4. Liver & Onions
Four of my favorite foods:
  1. Popcorn
  2. Ice Cream
  3. Chips and guacamole.
  4. Mushrooms in a red wine reduction sauce.
Four TV shows I watch:
  1. NCIS [LA & NOLA]
  2. Elementary
  3. Castle
  4. The Good Wife
Four things I’m looking forward to this year: 
  1. Kickball trips
  2. Seeing lots of amazing friends in different places.
  3. Kicking my fitness goal in the FACE!
  4. Warm weather...........please!
Four things I’m always saying:
  1. Seriously?!?!?!?!
  2. Why is it so cooooold?! [I'm freezing all year long]
  3. Holllaaaa [Yes, I think I'm still in HS.]
  4. Not my circus, not my monkeys. [Work has been a bit crazy recently.]
Linking up with *kristin* and *annie*