Showing posts with label Brunch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brunch. Show all posts

7 Nov 2012

Stuffed picnic loaf

The days of summer are looming, with them comes our desire to get outside, enjoy the heat and eat al fresco as it is in picnic in the country side or beach or on a barbecue on our back yards .

Light and healthy meals are the best ordered in these hot days ahead. Fresh salads with tender lettuces are great too.

 I made this stuffed loaf for a lunch with friends . Used a rechessa bread ,by its shape  But you can use any loaf that you like. I cut the top and carefully scoop out must of the bread, leaving just the outer shell.  Stir in steamed broccoli with a garlic clove . I cover with finely chopped tomatoes, dried oregano and drizzle with olive oil and then cover it with slices of goat cheese or some  cheese you like and finished with smoked salmon. replace the lid.Wrap the whole loaf in film and put onto a plate. Top with a board and heavy food tin to weigh it down . Chill in the refrigerator overnight .

Cut into wedges to serve

The salad was because I fell in love with the beautiful lettuce, very tender and fresh. Just use red onions and slices of ham, and arugula. Simple and delicious

26 Jun 2009

Spinach soufflé

Spinach soufflé

 Since my husband gain extra pounds and he is really concerned about this, I decided to change our unhealthy habit to eat “heavy” meals in dinner.

This bad habit started when we are newlyweds. You know, I want to impress and the only meal that we share during the week was and is dinner. So I cooked and bake for dinner. It was a bad idea. And now I am using more vegetables instead meats, using individual molds (is a good trick) and reducing fats.

I have a particular fondness for foods that are (relatively) easy to cook, and soufflé is one of this, moreover soufflé can be forgiving and easy to adapt to your needs. One more thing, I want to be grateful to Margot from Coffee and Vanilla, she kindly gave me an award called Beautiful blog, if you like to give this award go here and read how to do. Thanks Margot!!!

Spoons & Ribbon

Ingredients • 2 eggs (white and yolks separated)
• 1/2 cups milk
• 2 tbsp flour
• 2 tbsp butter
• 350g chopped spinach
• 1 medium onion, chopped
• 1 tsp nutmeg
• 1/8 tsp crèmeof tartar (optional)
• Salt to taste
• Pre-heat oven to 350° • Butter and flour a large baking dish. Or in individual soufflé bowls • Melt butter in a pan, add flour and cook—whisking constantly—until it just begins to turn a light brown color • Meanwhile heat milk until hot, but not boiling. • Add a small amount of roux into the milk and mix, and then add the milk mixture back into the roux. Heat and stirring until tick. You now have the basic foundation to a simple white-sauce. Add salt and nutmeg. • Reduce heat. Whisk a small amount of this hot sauce mixture into the egg yolks, then add the yolks back into the sauce, whisking well. • Once you have mixed in the egg yolk, you must be very carefully to keep the overall mixture at a low temperature! Otherwise the egg yolks will temper and your sauce will either have a mottled texture Reduce heat to the lowest setting and keep the sauce only warm • Steam de spinach and onions, make a pure with a food processor add salt and mix with the white sauce and eggs yolk • Now use a mixer at medium or high speed to beat the egg whites with the cream of tartar until stiff • Add 1/4 of the egg white to the sauce and mix. • FOLD the sauce into the egg whites. The mixture does not need to be homogenous. • Place mixture in baking dish and bake for 30-35 minutes.
Serve immediately. When soufflés cool, they begin to collapse. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal. AddThis Social Bookmark Button

2 Jan 2008

Rabanadas e Pêssegos assados

Após cozinhar por uma semana sem parar para a ceia de Natal eu me sentia muito cansada, e com meu marido decidimos fazer uma pequeno jantar romântico só para nos dois. Assei um salmão e acompanhei com uma salada Cesar e um mousse de chocolate para a sobremesa
Mas tradições são tradições
E ontem como sempre eu comecei meu dia com rabanadas
E uma tradição de família, fazer rabanadas na primeira manha do ano. Não me perguntem por que, eu não saberia responder. Só sei que a minha bisavó já fazia para suas crianças, minha avó e logo minha mãe e irma, agora é minha vez.
Desta vez fiz com panettone e acompanhei com pêssegos assados.

4 fatias de panettone
2 gemas
1 pitada de canela
½ xícara de leite
1 colher de açúcar
1 colher de manteiga sem sal
Açúcar de confeiteiro

Em um bowl coloque os ovos o açúcar, o leite e a canela e misture bem todos os ingredientes
Coloque a manteiga em uma frigideira e espere derreter, enquanto isso passe uma fatia de panettone na mistura anterior e leve a frigideira em fogo médio, vire e quando estiver dourada dos dois lados passe para um prato. Repita a operação com as três fatias restantes

Pêssegos assados

3 pêssegos frescos
2 colheres de açúcar mascavo
1 colher de manteiga

Lave bem os pêssegos e corte de maneira longitudinal. Tire o caroço e leve a uma assadeira, polvilhe com açúcar e coloque pedacinhos de manteiga por cima da fruta.
Leve a forno médio por aproximadamente oito ou 10 minutos de cada lado. Sirva morno e se quiser polvilhe com pistaches


En Español, por favor

Después de cocinar sin parar por una semana para la cena de Navidad, me sentía muy cansad y con mi esposo arreglamos de hacer algo solo para los dos en una cena romántica. Hice apenas un salmón al horno acompañado por una ensalada Cesar y mousse e chocolate para el postre
Pero, como tradiciones son tradiciones, ayer empecé mi día con torrijas de panettone.

Es una tradición e familia hacer torrijas a la primera mañana del año. No me pregunten el porque, puesto que no sabría responderlo
Solo sé que ya mi bisabuela lo hacia para sus hijos , luego mi abuela y mi mama y ahora me toca a mi
Esta vez los hice con panettone y los acompañe con duraznos asados

4 fetas de panettone
2 yemas
1 pizca de canela
½ taza de leche
1 cucharada de azúcar
1 cucharada de manteca sin sal
Azúcar impalpable

En un bowl ponga los huevos, el azúcar, la leche y mezcle bien todos los ingredientes
Ponga la manteca en una sartén y espere que se derrita, mientras tanto pase una feta de panettone en la mezcla anterior y lleve a cocinar en temperatura mediana, de vuelta y cuando estén doradas de los dos lados, páselas a un plato. Repita la operación con las três fetas faltantes

Duraznos Asados

3 duraznos frescos
2 cucharadas de azúcar morena
1 cucharada de manteca

Lave bien los duraznos y corte de forma longitudinal. Saque el hueso y llévelos a una asadera, espolvoree con azúcar y ponga pedacitos de manteca por arriba de la fruta
Lleve al horno en temperatura mediana por aproximadamente ocho o 10 minutos de cada lado. Sirva los tibios y si desea espolvoree pistachos picados