Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
December 1, 2016
Thoughts This First of December
New job: This job is bananas. Seriously, bananas. I walk into the gym in the morning with a plan and everyday that plan is changed and put to the test. Nothing starts the way it should and there is always SOMETHING I'm chasing to get done. I wanted a job not behind a computer and and did I get it. I'm on my feet constantly, either behind the desk checking people in or walking around trying to get things put away or handled. My boss is very supportive and I'm a huge fan of my coworker [oh hey single ladies in the area, holla me] which is good, but scheduling and managing a team of 16 is tough. Something is always going on, someone is always quitting, someone is always not showing up, someone is always asking for help. But, thankfully, someone is always stepping up, someone is always offering to help, someone is always filling the gap. Yet, the trying to get it all handled stresses me to the max. I'm not sleeping as well because I'm always worried about someone calling out overnight and I'm getting anxious driving into the parking lot because I never know what I'm walking into in the morning. Don't get me wrong, I know this is a great experience for my resume, but I already know this is NOT the career for me. I think I'll stay with the company as long as I can, but I don't know how long I'll last in this environment because of scheduling. We will see what the future brings and I'm gonna stick it out for awhile until I can get where I want with a job.
Being nomads: Okay, we're not really nomads, we have a place to live and have since we moved in June. However, it's someone else's home, not ours and it's tough. We are ever so blessed, but it's tough. Especially right now around the holidays. All I see online are people posting pictures of THEIR trees, THEIR decorations, THEIR traditions and at the moment we have NONE. There is NOTHING ours so there is nothing to decorate and make festive. I had a really down in the dumps moment when we came home on Sunday because I knew the Christmas season was right around the corner and there was nothing of ours to decorate. And then Monday happened. My aunt and uncle decorated their home and asked me to help them with the tree and it was the greatest time. We drank some wine, put on some Christmas music, forgot about the time and just enjoyed the moment. Being part of a new tradition brought me a new perspective on our transitional holiday season. I'm sad I'm missing out on our old traditions but look forward to experiencing and loving our new Tennessee life. Right now I'm sharing some wine with family and friends while they chat together and we listen to Christmas music. All in all, life is blessed and I'm thankful for all the good.
The big move: No, I'm not talking about my big move, I'm talking about my sister's. She is moving in January and as the date loom closer and closer I've started to feel more and more sad and anxious. As I've stated before, I know moving is just part of life and my family has been beyond lucky and blessed for being so closely located for so long. However, knowing change is part of life and being happy with change is two different things. I lost it over Thanksgiving because I realized how far away Arizona truly is from here. It is NOT drivable for a weekend. It is NOT a trip on just a whim. It is something to be planned and take vacation for and that means time away from my job. As stupid as it is to write at 33, I am NOW for the first time realizing how much my job can dictate my life, and the fact I can't just up and drive for a sissy reunion breaks my heart. I'm PROUD and excited for my sister, 100%! I'm just sad I won't be able to hug her and smell her and touch her and see her whenever I want. I'm so going to miss my best friend.
Future plans: Oh the future, what a scary and exciting thought right? I've kept this quiet because I didn't want to jinx it, but now I'm putting it into the universe as positive affirmation. Le Husband and I put an offer on a townhouse and potentially could close in the beginning of January. It's been crazy getting everything together for the loan and figuring out where we wanted to live. The location is phenomenal and I'm so hopeful everything will work out for us. I'm also starting to ponder the future of my job, my goals and what I want to do fitness-wise. I know where I want to be, I know what I want to do, I just don't know how I'll get there and how long it will take. Along those lines, I'm not sure where we stand with kids. Originally I thought we'd start a family next year but as of now it will be later than 2017 for sure. We need to be more stable [home and money wise], I need to feel more comfortable with a job future and we both definitely need to feel more ready to be parents.
This blog: Am I wasting my time? Do you all enjoy reading? Will I be happy I have this in a few years? Honestly, I don't know. I took some time to look through posts from this time last year and WOW, I was so much more on the ball and was so involved with y'all. And now, I just don't have the same amount of time and am so tired when I get home I barely open my MAC. I miss you guys, I miss my friends and I miss my community. I keep saying I want to come back, but I wonder if it's really in the cards. If it's something I need to be doing with my time. I might start a fitness blog, because I am getting my PT cert and thinking about doing an online business. Who really knows right now. But, know that even though I'm scarce, I'm still here and I'm still reading. It is usually on my phone when I can't comment, but I'm still here so don't leave me yet.
So that's me, y'all. What's going on with you?
November 30, 2016
Well That Was Thanksgiving {Family Fun at it's Finest}
Hi, friends and a happy belated Thanksgiving to y'all. Hopefully everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend and enjoyed a few days off of work. I was beyond grateful, thankful and joyful to have three days at home after being gone for so long.
After the longest slowest day at work on Wednesday I got a quick workout in then headed for the airport. My first flight was awesome for space, but was uber bumpy so no bueno. Thankfully my movies kept me sane on the second flight.
Le Husband greeted me with dinner from our favorite Arlington restaurant and it was a delightful midnight snack. There were quick hellos at home and then it was time to pass out and get some sleep before Thanksgiving Thursday.
We were up bright and early, mostly because Sportyspice arrived at 8am [wth] but it was nice to get some chill morning time with her. After lots of coffee, some food prep it was time to create a Thanksgiving morning cocktail and we thew together cranberry juice, lime, pomegranate juice, orange juice, sugared cranberries and of course, champs. It was delicious and fabulous to sip on all morning while watching the parade and relaxing while food cooked.
Before eating we all cleaned up and changed into some festive holiday gear for dinner. We also took some fun family pictures and one amazingly fabulous boomerang you can see on my instagram.
Then, it was chow time. And chow I did. Two plates of food, two desserts ANNNNND a bowl of thirds after we watched the Cowboys wreck the Deadskins. I didn't get my annual nap, because I was too busy just soaking in my moments of the holiday. It was a delightful Thanksgiving and one I'll treasure for a long time.
Friday morning we woke up, chilled out for a bit then Le Husband and I head to our storage unit to rescue my winter clothes and take stock in everything up in Virginia. WOW, I forgot we had so much stuff. I was able to find most of my winter gear, but a lot of my fancy clothes were stored in the back corner pink bin so it was left up north.
When we got back home it was time for leftovers lunch and some GG! We split up the episodes three on Friday and then one on Saturday. Winter was probably my favorite because it was such a fun look into an old pastime.
Friday was a wonderful chill day and so Saturday we were up and at em for Saturday morning fitness as sissys. We attend a Kaxae class and it was so much fun. Just another fun memory for the bank, plus I finally burned some calories, haha.
We all hurried home to clean up because the ladies had a matinee performance of the Nutcracker at the Kennedy Center. It was a wonderful ballet and a great kick off to the Christmas season. Does anyone else yearly attend the ballet?
Le Husband and Daddy were home watching the OSU vs Michigan game {WAY TO GO BUCKS} and afterwards we all headed out for one last family dinner. It was a nice change from all the Thanksgiving leftovers [not that I will ever tire of leftovers from Thanksgiving]. More drinks were poured, the last episode of GG watched [wth last four words] and then, the tears came. Oh my, were there tears flowing from my eyes.
Everything hit me all at once...Sprortyspice moving next month, the stress I went through to get home for Thanksgiving, then very slim possibility of me being able to get home again soon, the changes everyone is faces and the feeling of HOME I miss so much. We sissys had a MOMENT and then laughed everything back together to get me smiling again.
Sunday morning came all too quickly and suddenly we were on the road back to Tennessee. I originally planned to fly home, but changed my ticket to drive home with Le Husband after his plans changed. I almost regretted my decision an hour in because of traffic but luckily it eased up quickly. The rest of the drive was uneventful and Le Husband and I had a fun dinner out before we arrived home. Then it was a quick turn around and change for the week. Monday was bananas, of course, and so was Tuesday. I'm grateful for the chance to sleep in a lil today, woohoo.
Can't wait to catch up on all of your fun festivities! xoxo
November 18, 2015
Real Life {Part Deux}
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Today, real life is...
|| Christmas cards ordered early but still in the box.
|| Clothes on the guest bed because we were too tired to put them away...three days ago.
|| Rolling eyes when a back is turned instead of commenting out loud.
|| Taking 25 selfies to get one good enough to post on twitter or on the blog.
|| Three bowls of popcorn after dinner.
|| Falling asleep before thanking God for my blessings of the day.
|| Suitcases STILL in the bedroom from our trip.
|| A refrigerator with no organization because we have TOO.MUCH.STUFF!
|| Make up on the face at red lights.
|| Watching an extra show on a school night, curled up together on the couch and then promptly falling asleep.
|| Phoning in a blog post...or two.
|| Hitting the snooze button too many times and wearing an up-do three days in a row.
Linking up for confessions
November 12, 2015
Gratitude {Part Deux}
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Today I am grateful for...
:: A husband who picks up dinner so I don't have to cook the first day back from vacation.
:: Coffee...lots and LOTS of COFFEE!
:: Books that take me to a far away land and bring me lots of joy.
:: The ability to think on my feet after my boss decides to leave the country the day I get back in the office.
:: My body. I basically wreck it every month and it still keeps me strong and healthy. #hellosoccerbruises
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Right shin and left quad, OUCH! |
:: Coconut oil as lotion. It keeps my skin soft and helps me smell tropical all year!
:: Fun music that helps me get through tiresome and frustrating work days.
:: Beautiful blog friendships. I have met some incredible women because of this blog and I'm so thankful for each and everyone of you who reads and connects with me here. Thank you for being fabulous people.
:: Menchies on cheat days.
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Check out the frosted animal cookies ;)! |
:: Our military and their families. Our country owes each of them a great debt. #thankyou
:: My waterproof jacket when the rain decides to poooouuuurr all week.
:: Space heaters.
:: Newborn baby snuggles and smells. #nothingbetterintheworld
Linking up with Shelly and Holly & here, here, here, here, here & here.
June 3, 2015
Dream A Little Dream of My Home
You won't be shocked to learn that even though I don't have my own home, I have many a dream board [here on pinterest] and color scheme in my brain. Even though Les Husband and I are waiting to figure out where we will be moving, we will sometimes peruse homes online and dream of making one of them ours.
My color palette for our home changes quite frequently [shocker] and right now I am all about the rustic, whimsy, chic look, while including lots of exposed wood. I've been on an exposed beams kick for awhile and love checking out home decor that plays off that feel. Below is one of my most recent dream boards and it is everything I could dream for my one day home. Combining the masculinity of the wood and the femininity of the colors really set my heart a flutter.
I am so incredibly sad this rug is sold out, isn't the pattern and color amazing? The detailing in this pillow [sold out, wah] is a bit feminine for Le Husband but I think it's a great contrast to the strong lines of this gorgeous Ralph Lauren accent table. I would be so happy every morning if I could snuggle up in this lovely chair with a cup of coffee resting on the nearby side table [on a coaster of course]. For me, this whole look was inspired by the strong beams of Bellescape's gorgeous mirror. I'd have no problem checking my reflection in it every day, would you?
What are your home decor dreams right now? Anything trending in your neck of the woods? How did you pick out your theme for your home? What didn't work?
linking up here
My color palette for our home changes quite frequently [shocker] and right now I am all about the rustic, whimsy, chic look, while including lots of exposed wood. I've been on an exposed beams kick for awhile and love checking out home decor that plays off that feel. Below is one of my most recent dream boards and it is everything I could dream for my one day home. Combining the masculinity of the wood and the femininity of the colors really set my heart a flutter.

What are your home decor dreams right now? Anything trending in your neck of the woods? How did you pick out your theme for your home? What didn't work?
linking up here
April 1, 2015
Betcha Didn't Know
***Before we get to my post today I just want to put out into the universe I am so thankful those I care and love are safe and sound. If you're in the NOVA area you'll have heard about the crazy inmate that escaped from a local hospital and wrecked havoc yesterday. The hospital is about ten minutes from where my parents live and wouldn't you know the suspect fled to their community. The second car that was stolen was off their street and the suspect fled through the woods three houses down from where I grew up. Talk about scary! Esepcially knowing Mama B was home alone. Thankfully the suspect fled to DC and was apprehended in the afternoon, due to the diligence of the police and someone paying attention to social media. No one was injured and I'm so thankful. So.incredibly.THANKFUL***
Betcha didn't know... that I did sideline reporting for a public access channel righto out of college. I wanted to go in to sports broadcasting but didn't have enough experience in college to land an internship. However, a work college did public access and I worked with him for a year until my job said it was a conflict of interest. So, I quit.
Betcha didn't know... that decision still haunts me. #didntgiveitmyall
Betcha didn't know... I can be incredibly shy when I first meet people. I used to be incredibly outgoing all the time, but since college I've become much more of a shy personality at first meet. It now takes me a bit of time to warm up in a big group, but once I'm comfortable I won't stop talking ;)!
Betcha didn't know... we're moving to Alaska. #bringonthemountains #andtheviews
Betcha didn't know... that my left hip is more flexible than my right hip. Don't know why that is, but my pigeon pose is quite different on each side of my body. I need to work double time to stretch that right hip out with more yoga.
Betcha didn't know... I can follow a recipe to a T, but can't boil rice on the stove. I burn it every.single.time. Or don't cook it enough. Le Husband is so thankful for the rice cooker we were gifted for a wedding present. #hecksoamI
Betcha didn't know... I was better at the power apparatus events [vault, floor] than beam and bars. Poise and flexibility are not my strong points so quick and powerful vaults or energetic floor routines were where I excelled.
Betcha didn't know... my dad had twitter before I did. #truestory
Betcha didn't know... I played the Stringed Bass from middle school through high school. Yes, that is the standup up instrument in orchestras and yes lil five foot nothing Pinky carted it around for seven years. I started playing violin in six grade but didn't like the competition to be in the first section so I changed clefs from trebal to bass. #theremayhavebeenacuteboyinvolved #theyneededanotherbassists #madesymphonicorchestramyfreshmanyear
Betcha didn't know... I'm allergic cats and a malaria prevention medication. Kitty cats make my eyes water like no other so I'm a dog person. I had a pretty serious reaction to malarone back in 2008, right before I traveled to Brazil for a mission trip. It had me leaving in the middle of soccer game and heading to the ER. Luckily Benadryl in the ER fixed the problem but I had less than 24 hours to get a new prescription. #stressed
Betcha didn't know... at work I have one of my computers set to left-hand mode even though I'm right handed. I have two separate computers on two different networks and my right hand used to get so tired, so I switched one to left handed. Now I'm as proficient on my left hand as I am on my right, woohoo.
linking up *here* *here* and *here*
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Inspiration found *here*. |
Betcha didn't know... that I did sideline reporting for a public access channel righto out of college. I wanted to go in to sports broadcasting but didn't have enough experience in college to land an internship. However, a work college did public access and I worked with him for a year until my job said it was a conflict of interest. So, I quit.
Betcha didn't know... that decision still haunts me. #didntgiveitmyall
Betcha didn't know... I can be incredibly shy when I first meet people. I used to be incredibly outgoing all the time, but since college I've become much more of a shy personality at first meet. It now takes me a bit of time to warm up in a big group, but once I'm comfortable I won't stop talking ;)!
Betcha didn't know... we're moving to Alaska. #bringonthemountains #andtheviews
Betcha didn't know... that my left hip is more flexible than my right hip. Don't know why that is, but my pigeon pose is quite different on each side of my body. I need to work double time to stretch that right hip out with more yoga.
Betcha didn't know... I can follow a recipe to a T, but can't boil rice on the stove. I burn it every.single.time. Or don't cook it enough. Le Husband is so thankful for the rice cooker we were gifted for a wedding present. #hecksoamI
Betcha didn't know... I was better at the power apparatus events [vault, floor] than beam and bars. Poise and flexibility are not my strong points so quick and powerful vaults or energetic floor routines were where I excelled.
Betcha didn't know... my dad had twitter before I did. #truestory
Betcha didn't know... I played the Stringed Bass from middle school through high school. Yes, that is the standup up instrument in orchestras and yes lil five foot nothing Pinky carted it around for seven years. I started playing violin in six grade but didn't like the competition to be in the first section so I changed clefs from trebal to bass. #theremayhavebeenacuteboyinvolved #theyneededanotherbassists #madesymphonicorchestramyfreshmanyear
Betcha didn't know... I'm allergic cats and a malaria prevention medication. Kitty cats make my eyes water like no other so I'm a dog person. I had a pretty serious reaction to malarone back in 2008, right before I traveled to Brazil for a mission trip. It had me leaving in the middle of soccer game and heading to the ER. Luckily Benadryl in the ER fixed the problem but I had less than 24 hours to get a new prescription. #stressed
Betcha didn't know... at work I have one of my computers set to left-hand mode even though I'm right handed. I have two separate computers on two different networks and my right hand used to get so tired, so I switched one to left handed. Now I'm as proficient on my left hand as I am on my right, woohoo.
linking up *here* *here* and *here*
March 30, 2015
Spring Cleaning Switcharoo
Hello there, darlings, how are you today? I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready to face the week. I had a wonderful, busy weaken and am ready to rock this Monday out.
This weekend I. . .
… enjoyed an amazing celebratory feast with my fabulous friend, D, on Friday night. I've known her since I was nine and we've stayed friends all these years. She was part of my wedding ceremony and was instrumental in my bridal shower, too. We love finding yummy restaurants and she's an even bigger foodie than me. She suggested hitting up Green Pig Bistro and it was a divine dinner with some awesome company. And guess what, I didn't get too sick, woohooo!!
… wore a fun new outfit courtesy of Loft, Target and KS.
… decided Saturday morning that it was time to do some spring cleaning. Which somehow turned into completely rearranging our kitchen and part of our living room. Cheers to starting the spring with a new, clean layout.
… ran errands and dropped my car of for an oil change and inspection. Sassy runs so much better now.
… drove out to visit a dear friend from high school and her precious lil baby girl. It was so wonderful catching up after way too long and just hanging out with this precious lil one. Their home is Pinterest perfect and she actually had a bunch of things in her home I have pinned which was awesome to see in real life. We had a great time, some wine [!], healthy snacks and lots of fun with her sweet daughter.
… came home and ate dinner with Le Husband then fell asleep watching basketball.
… woke up a lil late, but still made it to Palm Sunday service. I love starting the week with praise, which of course is followed by passion as we enter Holy Week.
… ate a delicious breakfast cooked by Le Husband. Our first meal in our new lil nook.
… placed the final touches on our new corner. So happy to have our new canvases up!
… took a glorious nap during the Caps game. Even though I didn't get sick from my celebratory meal, I can tell my food has changed because I've felt so sluggish over the weekend. Back at it on Monday.
… did a test run for Easter lunch on Sunday. #sotasty #Lehusbandissocool
… put the finishing touches on our buffet that is now in the kitchen and not the living room. I loved where it was previously but this change has already grown on me. We also finally hung our last name letters which look amazing above the buffet.
… felt so happy with our newly rearranged kitchen. Everything is so organized and I love our shelves. Le Husband is going to build a new island for some extra space and I can't wait to see how it all comes together.
… played in a 9pm soccer game and scored two goals. #hollaataballa
How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun or any spring cleaning?!?!
Linking up with these beautiful ladies < 3
March 4, 2015
February 5, 2015
Loving Lately
Morning, ladies. It's almost Friday, woohoo! Today I'm sharing some of my favorites from the past month. Some are new things, some are rediscovered things and some are just fun things, haha. Here's what I've been loving lately.
Our new, matching lamps. After months of mismatching lamps, Le Husband and I finally agreed on some we found at Target and I love the look they give our room. We had to hit two different stores, but one of them ended up being on sale so it was worth it. The room is so much brighter and the paintings accent the lamp bases which brings the room together.
A few years ago I jumped on the Benefit train. Many bloggers mentioned High Beam so I bought me a bottle and started using it. However, after a few months I lost my bottle [sad face] but didn't choose to restock it. Well guess what, I found it and am in love again. It's not the cheapest product but I love the dewy glow it gives my skin.
This tweet by Emma Watson. Girls rule…don't let the dudes keep you down.
The Trivia Crack app is my new favorite toy. Y'all this app is straight up crack, I love playing it, even when I lose. I've been playing my sisters constantly and it's so much fun.
My new bread maker. Homegirl is the bombdotcom. I doubt I'll be buying bread ever again. I've only made two loaves, but can't wait to try random recipes. Hoping to tweak a paleo bread recipe soon, too. If it turns out well, I'll be sure to share it with y'all.
Coconut oil. Not only is it awesome to cook with, coconut oil is my favorite lotion in the winter. Yes, I said lotion. It is the best for dry skin, I love slathering it on after a shower, which is why I keep a jar in our bathroom. If you're suffering from dry skin, I suggest you try coconut oil instead of lotion, but that's just me.
Valentine's day cards. I love, love and Valentine's day is a wonderful day to celebrate all the people you love. I stocked up on cards for grandparents, family and of course, Le Husband the other day and I can't wait to send them out this week. YAY, LOVE! < 3
What are you loving lately, friends?
Linking up with *kristin* and *annie*
Our new, matching lamps. After months of mismatching lamps, Le Husband and I finally agreed on some we found at Target and I love the look they give our room. We had to hit two different stores, but one of them ended up being on sale so it was worth it. The room is so much brighter and the paintings accent the lamp bases which brings the room together.
A few years ago I jumped on the Benefit train. Many bloggers mentioned High Beam so I bought me a bottle and started using it. However, after a few months I lost my bottle [sad face] but didn't choose to restock it. Well guess what, I found it and am in love again. It's not the cheapest product but I love the dewy glow it gives my skin.
Random, just because flowers. Le Husband keeps me on my toes and he brought these beauties home just last week. They are still blooming and bringing me joy everyday.
This tweet by Emma Watson. Girls rule…don't let the dudes keep you down.
The Trivia Crack app is my new favorite toy. Y'all this app is straight up crack, I love playing it, even when I lose. I've been playing my sisters constantly and it's so much fun.
My new bread maker. Homegirl is the bombdotcom. I doubt I'll be buying bread ever again. I've only made two loaves, but can't wait to try random recipes. Hoping to tweak a paleo bread recipe soon, too. If it turns out well, I'll be sure to share it with y'all.
Coconut oil. Not only is it awesome to cook with, coconut oil is my favorite lotion in the winter. Yes, I said lotion. It is the best for dry skin, I love slathering it on after a shower, which is why I keep a jar in our bathroom. If you're suffering from dry skin, I suggest you try coconut oil instead of lotion, but that's just me.
Valentine's day cards. I love, love and Valentine's day is a wonderful day to celebrate all the people you love. I stocked up on cards for grandparents, family and of course, Le Husband the other day and I can't wait to send them out this week. YAY, LOVE! < 3
What are you loving lately, friends?
Linking up with *kristin* and *annie*
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