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Showing posts with label Vlog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vlog. Show all posts

August 30, 2013

Meet My Single Girl Home

Usually I link up on Fridays, but today I'm not. 

Today I'm showing you where I've lived the past two years.

My SiNgLe GiRl SWAG one bedroom.

So many wonderful memories and such a fun girlie space.


If you don't have time for the quick video tour, just check out my pics.
Living Room

Dear Apartment nine,
You were the best one bedroom a girl could ask to call home. I'm so glad we found each other and so glad it worked out as well as it did. Thanks for big just big enough to feel spacious but not too big to be scary. I'm sure going to miss 'MY SPACE' when I move into a two bedroom, but it's time to move on to bigger and better things. Thank you #9, you kept me sane!
xoxo Pinky

July 10, 2013

What I Wore Wednesday [Linkup]

Yes, another double post day.

I had my OPEN LETTERS post scheduled for today
and then GAH realized it was Wednesday!

Can't forget about
Styled Like A Rockstar

I'm changing it up a bit today
and talking about how I wore my HAIR
instead of an outfit. 

Le Hair:
My GO-TO Hair style
 This hairstyle may look intimidating,
but ladies it's SUPER DUPER easy.

Don't believe me?!?

Just watch my vlog below and I promise
you'll want to start incorporating
this look for a quick hairstyle change up.


If you have any other questions shoot me an email
or just leave a comment.

I hope you enjoy!

January 31, 2013

Makeup Brush Cleanup

Who out there loves makeup?!!?

"OOH OOH pick me, pick me!" [can you name the movie]?

I've always loved makeup!
I find it fun to mix up 
eye shadows and liners to achieve new looks
all the time. 

My love of makeup has REALLY grown the past year,
due to ALL of you wonderful blog ladies. 

Seriously, I've learned about more products than I even
knew existed, and while my wallet isn't too happy,
my face and my self esteem is very happy. 

However, all of my makeup loving does come 
with some new responsibility.

GONE are the days of using my fingers as brushes
and since I constantly want to change my look,
my brushes tend to get dirty faster. 

I've always known the importance of brush maintenance,
but never really had a regiment for cleaning them. 

I did know I was not going to shell out 
bookoo bucks for some 'makeup brush cleaner' scam.
[not hating if you use a special cleaner, I just won't]

About six months back, I came across a post on the Bargain Blonde
specifically about makeup brush cleaning.
And I've never looked back
when it comes to makeup brush maintenance.

Cleaning this way is super easy and takes very little time.

I don't clean my brushes every week as recommended, 
but I do carve out time to clean them every other week.

You, my lovely friends, should be doing the same. 

And now, you don't have an
excuse anymore. 

Here are MY tips for cleaning your makeup brushes,
please enjoy.

Make Up Brush CLEAN UP Directions
Baby Shampoo; sink; make up brushes; dry towel.

Four easy steps

1] Wet your brush[s] under the faucet, using warm water.

2] Squeeze a quarter to 50 cent piece amount of baby shampoo into your hand.

3] Take your make up brushes one at a time and gently swirl them around to make suds. I tend to do 3-5 brushes at a time before I need to re-supply my baby shampoo. Once they are 'sudsy' lay them back down on the sink. [remember, keep the brush facing down]!

4]One at a time, take a brush and run under warm water then 'swirl' the brush in the palm of you hand, using the same motion you used to suds. You should notice the suds turning different color. Once the suds start changing color, put the brush under warm water and rinse until the water runs clear. Sometimes you need to re-swirl them once or twice and rinse again. 
 [I also choose to suds all my brushes in one round and then go back and rinse them one by one. If you choose to do the process all the way through with each brush one at a time, that works just fine too.]

5] Lay each brush flat on a towel or wash cloth to dry. I like to find a sunny place to lay them down.

6] Pat yourself on the back for being a clean makeup girl. 

 Does that make sense? Need some more tips?

Well, good thing I also made a VLOG on this topic huh?

Let me know if you have any questions!

September 26, 2012

Perfect Push Ups For All

No, this post is not about b00bs!
I'm not talking push up brahhhhhs [although I probably should].
And no, I am not perfect!

I'm talking the actual physical act of doing a push up.

LAWD HAVE MERCY LADIES, if I had a penny for
EVER incorrect push up I have seen a girl do since college,
I wouldn't have to work another day the rest of my life.

And today, I am doing MY part to correct
and help y'all
so we can create a perfect push up world :)

Let me say for the record:
 I am NOT a certified trainer or fitness expert.
I DO NOT have a degree in physical education or training.
I've NEVER trained someone for money in my life.

But, I have been told numerous times
by trainers [men & women]
military personnel [men & women]
coaches [men & women]
and most importantly
my family
[army dad, gymnast mama and two bada$$ sissy athletes]
that I have LEGIT push up technique and form.

This ain't some kind of humble brag,
but those are the credentials I'm rolling with for my post today.

Ladies, push ups are NOT that hard.

Are they hard, YES!
But, there are modifications to help
build stamina to complete multiple
push ups,

Recently, I have seen WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many
fitness bloggies,
doing push ups with HORRIBLE form!

This has to stop.

Not only are you making push ups harder on yourself,
you look funny.
Sorry, but that's the truth.

So, today I'm posting a video
explaining the proper technique for push ups
with and without modifications.

Don't have time to watch the video?
No sweat [haha] here are some pictures
and technique tips.

Modified push up [on knees]


*Keep a straight line from your crown to your knees, through your butt/hips.
*Bend your arms so your chest is barely higher than the ground.
*DON'T let your butt/hips go up in the air.
*DON'T only go down an inch.

Regular push ups [on toes]


*Keep a straight line from your crown to your feet.
*Tighten your abs, will help maintain good form.
*DON'T let your butt/hips stay high in the air.
*DON'T let your hips/butt sag low to the ground.
*DON'T just barely bend your arms, THAT DOESN'T COUNT.
*When you feel your form failing, switch to modified
INSTEAD of trying to power through incorrectly.


I hope the video and pictures were helpful.



August 3, 2012

Confession Fridays Letters VLOG 2

Happy Friday y'all!


I'm on vacay next week so this Friday is
[with a side of frantic at work]
but OH WELL!

Since I received so much LOVE/support regarding my
Confession Friday Letters VLOG,
I'm doing another one.

If I was crafty or techie I would have created a VLOG Button.
But I'm not, so drat.

However, I strongly encourage you to VLOG your

Something about saying things out loud
makes the situation that much more fun
in my opinion.

(btw, my audio is wak at the beginning, my b)

Now link up and
have a GREAT DAY!

August 1, 2012

Quick DIY Post

I'm not a double poster normally.

Def not a double dipper...ewwww

I TOTALLY am a double ice cream scooper....yummy!

However, since I HAD to post about the awesome gymnastics this morning,
I decided to double up with this quick vlog.

YUP, another one, get excited...hahaha!

Just a quick video regarding 2 DIY's I did Monday while home sick.

Super fun and super easy!

My purdy new KEYS!!!

Here is the link for the Blogilates tutorial.

Again, super easy and fun. 

Let me know what you think!

July 26, 2012

Confession Friday Letters VLOG

Wait, did the title really say VLOG!??!

Why yes kitty cats it did.

I'm switching it up over huuuuuur and doing my own VLOG version of
Confession Fridays
Friday's Letters.

I like to keep y'all on your toes ya heard?!?!?
1) No idea the music was so loud, sorry.
2) Totally forgot mirror images on videos...crap.
3) I'm putting it out there that there should be a VLOG Friday linkup...
[personally I think this was a fabulous idea, patonmyback]


Here is the picture I mentioned in #2
Can you say baby face?!?!? that's the bffer T

That's all she wrote...
or said...
but really, I never stop talking!

Happy Friday!

June 12, 2012

Show & Tell Vlog Link Up

I know I told you that I would post a recap today, but alas today's post is NOT a recap.

 Miss Raven  and Miss Becky are hosting a VLOG SHOW & TELL link up on her blog today, and you bet your sweet hiney I WASN'T gonna miss that.


Basically Raven and Becky posted the following questions,
and we were told to respond
in VLOG format.

Easy Peasy Fresh and Squeezy right?!?!


1. Show us your favorite pair of shoes
2. A piece of jewelry that you wear every day
3. Your favorite room in the house {can show us physically, or show us a picture}
4. A current favorite picture.
5. If there was a fire and you had to grab one thing what would it be {besides your children, pets, and partners}
6. What favorite book are you currently reading?
7. Show your favorite hair product of all time
8. What is your most favorite sentimental thing you own
9. Go pour yourself a drink (of whatever!) and show us your favorite beverage
10. Positions? What positions? (go here and see what Becky has for number ten to see what I'm talking about.)
11. A piece of clothing that you wear often.
12. Your favorite accessory
13. Your favorite app
14. Something that tells us what you do for a living
15. Something you recently purchased.
16. Your favorite food in your pantry

 Are you linking up?!?! Not today, well that's okay, join in the fun next week. 


[Wanna see the picture I mentioned? 
Check out *THIS* post]

Hope you enjoyed! 

Thanks for hanging out! Have a great Tuesday!

June 4, 2012

Beach Curls Hair Vlog

Morning cool kids, how iz ya?
Did you have a good weekend?

Mine was great, super busy and I'm tired.
Basically I played kickball, partied, pooled, ate food and
saw my two babies,
Fresh Prince and Princess Kate.
So much fun, so cute.

Fun post right?!!? Sike!

Today I give you:

Pinky's FAMOUS hair tutorial!!!
[in loud echoy announcer voice]

Oh pshaw, who am I kidding?
I ain't famous and neither is my hair!

But, now that this is on the Internet technically I can say I'm famous?
No?!? Oh poopsicle! ;)

Anyway, I've been curling my hair this way for the past YEAR
and I love the look it gives me HUR!

So, without further adieu
le vlog de le hair!

Le finished product
Ignore the friiiiiizzzz darn humidity
As promised, *here* is the lovely Leslie's video tutorial.

Also as promised, *here* is the article regarding hair parts.

I grossly misconstrued the findings I read years ago. Left parts are NOT smarter than right parts.

Women with left parts: Perceived as intelligent, in-charge, reliable. Can sometimes be perceived as too "masculine", and/or can create difficulties with fulfilling traditionally feminine roles.
[Hillary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, Christine Todd Whitman]

Women with right parts: Perceived as very feminine, gentle, caring. Can cause problems of not being taken seriously. 
[Martha Stewart, Jane Pauley, Betsy McCaughey Ross, Geraldine Ferraro]

Interesting huh?!?!? Any thoughts on parts and what side of your head do you part your hair?

Hope the video was helpful and not too boring. Any questions, hit me up!

Have a great day <3

May 1, 2012

E.L.F Loot and VLOG

Happy Tuesday y'all!

I'm giving you a VVVVVLOG with a quick inventory of my E.L.F loot. 

Once I get the chance to use all of the products I'll write a review. 

But for now, enjoy my crazy talking self. 
Swwwwweeeet screenshot blogger, THANKS!

Check out my LOOOT!

Celebrity, Socialite, Temptress, Confident, Sassy, Caffeinated, Girly, Angelic, Enchanting, Bronzed


Quick thoughts:

+I think I bought a LOT of repeat colors with the mineral colors and the BOTG Palette. Hopefully that means I won't have to buy more makeup soon. 

+BOTG needs a case which I did not buy. #directionsreaderfail

+I now have NO reason to buy eyeshadow for a year!

+I'm gonna be really bummed if the colors don't work for me.

+How many times can I say "I GOT"? UGH! Sooo incorrect!

+I can't WAIT to try all my new makeup!


****Do you have any E.L.F favs?!?!?****

January 16, 2012

Accent Vlog and Blog Award

Happy Monday ya'll!

I saw this accent vlog going around last week and I HAD to try it out and post about it. I hope you enjoy and please don't make too much fun of me. After I recorded I ask C to say some of the words and answer the questions and WOWY-ZOWY, other people say really weird things ;)!

BTW, the volume is really weird and soft so you might need to turn it up, ENJOY! 

The instructions are to say these words:
Aunt, Route, Wash, Oil, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, Sure, Data, Ruin, Crayon, Toilet, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Spitting Image, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Syrup, Pajamas, Caught.

And then answer these questions:
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is the bug that when you touch it, it curls into a ball?
What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you say to address a group of people?
What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
What is the thing you use to change the TV Channel?

Now it's ya'lls turn, please share, I can't WAIT to listen to ya'lls accents.

Super sweet Holly from EIGHTSIXELEVEN gave me the Kreative Blog award! Do yourself a favor and check out her blog, it's so much fun! Thanks so much for the award girlie!

Here are the rules for the award:
1} Link back to the person who gave you this award.
2}Complete the form.
3}Award 5 blogs and let them know in a comment or email.
4} Share 7 random thoughts about yourself.

The form:

1} Name your Favorite Song: Toooo haaaard!!! Gonna have to go with a genre and say POP!
2} Name your favorite dessert: Hard too but I LOVE ICE CREAM!
3} What ticks you off? NEVER EVER HANG UP ON ME!!!!
4} When I'm upset: I beomce introverted and try to remember my communication studies training from college. I usually keep quiet until I know HOW to tell someone I'm upset.
5} What's your favorite pet? All of my doggies in heaven, SKOSHI, RASCAL, MUFFIN
6} Black or White? White. So clean and pretty.
7 }Biggest Fear: Being alone without someone to love and someone to love me

Seven random thoughts about me:

1} I met Kerri Strugg when my family was at Disney World back when I was in High School.
2} I played the string bass in Orchestra from middle school to high school.
3} The words moist and penetration utterly disgust me. Listening to sports and baking shows often cause me to shiver because of these words.
4} C is only my second relationship to make it past 6 months. (here's hoping it's my last wink wink)
5} I have been to 4 of the 7 continents.
6} I know how to shoot a shotgun, glock, pistol, .22, rifle and quail gun.
7} I have a tattoo of angel wings on my right hip/pelvic bone. Very few REAL LIFE people know about this so let's keep it quiet mkay?!?!?

The blogs I would like to pass the Kreativ Blogger award to are:

5} Jesss of The Kentucky Priss

Congrats ladies!!!!

December 18, 2011

VLOG Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone. 

I didn't really want to type so I vlogged. 

This is AFTER the mimosa game so no judgment please ;)



November 15, 2011



That's correct ya'll, I am FINALLY uploading my FLIP CAMERA VIDEO (becausebloggerwasbootleg)

I hope you enjoy!

for her AMAZEBALLS giveaway!


I'm hoping to do some catching up with posts and blogs this week since I am not working in training.