Showing posts with label Zachary Levi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zachary Levi. Show all posts

Monday, January 17, 2011

Conservative reasons to love "Chuck."


What's not to love when Major Casey observes:

"We are under strict orders from President Clinton to seal this place up. While I might not like him, or his mouthy wife, those are the orders.”
 “Because the only thing I hate more than hippie and neo-liberal fascists and anarchists are the hypocrite, fat-cat suits they eventually grow up to become.”
He's speaking for my generation.

Also, I did not know that Zachary Levi was a self-identified Christian:

“Is Hollywood a difficult atmosphere to be in as a Christian?”

“Absolutely. The atmosphere in Hollywood in general is very anti-conservative, very anti-Christian. The liberal segment of Hollywood, which is 80 percent of it if not more, they look at Christians as hypocrites that are false and fake. The tough part is that in many cases I can’t argue with them. My job on my set, I believe, is to first just love people and gain that trust with people where they know that I really do love them and care about their well-being, so that when they are running into problems, they will hopefully, at some point, come to me and ask me, ‘What is your peace all about? What is your comfort all about? Where do you get your love? Where do you get your talents?’ And I can turn to them and say without blinking, ‘Jesus Christ.’ You can’t just come out there and say ‘Hey, I’m a Christian, and I’m gonna beat you into thinking the way that I do.’ You can’t do that. It’s not about manipulation so much as it’s about getting in on someone’s life on the ground floor. So more than anything, that’s what I’m trying to do now. Just build relationships with everyone that I work with.”
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