Showing posts with label Trump Derangement Syndrome 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Derangement Syndrome 2017. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2017

This seems both unprofessional and likely to trigger unpleasant reactions in people who don't share her ideology.

And, of course, I am so old that I remember that two weeks ago, this would have been a major offense against decency, civility, and unity.

But "joke" and done by "people of tolerance" so no big deal. She's been suspended for now, but no national outrage.

Saturday, January 21, 2017


//Women's March Erects a Pro-Life Barrier

As a young woman living in Washington, D.C., I could easily attend the Women’s March on Saturday if I wanted to.

Except that I am not invited, despite my unambiguous status as a member of the female sex. That’s because I am pro-life. As the organizers of the march made clear in a statement earlier this week, the Women’s March’s on Washington “platform is pro-choice” and “has been since day one.”

 “We look forward to marching on behalf of individuals who share th[at] view,” they went on, and stated that the since-revoked partnership of New Wave Feminists, a secular group with pro-life values, was an “error.”

The march might as well have placed scare quotes around the word “Women’s,” or better yet, have renamed itself “The March for Abortion.” Then it would have cleared up any confusion about pretending to represent all women, when almost half of us self-identify as pro-life and would probably feel more at home at the March for Life, set to take place the following week. The March for Life is open to women of all political stripes and will include groups like Democrats for Life of America.

No doubt the so-called feminists organizing the Women’s March were further vexed by the headline news that Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, the first woman in history to run a successful presidential campaign, will also become the first official White House staff member to speak at the March for Life.

Of her decision to speak, Conway said, “I consider myself a member of the pro-life rank-and-file. Just one of the tens of millions of Americans who fear the cavalier way innocent human life is treated today.” Memo to the Women’s March: Countless woman of my generation are proud to say, “I’m with her.”

Thus Conway continues her vexing streak after having already ruffled feminists’ feathers when she stated the obvious -- that being a mom to young children and juggling a White House job is not ideal, and that “the most important job any woman can have is being a mother.”//

By "women" "Women's Groups" mean people who are "politically women" and not actually women.

Having politically suspect views "de-womanizes."

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