Showing posts with label 1989. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1989. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

BOY TOY - Touch My Body 12"

Electronic body music known as "Belgian New Beat" ,back in 1989 on Kaos Records ,out of Belgium.Techno/disco ,grimy acid,slutty dungeon music ,whatever you want to call it ,this was a side project by the guys in Lords Of Acid.The chick on the cover looks like she needs a shave in the nether regions , side B is an instrumental version ,so you can karaoke to it!! I did not pay $7.49 at Vinyl Fever for this! Thrift store find!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


From the early('89) grunge era,from Seattle,produced by Steve Fisk,on green/black-peppered vinyl,on Fatbald records,this is a neat relic.Sounds good today,from Joel's discard pile,thanks pal! If not for you,I think some of this vinyl would still not be able to be found on the web!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

THE GRATEFUL GUS - I Gave My Life For The Grateful Gus

Great cover art,on this band of ex-Schultz members,Scott McHenry (of Boy In Love fame) and Steve Schultz (R.I.P.). More of their trademarked tardcore party songs. Recorded 1989-90.Lots of fun,this band!

SCHULTZ - Sifting Thru The Shit E.P.

From 1989,a 4 song e.p.,that reprise some of the hits from the 1st release,and some songs from their other band ,The Grateful Gus. Tardcore fun,you can't run!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

SOCKEYE - A Year In The Live

Compiled completely from live appearances,in the year 1989,mostly in Ohio,but I see a West Virginia gig listed ,as well.Sprinkled with interview segments(and live on radio songs!) from WCSB,with Mike Kole.There's a slew of songs here that Sockeye never officially recorded or released.There's a version of ,"Mushroom Gravy" ,here that sounds totally different than what eventually came out.A lot of bands are covered:MDC ,Fang,Scratch Acid,Butthole Surfers,CCR,Lynyrd Skynyrd,Ism,Flipper,GG Allin,Feederz,and Jimi Hendrix.A really cool document,of a really cool band.This was WC029,back in the good ole days.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

THE GRUNGY DUNGAREES -Working At The Black Label Brewery

The lost tape has been found! A former member of a band called,"Restaurant Sinks",from the 80's,in WA.,sent in the original tape,with a ton of great photos of Grungy Dungarees.The title comes ,apparently,from some of the band members working at the Black Label Brewery,in WA(also some photos of this place). The term ,"grunge",was appropriated from their name ,to designate the new scene.Altho' this was recorded in 1989,just before any grunge bands made it big.The band,members of which later went onto big fame,once again use fake monikers,totally different from the second album.This is a historical piece,and I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to Andy Sordid,for sending this treasure of a relic!Without him,no one would ever have heard this tape,as only a few copies were duped by band members,for close friends,with the stipulation,that it would not make it to the ears of the public.Internet searches turn up nothing on this band.Truly groundbreaking sounds,as Joe Walsh and The Stooges,are covered,along with swell originals.Culled from several recording sessions,at Jack Joe's Studio,in WA.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hanna -Barbera/Burger King Presents -A Christmas Sing-A-Long

A free giveaway cassette tape,xmas 1989,at Burger King.They were both pimpin' for your business,be it burgers,or a collection of Hanna-Barbers xmas videos,from which the songs on this were taken.In the zip there's a poster,the flip is a coloring/lyric sheet.Trad. version of ,Deck The Halls,with a funky/gospel ,almost James Brown -like, The Night Before Christmas.The best part is Fred Flintstone,announcing the tunes,and the couplet of 2 second advertisements,at the tail-end.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


The first single from these German folk,released in 1989,on X-Mist records.Weird Sonic Youth/Superchunk vibe I get from this.Kinda fits in with the alternative music of the 90's.Bizzare lyrics,about what,I don't know,but a lyric sheet is in the zip.They only did one more 7" split with another band,and 1 LP.Strangeness.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

PUSSY GALORE -Seattle 7"

Side a is "Seattle",a re-make of a Johnny Thunders and The Heartbreakers tune,"Little London Boys",pretty funny.The B side is an out-take from ,"Dial M For Motherfucker".Blank label boot on Blow Pop Records 1989.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

SOCKEYE-a bunch of straightedge fucks tried to ruin our fun...but failed!LIVE 6/3/89

an infamous show,from 1989,with the kings of dumb,sockeye!great 25 minute interview at the end,great early document.

Friday, December 4, 2009

WHAT WENT WRONG-everything and anything

a great unheard quartet from the brain fried region of tuscon,az.the intro tape manipulations are more effective with the cassette.just fine rockin' tunes and weird experimental stuff mixed in.the second half gets more adventurous and instrumental.the band is:gob awful-bass,michael henderson-guitar/vocals,melvin beastly-vocals/keys,and rat shit-drums/keys/guitars/vocals.from the glorious year of 1989,this is a classic ,20 years old!hopefully joel will give more info in the comments,as this came from his astounding collection of rarely heard bands.thanks joel!P.S.the original tape had no cover,just track lists.alt-punk,almost always reminds me of sluggisha's own cat machine and myopia,at various points.