Here it is! After a few month's of downtime,Sluggisha is back in the house!This comp. represents the feelings we, as americans,feel collectively.All the music on here is exclusive to this comp.Some fine surprises are in store for all who download this.A visitor to my blog said this is another new genre of music, "TARCORE"! 2 bands on here ,haven't recorded for over a decade,but were brought back together for this comp.I am talking about FOSSIL FUEL and their tune "Leaky Pipe"(food fortunata and poopy necroponde a/k/a ,gun and knife),as well as TOUGHSKINS,with their brand of hate in,"Your Oi Oi Oil Spill Is Killing Our Oi Oi Oysters!",which is also funny as hell.Some new blood also showed up in the form of,GG OI-LIN with his little cover of the real GG's "Liquor Slicked Highway (Greyhound Bus Riding Man)",re -tooled here as "Oil Slicked Waterway (Poor Gulf Coast Fisherman)",bursting with joyous country/folk sounds.WILLIAM WESLEY AND THE TINY SOCKETS, a new artist to the Sluggisha family,brings us,from Pounding Mill,VA ,"Even Worse Now",sounding ,like much of his stuff does,a cross between the twee noise-pop stylings of Box Elder-era ,Pavement with Daniel Johnston on vocals.Another new arrival is BIG BLACK SCROTUM,and their bad trip psych tune,"Eat Your Family".THE STUPID DINOSAURS ,with their endearing little ditty,"Stupid Dinosaurs"is also a new band on the scene.Bringing the noise,in Black Metal form,is ,COUNT JERKULA,of Tarpon Springs,Fl,with his satanic funeral keyboard driven number,"Blackened Prophecy",and Ybor City's own,YBORATIT,with their blisteringly raw take on their vision of the oil spill,"It's At The Bottom",about,you know,where all the spilled oil went.Some bands from the "100 BANDS-POPEIL PUNK/K-TEL KORE"compilation,contributed as well.MC KING CORNDOG & DJ BLUE JELLO are back with a delightful hip hop tale of frying corndogs in the Gulf of Mexico.The satiric straightedge christian band,xFANTASTICHRISTx,comes on strong with their 2nd song ever,"If You Believe In God",and also BLACK ERNIE & THE OIL SPILL CLEAN-UP SQUAD,(a BLACK RANDY & THE METROSQUAD cover band),with,"Tellin' Lies",are holdovers from the 100 bands comp.There are also 2 songs from the effervescent,Z.A.T.H.,(whose new release should be out very soon!)"Plain As The Oil On Your Face",and "You Make My Mouth Taste Oily",will have your toes tapping in time to the tunes that Food & I ,lay down.LETTUCE VULTURES,another Food project from WHEELCHAIR FULL OF OLD MEN RECORDS,kicks in with their tard-pop stylings on,"Water Or Oil?".YOBEL WEENEL(my kids and I,new album out soon!) ,makes use of some old THREE STOOGES samples from the episode,"Oily To Bed,Oily To Rise",on their weird spacy,bassy anthem,"Erl,Irl,Url",bringing the zombie-rock sound to the people.And some old Sluggisha bands contributed some songs too!NOISEKILLR,goes right for the jugular of the collective conciousness of everyone in Florida,with,"Last Screams From The Everglades",THE BLOOD RED OSCARS,a premium tardcore band,with their latest recording,"BP Can't Clean Up The Gulf!",look for a new release from them as well ,soon!Finally,THE FOUR HEADS,with their little commercial jingle for all the hotels spread across the gulf beaches of our land,"Special Oil Spill Rates(Radio Jingle For Hotels Across The Gulf Coast)". And the samples that tie the songs together,are awesome and informative,and may contain information,you may not have heard about on your local evening news.Food did the fantastic cover art,everyone should have a t-shirt of it,and you'll see a card set for kids from BP,that talks about going green,saving energy,conservation,ya know,all the stuff that BP does the opposite of.Halliburton,Transocean,George Bush Jr.,Dick Cheney,Obama,and others are also directly responsible,and should not be given a free pass.This music is full of fury and hatred for the government,the system,and the politics of America.I do hope everyone out there gets some relief in the form of this recording.It was a lot of work,and i want to thank everyone who contributed,and everyone who downloads this!Enjoy it as much as I enjoyed putting it together for you,my faithful friends in the blogosphere.If you download this,please come back and drop a comment in the comments box.It means everything to me to get comments,cuz hardly anyone leaves any,and that's the only way I get any recognition or gratitude.Thanks,G O D.