Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2011

Can you say "Projection"?...

...I knew you could.

Janeane Garafolo says that Republicans support Herman Cain because they want to be able to say that they aren't racist:

"Herman Cain is probably well liked by some of the Republicans because it hides the racist elements of the Republican party. Conservative movement and tea party movement, one in the same. "People like Karl Rove liked to keep the racism very covert. And so Herman Cain provides this great opportunity say you can say 'Look, this is not a racist, anti-immigrant, anti-female, anti-gay movement. Look we have a black man.'"
So, those Republicans support Herman Cain not because he is a succesful businessman who has endorsed the key principles of limited government, but because he's black. 

Unlike Democrats who supported a community organizer, state senator, college instructor and first term senator with absolutely no executive experience because he was, in the words of Joe Biden, “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” A sentiment endorsed by Harry Reid, who opined that Obama could become the country’s first black president because he was “light-skinned” and had “no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

It all goes to prove the Undeniable Rules of Life, Rule Number 7 - "when someone is accusing you of something you ain't doing, you can bet the farm that they are doing it."
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