Showing posts with label one fell swoop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label one fell swoop. Show all posts

Friday, December 18, 2015


Wow! I guess this has never been posted? I always thought this was uploaded as part of the ONE FELL SWOOP  canon! So for the first time anywhere ,here is the band,featuring three quarters of the revolutionary ,underground band ,CAT MACHINE,with their xmas release ,Ed,Joel,and Chris recorded at Gramps  (a/k/a Cat Machine House) in December of 1991.    24 years ago!!!! 

Friday, April 13, 2012

ONE FELL SWOOP - Live! At The Draft House ,Downtown Ft.Myers ,Florida 2/26/1992

I found a lost live recording in the vault! This is a really good one! Our last gig ever ,at the Draft House ,Joel ,our defacto drummer ,had a broken arm ,so he was relegated to keys and also did vocals on a few numbers.Shane Carwile was beating the skins ,Chipmonk and I were on guitars ,and Billy Drake plays guitar on a number with Sean Burch on vocals! The last track is the very first time FUCK (the terror rock band with Mad Asshole-bass vox,Big Black Cock -guitar ,and Shaggy Dick -drums) ever played together ,with a totally improv number ,"You".They later recorded several sessions together,and toured Europe. But back to OFS! Different versions of all their set list ,all their usual covers ,and some improv instrumentals. New covers we never played before include ,Wire's "12XU" ,KISS "Rock N' Roll All Night" and Cat Machine "Queen Turd Of Shit Hill"!And the usual covers of The Fall ,The Flamin' Groovies ,The Beat Happening,Syd Barrett,Pink Floyd,the Stooges ,Misfits,and Black Flag. Chris's guitar never sounded better ,and with Shane on drums ,we were pretty tight! Plese leave comments ,and let me know what you think of this great recording! Thanks! Great cover shot of The Draft House (blue roof) with the shitty ZOO ,next door!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

ONE FELL SWOOP - Live! at the Corkscrew Ranch ,Ft. Myers ,Florida ,3/21/1992

This is the second to last show by these guys (the next day was our final gig at Serena's ,a rock/metal club in Cape Coral ,but more on that later!) We were first to play in a line-up of over 10 bands ,our first time with a bass player ,Vance Burdge ,helping us out. The music sounds top-notch ,but we were out doors ,and the P.A. system was not loud enough to catch most of the vocals.Pictured above is beautiful, royal palm-lined McGregor Blvd. ,a side-road off of which led to the ranch.A very receptive crowd of everyone in the scene was in attendance ,and it was one of our finest moments. As previously mentioned ,the next day was our last show at Serena's ,and we had a flyer which stated it was a benefit for some dead girl ,who was not actually dead ,at the time ,and her parents were awfully pissed off ,when they learned of our advertisement.There were hair-bands and metal-heads galore ,we were the only alt-rock college music band playing ,and they sent us off to the upstairs stage ,while they ruled the main stage on the lower floor. Since we had drawn a crowd upstairs ,these fucking heshers followed us up ,as to eject us from the stage.A classic line was thrown at me and Chipmonk by one of them ,"Hey ,did you teach him to play guitar ,or did he teach you?" My reply was ,"We taught each other!" They did not like that,to say the least. Sadly the gig was not recorded,so this Corkscrew Ranch gig ,is our final recorded legacy. There is still one missing studio track ,with the core trio ,and Eric "Trig" Triglet ,on vocals (produced by Vance at his Kitty Grind Studios ,in the Cape). When I locate that ,I will surely post it ,as well as some remixes from various live offerings. Enjoy it ,and wish yourself back to the salad days of the FTM. Recorded 20 years ago,today!!!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

ONE FELL SWOOP - Live At The Draft House 2/7 or 2/14/1992

It's a mystery when this show was recorded. It's listed on the cassette cover as the 7th ,but on another mix it's listed as the 14th. I put up the flyers from both shows ,one of which was not recorded ,at least I could not locate it in the vault.Black Nerd only played with us once ,and this was not the time ,despite the flyer. Pillows ,was a Michael Griffin (rip) noise project ,and I'm not sure about the Nomadz ,but I do know Boneshaker's original name was The North Cape Nomadz ,then TRV , for Tony,Ron,Vance ,the boys in the band.This is not your typical OFS live tape. It's pretty much Chipmonk's show ,as ,unbeknownst to either Joel or I ,Chipmonk had placed the microphone we were recording the show with ,right in front of his amp. It's just like him to pull some shit like that ,and after only a few more shows together (posted here soon!) the band was over. Joel said this about the tape : "Of sub-bootleg quality,actually it barely qualifies as a bootleg". The vocals ,my guitar ,and the drums ,are virtually washed out by Chipmonk's wall of jealous noise.There are some fine moments here ,including an improv instro (Magic Bowel Movement -Symphony In E Minus) , a bunch of cover songs,a lengthy and funny version of "Teach Wants Quiet" ,and a spoken word ending ,"The Ant-ectdote" ,a story of ants that is a parable of our times (the 90's). The audience was small but receptive. If you love the Chipmonk ,this is the tape for you ,wah-wah pedal,feedback ,and all. Not the most even recording ,and probably one of the worst sounding live recordings ,we ever did. Thanks ,Chipmonk!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

ONE FELL SWOOP with STIMPY - Live -2/1/1992 -At The Draft House

A massive set by OFS ,maybe their longest set ,ever! 11 original songs (including several improv instros!) and 15 cover songs by : The Stooges,Misfits(3x),The Fall,Syd Barrett,Black Sabbath,Black Flag,38 Special,Molly Hatchet,Led Zeppelin(2x),Pink Floyd(2x), and the Flamin' Groovies!The show was not well-attended ,probably due to the fiasco from the night before (1/31/1992 ,see below ,somewhwere) ,when I dissed on the crowd's beloved, Nirvana ,and half the people walked out! Since we played with Stimpy opening ,we were able to use their horns on one number here,the only time OFS ever used horns! Stimpy was just Ed and Sean Burch (Monson) ,and maybe Shane Carwile ,on this recording ,their one and only live gig. Billy ,Shane,and Sean ,had to leave ,to secure a gig in a new alternative club ,up near Port Charlotte. The Stimpy tracks are just fab ,first pumping quarters into the jukebox and singing along to Pink Floyd ,Bryan Adams ,and Led Zeppelin,(with added drums and sax!) ,followed by some hilarious announcements ,and finally an original improv ,based on one of Sean's earlier pieces. He announces us as a Russian saxophone band ,with appropriate accents. Funny as hell! The OFS , is punk-rockin' fun as well ,and we cover a bunch of our influences ,and play our own songs we re-learned from the original cassette tapes.Fun times ,and more to come!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

ONE FELL SWOOP with BLACK NERD - Live at the Draft House 1/31/1992

This is a re-post of a previously posted tape.(back in 2009) This time I give you the flyer for the actual show ,with our original logo and mascot(see above,duh!),plus Billy and Shane were at the Edison Mall ,handing out flyers to the show ,and Dave from Wendy's ,was on a book signing tour ,and Billy handed him a flyer ,which he then placed on the table in front of him.It can be seen in the pic above ,which was on the front page of our local ,Ft. Myers News-Press newspaper! How's that for publicity? The following is from the original posting ,where all is explained!:

Me,Joel and Chipmunk,in our little alt-rock trio,me and Chip on guitars,Joel on drums,except when he sings,me on drums,we all sing,mostly me.i wrote the lyrics and we cover,Flamin'Groovies,the Fall,Syd Barrett,Hendrix,Stooges,Sonic Youth,Led Zeppelin,and Black Flag.Kinda Electric Eels style,no bass,just guitars.we sound much different live,with a real drum kit,instead of our usual kit(see other One Fell Swoop posts for details)and the flyer on the other post is for this show ,the flyer on this post is for a show a week later,Black Nerd opened for us(re-posted below!),and we had a big crowd of locals who were rather pissed at my intro to"Red Letter Day"when i razz Nirvana for their sell out video(smells like...)on mtv at the time,lots of folks walked out after i make my comments,oh well,they missed the rest of a hell of a good show!We aquired a residence as the house band at the Draft House for some time after this.I was the one who got them to let us play and start a scene in our crappy little town.Kinda busted open the floodgates for a million embryo alt rock bands and punks to play and hang out, before that downtown was just drunken bums hangin at the bar.Lots more live tapes to come.The first track is an improv,which we usually used to apply to a regular set list,we'd always do a few improv jams.A fine document of a fantastic band,stay tuned for more! The flyer also lists the next show to be posted ,from 2/1/1992 ,with Stimpy!! Coming soon!


and for the Black Nerd show

Monday, January 23, 2012

ONE FELL SWOOP - First Gig Practice Tape

This is a re-post of the practice for the first One Fell Swoop gig!(originally posted May 7,2010).
Recorded live, 1/23/1992,(20 years ago ,today!), at Gramps,the Cat Machine house,and the typewriter case,pizza pan drum rim,hammer and pliers drumset is in full-effect.The first half is originals,the second half we cover: the Flamin' Groovies(twice), the Fall, Hendrix(2 hits), and Kiss. The between song banter is good for a few guffaws,and we were still re-learning these songs,picked from several sessions. Good for what it is. The song," I Need Cash",swipes a Kike riff! The first gig led to a residency as the "house" band of the Draft House, (for a few months), we actually cracked downtown wide open ,bringing in opening acts ,and making a place for kids to hang out ,and see and hear local and out-of-area bands. Before that ,there wasn't really any venues for punk/alternative bands to play. Art by Eric J. This has been posted for nearly 2 years ,and only 10 downloads? Well ,now that I've fit it into the sequence of tapes ,posted in order of their recording dates ,maybe more of you will get to hear this!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

ONE FELL SWOOP - Tales Of Desperate Survivors On The Edge Of Reality

A short 5-song e.p. ,due to the recording device fucking up on us ,but then turned into our recording device for the slowest band ever ,Quaalude! This really does contain what the title implies, songs that tell of extremely desperate people ,in survival situations.Shane Carwile plays trumpet(!!?!!) on much of this ,and Billy Drake and Sean Sommers also play and sing on thease tracks.Ed ,Joel ,and Chipmonk ,just keep the music flowing ,and spewing lyrics about characters we know ,like, Pukeboy & Subhuman ,Jimmy Cochran ,and riders of the Special Olympics Bus ,amongst others. There is only one more studio recording before the tapes go to live gig recordings. Cover painting by John Wilford. Recorded 1/14/1992 ,20 years ago today!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

ONE FELL SWOOP - Shake My Claw,Suzy Fink

The title has to do with a girl that had a claw hand.Ed,Joel,and Chipmonk were once again graced with Billy Drake's prescence ,as well as Shane Carwile ,Sean Sommers,Dave (antelope leaps?) ,and it sounds as if Katie Ball stops by ,and possibly Kristy and Zolan. Recorded in Joel's room at Cat Machine House 1/11/1992 ,straight to boombox! At some point near the end of this recording ,our recording device began going south. You can actually hear the tape slowing down and making sense of the closing number "I Have Lost All Of My Motor Skills". I think we recorded the band Quaalude(slowest band in history! found on this blog!) on the same recorder ,that day or the next ,after it was acting up.Also of note that day ,some workers were beating on Gramp's roof,and you can hear it on the tracks ,"Beat On The Roof" , "Arty Party" ,and "Crazy Ass White Boys" . The first half of this tape is 6 songs ,all college rock and indie-punk alt-rock stuff.I also must have had the mohawk up on this day as I act and sound like a barnyard bird on ,"Rooster" ,an act I would pull out from time to time ,when the fin was up! This is a really good and strange one. Dig it . And Suzy ,if you're out there ,I don't know you ,but sorry 'bout that album title!

Monday, January 9, 2012

ONE FELL SWOOP - Drinkin', Fartin', And Fondlin' Ladies

The underground sensation's 30th album!! As on the last release ,Billy Drake is back to fill in the empty spots in these recordings ,with his magical axe.As for the album title? Well ,that's what we were doing ,the day we recorded this fine piece of musical jerky.Some real mess we got ,here! I gotta say ,the keyboard /guitar interaction on the instrumental ,"Drug Island" ,is positively ear-piercing! Nine tracks of alt-rock,indie-punk ,college music ,that will twist your melon ,gramps! Recorded Jan.9 ,1992 , 20 years ago ,today!! At the world-famous Cat Machine house ,in Ft. Myers,Florida. Art by Richard Diran ,slightly modified by me! Alternate front covers in zip.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

ONE FELL SWOOP - Mouth Feels Like Summer

A 5 song release. The first(Our Normal Level) and 3rd(Thinning The Blood) tracks are instrumentals that will twist your melon! The second and 4th songs have vocals and are about "Flat Cops" and "Carsick". The 5th track,"Phonesick" is a 19 part movement ,focusing on 19 seperate crank calls ,with hilarious keyboard pre-sets,and added percussion and guitars!Some calls are hilarious ,one is with an uncooperative(at least because of knowing she was being taped,usually she was extremely easy to get talking!) stripper,and a lousy attempt at phone sex! Must be heard to be believed.A fucking riot shall ensue.
This was recorded on Dec.21,1991. The next recording was posted previously on this blog ,from 12/24/1991 ,it's One Fell Swoop Xmas! Look for it somewhere on this massive blog of over 1000 posts!!! This one is great ,though! See original cover art in zip ,deemed too wild for xmas posting!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

ONE FELL SWOOP - Hector Koriyama

The greatest unknown,underground ,diy ,indie-punk ,alt-rock ,experimental band ever! Don't know where the album title came from ,but there is a short piece ,"Namesake" ,which toys with the album title.There is a positively insane cover of the Beatles ,"Revolution #9" with a brief interpolation of Led Zeppelin's "D'yer Maker" ,which will drive you mad! "Slum Sermon" ,is exactly that ,a preaching on the horrors of poverty.There are more songs ,too ,that only OFS could have written! Special guest (a throwback to the Cat Machine days!) was Sean Sommers,who sings on some numbers ,and may even have played some instruments!Good shit as usual from the power-core trio ,from Ft. Myers ,Florida.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

ONE FELL SWOOP - Sex Crackers

8 fine songs ,delving deeper into their college-rock bag ,to bring you more indie punk /alt-rock underground classics. Great guitar work here ,and the lyrics are superb. Vocals like the voice of God.Recorded 12/17/1991 at Cat Machine house.Ed,Joel,& Chipmonk rockin' in the free world.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Our comrade ,and member of several Sluggisha bands ,as well as Apples In Stereo ,and his own , Vince Mole & His Calcium Orchestra. This is his latest project ,The Chris Parfitts! 4 songs ,the first ,"Brought To You By Bud Weiser" ,is a typical Chris intro ,with his own voice overdubbed ,as to make it more confusing and trippy. The second track,"See The Red One", reminds me very much of some of my own ,Noisekillr moments ,what with a delay pedal ,and wangin' guitars,all instrumental! The 3rd song,"Destruction Blues", is a blues/skronk hybrid,with Chris's swell vocals,which is reminiscent of his work with Cat Machine/One Fell Swoop. The fourth and final piece,"Meet The Raffles" ,has monkey/bird samples interspersed throughout ,and this is just a great thing to hear. Trippy ,experimental ,awesome,wild,great ,are some adjectives to describe this release.Chris is one of the best guitarists ,and all-around musicians,(and great dudes) ,that I've had the pleasure of knowing. Found this on bandcamp ,but felt it should be here ,with the rest of his legacy.Chris ,if you're out there ,gimme some hope! This claims to have been released ,Dec. 31 ,2011 ,so it's kinda futuristic. Joel ,Tony ,and everyone who knows Chris ,give him praise here in the comments box. Hopefully he'll contact us!

Friday, December 9, 2011

ONE FELL SWOOP - Songs By Slobs

There are covers of The Cars and Alvin Lee's Love ,on this outing!The songs have a cohesive bluesy feel ,laid on top of indie-punk ,alt-rock foundations.Some really fine experimental arrangements ,and furious drumming on our home made drum kit!Recorded 12/10/1991 at Cat Machine House ,20 years ago today! Ed,Joel,& Chipmonk thank all of you ,for downloading ,and enjoying their bedroom punk music ,college rock ,to be sure. They only wish for more comments ,and thank those who have commented! A few days after this we formed the band "Stimpy" ,a noisy jazz combo ,which can be found elsewheres on this blog. fuk u h8rs!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

ONE FELL SWOOP - Lackadaisical

the 25th (!!?!!) album by the underground's greatest unknown band! There are some fun ,short songs ,strewn throughout ,"Spam-Bo-Ree" is 45 seconds long ,"Theme From Snail Man" , 15 seconds ,"Barbed Wire Guitars" ,18 seconds and there's even "Lunch With The Centurions" ,a 27 second piece of coversation. "I'm Not A Schmuck" ,another song that landed on the band's live set list ,appears here in it's original form. "This Is A New Experience" ,features answering machine messages ,set to cacaphonous music.And there's lot's more! This is an experimental album ,with alt-rock/indie-punk songs ,stringing it together.Ft. Myers ,Fl ,recorded at the Cat Machine House on 12/7/1991. The original session for these tracks was on 12/5/1991 ,but that recording was lost or destroyed ,forcing a full re-recording of the entire album!

Friday, December 2, 2011

ONE FELL SWOOP - Two Cannonball Dinner

Rounding out the "balls" trilogy today ,we have an album from 12/3/1991 ,from the underground losers ,One Fell Swoop. This is the pinnacle of albums dedicated to the downtrodden ,homeless,drunk ,junkie ,loser ,in all of us. Even the song titles spell it out. I did notice that all 9 songs are titled with three word phrases. Starting off with an almost 13 minute instrumental jam ,"We Haven't Smoked" , (although it does sound like we did ,in fact ,smoke!) ,and a sound that will knock your drunk ass to the couch ,so's you can listen and enjoy the rest."Real Hobo Smell" ,a tale of being a bum ,a tramp ,a hobo ,"Cough Syrup Summer" ,cuz it's a cheap buzz , "Burned Out Believers" ,for the beat-down by religion losers ,"Geez , Naw , Thud" ,a dreamer's soliloquy ,also include in the live set list of the band ,"Pot So Smart" ,for the pot heads who can't get jobs because of piss tests , "The Wheezing Monument" ,for the elderly who don't wanna go into a home ,or have their car taken away ,"Frozen Hamburger Shower" ,for the junk food we must eat to survive ,and ending off with ,"Rubber Dollar Bill" ,for everyone who's ever been fast-talked or scammed! The music is cohesive with a bluesy bent.As always ,we switch vocal/drum/guitar duties frequently. Really great band ,with another winner of an album about losers!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

ONE FELL SWOOP - Dogs With Rat Suits On

We titled this album after viewing the B-movie stinker ,"The Killer Shrews" ,and noted that the "shrews" ,were merely dogs ,dressed in rat get-ups! The music is pretty consistent on this one ,with a cohesive sound and feel. I don't recall if I ever mentioned this ,but we were based around a 2 guitar sound ,never used a bass guitar , but als o utilized the pizza pan /drum -rim ,typewriter case drum kit ,and the keyboards ,and drum machine ,as well as other instruments from time to time . But the no bass thing ,kinda came out of the fact that none of us had a bass ,and we liked sounding like the Electric Eels!Oddly-titled songs ,sit nicely next to more traditionally titled tunes. My favorite moment here is Joel doing his best Jonathan Richman impersonation (Chipmonk and I play The Modern Lovers!) ,on the original song ,"I'm Shot , I'm Shot" ,which sounds like an out-take of one of the Modern Lovers more ballady ,love-song type of deals! "7 To A Box No Corners" is a funny tale of drunk driving ,and the last song ,"Fellers" , is a stoned-out , chillin' instrumental. So there! Our 23rd(!!) release ,from Nov. 30th ,1991.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

ONE FELL SWOOP - A Little Terrycloth Number

The under-rated,underground,outsider ,cult-band ,spawned from the fumes of Cat Machine ,recorded this ,their 22nd (!) album ,on Nov.21 ,1991. I don't recall how the album got it's title ,but a few songs on this one ,resemble the Birthday Party ,lyrically,musically ,and vocally! I'm talking specifically about the tunes, "Shirt Stuck" , "Drag Yard" , and "Blasted Gallows" , the titles of which even resemble something that would spew from the mind of Nick Cave. There are some really good songs on here,these guys shoulda made a record!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


A baker's dozen (that's 13 ,for all you non-bakers) ,of hits ,verging on being the most downtrodden sounding bunch of blues songs ,you may ever hear. Right off the top ,Gramps is bitchin' ,as we go into ,"The Shithead I've Got To Be" ,my life story.Another one that ended up on the live set list ,"Pain In My Dreams" ,is here in it's original version.Some of my personal favorites are here,once again , written by listening on the other side of the house ,thru several walls ,trying to dechiper guys like ,John Lee Hooker,Lightnin' Hopkins,Leadbelly,Blind Lemon Jefferson ,and what they were saying."Wait On Bolos" , "I Treated You Wrong" , and "Mean Spider Evil" (the last few seconds of which ,gave us the album title!) ,are some of the finest blues-rock ,alt punk songs ever written! Chipmonk went totally bonkers on here ,on all his songs ,he is funny as hell! "Fo' What Munchin' " ,"Bristly Bag O' Yogurt Bones" , "Crowded Tower Toppled Boat" , and a cover of Gary Numan's hit ,"Cars" ,all get the Chipmonk treatment ,and it is great! The final track is one of my all-time favorite OFS songs , "Pretty Shaggy Laundry" ,it's comedy/blues/punk ,which I could barely sing ,as I was in a riotous (and righteous) laughing fit!
Really good songs ,and music,and as we continue ,it just gets better and better! One of the best tapes in their catalog! Recorded November 19,1991 ,Twenty years ago today!