Showing posts with label Eric Metaxas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eric Metaxas. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Author of Bonhoeffer - Eric Metaxas - speaks "truth to power" at National Prayer Breakfast.

Metaxas' speech is humorous and informative. Metaxas reminds us that there is a difference between a living faith and dead religion. Further, following in the footsteps of Bonhoeffer and Wilberforce, from whom he appears to have learned something, Metaxas dares to mention in front of President Obama that the unborn are the powerless who today have to be protected.

NRO's Mark Joseph has a terrific summary of Metaxas' speech:

But Metaxas’s most blistering attack, albeit sheathed carefully in good humor and rapier wit, was still to come, for next on his agenda was his careful but dogged determination to link previous attitudes among churchgoers toward slavery and Nazism with those of some present day churchgoers toward abortion. Surrounded by three of the most powerful supporters of the right to choose, Obama, Vice President Biden, and former speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi — two Catholics and a Protestant — Metaxas said:

“Wilberfoce suddenly took the Bible seriously that all of us are created in the image of God, to care for the least of these.”

After carefully describing the inhumane treatment of both Jews and Africans by those claiming to be Christians, he asked then answered a question:

“You think you’re better than the Germans of that era? You’re not,” adding: “Whom do we say is not fully human today?”

Metaxas' speech starts at 35 minutes.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

"Bonhoeffer" Author Compares Obama's HHS Mandate to Nazi Germany ...

...on MSNBC, which must have caused leftist brains to melt around the leftist universe.

Creative Minority Reports writes:

Whoa. MSNBC must have lost its mind today when author/guest compared President Obama's encroachment of religious liberty to the first steps taken by the Nazis in Germany.

Something tells me that this is the last time "Bonhoeffer" author Eric Metaxas gets on the air on MSNBC. Especially because the truth hurts.

Breitbart reports:

“I met the president. I gave him a copy of my book on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, which he said he’s going to read,” Metaxas said during the interview. “In that book, you read about what happened to an amazingly great country called Germany…”

“In the beginning, it always starts really, really small. We need to understand as Americans — if we do not see this as a bright line in the sand — if you’re not a Catholic, if you use contraception — doesn’t matter. Because eventually, this kind of government overreach will affect you.”

Check out the vid. Poor Chris Jansing was so shocked that I believe it melted her brain because she doesn't really react in shock.

But what does she ask about when she's told the Obama administration is following the example of Nazis? She asks how Democrats acting like Nazis may hand Republicans a political issue. Because that's the important question.

Here is the video:

Check it out.

Really, check it out.
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