Showing posts with label Divided Loyalties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divided Loyalties. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2012

Divided Loyalties.

This is another piece of the division of loyalties that people of faith - actually, everyone at some point or another - face and a model of how to handle that conundrum.

High School Junior Margeaux Graham was invited to the American Legion's Florida "Girls' State." The problem for her was that Girls' State overlapped on a Sunday and she takes her Sunday Mass obligation very seriously. She asked for the accommodation of missing the "non-offensive," non-denominational service in order to attend Mass across the street. Her request was denied. She wrote a nice letter explaining that she wouldn't be attending because her conscience took priority.

Unfortunately, a Catholic flack for Girls' State decided to offer Margeaux some advice, consisting mostly of "get with the program."

Read about it here.
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