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Showing posts with label Confessions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Confessions. Show all posts

October 3, 2018

Today I Confess


::: I've been craving cereal like whoa, but trying to be good and not buy 100 boxes.

::: My book game is lacking, it's so bad. Gimme your RECOMMENDATIONS!

::: I turned in my notice to my current gym and now have to tell the members/instructors I'm leaving. I've tried to keep it as kind as possible, despite not agreeing with a TON of management decisions as of late, and I'm nervous I'll give my real opinion to someone.

::: My commenting on blogs has been atrocious, even though I'm reading posts. I need to get back to the flow of actually commenting on your blogs, I miss the interaction.

::: We set goals at work yesterday and they are HUGE for me this month. I'm between the 'YES, I can reach them' & 'Holy crap how am I going to get this done'. I need to commit to doing my best every shift and working more than I want to in order to make it happen.

::: I cannot wait for our trip to Vegas, I'm just nervous about how quick it will be and hope to get enough rest. When I don't get enough rest I get sick and I CANNOT GET SICK. #lame

::: Fall is not my favorite. Yup, I said it. So need some inspo with food. Favorite fall reipies and go!

June 13, 2018

These Are My Confessions

... Lately I've been horrible at wearing my seatbelt. I'll drive to the gym without it buckled on the reg now. Which is awful and stupid and just ridiculous, but it keeps happening. I think it's because my hands are always full when I get in the car then I put it in drive and take off. Need to get better. 

... The other day I walked out of the grocery store without paying for something. I didn't realize it until I got to my car and I was just too tired and too lazy to walk back. Even though it was something small, I feel bad. 

... Dinner last night was toasted bread, Chic Fila sauce with chicken at 9:45pm. All the glamour over here.

... I posted a silly video of my dancing in the kitchen on my Instastories and over 180 people viewed it which made smile and laugh. For some of you, that's peanuts, but for me that's the most views one of my stories has ever received. Guess I need to figure out more dance songs, ha. 

... Speaking of a laugh, I had a nice chuckle when I saw WHO was viewing my stories. Talk about some people coming out of the wood work to sneak a peek. Hey, I'll take the numbers from ya. 

... My other blog is failing again. I keep getting distracted and annoyed with WORDPRESS. Such a different platform than blogger, one where you need to BUY a premium site to get anything cool. Which I am NOT doing yet. 

... Speaking of money, I was way over budget in May and am pushing it again. This isn't a 'teehee I bought two extra shirts I shouldn't have', this is a 'damn everyone I trained is taking a summer break and cash flow is tight' over budget. WE are fine, totally fine. My ego. Not so much. 

... Oh and speaking of ego, I let it get in the way over the weekend and it caused a tiff with Le Husband. Which was stupid and mostly on me, but I wanted him to give me some back up and he was just himself and quite. I feel dumb because things have been super awesome lately, we've found our 'this time of life groove' and I messed it up on Saturday night. Everything was fine Sunday, but that's just a night I won't get back. 

That's it for this week....what do you have to confess?

October 11, 2017

For Real? - A Confession Post

+ I used a work stamp for a personal letter because I ran out. #sorry

+ I had every intention of coming into this post guns blazing because someone I haven't talked to in four years decided they wanted to make drama. And I was THIS close to taking the bait. But then I realized pointing back and throwing accusations only perpetuated drama which is the last thing I PERSONALLY want or need in my life. Things are good here and whether or not they are good for her is none of my business, so why even chime in with chatter?

+ Someone stole my credit card information and my first thought when I received the email was 'Call Dad'. I'm a married 34 year old who owns a house and I STILL reached out to my dad. #adultingnope

+ Last week was a doozy of late nights and Thursday was a long one. So long I didn't get home until 10:15pm and still hadn't eaten dinner. So I heated up meal plan dish and ate it sitting on the floor because I was too tired to find the table.

+ Yesterday when I got in my car I realized my shirt had a prominent hole on the sleeve. I had the extra thirty seconds to go in and change but I didn't. I rolled up the sleeve and just went to work.

+ Through asking a question about a policy I ended up accidentally tattling on another instructor for teaching the new releases early. I caught her using the new music and would have kept my mouth shut, but I freaked out I needed to learn choreography earlier than expected. Luckily they had already heard about her launching early, but I still felt bad when I answered the questions asked.

+ Tomorrow I launch SPRINT and I haven't even looked at the release. #fakeittillimakeit

April 24, 2017

Confession Monday


I confess . . .

... Today is a struggle after a wedding weekend. I was actually good and didn't stay up too late, it was just a traveling weekend and we hit some traffic on the way home. Sunday was lazier than planned but the naps were needed. Heck. I need one now.

... I hate answering the phone. It's been a part of my last job and current one, but man do I hate it.

... People being ungrateful makes me mad and sad. Complaining constantly just isn't a good look.

... This job seemed like it would lend more time to blogging, but so far, not so much. Will be working on it though, because I have the time just learning about the set up.

... Friday I taped for a new certification and I still haven't uploaded it. That's three days it could have been assessed but our traveling and the stupid incompatibility with my MAC has me behind. Again.

... I haven't been listening to my body like I should. I know when it feels the best and what I need to eat to make it look the best but I've been lazy. And now I'm paying for it. I hate being bloated.

... Even though I'm normally as scardy cat, I am beyond ready for my gallbladder surgery. It happens next month and I cannot wait to get my life back. Send up prayers for me?

... Le Husband's traveling schedule has helped us recenter and get back to the couple we used to be together. I have a post sitting in drafts [not sure if it will ever see the light of day] about how hard it is to struggle with your spouse and life. We still have a lot to work on, but things are slowly getting back to normal.

... I miss Europe!

June 23, 2016

I Don't Think it Could Be Any More Random

|| I planned to go back to the gym for a second work out yesterday evening but when my aunt said 'want to go down to the lake and ski?' I couldn't say no so I skipped out. #worthit

|| Constant victims drive me bonkers and make my skin crawl. RHOC just started and already Vicki is frustrating the crap out of me. I knew someone who felt everyone was out to get her and it was so draining. Learn to own your stuff or let ISH go and life will be a lot better, promise.

|| I'm LOVING my nail color combo right now. I call it strawberry lemonade :)! #lovenailcombos

|| All the snicky-snackys and pre-dinner cocktails are messing up my diet. I'm really good at not craving anything if I don't see it, but once a cork is popped or a bag of chips open I find it really tough to say no. This week has been better than most but I'm still driving the clean eats struggle bus.

|| Job searching blows!

|| I have a thing with copycats. Maybe it stems from being the oldest of three girls but watching someone do the same thing I do [without credit] ruffles my feathers. I honestly don't understand how people can't find their own friends, ideas [blog or otherwise] and even vacations on their own. I'm learning to laugh it off, slowly, but I'm not perfect so there are times I just vent. #barf

|| It was hard to be mad when Argentina beat the USA on Tuesday. Messi is just dirty nasty good and his free kick was one of the best goals I've ever seen. Pulling for a third place win for our guys, it would be great for the sport and our team. #ibelieveinthirdplace

|| Tomorrow I'm trying something new here and I'm excited and nervous as hell. #hopeyoulikeit

|| Summertime/laketime is the best time. #theend

April 7, 2016

Confessing What's New With Me

I confess...

|| it took all of my self control not to stare down the girl in the gym locker room who LEGIT checked herself out six times. In two different mirrors. I get making sure you look fresh walking into the gym, but six times, you planning on getting married tonight honey?

|| on Tuesday during my sports conditioning class I purposefully positioned myself next to one of the fitter guys in the class to push myself. I needed the extra challenge because my attitude was not the greatest heading into class and I wanted to concentrate on JUST fitness. I'm happy to report I did pretty awesome and saw him checking my form when I kept pace with him. #girlsarejustasgoodballa #sprintsarethebest #thanksfortheextrahustle

|| I feel like I have seniorities at work right now. Like suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuriously I don't want to do anything. I've completed a few documents for the new person but ugh, so tedious and blah. Thank goodness I have access to blogs and youtube.#needthedistractionbreak

|| my tribe rocks. I love them dearly and am so blessed to have them in my life. Husbands are awesome but sometimes you just need your girl tribe to GET YOU when things get frustrating and UGH emotions.

|| after an extremely stressful packing week I took last night off to hang with the sissys. Well, I took a load to the storage unit then went to yoga with them, ate dinner and had a glass of wine while watching some sports on television. It was a fabulous Wednesday night indeed. #sissys #antondas #wcw #lovethem

|| there was a quiet shout of joy when I hit a headstand in yoga last night. I took a class with the sissys and didn't think I was quite at their level to actually make a headstand, but y'all I DID IT and it ROCKED.

|| I'm dropping this beat and this beat[oh hey 97 release] all day eeeeeeeerrrrrday on youtube. I need music to focus and this helps me rock out my to do list both at work and while packing up the apartment. #shemovingherbody

|| this week I bit the bullet and bought Tieks. I'm super hopeful they will be just what I need for Europe and they better last forever at their crazy price. Any Tiek owners out there have any issues?

What's New With You

What's new? Hmmmmmmmm, let me think. SIKE! If you remember last month I shared our super fantastical HUGE NEWS about our European trip and our move and holy crap, here we are a month later and it's go time. Like serious go time. Like, staying up until midnight packing up boxes go time. And it is stressing me out like whoa.

Part of me wants to stop this post here because it seems as though the last few posts have been the same thing over and over. I don't want to sound like a broken record or even worse, ungrateful for our new adventure. We chose this and I understand it's not always going to be peaches and cream super easy packing time. Trust me, I know.

However, at the crux of it all this blog is almost a living journal so I want to remember these moments, the good and the bad. The good up with me? My tribe is so so good. They have shown up in droves to help and are just a text away whenever I need them. The bad up with me? My stress level and emotions. Yesterday on my drive to the storage unit I flat out lost it y'all. I'm talking BWD [bawling while driving] and shouting at other drivers because they were pissing me off. The enormity of our adventure fully hit me and the realization of how much still left to do caused a minor freak out. A few quick texts to the BOFF and my faith sister had me feeling a lot better and then everything really calmed down after yoga sissy time.

I know being stressed right now is normal, so I'm choosing to acknowledge the stress and fear but now letting it float away. Time to concentrate on the now and the good and what I can do. It might not always be with a smile but it will get done. With a bottle glass of wine on the side. :)

So yeah, the move and Europe…the two things up with me. What's up with you?

linking up with Jess for confessions and Kristin for whatsnewwithyou
&with  Natalie & Kristin

March 31, 2016

Adding a Little Usher to the Week {These are my CONFESSIONS}

I confess. . .

|| there are no words to describe the idiocy of this guy. I can only hope selfless with high jackers doesn't become a trend. What is this world coming to and why are people so ridiculous?

|| I went a lil balls to the wall in my sports conditioning class on Tuesday and shhhhheewwwweee my shins are NOT happy with me today.

|| it may sound braggy but I was thrilled with my gym outfit Tuesday. I had forgotten how slimming my Spartan shirt fit and having it paired with one of my favorite leggings made me feel fierce. Might have been why I was so aggressive in class!

|| the baby bug grabbed me for a hot second yesterday when my dear friend shared a video of her son with me. He is just the cutest lil thing and his sweet lil voice melted my heart. I'm back on the no kid right now train, but one day look forward to having my own lil minion :)!

|| while I'm super stoked spring weather is here the ahem -- body maintenance -- has me all kinds of wah. The one good thing about the winter is sweat pants and long leggings at the gym. #bootomorefrequentshaving

|| I am both nervous excited and nervous dreading our going away party this weekend. I've kind of thrown it together at the last minute when our other plans didn't pan out. It will be much more informal that originally thought and I'm so grateful my parent's are allowing us to use their home. I just hope the food, drinks and desserts turn out how they are pictured in my mind. I know what matters is just enjoying friends, but we all know how important it is to be a good host. #prayersforniceweatherplease

|| whipped cream spoons have been my dessert of choice this week. Not fancy and not classy, but oh so delicious.

|| the notification issues on Instagram has this girl all 'what is going on'? I just joined and it seems like things are changing but I don't know what is changing. I'm just gonna keep liking pictures and commenting as normal, please don't be offending if something changed on my end [follow me here].

|| I may have recycled my Easter top to work this week. There was a big meeting with a vendor and I didn't feel like figuring out another fancy outfit. #addedthepearlsforextrabling #dontjudge #pictureatstoplight

What do you confess today?

linking up with  Natalie & Kristin

March 17, 2016

You'll Probably Find This Boring {Confessions}

I confess. . .

|| earlier this week I lit three candles and could only find two of the matches. Clearly the missing one hasn't caused any damage, but for the LIFE of me I can't find the one match. #whereismybrain

|| I don't beleive my birthday is in less than a month, holy cow!

|| twice this week I've looked at my alarm when it went off and pushed it out 45 minutes. #oops

|| we are not doing anything to celebrate St. Patrick's day. Did I mention I married into an 100% Irish family? Don't worry, I'll still rock the green. #donteventhingofpinchingme

|| going to the dentist [and the doctor] turns me into the biggest baby. I had to get a filling redone and every time I heard the drill I cringed. #onebadexperiencehastaintedmeforlife

|| there was a mild freak out about our move this week. By me. Very short. But it happened.

|| after eating INSANELY healthy and clean this week I wiped it out with two bowls of cereal and two munckins that were hanging around my parents house. #whathappenedtomyselfcontrol

|| these confessions are quite dull and boring. #sorryfriends

|| I didn't tell Le Husband what I ate because I didn't want him to judge me. #hethreatenedtocallmymom

|| my teeth need to be whitened but I'm not having success with the whitening strips [they also feel gross]. Without breaking the bank I need your tips for a brighter, better smile. #pleaseandthankyou

|| I have too much stuff. #theend

linking up with  Natalie & Kristin

March 10, 2016

Confessions {The Random Ones}

I confess…

|| I was secretly hoping no one would show up to my Monday morning 6am BODYPUMP class. It was a long weekend and I wasn't feeling my best so when it was 5:58am and no one had walked through the doors my heart skipped a beat.

|| I actually felt better when someone showed up at 6:01 and I got the blood moving. It was weird teaching only one participant but it was a great experience in coaching and cueing. And I even got a compliment.

|| Men get PMS just like women, they just fail to understand it. #dudes

|| On Tuesday I gave my notice to my BODYPUMP manager and it made things feel even more real. This seem to be moving fast and slow right now and I'm so grateful for everyone's support.

|| I FINALLY GOT MY CHICK FIL-A milkshake and it was EVERYTHING I dreamed about.

|| My evening was derailed on Monday when I came across the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe on tv. I don't know WHAT it is about that movie, but I can't seem to ever turn it off.

|| I spent much of this week rewatching Downton Abbey because I'm so sad it's over. #goodbyefavoriteseries

|| After experiencing the AA Admiral's club I don't think I'll ever look at an airport the same. #nolongeracommoner

|| I don't understand how you mamas do it. While we were in Cincinnati this weekend I was plum worn out by our two nephews. Seriously worn out. Kids are on the horizon for us and I have to admit there is a lot more trepidation than I had anticipated. Thankfully, Kathy was able to talk me off the ledge, but I have to say HATS OFF TO ALL THE MOMS OUT THERE! Y'all are rockstars!

|| The sugar monster has hit in full force and sadly I indulged this week. #bah

|| Seeing the email that I reached GOLD LEVEL with Starbucks brought a smile to my face. Yes, I know it is a bit of a sham but I received quite a few gift cards the past few months and used them [and grocery store Starbucks] to claim my gold status. #feelfreetojudgeiwontblameyou #ialsofrequentnonstarbuckscoffeeshops
linking up with  Natalie & Kristin

March 3, 2016

The Big Reveal: We're Doing Europe and MOVING {True Confession}

After months and months of planning, thinking and praying Le Husband and I have decided we are going to leave the Northern Virginia area for Knoxville, Tennessee. And before we take the final leap we are taking time off this spring and spending 29 days in Europe. HOLY COW, is this real life?!?! #forrealisthisreallife
Talk about a confession, huh? Yup, I've been keeping this lil secret for quite awhile and finally feel the clarity and faith to share it here on the blog. A little backstory if you will. After a lot of hemming and hawing and praying Le Husband and I decided back in October that even if opportunities didn't come our way we would quit our jobs and move by spring 2016. Scary right? Then in November Le Husband floated the idea of using the time after we quit our jobs to finally go and see Europe. Honestly I was quite skeptical of the idea because even though it's always been a dream it's an EXPENSIVE dream. Immediately I reached out to friends who have traveled in Europe [oh hey BOFF and Kristen] and peppered them with "Is this really possible?" questions. After realizing it was actually quite possible Le Husband and I developed a plan. We decided to use my yearly bonus [which he would match] as our budget and we'd travel for as long as we could and see as much of the continent as possible.

Remember that Wanderlust post about the Mediterranean? So I was sneaky when I posted because we are going to make that trip happen. Our cruise is booked and we are finishing up our itinerary for the rest of the trip through France, Germany and Italy. To say I'm stoked would be an understatement. To say I'm overwhelmed would also be an understatement. There is so much to see over there and we are still struggling to try and fit everything into our trip. We are both HUGE WW2 history nerds so we are tailoring our trip around battles and history more so than normal sight seeing adventures [I AM SO EXCITED TO VISIT NORMANDY]. This promises to be a trip of a lifetime and I'm so looking forward to seeing another part of the world and enjoying new sights, foods and adventures with Le Husband.
Speaking of adventure, let's talk a little about our BIG move. We return from our jaunt through Europe and promptly three days later we will drive down to Knoxville to begin our new life. Luckily I have family in the area so we will be staying with them while we search for our perfect rental or home. This is a BIG deal. I'll be moving away from my immediate family and even though it's only an eight hour drive I've been within 20 minutes of my family since I graduated from college [Ten YEARS, holy cow]. Most of me is excited to really go and stand on my own two feet [with Le Husband] but there is a lil bit of me that is sad I'll be so far away when I achieve new milestones. Yet I feel this IS the right thing to do, even if it turns out to be only a short time away. We are ready for a slower pace of life and the ability to have a home with land without paying a bazillion dollars. Change is scary and as excited as I am for this new step there is a bit also a bit of fear.

How are you going to swing this you ask? For the time being Le Husband will continue to work for his company and will keep his same territory while I use our change to finally figure out what I want to be when I grow up. There are multiple opportunities in the area and I've begun revamping my resume which is scary as all get out. If I'm honest I would LOVE to find a job in the fitness world and continue to get certified in LES MILLS programs to parlay that into a career and not just a hobby. Who knows where the job search will lead, but I'm HOPEFUL it will be the start of something great. #takeachance
Maybe you think I'm silly for waiting so long to break the news and maybe you think I'm a bit ridiculous for holding back, but you know what, that's okay. I've become less frivolous in my declarations. I don't normally share news unless I know it's 99.9% [hello BODYPUMP certification]. I hate failing at anything and this will be the third time Le Husband and I have tried to up and move. Each time life happened and we had to put our plans on hold which became incredibly frustrating and deflating. Part of me just wanted to throw in the towel and settle for the fact we weren't going to be able to follow this dream and to just buck up about living in this area forever. But we kept praying and realized this was something we had to do so we just went for it. We don't know what the future holds but we know we want to try.

Things became real last week when I had my review and dropped the 'I'm leaving' bomb on my boss. It went MUCH better than expected and he was quite supportive. Now that work knows I feel better about sharing it here on the Internet for everyone to see. Not that anyone I work with knows about the blog but you can never been too careful right? So there you have it friends, the big secret I've been keeping off the blog for the past six months. There are QUITE a few posts in drafts where I just had to spill my guts somewhere because things were still so up in the air. They might make it here, they might not, but for now I'm happy to be at the stage of sharing it with my blog land friends. Things in pinkland are about to get CRAZY busy as we start packing up our life, saying goodbye to our friends whilst packing our suitcases for the trip of a lifetime. Sleep will probably become a luxury but you know what, that's okay. I'm excited this is finally happening and I CAN'T WAIT to see where life takes us. Cheers to taking the leap and trying something NEW!
So now, tell me the best way to quickly learn Italian and French and give me your MUST sees!

linking up with Jess for confessions and Kristin for whatsnewwithyou
&with  Natalie & Kristin

February 25, 2016

Confessions of a Silly Girl

|| Blog friends keep me sane and I HONESTLY don't know where I'd be without you. #textconvosmakemesmile

||Remember those peanut butter M&Ms I posted about on Monday? Yeah, Le Husband and I killed a single bag in one evening together. TWICE. Can you believe he'd never had them before? #yesabaganight #twice

|| I wish I had written this article. We all need to get rid of the SHOULDs and just live!

|| Because of my job I was able to watch the WHOLE season of Downton Abbey in December and I LOVE LOVE LOVE what they did with the show. I'm not giving anything away, I promise, however I think most people will be happy with how everything wraps up.

|| I'm now sad because I don't want to DA to go away, boo!

|| Last week I was THAT GIRL with her car. I let my gas drop a lil tooooooo low and was praying to the car gods on my drive home. Somehow I dropped from 20 miles to --- miles in four miles. #oops #sorrydad 

|| I find myself way to interested in Scout Ponder's instagram account. I can't help it, the baby is so witty and cute.

|| Yesterday I guest posted on my friend Nikki's blog and totally forgot to tell you about it. Head over to her blog and check out my favorite travel spot recaps. #iloveguestpostingandtraveling

|| I am no fashion blogger but I think I can dress myself on occasion. Love this outfit I wore yesterday because of the sparkles and the cardigan. #tryingtobringthespringwiththefashion #sparklesmakemesmile
Jeans: Kut by Kloth || Flats: Sam Edleman || Sweater: Loft {old} || Cardigan: Eva Mendes Collection {old}
What do you confess today?

linking up with  Natalie & Kristin

February 18, 2016

These Are My Confessssiiiiooooonnnnssss

|| I was too lazy to blog about my weekend for the first time in forever. We had quite a lovely weekend of working out together, a girlie Harry Potter viewing party {thanks Babyspice} a FABULOUS couples Valentine's day dinner {so much good food} and then a new workout class on Sunday followed by a winning soccer game. #weekendupdate

|| I felt like this lil pup all weekend. It was soooo cold outside.
|| I am more than a little excited for the autoship of our newest BODYPUMP release. Sadly the East coast is the last coast to received so I'm just sitting here waiting and refreshing my email like a stalker.

|| The GIFs in my post yesterday made me laugh more than I thought they would. #housewivesforthewin

|| There was a sigh of relief when no one showed up for my class 6am Monday morning. I was hurting more than expected from my first BODYCOMBAT class and the thought of doing squats at teaching weight was not something I was looking forward to at all.

|| I do NOT like Ronda Rousey and was so happy when Holly Holm kicked her tail. I am all about being confident in your craft and who you are but her cocky attitude is not something I think young girls and women need to emulate. Props to her for staying relevant after she lost, but I'll be cheering against her when she finally schedules her rematch.

|| Nothing makes me smile more than the Carlton. Except the Carlton with JT.

|| My locks were more than overdue for a visit with my stylist. Thankfully she didn't judge too much. #feelingfresh

|| I've eaten my weight in popcorn the past three days. #popcornonster #whattheheck

|| I ate a whole sleeve of Saltine crackers yesterday while I was home sick. #ooops

|| Yesterday was my engageversary and it makes me smile every year. #threeyearsstrong

linking up with  Natalie & Kristin

February 11, 2016

These Are My Confessions


|| I was more than a little tickled when a friend tagged me in *this* Justin Timberlake video. BBDV's song Poison was my go to party song when I was younger and I used to rock the Roger Rabbit and Running Man at many a bar, heels be damned :)!

|| Eli Manning's face after Peyton went for two was priceless, it makes me laugh every time I see it. I may have sent it a few times to a coworker who is a Giants fan. What will he brag about now. 

|| There is still a Christmas decoration up in our apartment. #ooops

|| I cried at work yesterday. It wasn't work related, but it was still sad to be crying at work. 

|| I was MORE than a lil excited when I saw a new Harry Potter book is set to be released in the summer. Team Hogwarts! #ishouldbeagryffindor #newsortinghatquiztoday

|| These are boring confessions I know, but they are all I've got for ya. Have a great day!

linking up with  Natalie & Kristin

January 20, 2016

Confession Session

I confess...

... I was more upset then expected when no one showed up for my Monday morning 6am class. Yes, I know it was a holiday Monday but I had a bit of hope SOMEONE would show. #bueller

... after I stopped pouting I practiced for my lunch class later that day, hit some cardio, stretched, foam rolled and NAILED A MUSCLE UP FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. It might not have been Crossfit legal but I DID IT!!!!

... I'm more excited than I should be about the muscle up. #aintnoshameinmybraggame

.... I want to get certified in another Les Mills class, eep!

... a woman at work is going on maternity leave and I am so thrilled we won't have to listen to Wendy Williams anymore. She has the tv right next to her so she kind of controls the channels and I just CANNOT stand Wendy's voice, yuck.

... I am NOT excited about the lady going on maternity leave because guess who gets to cover all her work?

... I hate the cold, but I'm loving my warm sweaters during the chill. I also LOVE my suede boots even though Le Husband calls them my Pocahontas boots. I'd love to link where I bought them, but alas, I bought them in Chile 2008 when we visited Babyspice for a week. #mendontknowfashion #ilovemyboots #suede
Thanks for the sweater tip, Kristen.

... I left work early to get a massage because my shoulders and back are both a mess. #mymasseuseagreed #healthandwellness

...  my plan to stick to a Whole7 or Whole14 has not been as streamlined as anticipated. However, I'm at my precruise/post sickness weight so I'm not fussing too much. We made stir fry last night and it was the first time I've added rice to the dish and oh man, rice makes a big difference. Cheers for leftovers tonight. #dontforgetthepopcorndessert
Home made stir fry for dinner, yummy!

... I'm stubborn and I know it. #workingonit

... while I miss my husband when he's on overnight work trips, I very much enjoy the quiet evenings of pampering and not having to share the remote. #gilmoregirls Or the bed. #keepthehousetemperaturehighertoo

… people in the NOVA area are NUTS when it comes to snow. We are possibly getting a decent amount this weekend and the stores are already over run by scared lil people. Come on now, peeps, it's snow and then it's gonna be 40 degrees and 50 degrees, I think we will be okay. Now let me by my hot cocoa milk and whipped cream PLEASE!

Linking up for confessions & here & here

December 9, 2015

Buzz Your Girlfriend... WOOF || AKA Holiday Confessions ||

 ... I dropped the ball in a gift giving situation and I'm extremely mad at myself.

... last week when Le Husband and I were cooking dinner I randomly pretended we were taping our cooking show and wouldn't you know, Le Husband decided to play along. Y'all, it was HYSTERICAL! Part of me thinks we would be amazing on TV and part of me thinks we'd be a disaster. Maybe I can talk him into filming one for the blog ;)!

... this commercial makes me laugh more than it should. I may have started yelling 'GLENN from the mail room' at Le Husband randomly and he may laugh at me or just roll his eyes. #illletyouguess

... I almost jumped through my computer screen to strangle someone at work on Monday. Homegirl was sending me a separate email regarding each individual question/issue she had about something. You're kidding, right?! I, not so kindly, responded to the THIRD email saying work would be faster if she gave me a comprehensive list. #myjobgivesmemoneysobegrateful

... I think I made a mistake with my Christmas cards. One of my favorite Christmas verses is Isaiah 9:6 so I included the words "For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" with the verse. Well, I've now had multiple people ask me if I was being cute in announcing a pregnancy. Um, I'm sorry, what?!?! 1] Do people really think I would equal my child's birth to Christ's {if anyone thinks yes, please just unfollow me now, because you clearly have NO IDEA who I am} and 2] If I were to announce wouldn't I ACTUALLY announce? Call me crazy, but a lil bit of joy has been squelched with my cards and I'm honestly pretty bummed about it all. 

... after participating three rounds of Whole30 this year [check em out here, here and here] I find my body no longer enjoys all the holiday latte, macchiatto or brulee drinks. Tragic, I know. My Starbucks order now is either a Misto or plain coffee. #sonothollyjolly

... when people have a linkup and don't have a post the day of they get the biggest eye roll. Look, I get it if it happens once or twice because of life, obviously REAL LIFE is more important than blogging. But, I don't understand not using scheduling JUST to put the LINKY up for other bloggers or reaching out and asking for a more consistent cohost. #notthatbigadealbutannoying #amItheonlyonethinkingthis

... I love holiday music and often play it year round when I need a serious pick me up, but I save THIS song for Christmas time and Christmas time only. Why do I love it so? I 100% believe it has to do with the ridiculous 1985 skiing outfits in the music video. If you're feeling down, play it, I promise you'll feel better.

linking up with hollykathy and nadine