Showing posts with label Obama and Foreign Policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama and Foreign Policy. Show all posts

Monday, March 03, 2014

5 Years in, and now the Washington Post is worried that the Smartest Man in the World might be living in Fantasy-land?

Washington Post says "President Obama’s foreign policy is based on fantasy."

President Obama’s foreign policy is based on fantasy

By Editorial Board, Published: March 2
FOR FIVE YEARS, President Obama has led a foreign policy based more on how he thinks the world should operate than on reality. It was a world in which “the tide of war is receding” and the United States could, without much risk, radically reduce the size of its armed forces. Other leaders, in this vision, would behave rationally and in the interest of their people and the world. Invasions, brute force, great-power games and shifting alliances — these were things of the past. Secretary of State John F. Kerry displayed this mindset on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday when he said, of Russia’s invasion of neighboring Ukraine, “It’s a 19th century act in the 21st century.”//


But it’s also true that, as long as some leaders play by what Mr. Kerry dismisses as 19th-century rules, the United States can’t pretend that the only game is in another arena altogether. Military strength, trustworthiness as an ally, staying power in difficult corners of the world such as Afghanistan — these still matter, much as we might wish they did not. While the United States has been retrenching, the tide of democracy in the world, which once seemed inexorable, has been receding. In the long run, that’s harmful to U.S. national security, too.

As Mr. Putin ponders whether to advance further — into eastern Ukraine, say — he will measure the seriousness of U.S. and allied actions, not their statements. China, pondering its next steps in the East China Sea, will do the same. Sadly, that’s the nature of the century we’re living in.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Obama is earning his Nobel Peace Prize by bringing Jews and Arabs together... fear of his capitulation to Iran

Actually, they aren’t all Arab:

Israeli personnel in recent days were in Saudi Arabia to inspect bases that could be used as a staging ground to launch attacks against Iran, according to informed Egyptian intelligence officials.

The officials said Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and other Arab and Persian Gulf countries have been discussing the next steps toward possible strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites.

Now I have nothing against Middle Eastern countries tending to their own affairs. And the fact that Wiggleroom has — at long last! — brought together Arab and Jew is a testament to a level of incompetence rarely seen even in Washington DC. But the fact is, the Wiggleroom-Kerry deal has made a general war in the Middle East more likely, not less. And the US is now so despised and resented there, that we will have very limited ability to influence or halt it diplomatically — which increases the chance that we will have to intervene militarily.

Strange Days.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Obama is continuing to work on ending our alliance with Europe.

Obama knifes Britain in the back over the Maldives...uhm...Falklands.

Barack Obama recently declared himself to be “neutral” on the Falklands, which is bad enough. But he is more than just “neutral”. His administration is actively siding with Argentina’s calls for a negotiated settlement. This is a position that Britain views as completely unacceptable, and with good reason. Over 95 percent of the inhabitants of the Falklands are British, and wish to remain under the protection of the British Crown. They have no desire to live under the boot of Argentina, and it is a clear-cut case of self-determination. The idea that the British should sit down with the Argentines to negotiate the future of the Falkland Islands is simply preposterous.

Earlier this week the US president caused huge offence in Poland by referring to “Polish death camps” during World War Two. Just two days later his government has slapped another US ally in the face, yet again, over the Falklands. Mr. Obama should remember that more than 250 British servicemen gave their lives in 1982 to liberate the Falklands following the Argentine invasion. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten by the British people, and the suggestion that what they fought for should be negotiated away is both insensitive and insulting on the part of the Obama administration.


In Obama's America, when did people start needing to be "sensitive" to white people, particularly white Europeans, whether dead or not dead? "Sensitivity" is the right of "minorities."

*Sigh* I guess it's a good thing we can count on the Argentines to be there for us.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

When David Frum at the liberal Daily Beast are giving Obama a hard time about "Polish Death Camps," you have to think Obama's standing as the "World's Smartest Guy" has been downgraded.

David Frum opines:

You may say the Poles are over-sensitive. One might as well say that Americans are under-sensitive. The U.S. has had such a comparatively happy history that it's hard to think of a domestic analogy that would capture what Poles feel when the worst crimes of their worst oppressors are attributed—not to the authors—but to them. "The Hawaiian sneak attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor" is a pathetically inadequate approximation, but at least it gets the grammar of the insult. "The Belgian massacre of U.S. prisoners at Malmedy"? No, still not it. Aside from being morally inadequate, such analogies also miss the moral intensity of World War II for Poles. Their war did not end until 1989: they continue to live more intimately with the war's legacy even now, more than almost any other European nation. The medal to Karski was to be part of the process of laying painful memories to rest. It was intended too to strengthen the US-Polish relations that the Obama administration has frayed in pursuit of its "reset" with Russia. Instead, this administration bungled everything: past, present, and future.

Let me hazard a guess: the Left is seeing its historic moent slipping away and want to make sure that they are on record as assigning the blame to someone else.

Me personally, I think that this is just a minor slip up on Obama's part in the long series of incidents that has made me wonder why he doesn't have a protocol secretary.

My favorite is still when he cued the band to play "God save the Queen" in the middle of his toast to the Queen - comedy gold.

On the other hand, given his apparent narrowness of interest, I can't say for certain that prior to yesterday, Obama knew (a) there were death camps in Poland or (b) that they weren't run by the Poles.
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