Showing posts with label Truth over Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Truth over Faith. Show all posts

Saturday, March 10, 2012

One of the least attractive things to see in a human being is ...

...arrogance based on ignorance.

Or, for that matter, ignorance based on arrogance.

Apparently, Truth Over Faith ("TOF") has zero curiosity about why the Nazi party would go out of its way to make political slurs and charges against Catholics. After all, he reasons, based on everything he's ever read on every atheist/secularist/anti-catholic website across the peer-reviewed internet, the Catholic Church was the eminence grise behind the Nazis.

So, in the comments to my post on real, actual, genuine Anti-Catholic Nazi political propaganda, TOF writes in that "passive-aggressive, hit-and-run, "I've got no facts but I do have a snotty attitude" style that is so becoming of the modern village atheist, the following:

TruthOverfaith said...
Now if you could just show some documents that show the Catholic Church in any way condemning the Nazi party, that would really be helpful.

The Catholic Church never seemed to have a problem getting along with the Nazi's and fascists!

Ooooh, scary! An atheist anti-catholic has a keyboard and is willing to engage its mouth before it engages its brain.

Here's my response to that bit of inane name-calling:

Truth over Faith,

You are showing a very typical argument style I find among various groups, including the New Atheists, Anti-Catholic Secularists and, of course, 15 year olds who have just discovered the internet.

Common to all these groups is that they are either incurious and rely upon the sound-bites of whatever echo-chamber website assures them that they are really, really smart, or they can't read.

To answer your question, however, I challenge you to read the following:

Mit Brennender Sorge.

Since you clearly know nothing of the subject, let me explain that Mit Brennnder Sorge was secretly distributed within Germany, read to Catholics on Palm Sunday of 1937, and resulted in the arrests of the Catholic publishers of the encyclical, many of whom were sent to Concentration Camps because of their resistance to Nazism. The Nazi understood that Mit Brennender Sorge was Anti-Nazi.

Likewise, Bishop Falhaber and Bishop von Galen spoke out against the Nazi policy of euthanization of the disabled. Both were subjected to Nazi violence. Both were slated by the Nazis for execution after the war.

You are obviously equally ignorant of the fact that until Hitler's accession to power, Catholics were forbidden from voting for the Nazis or joining the Nazi party. See, e.g., this letter:

"The bishop of Mainz, Germany, excommunicated every Catholic member of the Nazi party in his diocese. He banned uniformed groups from entering churches and forbade Nazis from taking part in funerals and other services.

The Oct. 11, 1930, issue of the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano said, "Belonging to the National Socialist Party of Hitler is irreconcilable with Catholic conscience."

Therefore, it is not surprising to anyone who does not subscribe to the New Atheist's potted view of history that Electoral resistance to the Nazi party was found in the Catholic regions of Germany.

If you exercise your reason for once second, you will realize that the Nazis were firmly anti-catholic - which is why their propaganda is anti-Catholic. Catholic and Nazi worldviews were antithetical. Nazis taught nationalism and race. Catholics taught subordination to a non-German power - ultramontanism - and that a common faith trumped race, an idea that angered the Nazis beyond all reason.

What you have, Truth over Faith, is a lot of faith in what is not true.

What say you spend some time learning what is true? One place to start is by getting information that is not on the internet, such as real books by real historians.
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