Dear Rude Dude at the Post Office,
Homie, take a CHILL PILL! There is NO reason to act SO RUDELY to the post office worker. She was doing her job and doing it well from what I saw. When she offers you a faster service it is because she is TRYING to help you or that's PART of her job spiel! You seriously need to remove whatever stick is up your hiney and learn to be a nicer person. I promise your life will be MUCH happier when you stop being rude!
Sincerely, A disgusted onlooker
Dear Poor Post Office Lady,
I am SO SORRY for that rude guy you had to deal with. He must not have a very happy life don't you think?!?! There was NO reason for him to treat you the way he did, everything I saw you doing was to help him. I hope that me telling you to have a good day and acknowledging what a jerk he was helped your day a little bit. Keep up the good work, we like and need the Post Office!
Big Smile, A sympathetic Post Office Fan
Dear Bank of America,
HOKAY, ya'll are on my S$*# list right now. WTFrick is up with the new $5 charge a month for USING MY OWN DEBIT CARD!?!? Suuuuriously ya'll?!?!? I have sung your praises to all my friends because I really really really like your service and you have NEVER disappointed me in the past.! A-R-E.Y-O-U.K-I-D-D-I-N-G?! This chick is gonna take out money every week and then use checks until I can find another bank because your CEO stinks! Truly, I can smell him all the way here in DC. Please take this back I don't wanna deal with bank change drama.
Unhappily yours for now, A VERY unhappy customer
Dear Tenant in Apartment #1 and her friend,
Please stop parking ILLEGALLY in the parking lot. I understand it's a PAIN to share one parking spot but gollywolly the REST of us do it. Get off your lazy behind and PARK ON THE STREET like everyone else. It's not more than 200 steps and I did it for 4 YEARS with my gym bag, purse, lunch bag and plenty of other bags. I THINK you can make it. Oh and do I need to teach you to read? Because I'm PRETTY SURE our landlord printed a page about parking policies and POSTED it yesterday. If you need lessons I'll be happy to oblige. FYI: I am making copies of this page and it WILL be put on your windshield EVERY.TIME you decide to park incorrectly. You are not only an inconvenience you are just being lazy and rude.
Get your ACT TOGETHER, a fellow tenant
Dear Kickerball teammates,
We leave for Vegas next week to compete for A CASH PRIZE! Get your hineys to practice tomorrow so we are READY and so we can WIN! I KNOW people have obligations (weddings, trips, family, blah blah) but watching a football game {I DON'T CARE if the tickets are free}, not wanting to play in the cold, wanting to sleep in and just being Layyy to the Z does NOT warrant not coming to practice. I didn't dish out all of this DINERO to come back not making a good run (FINAL FOUR IS A MUST) and I am doing my part. YOU BEST MAKE SURE YOU ARE DOING YOURS!!!! DON'T FLAKE!
BE THERE OR BE SQUARE, your teammate!
Dear Company I work for,
Keep your ish together so I CAN go on my awesome trip to Vegas. This has been planned since last year and I need TO GO!!! This is not just for fun, I have people COUNTING on me to be there. I have done EVERYTHING I can and am suppose to so please keep up your end of the bargain.
Don't let me down, Your employee
Dear Vegas,
Living in fear and anticipation, A very excited tourist
Dear Disney,
Thank you for making such amazing movies! I love ya'll ever so much
Love your #1 Fan
Dear C,
HI lover bug, I can't tell you how excited I am to go to Vegas with you. It's gonna be the bomb diggity. There isn't ANYONE ELSE (expect you Babyspice) I would rather hang out with in Vegas. You have done an awesome job booking tickets and getting that super sweet deal on our hotel. I know we will have a blast and I look forward to falling even more in love with you and WINNING with you next week.
You have my heart, your meat head aka honey
Dear Bloggers,
Have a great weekend! Lovers you!
A happy reader and friend, PINKY!

September 30, 2011
September 29, 2011
It's Okay & What I'm Playin
Linky Party Thursday!!!!!
First up Miss Neely for:
First up Miss Neely for:

....It's Okay....
...That I almost had a heart attack during the Cowboys vs Redskins game...
...To not care that we only won by kicking all field goals, A WIN IS A WIN...
...To have posted SHAMELESSLY about the win...I would have gotten it 324803 times as bad if we had lost...
...That I rocked my Cowboys gear shamelessly last week and on Monday and Tuesday...
...That my Facebook status has consisted of Dallas Cowboys and the reunion of Sportyspice and BlackOps...
...To have smack talked all game on Tuesday because my soccer team played a bunch of whiney, horrible, B#($*#)!!!...
...To be EXTREMLY frustrated because someone flaked on our Vegas trip...
...To plan on shamelessly begging my hairstylist for a color, cut and HIGHLIGHTS. Even though I truly only have time for a cut and color...
...To be CAHRAVING sweets because I'm on a get fit diet for Vegas...
...To be super excited/nervous for my first blog swap! I hope my person likes her gifts!!!...
...That I look forward to this post every week...
Next up Miss Sarah for:

Ya'll have to learn this dance for your next much fun!
Kiss me thru the Phone: Soulja Boy {tell em}
Sportyspice and I ADORE this song and when we were packing last week she made me cd including this song. It's been on repeat {678triple98212}
Crazy Possessive: Kaci Battaglia
Along the same lines as Soulja Boy and oldie but a goodie!
Viva Las Vegas: Elvis Presley
This chick and her man are heading to VEGASVEGAS next week and I'm already singing this in my head!
September 28, 2011

Happy Wednesday ya'll! I'm linking up again with Jaimie for What I'm Loving Wednesday! Come join in the fun :)
{one}I AM LOVING THAT BLACKOPS and SportySpice got to see each other yesterday after...9 MONTHS apart!!!! He is back on R&R so they get to spend the week together yay! For some the whole recap post go *here*!!!

I don't mean to offend anyone, but it's THAT SERIOUS being a Cowboys fan here in DC
{three}I am Loving this lil guy named Deebo! My bffer T got him 5 months ago and he is sooo totes presh

{four}I am LOVING the fact that next week I will be in VEGAS with my lover bear, BabySpice and my Kickerball team!!!! I can't WAIT!!! (please pray my company keeps it's ish together so this trip happens! pretty pretty please, thanks)
Last year we did a quick whirlwind trip and didn't get to see very much of VEGAS! This time we're doing it right and getting out there early and planning fun things!
I can't WAIT x 2 because my good friend LA lives out there, WHOOP WHOOP!!! Last time we visted her I forgot to take a picture, so this is what I created...I'm a moron!

{five}I am loving all of the fun inside jokes my family has. I know everyone says this but my family totally rocks and we are goobers at the same time. Suuuriously all of the inside jokes we have around Disney Movies is TRULY SCARY!
{six}I am loving my new purse, the fall Essie line (rocking Power clutch on the tootsies and hands, thank you mani/pedi) and the Caramel Salted Mocha a la Starbucks. I'm not on the fall bandwagon yet, but getting closer!
{seven}I'm loving that I'll be gettin my hurrrr did tomorrow! I am in desperate need of a dark fall chocolate brown before Vegas!!!
{eight}Yup I'm still loving this hottie-bo-bottie! Can't wait to be in Vegas with you honeybear! Love love love!
Have a FABULOUS Wednesday Ya'll!!!
{one}I AM LOVING THAT BLACKOPS and SportySpice got to see each other yesterday after...9 MONTHS apart!!!! He is back on R&R so they get to spend the week together yay! For some the whole recap post go *here*!!!
{two}I am Loving that my Dallas Cowboys won on Monday Night Football against those deadskins! It was a ugly ugly game, but at least we won!

I don't mean to offend anyone, but it's THAT SERIOUS being a Cowboys fan here in DC

{three}I am Loving this lil guy named Deebo! My bffer T got him 5 months ago and he is sooo totes presh

{four}I am LOVING the fact that next week I will be in VEGAS with my lover bear, BabySpice and my Kickerball team!!!! I can't WAIT!!! (please pray my company keeps it's ish together so this trip happens! pretty pretty please, thanks)

Last year we did a quick whirlwind trip and didn't get to see very much of VEGAS! This time we're doing it right and getting out there early and planning fun things!

I can't WAIT x 2 because my good friend LA lives out there, WHOOP WHOOP!!! Last time we visted her I forgot to take a picture, so this is what I created...I'm a moron!

{five}I am loving all of the fun inside jokes my family has. I know everyone says this but my family totally rocks and we are goobers at the same time. Suuuriously all of the inside jokes we have around Disney Movies is TRULY SCARY!
{six}I am loving my new purse, the fall Essie line (rocking Power clutch on the tootsies and hands, thank you mani/pedi) and the Caramel Salted Mocha a la Starbucks. I'm not on the fall bandwagon yet, but getting closer!
{seven}I'm loving that I'll be gettin my hurrrr did tomorrow! I am in desperate need of a dark fall chocolate brown before Vegas!!!
{eight}Yup I'm still loving this hottie-bo-bottie! Can't wait to be in Vegas with you honeybear! Love love love!

Have a FABULOUS Wednesday Ya'll!!!
September 27, 2011
Cowboys WIN!!!!
WHOOP WHOOP! They did it, they did it, they DID IT!!! Yup, my Boys are 2-1...tied with the Giants and the Skins in the NFC East....HOLLAHOLLAHOLLA!!
I mean thank goodness. The game was UGLY UGLY UGLY!!! My Boys couldn't even SCORE a TOUCHDOWN!!!! Yup all Field Goals! But oh well, as they say in sports a WIN IS A WIN! And MAN DOES IT FEEL GOOD!! Skins fans can't say shizzle about their team now! Whoop!

I was very impressed with Romo's performance last night. He was playing with a broken rib and definetly looked like he was in pain the whole game. He PEELED himself off the ground a few times, but never gave up. There's a really funny article called "It's cool to be a Romosexual again!" Say WHAT!?!?! Not sure I'm a Romosexual yet, but I was proud of him last night.
Excerpt from a Fox Sports article here
"""Tony Romo's broken rib hurt so much he needed a second pain-killing injection. His center had a tendency to snap the ball too soon or to the wrong spot. And he couldn't get into the end zone no matter what, not even with a first down on the 2-yard line.
Yet Romo and the Dallas Cowboys did the only thing that mattered. They won.
Dan Bailey kicked six field goals, including a go-ahead 40-yarder with 1:52 left, and linebacker Anthony Spencer forced a fumble that teammate Sean Lee recovered with 28 seconds left, giving the Cowboys an 18-16 victory over the Washington Redskins on Monday night.
''It feels good right now because we won,'' Romo said, smiling and wincing. ''I'll be all right.''
Romo was 22 of 36 for 255 yards. His best stat was simply lasting all four quarters. """"
Yet Romo and the Dallas Cowboys did the only thing that mattered. They won.
Dan Bailey kicked six field goals, including a go-ahead 40-yarder with 1:52 left, and linebacker Anthony Spencer forced a fumble that teammate Sean Lee recovered with 28 seconds left, giving the Cowboys an 18-16 victory over the Washington Redskins on Monday night.
''It feels good right now because we won,'' Romo said, smiling and wincing. ''I'll be all right.''
Romo was 22 of 36 for 255 yards. His best stat was simply lasting all four quarters. """"
Great stuff BOYS, now keep it up next week!
I can't do anything but smile...or maybe cry when I look at this picture
After 9 months of being apart and multiple consecutive days of not being able to talk to each other BlackOps and SportySpice were reunited yesterday. She has been looking forward to this day for SOOO LONG and I am so happy it went well!
BlackOps meeting his niece for the first time, how precious is this?!??!?
She texted me these pictures Monday afternoon at work and ya'll I about started bawling like a baby in my cubicle. NO JOKE! My heart was totally in my throat and I couldn't keep the tears from falling. I am just so THANKFUL he has been safe so far and that everything worked out well for that special airplane moment!!! Praise be to GOD!!!
The beautiful and happy couple!!!
Dear BlackOps and SportySpice,
I Love you both SOOOO MUCH! I am so happy, ecstatic, thankful, and am praising God you are getting a week together. Enjoy this special time and don't worry about anything. Thank you for the sacrifices you both are making to serve our country! LOVELOVELOVELOVE!
September 26, 2011

That's right ya'll my lil blog has her FIRST award! Sweet sweet Holly over at eight.six.eleven tagged me and made my day! I am so excited and humbled someone thought my blog was good enough for an award.
Here are the rules for the award.
Rule #1: Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
Rule #2: Share seven things about yourself:
For Love of a Cupcake
My Vickiliious Life
Run With Me
BEAUtiful Mess
Enthusiastic Bitz of Life
Everyday Ashley
Fit with Flash
Thank you again Holly!!!
1. I am an uber independent chica but I always ask my daddy's advice before any big changes (car, apartment, house, something breaks) I still think my daddy is Superman!!!
2. Despite the fact I LOVE P!NK I am a very big tomboy, especially when it comes to sports and smack talk.
3. I HATE feet with a passion, serioulsy gross.
4. This chick has never been to a Hobby Lobby. They don't have them in NOVA...but there might be one soooon!
5. People constantly think I am the youngest out of my 2 sisters (despite being the oldest by 3 and 4.5 years). I often get mistaken for still being in high school.
6. I still sleep with a special puppy stuffed animal
7. I have traveled to 3 of the 7 continents.
Rule #3: Pass the award on to 15 bloggers that you have recently discovered: Okay, I don't have 15 but these are the NEW everyday reads!
For Love of a Cupcake
My Vickiliious Life
Run With Me
BEAUtiful Mess
Enthusiastic Bitz of Life
Everyday Ashley
Fit with Flash
September 25, 2011
Weekend Recap
Hello and Happy Monday ya'll! It's DALLAS COWBOYS MONDAY WOOT WOOT!!! My Boys better get it done tonight or I will be one unhappy chillin tomorrow.
SPIRIT WEEK HERE AT WORK! Okay not really, I just wanted to wear my jersey! ( love the comments I get at work. When I walked by to get mail, I heard "She's ballsy"...DAMN STRAIGHT, DON'T MESS)
SPIRIT WEEK HERE AT WORK! Okay not really, I just wanted to wear my jersey! ( love the comments I get at work. When I walked by to get mail, I heard "She's ballsy"...DAMN STRAIGHT, DON'T MESS)
I hope ya'll had a great weekend, because I sure did. It was super fun and crazy business as usual. Full weekends wear me out and guess who had an 11pm game last night, yep this girl. I'm guessing I'll get some sleep on Wednesday night. Thank goodness for the gym!
Anyway, the weekend started Friday because I got to QC THIS video! Oh give my family so many wonderful lines to repeat! Thank you thank you thank you Disney!
I think I got someone else's fortune for lunch!
Me and my Coworker wore COWBOYS gear to work since we live in deadskins country! I am so lucky to have such an awesome coworker and friend!
Friday night consisted of helping sweet SportySpice pack for her adventure to see BlackOps! That's right he's coming home soon and she is so excited. Girls are so funny, we must have put together 3423425 bazillion outfits for the short time they have together. And of COURSE we took funny pictures!
Saturday we got mani/pedis (holla at ESSIE Power Clutch) and then she finished getting everything set to leave on Sunday! As you read this she is WAITING to find out when he lands, I am SOOOO EXITED FOR THOSE TWO!!!
Anyway, then I head down to visit my BFFer from college Miss T! I supported her local police department by attending a PIG ROAST party! $25 buckaroos for all you can drink (beer no helpful para mi) eat (THE FOOD WAS INSANE) and boogie down all night to the super awesome jams of the DJ(her main man)! I went last year and it was a blasty and this year did not disappoint. Our friend F came down too and that just ADDED to the awesomeness!
Anyway, then I head down to visit my BFFer from college Miss T! I supported her local police department by attending a PIG ROAST party! $25 buckaroos for all you can drink (beer no helpful para mi) eat (THE FOOD WAS INSANE) and boogie down all night to the super awesome jams of the DJ(her main man)! I went last year and it was a blasty and this year did not disappoint. Our friend F came down too and that just ADDED to the awesomeness!
Since her man was the DJ and it was his bday T got him this awesome looking carrot cake to share!!!
She and a friend also made this cake!!!!
I also got to party with this sweet girl, T's godchild! She was soooo precious and really good with all of the loud noise!
One of the Department's guys is in Afghanistan so they created a cardboard cutout and made him his OWN lil table. It was really sweet (you know how ANYTHING military gets to me) and they had him by the dance floor. Well wouldn't you know these two girls decided he should be part of the fun!?!?!!
T, F and ME!
Ya'll know the bootycall (no not that kind, keep it clean)!?! The bootycall dance! It is hands down one of my FAVORITE line dances ever. But I only hear it down in the MD!!! Does anyone else know this dance? Do yourself a favor and Youtube it!!!! I am a HUGE line dancer btws! All my friends KNOW where to find me if there's a line dancing song on.
We ended the party kind of early, but that's because we started so early. Champagne, Crown&Coke will really hit you. So F and I went back to T's place and hung out while she helped clean up (she's a lil sweetie). F decided to make some awesome drunk sandwiches and I played with this PRECIOUS GUY!!!!
Surrriously ya'll this guy is to DIE for. His name is Deebo and he is 5 months old. Such a precious lil piece of fur! I love love love him! I think I wanna get one now....Hey Miss Jess any pointers on Yorkies?!?!?!
I straight passed out after everyone got home and got some awesome bunk bed sleep! We got up early in the morning, kicked it around made bfast and then I had to drive home. It was a super awesome time and I always LOVE seeing my BFFER!!!! I am soooo sad we don't live together anymore and now live in different states, but it's always amazeballs when we get to hang out
I went into straight CLEANUP mode when I got home because ya'll it was a DIS.AS.TER!!!!! I was able to break in my steam cleaner mop thing (like the shark) and it's the bombdiggity. I love how fresh and so clean clean my place is now....sigh!!!!
Not so happy about this though :(! While cleaning I broke this SUPER awesome decorative ash tray (no i don't smoke I said decorative)! I think it's past the point of no return and I'm bummed!
PHEW, that's a long recap, congrats if you made it through. I am on pins and needles all day waiting to hear from SportySPICE! BlackOps R&R is soooooooo close!!!!! And I received my first BLOG award (thank you holly) which I'll post later today!!! Hope Monday treats you well friends!!
September 23, 2011
Surriously ladies, thank goodness it's almost the weekend. Totes reads as the youngin's say these days! Today was fallish weather and as desperately as I DON'T want cold weather I am excited for fall because that means FOOTBALL!!!! NFL FOOTBALL! MY DALLAS COWBOYS FOOTBALL!!!
Surriously ladies, thank goodness it's almost the weekend. Totes reads as the youngin's say these days! Today was fallish weather and as desperately as I DON'T want cold weather I am excited for fall because that means FOOTBALL!!!! NFL FOOTBALL! MY DALLAS COWBOYS FOOTBALL!!!
I am so excited the NFL is back. Jigga what you say?!!?!? Lil Miss PINK EVERYTHING watches football?!?!? You're darn tootin' I watch.(hahah toot). Mi papa was born in Texas and therefore the three sissys were raised loving America's Team aka the Dallas Cowboys! I have cheered for them for as long as I can remember. Some of my favorite memories were being young and having tons of people over for the Super Bowls in the 90s. So, yeah, the Superbowls where the Cowboys WON WON WON!

My hero's were Emmitt Smith, Deion Sanders (once he was born again and not into drugs) Jimmy Johnson and the man my youngself planned to marry Troy Aikman. Seriously, I wrote out Mrs. Troy Aikman when I was bored in school. He totally broke my lil heart when he got married. *#*#Sidenote: I JUST googled him and lo and behold he got divorced this year. Now I am NOT making light of his situation because I know how hard that must of been but maybe my dream will come true?!?!? Texas ladies hook.a.girl.up*#*#
Anyway, backontrackjack! Am so excited because fall means a NEW season and I wanna see my COWBOYS dominate! However, things did NOT start out very well. Ugh don't get me started. I can't believe we LOST the way we did against the Jets. (I didn't have a complete meltdown because it was a NY team on 9/11 which I thought was fitting in a way). But surrriously Tony Romo Imma come and find you and KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO YOU! I've never played football in my life and I would never make the bonehead plays you do! UGH! Drive me nuts I tell you!
Hopefully Jason Garrett can bring my team back together and to our glory days. I am SOOO tired of being the butt of jokes, especially here in the DC area. Yep, I live in the heart of redskins aka deadskins territory and man is it annoying. It would probably be better if I wasn't such a talker and if I didn't RUN my mouth all the time. (Pinky a smack talker...WHAAAAT) Yeah it's true, just ask my boy C! He is the complete opposite of me, let the team performance do the talking instead of ME!!! BOOO BORING right?!?!? I wear my Cowboys gear with PRIDE any chance I get knowing I'll get some comment.
And it's alwaaaaaaaaaaaaays the "are you a band wagon fan" "have you even been to Texas" "how long have you been cheering for them" BLAH BLAH BLAH! I can't stand it. But once I drop the "I was born there and my dad raised me on them so I've been cheering since 1990" they usually shut up. Then it's "we beat you how many times" blah blah aggrevation I tell you!
It's good in the hood though cause THESE stats don't lie!!!!!
I try to spread my Dallas lurve where ever I can. I have a jersey, braclet, workout gear, pants, shorts, tees, a jacket and multiple hats. I can't tell you how awesome it is to see other Dallas fans in the area. I am the first one to shout to a stranger "How bout Dem Boys"!!! I have made multiple friends and twice as many enemies at my gym when I wear my Dallas gear. The BEST in the world is when we kick their butts! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let it happen twice this year. That is what I want for Christmas Santa, help a chick out!.
I hope this happens ALL NIGHT MONDAY!
MORE STATS in case you needed them!
I hope ya'll have a great weekend and tune in on Monday to the game. Only if you are cheering for my team though!
September 22, 2011
It's OK * What I'm Playing * MAKEOVER --
HAPPY MAKEOVER TO ME!!!! Special thanks and love to Miss Jenn at Munchkin Land Designs. She was an ABSOLUTE DOLL to work with throughout the whole process. Surriously I had SOO many questions and preferences and she created this amazing design, which is so much better than I expected. If you want a blog lift, check out her site now, I PROMISE with a cherry on top that you WON'T be disappointed.
***RIP Old header. I love my new design, but am a little sad to see the old header and design go. It was my first attempt in blog creation and while I definitely will leave it to the pros (JENN you rock), I am proud of what I created. Thanks lil bloggy you served me so well!***
Now, onto Thursday link ups. First it's over to Neely's for:

It's Okay......
...that I am stoked about my design. I know it's super pink and girlie to the max but I LOVE IT!!!!...
...that I am not going to my soccer game tonight... be late to work all week. I promise next week I'll be back on track, it's just been soooooo rainy here!!!...! feel utterly and completely IN LOVE with C and still be in that happy bubble where 'nothing' can touch us... STILL be wishing for warm weather, fall me no likey... 'QUALITY CHECK' every Disney movie we have at work...hey, someones got to do it. And SO WHAT if I watch the same 3 more than once... pray to God that the Cowboys beat the deadskins this Monday night. SUUURRRIOUSLY might kill my team if they don't,
...that C has NO IDEA that I blog. Only 3 people know, is that weird?... already be stressing about a blog swap thingy I am participating in. Gulp what if my gift sucks and they all hate me?!?!...
Now on to Miss Sarah Elizabeth's for:

"Just a Kiss" Lady Antebellum *Loving their new songs*
"American Honey" Lady Antebellum *Early in our dating C told me this song made him thing of precious!*
"All I Wanna Do" Sugarland *C and I both LOVE this song*
"Stuck Like Glue" Sugarland *Our song*
"Giddy on Up" Laura Bell Bundy *Not in my theme but soo fun!*
I know these are much older songs, but they mirror where I feel in life! Hope ya'll have a fabulous day!
September 21, 2011
Get the FUNK outta here
Yeah I said it...what?!?!? I was all set to write a funktastic post about all of the millions of things WRONG with my life at the moment. Yep, it was a H*U*G*E pity party post and rant and I was gunning for it. Grey cloud and everything, even though I had just written a happy "What I'm Loving" post. Screw that nonsense, I am ticked/scare/upset/and OVER IT and was ready to let the world know.
Enter He who is greater and more knowing than I, my blessed Father, God. He KNEW I needed help and sent me sweet surprises and happiness today, when I needed it most. I have been amazed ALL DAY by His Grace, His Love and the examples He sent me to say "Sweet child, all is well, I am with you and you are LOVED"!
I was greeted this morning by a voicemail from this PRECIOUS PRECIOUS CHILD! Yep he called me!!!!!
Enter He who is greater and more knowing than I, my blessed Father, God. He KNEW I needed help and sent me sweet surprises and happiness today, when I needed it most. I have been amazed ALL DAY by His Grace, His Love and the examples He sent me to say "Sweet child, all is well, I am with you and you are LOVED"!
I was greeted this morning by a voicemail from this PRECIOUS PRECIOUS CHILD! Yep he called me!!!!!

Okay well HE didn't call me but his awesome Mama did and let him speak to me. Apparently he saw a picture of me and said "pinky, here, home" which in big people language means "I want Aunt Pinky to come here to my home now"! BREAK MY HEART I almost cried. There is NOTHING in the world better than hearing a child you care so much about say your name and request your presence. I couldn't STOP smiling the rest of the morning. I am soooo excited to see him in 2 weekends, he literally melts my heart. Thank you sweet Lord for such a precious angel on earth!
I got very little sleep last night and was running late AGAIN! And ya'll know what that means....45 second shower, no time to do hair or make up and lucky for me JEANS and tennis to work. You always KNOW when I don't have time to do my hair because it goes UP! Thankfully my makeup helped hide my nasty tired face. I hate feeling I don't look as nice as I could or should, it really brings down my mood. But, wouldn't you know a COMPLETE stranger, whom I've never seen in the building told me today he 'Liked my hair up. It is a different and great look for you'! He was talking about this?!?!?
There were other kind and cheery things that came my way today, but those were the TOO that made the most impact on my mood. Of course, a girl still needs a little retail therapy right?!?!I am so thankful for Caramel Salted Mocha's, the new Essie nail polish line, a fun fall (but not pumpkin) scented candle and my new purse (from the weekend). I probably didn't need to spend the money I did but I am THANKFUL I am blessed enough to enjoy the extravagance.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for your LOVE and understanding. I truly do not deserve Your grace and kneel in awe at all that You are. I was ready to pout and instead you sent me small reminders of Your love and of the LOVE that is in the world.
In your Almighty Name, Amen!Sweet readers I pray and hope that YOU have a great day today. If it's not, look for the small happy details in your life and strive to embrace them instead of the bad. I know that the days ahead are still going to be bumpy and draining, but I KNOW I'm not in it alone. And neither are you! xoxo
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