this is everything ever recorded by the great american tardcore band,"crapola".only a dozen tunes from 2 sessions in and vance are here,but it's unclear who else took part,becuz there is no band listing,maybe vance remembers?anyway if neil young sang for a pickup tardcore bluegrass band from a mental home,and it was today,it would sound kinda like this.there are covers of the misfits and hawaiian war chant(of which i have compiled a 90 minute tape of many ,many versions ),as well as tubular originals.just lots of fun for us and now you."met a drunk driver",and"c'mon girl put on your pretty dress"should be hits in our alternate universe called sluggisha.really spacey and woozy,like a morning after drunk or that first of the greats in the tardcore world.don't eat stuff from circle k,you'll puke!get out your lap steel and join in!