Thursday, January 06, 2011

Religion of Peace Update.

Alternative title, "This is absolutely nuts."

Wintery Knight posts an entry on how 500 Muslim clerics have endorsed the murder of the Pakistani Governor who dared to oppose blasphemy laws.

And, in a scene reminiscent of Weimar judges apologizing to Hitler for having to give him a lenient sentence for his failed attempt to overthrow the government, the killer - who was the governor's bodyguard - was showered with roses when he made his court appearance:

The increasing radicalization of Pakistani society was laid bare Wednesday when the nation's mainstream religious organizations applauded the murder of provincial governor Salman Taseer earlier this week, while his killer was showered with rose petals as he appeared in court.

Taseer, 66, the governor of Punjab, the country's most heavily populated province, was assassinated Tuesday by one of his police bodyguards after Taseer had campaigned to ease Pakistan's blasphemy law. Religious groups threatened to kill others who questioned the blasphemy statute, which is designed to protect Islam and the Prophet Muhammad from "insult."
In other news, Iran is rounding up Christian leaders.

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